Land is the main component of the future harvest. Information about it is important in the smallest detail.
It is necessary to know it in order to find opportunities to increase its beneficial properties without damaging the microflora, which is very fragile.
At first it may seem that without the use of chemicals this is unrealistic. In addition, the manufacturers of these liquids offer quick ways to get a positive result. But these are not all possibilities.
There are other ways to improve the fertility of your soil. They have absolute safety for people and the plant world.
In this article, we propose to consider all possible options in more detail.

General concept

soil fertilization
Fertility refers to the ability of the soil mixture to provide the crops growing in it with the nutrients they need, moisture, oxygen, and heat.
This quality depends on:
- how fully the plantings will develop, their health
- what harvest will they give
The soil should be a favorable physical and chemical environment for plant roots.
It is not possible to independently determine the quality of the soil composition. This requires laboratory testing. This is the only way to find out accurate data on the composition, on the saturation of nutrients in expanded form. The dosage of applied mineral and organic fertilizers, the need to adjust acidity and other soil restoration procedures depend on this.
Gardeners with experience try to carefully monitor the soil in their personal plots. Observing the development of plants, the indicators of their productivity, one can approximately determine how much the fertility of the earth meets the required standards.


Chernozem has the best performance
From the main types of soil fertility can be distinguished:
- natural
This is the natural state of the soil without human intervention. This quality is capable of possessing, mainly, virgin lands. Fertility rates here can be very high or very low quality. It depends on how the circumstances of nature and soil-forming factors are combined and cumulatively influence. To determine the biological productivity is calculated. This is the amount of vegetation growing per unit area in 1 year.
- artificial
It is created under the directed influence of a person (processing, fertilizing, melioration, and other cultivation manipulations). All virgin areas involved in the turnover and have become a means of production and the product of human work, have natural and artificial fertility. The substrates that are created for growing vegetation in greenhouse and hotbed areas have only artificial fertility.
This species is characteristic of all soils that are cultivated. They also have natural fertility.Depending on the culture of agriculture, the initial qualities of the soil change and natural fertility is expressed to a greater or lesser extent. It is impossible to determine exactly which species a particular part belongs to.

Plants should receive everything they need in full
The above types have an inextricable link with each other and form the following view.
- efficient (economic)
This type depends on the following indicators:
- degree of natural appearance
- soil exploitation conditions for industrial purposes
- the degree of development of science, technology and the implementation of their achievements
It is a link of the following type.
- potential
It is determined by the properties that were acquired in the soil-forming process or created (changed) by people. It is characterized by the ability of the soil to supply the vegetation with the necessary nutrients for a long time and maintain the efficiency of fertility at a high level. Meadow peatlands have similar qualities. They are drained and mastered. In such soil, cultivated plants give high yields. Chernozem has a high level of fertility of this type, podzolic soil - low.
Different plants require different soil conditions. For this reason, there is the concept of relative soil fertility. The same soil composition can be both suitable and unsuitable depending on the type of plants. For example, marsh vegetation develops well on marsh soils. Such an environment, in turn, is not suitable for steppe plants. Acidic podzolic soil is fertile for forest vegetation, salt marshes are suitable for halophytes.

What does it depend on

The quality is influenced by various factors that are not all subject to a person.
The fertility of the earth is influenced by various factors. Not all of them can be controlled by a person. The weather, the climatic zone, the types of insects that are inherent in the area depend only on nature. People can regulate and change the types of crops that are grown and the processing technology.
Some of the main indicators of soil fertility are:
- looseness
- chemical composition
The first indicator depends on the type of soil. At a low level, insects and plants that develop in the soil will help to improve. These can be ants, insect larvae, earth insects and plantation roots (primarily green manure).
The chemical composition includes the level of acidity, various components (salts, minerals) necessary for the full growth of plantings. Fertile soil contains all compounds in normal quantities.
Over time, both indicators are reduced, their level is reduced. Appropriate action must be taken to avoid soil depletion.

What reduces

Weeds release toxic secretions through their roots.
To maintain the quality of the soil composition, it is useful to know what factors can reduce it:
- acid or alkali
For a large number of plants, only soil with a neutral level of acidity is suitable. But there are crops that prefer acidic soil. For this reason, it is necessary to adjust this indicator in order to provide the soil suitable for the cultivated crop.
- gley (acidified compounds)
This indicator appears from regular abundant watering, rains. The compounds do not allow oxygen to penetrate into the soil, which causes it to turn sour. Depending on the type of soil, the composition and characteristics of these compounds may be different.
Souring occurs due to gley. It is clay with a bluish color. It interferes with the normal development of cultivated plants. Oxygen is required to destroy the gley. It destroys harmful substances and promotes the improvement of the soil.

- household salinization
Household waste (human waste products, food waste from the table, which are later used as fertilizers, salt with chlorine) heavily pollute the soil and it is very difficult to get rid of them. For example, lime is able to bind household salts only temporarily.
- exudation of weed roots
From the roots of weeds, poison can be released into the ground. This will inhibit the development of other cultures, because. such soil is a bad environment for their growth. For example, tomatoes and cucumbers will feel the effects of this poison for 1-3 months. after the destruction of weeds.
Certain enzymes are required to destroy poisons, which are isolated from the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil. For this reason, it is very important to fertilize the soil before planting.

- slag
All landings, incl. cultivated, through their roots they secrete the products of their vital activity (slags) into the soil. If a plant is grown in one place for a long time, this will affect its decorative qualities and the amount of the crop. Therefore, regular renewal of the soil, even partial, or transplantation is considered very important.
Each individual factor greatly reduces the fertility of the substrate, and a combination of several can lead to complete unsuitability. It will be impossible to grow crops in such an environment.

8 Ways to Increase Fertility

Earthworms do not get infected and do not spread them
Soil is a set of physical features:
- specific and volumetric gravity
- porosity
- hardness
- connectedness
- plastic
- ripeness
It also includes functionality:
- aquatic
- air
- thermal
Fertility depends on the capabilities of the soil. This is the ability to bind and redirect mineral elements to the root system, absorb, retain and preserve water.
There is a clear structure in the soil mixture with high quality, consisting of lumps of small size (diameter about 0.25 mm). Such a main part will allow you to grow a good garden, a vegetable garden in every respect. To achieve a high-quality composition, it is not necessary to constantly dig the beds in the country with a shovel and sifting each earthen clod using a fine mesh.
If the fertility level is low, there are several effective options to improve it:
California and earthworms;

California worms
The most popular method in recent times. These representatives are a kind of earthworms. Due to the good digestion of all types of organic matter, they are able to increase the fertility of the soil. The life expectancy of these worms is long. In addition, they multiply rapidly.
Ordinary earthworms also belong to natural "cultivators". They are able to process compost and manure very quickly when compared with other living organisms. A passing action is also the digestion and grinding of earthen clods. The result of their work is the formation of biohumus. It is a natural fertilizer that has no smell. This is a guarantee of a rich, environmentally friendly harvest.
Earthworms are not exposed to infections and do not spread them. If the conditions are favorable, then for 1 m3 they can live in whole groups (up to 500 individuals). This
Accordingly, it will increase the speed of processing the soil of a summer cottage, which will not only improve its structurebut also maintain the quality for a long time.
Compliance with crop rotation;

Compliance with crop rotation has only a positive effect
A significant improvement in the quality of the soil is noticed if the crop rotation has been observed for not a single year. It is very important to remember that annuals and perennials can only be planted in their original location after 5 years.
If you cultivate the same plantings in a permanent place for a long time, this will lead to depletion of the substrate. Its chemical and physical properties will decrease. Cabbage, for example, if sown annually without changing location, will increase the level of soil acidity. Onion favors the development of the nematode population. To avoid such situations, crop rotation is carried out. This means every year to alternate the position of the plantations grown in the summer cottage.
The earth is able to exhaust itself from interaction with the same representatives of the plant world. Plants secrete products of their life process that accumulate in the soil. From an apple tree, for example, the chemical compound ethylene is released. It will contribute to the delay in the development of seed material of neighboring plantations.

The benefits of medicinal crops are of great importance for all living things.
The most poisonous representatives include:
In order for the site to improve its health and preserve useful substances in optimal parameters, annual alternation of vegetables and other plantings is recommended.
The following is a list of correspondence of different cultural plantings:
culture | Good | Medium | Bad |
eggplant | • onion; • cabbage; • beans; • peas; • garlic; • green manure | • beet; • greenery | • pumpkin; • potato; • sunflower |
cucumbers | • cabbage; • onion; • celery; • tomatoes; • green manure | • beet; • greenery | • pumpkin |
tomatoes | • cucumbers; • carrot; • onion; • legumes | • beet | • eggplant; • potato; • pepper |
Pepper | • cucumbers; • celery; • carrot; • legumes; • onion | • beet | • potato; • tomatoes; • eggplant |
Potato | • cabbage; • beet; • green manure | • carrot; • onion; • garlic; • greenery | • tomatoes; • eggplant; • potato; • physalis |
Beet | • potato; • tomatoes; • cucumbers | • peas | • beet; • carrot; • chard; • cabbage |
Carrot | • zucchini; • cucumbers; • onion; • tomatoes; • potato | • radish; • cabbage; • beet; • Dill | • carrot; • beans; • parsley |
Zucchini | • onion; • carrot; • radish; • Dill; • parsley; • green manure | • beet | • pumpkin; • squash; • watermelon; • melon |
Cabbage | • carrot; • peas; • pumpkin; • zucchini; • squash; • potato; • celery; • green manure | • tomatoes; • salad | • turnip; • radish; • beet |
Onion garlic | • tomatoes; • cucumbers; • peas; • potato; • green manure | • beet; • cabbage; • radish; • turnip | • garlic; • onion; • carrot |
Peas | • cabbage; • turnip; • tomatoes; • cucumbers; • potato | • greenery | • soy; • beans; • beans; • chickpeas; • lentils |
Parsley | • tomatoes; • cucumbers | • peas; • beans; • beans | • carrot; • celery; • parsnips |
Planting medicinal plants;

Lovely and helpful neighborhood
The benefits of medicinal crops are important not only for the human body. Experience proves that planting marigolds, calendula, shepherd's purse, nettle, wormwood, garlic and other similar plants can restore soil quality.
mixed landings;

mixed landings
An alternative version of planting plants with medicinal properties. If cultivated plantings (zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) are planted mixed with medicinal herbs, this will not only improve the soil, but also get a good harvest.
Cultural varieties perfectly coexist with herbs of spicy and medicinal species. For example, the taste properties of beets, onions, green peas change for the better if dill is planted next to them. A beneficial effect is on tomatoes, coriander from the neighborhood with parsley, and on potato - from mint, cumin.
An important rule of mixed plantings is that representatives of the same family are not located next to each other. Still tall plants should not coexist with low counterparts, because the latter will always be in the shade, which will affect their growth. Also, the selection takes into account the preferences of plants for sunlight or shade, they should be the same.
The information below contains the names of agricultural crops and herbs combined with them:
Herbs | culture |
Basil | pepper; tomatoes |
Marigold | potato; roses; tomatoes |
Borage | beans; Strawberry; tomatoes; cucumbers; cabbage |
Mustard | beans; grape; fruit trees |
Oregano | beans |
Hyssop | cabbage; grape |
Chervil | radish |
Nettle | tomatoes; mint |
Lavender | beans |
Onion | beet; cabbage; salad; Strawberry |
Mint | cabbage; tomatoes |
Nasturtium | radish |
Dandelion | fruit trees |
Parsley | peas; tomatoes; leek; the Rose; Strawberry |
Rosemary | beans |
chamomile | cucumbers; onion; most herbs |
yarrow | beans; most aromatic herbs |
Dill | cabbage; onion; salad; cucumbers |
Horseradish | potato |
Savory | eggplant; potato; tomatoes; bush beans |
Garlic | the Rose; tomatoes; cucumbers; Strawberry; cabbage; carrot; Strawberry; tomatoes |
Sage | cabbage; carrot; Strawberry; tomatoes |
chives | carrot; grape; tomatoes; the Rose |
Tarragon | most vegetable crops |
Heat treatment of ground cover;

Literally, this is the treatment of soil with hot water. This method allows you to destroy a significant part of pathogenic bacteria, fungal and viral diseases, pests and weeds. All this harms plants.
The disadvantage of such processing is that that it can only be used in small areas (greenhouse, greenhouse). It is problematic to process a large garden or field in this way. All bacteria and insects are also susceptible to death, incl. which are beneficial.
Application of organic fertilizers;
The most famous way. Regular application of manure, humus, compost, wood ash significantly improves the quality of the soil composition.
Good old compost heap - this is not the only organic fertilizer option to improve soil fertility in a garden area. You can also prepare top dressing in liquid form.

Humus formed as a result of compost overheating
- A barrel (or other container) is prepared and placed under the sun. It will collect rainwater.
- The container must be covered from above
- Any greens are collected (dandelion, plantain, clover, nettle, wood lice, etc.). They are crushed and placed in a barrel of water.
- The mixture should stand and ferment for 10 days.
For use in garden plots, the finished composition must be diluted in a ratio of 1: 9 and applied under the root of the plantings.
There is another method for preparing compost top dressing - cold fermentation. To do this, cut branches, dried foliage, vegetable peelings, coffee grounds, waste paper are stacked in layers and covered with earthen mounds on top. Compost will take 1 year to mature. It can be used later.

After harvesting green manure to help
The simplest option. It consists in not using the soil for growing anything for a while. But fertilizing, weeding, watering, mulching and weeding must continue.
This will allow the soil to recover and retain nutrients.

The incredible effectiveness of the method has been tested by experience. For planting, plants rich in starch, protein, nitrogen are used. Sowing and harvesting green manure at the right time increases soil fertility.
It is also enriched with the following elements:
- nitrogen
- phosphorus
- potassium
- calcium
Soil parameters improve, it can breathe and receive sufficient moisture.

Buckwheat as green manure
Thanks to green manure, a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful organisms disappears, but there are optimal conditions for attracting beneficial bacteria. In addition, with the help of lupins and their varieties, the level of acidity is reduced and preserved from weathering.
The best representatives of green manure are:
- mustard
- radish
- buckwheat
- legumes (most of their species, incl. peas)
- cereals (barley, rye, wheat)

Agricultural methods

The use of wood ash has a beneficial effect on the crop
To get a rich harvest, there are also simple agrotechnical options for increasing fertility by soil type. They will give not only a qualitative result, but also will not disturb the natural microflora.
Soil composition is divided into several types:
- clayey
Moisture does not pass well through such a substrate and warming up slowly, which leads to low yields. The exception is clay chernozem.
- loamy
Loams are a favorable environment for growing various crops, due to the available useful elements and loose structure.

Clay soil
- sandy and sandy
It is a poor, unsuitable species for gardening. The main content is sand. It has poor ability to retain water.
- podzolic
It has high acidity and a low content of elements necessary for the development of plants.
- salt licks
It contains sodium sulfate and sodium chloride. It becomes sticky, heavy with excessive moisture, and in the summer it dries up and hardens.
To determine the species, it is necessary to wet a lump of soil, mold a flagellum and try to connect the ends to form a ring. The elastic, dense structure of the bundle indicates the clayey appearance of the substrate. The appearance of cracks indicates a loamy form, sand is generally not able to hold its shape.
clay soil

Manure improves microflora
To loosen the structure, it is necessary to add sand at the rate of 30 kg/m2. In autumn, the earth is dug up. The depth should be at least 25 cm. Before digging, ash is added (0.3 g / m2) and lime (0.5 g/m2). Enrichment of the soil cover with manure and composting improves the microflora.
When the beds are located in the clay zone, the seeds are sown shallowly. This will allow the roots to be better saturated with oxygen and moisture. Seedlings are planted at an angle. This will provide it with faster heating, which will lead to more active fruiting.
sandy soil

Peas as green manure
This species needs to be filled with nutrients. For this purpose, lime is mixed (0.2 kg / m2) and manure (2 kg/m2). This mixture must be applied 2 times a year. In autumn, the depth should be 25 cm, in spring - 15 cm.
In March, the earth digs up. Mineral and organic top dressings are distributed evenly. Their proportions should be 1:2. During the period of spring and summer top dressing is added several times.
Green manure is used to increase density and fertility:
They allow you to improve the microflora, accelerate the production of humus, retain water, enrich with nitrogen. They are useful for any kind of soil.
Salt licks and acidic soil

The addition of lime evens out the acidity
Lime is added to equalize the acidity (1 kg/m2) and replenished with organic matter with the addition of minerals. At the moment when the earth is loosened (spring, autumn seasons), wood ash is introduced.
Phosphogypsum (200-300 g/m2). The addition of calcium sulfate removes salts from the lower layers, reduces the calcium content.
A good solution is to purchase black soil. With it, the whole garden becomes taller.

The plant requires loose and light soil.
An accurate determination of the level of soil fertility is possible only with a special laboratory analysis. It takes time and costs money. But on the advice of experts, regular soil care, acidity regulation, fertilization, mulching, watering, weed removal, will help maintain the soil condition at the right level, safely grow cultivated plants.
How to improve soil fertility? TOP 8 environmentally friendly options + agrotechnical methods | +Reviews
How to improve soil fertility. Preparations for composting. fertilizers
How to improve soil fertility? TOP 8 environmentally friendly options + agrotechnical methods | +Reviews