How to sow a lawn with your own hands: step by step instructions | +Video

How to sow the lawn with your own hands

Grass lawn is one of the favorite ways to decorate household plots. Already only one appearance of a natural green carpet pleases the eyes of the owners of the site and their guests.

The lawn area can be used to spend time outdoors for a variety of purposes. It can be sports, picnics, organizing children's entertainment, etc.

However, you should not think that the presence of a lawn in the garden must necessarily come at the expense of any other design delights. On the contrary, various decorative groups, such as flower beds, rock gardens and artificial reservoirs against the background of the lawn look much more attractive than without it.

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Appearance of a rock garden and a small artificial reservoir against the backdrop of a lawn

Appearance of a rock garden and a small artificial reservoir against the backdrop of a lawn

Creating and maintaining a grass lawn in the garden is a simple and complex task at the same time. Its simplicity lies in the fact that growing a monoculture, of course, is not as difficult as combining several plants on one small patch of land in the form of a flower bed.

The difficulty in growing a lawn lies in the need to regularly carry out the necessary measures to maintain it in an attractive form. These include cutting, watering, updating "bald spots" and other similar actions.

The right approach to the maintenance of the lawn should begin at the stage of its planting. If you plant a lawn in a hurry, already in the first year you can face a lot of problems: weeds, bumps, dampness and moss. The article deals with the issues of proper planting of a lawn on a small area.

Action #1 Soil preparation

Fertilization and initial leveling of the soil for the future lawn

Fertilization and initial leveling of the soil for the future lawn


First you need to prepare the site for planting grass; for this you need remove all weeds. This is done in the most common way - with a shovel. If there are too many weeds, more radical methods should be used - it is best to spray them with broad-spectrum herbicides.


After the weeds are destroyed, you must first level the lawn with a rake and fertilize it.

Action #2 Final Leveling

The board is taken at two ends and it is carried out along the surface of the lawn area

The board is taken at two ends and it is carried out along the surface of the lawn area


You need to sow lawn grass on a perfectly flat surface, since any irregularities - These are places where moisture can accumulate. In the warm season, moisture will accumulate in them, which will lead to dampness and fungal infections in the form of mold.


In winter, such places are even more dangerous - the water in them turns into ice, which leads to the freezing of vegetation on them. At the same time, noticeable "bald spots" in the form of bare areas will appear on the lawn.


The easiest way to level the surface of the lawn - this is the use of a board 2-3 meters long.


Excess soil is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the lawn. If necessary, the process is repeated several times.

Action #3 Planting Grass

Sowing seeds near the curb

Sowing seeds near the curb


Grass for planting a lawn is purchased at specialized garden stores. Usually, it is a mixture of several different types. Mostly, these are cereal plants. Among them, the most common are ryegrass (chaff), bluegrass and fescue.


Planting can be done with a special lawn seeder. However, for a single use in a personal household, such an expensive device is not needed. Therefore, seeds for a small lawn can be sown on their own.


In this case, special attention should be paid to planting seeds near the curbs. They must be sown carefully and carefully so that they do not fall outside the border of the lawn, because if they germinate outside the borders of the lawn, they will need to be removed from there.

Sprinkling seeds with earth using a rake

Sprinkling seeds with earth using a rake


Seeds should be sown evenly. In this case, the movements should alternate: first, the seeds are scattered in the direction of front-to-back, then to the right-left. Landing of a lawn has to be made in dry and calm weather.


Then, using a rake, sprinkle the seeds with soil so that they do not dry out. In this case, the movements of the rake should first be circular, and then straight. The depth should be no more than 5 mm, since grass seeds germinate in the light.


Action #4 Soil compaction

Compaction of the top layer of the earth with a board or roller

Compaction of the top layer of the earth with a board or roller


After planting the seeds, the soil should be further compacted and leveled. This is done using a special skating rink or a board that resembles a construction trowel.


Compaction of the earth at the border of the lawn

Compaction of the earth at the border of the lawn


This operation is necessary for good adhesion of seeds to the soil, which contributes to better rooting. It is better to work the middle of the lawn with a roller, the borders near the curbs - with a board.


Action #5 Covering seeds left on the surface

After compaction, some of the seeds still remain on the surface.

After compaction, some of the seeds still remain on the surface.


In order to cover them, it is necessary to do the grounding procedure. For this purpose, a composition should be prepared, which includes peat and sand, mixed in equal proportions.

Earthing mix

Earthing mix


This mixture is spread in a thin layer over the entire surface of the lawn.

Garden soil should not be included in the soil mix as it may contain weed seeds.

Action #6 Watering

Moisturize the lawn with fine sprinkling with a spray bottle

Moisturize the lawn with fine sprinkling with a spray bottle


Moisten the lawn daily, unless, of course, there is no precipitation. In no case should a crust be allowed to form on the surface of the earth, since young grass may not hatch through it.



If you use water from a hose for irrigation, then a jet of water will simply wash the seeds out of the soil.


The planting of the lawn on this can be considered complete.

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Lawn Care Tips

Lawn care

For quality lawn care, you will need lawn mower


The lawn must not be walked on until the height of the grass reaches 4 cm.


The first haircut is done when the grass reaches a height of 8 cm.


During the first haircut, do not remove more than 3 cm of grass.

How to sow a lawn with your own hands: step by step instructions

We sow the lawn according to all the rules

How to sow a lawn with your own hands: step by step instructions | +Video

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How to plant a lawn

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