Potato chips are a very popular product. It can be prepared at home in a variety of ways. Most of them require a fairly large amount of vegetable oil (for example, in the case of deep-fried chips).
However, there are also less expensive ways to make chips, in which oil consumption is significantly lower. In this case, a conventional microwave oven can be used. The article will consider the sequence of making chips when using this household appliance.

Tools and Ingredients

Potato - the main component of the dish
To make chips in the microwave in five minutes, you will need the following ingredients:
Vegetable cutter with slanting nozzle for slicing potatoes.
Traditionally, potato chips are salty, so you will need salt.
Potatoes will be fried in vegetable oil.
You will need a vegetable peeler to remove the skin from potatoes.
You will also need a baking sleeve.
Scissors are needed to cut the sleeve.
The meal will be cooked on two plates. In this case, the plates should be of different diameters.

Sequence of cooking
Action #1 Potato Peeling
The husk must be removed from the potatoes.
Action number 2 Slicing potatoes into circles
Slicing potatoes is done using a vegetable cutter.
Potato slices are placed on a larger plate.
Action #3 Removing Excess Starch from Potatoes
The starch on the surface of the potato will detract from the taste of the chips, so you need to get rid of it. You can do this with ordinary water.
Step #4 Flavoring chips
Chips should be pre-salted, and if necessary, add spices.
After that, you need to add a little oil to the chips.
The next step is to thoroughly mix the potatoes with oil and salt.
Action #5 Preparing for heat treatment
Next, you need to prepare the surface on which the baking will be done. As such a surface, a plate of smaller diameter, covered with a sleeve, is used.
All excess parts of the sleeve are cut off.

Be sure to cut off the corners so that they do not interfere with the rotation of the plate in the microwave.
After the surface is ready, start laying out the chips on it.
Action #6 Heat treatment
The plate is placed in the microwave. After that, the furnace is started for 5 minutes at maximum power.
After 3-3.5 minutes, remove the plate from the microwave and turn the chips over so that they cook evenly.
After turning the plate is put back in the microwave and the process continues. In general, the cooking time depends on the number of potatoes, their thickness and the maximum power of the oven.
VIDEO: How to make chips in the microwave in 5 minutes. Simple Inexpensive Recipe
How to make chips in the microwave in 5 minutes. Simple Inexpensive Recipe
How to cook potato chips in the microwave in 5 minutes: a simple step-by-step instruction