[Instruction] How to use the multimeter: basic modes

How to use a multimeter

For more than a hundred years, electricity has been the most popular type of energy used by mankind. We are surrounded by many devices, the purpose of which is to convert electrical energy into useful work.

To control the performance of various devices powered by electricity, special tools are needed. One of these tools is a device capable of measuring electrical quantities - a multimeter.

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What is a multimeter



This is a special device designed to measure several quantities (and not always electrical). Most modern multimeters are made using discrete electronics, so they are digital (digital) devices.

One of the features of such devices is the use of a digital display in the form of an LCD display to indicate the measured value; analogue instruments use pointer indication.

A multimeter is an electrical measuring device that combines the functions of several devices:

  • voltmeter
  • ammeter
  • ohmmeter
  • etc.

Often the multimeter is equipped with additional functions. All of them (even those that do not relate to the measurement of electrical quantities) are somehow connected with the conversion of electrical energy.

Actually, this is not surprising, the multimeter is able to record only electrical quantities and it is not able to measure the temperature directly.

Multimeter Models

Multimeter Models

The considered series of multimeters DT-8XX, in addition to the standard for these devices for measuring currents, voltages and resistances, can also perform the following operations:

  • conduct "dialing" chains (all models)
  • do the same operation with sound indication (DT-832 and DT-383)
  • measure the temperature of an environment or an object using a thermocouple (DT-838)
  • determine the parameters of bipolar transistors (both, p-n-p and n-p-n types) - all models
  • act as a square wave generator (DT-832)

There are also compact multimeters belonging to other series, having smaller dimensions and weight. Such a device can be easily placed in a small bag or even in a pocket of clothing.

Compact multimeters

Different options for multimeters

The functionality of a miniature device fully corresponds to the functionality of a standard size device. Such devices are convenient as mobile measuring devices, they can be carried with you for measurements outdoors.

The disadvantages of such a device include perhaps its lower mechanical strength, because in all other parameters (including measurement accuracy) it is in no way inferior to a standard size multimeter. Also, a disadvantage may be a shorter operating time of the device, but only if different power sources are used.

Traditionally, a 6F22 or Krona element is used to power the multimeter.. However, in miniature multimeters, AAA batteries with a lower capacity can also be used.

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Preparing to work with the device

Multimeter measurement limits

Multimeter measurement limits


In order to start working with the device, you need to connect the probes to it. The standard number of probes is two - red and black. Traditionally black is used to connect to "minus" or "earth" (if we are talking about direct and alternating current, respectively).

2Red - used to connect to "plus", "signal" or "phase" - in a word, to that part of the circuit on which the value that needs to be measured is located.
3On the front panel of the device there are sockets for connecting probes. In this case, the multimeter has three sockets.
Sockets for connecting probes

Sockets for connecting probes

4The black probe is inserted into the lower socket, which has the inscription COM (from the English "common" - common). Usually, the common socket is always located separately - either from below, or to the left or right (depending on the model of the device). In very rare cases, the common nest is not located on the edge.
The black probe is inserted into the bottom socket marked COM

The black probe is inserted into the bottom socket marked COM

5The connection of the red probe is made depending on what value will be measured. If it is voltage, resistance, temperature, small currents not exceeding 200 milliamps, the second (middle) socket is traditionally used. It is usually signed with letters V, mA or W (volts, milliamps, ohms), and sometimes a combination of them.
In the case when current measurements are made (in some models - any currents, in some only those that exceed 1A) – the top slot is used. It may be signed with A, or a combination "10A" etc.
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Working with the device

Tester multimeter

Tester multimeter

After the battery is installed in the device, the probes are connected to it and the mode of its operation of the multimeter is selected, it can take measurements. Let's consider how the work with the device is carried out using the example of measuring various electrical quantities or for checking the electrical conductivity of circuits:


The simplest and most common way to use a multimeter is an elementary continuity test. Using this procedure, it is determined whether there is a contact in the circuit or not.

cable continuity

cable continuity


To operate the multimeter in this mode, its switch is switched to the continuity position (the icon on which the diode is shown, or the minimum resistance limit). The probes are inserted into the sockets in the standard way (black - in COM, red - in the second socket).


Next, you need to connect the pointed ends of the probes to the beginning and end of the measured circuit. If there is a contact, the device will make a sound similar to a buzzer, and some figure will be displayed on the screen - the contact resistance in ohms.


In the event that there is no contact, the device will show the number “1”, which is in the most significant digit of the digital indicator (the leftmost position). If there is no sound during the dialing, or the indicator reading does not change, then the current does not flow, that is, there is no contact in the circuit under test.

It is important to note here that using the device without an audible alarm may not always be convenient. Some circuits are sometimes quite difficult to physically reach, and it is not always possible to keep an additional multimeter in sight. When choosing a multimeter, you should pay attention to this important circumstance.

Temperature measurement

Model with temperature measurement

Model with temperature measurement

If the device comes with a probe with a thermocouple, they can measure the temperature.

1To do this, it is necessary to connect the thermocouple wire to the sockets of the device in the standard way, in which conventional measuring probes are also connected: black - in the lower nest, red - in the second.
2In this case, the device itself should be switched to the temperature measurement mode. To do this, the mode switch is moved to the position "TEMP". Sometimes instead of an inscription "TEMP" depicts the degree Celsius symbol - °C.
Temperature measurement

Temperature measurement

The thermocouple itself is a small ball of metal to which two electrodes are soldered. Depending on the temperature of the environment around this bulb, it generates some kind of constant voltage. The multimeter converts this voltage into degrees and displays the resulting temperature on the screen.
The device will show the approximate value of body temperature

The device will show the approximate value of body temperature

3If you pinch the tip of the thermocouple with your fingers, it will show the approximate value of body temperature. The error in temperature measurements in this way can be quite large. Standard thermocouples supplied with inexpensive multimeters provide measurement accuracy from 2°C to 5°C.

Classic voltmeter (voltage measurement)

Battery voltage measurement

Battery voltage measurement

1DC voltage measurement is made in DCV mode. Probe connection - standard (black - on the socket "COM", red - to the second socket, volts).

In this case, one of several measurement limits can be selected on the multimeter:

  • 200 mV
  • 2000 mV
  • 20 V
  • 200 V
  • 1000 V


2To measure DC voltage, the black probe is connected to the minus of the measured source, the red probe to the plus. An example of measuring the voltage of an AA-size alkaline battery is shown in the figure above.

Similarly, you can measure the voltage on a 12-volt power supply.

Power supply voltage measurement

Power supply voltage measurement

In the event that during the measurement of DC voltage the polarity is accidentally reversed (that is, the black wire is connected to plus, and red, respectively, to "minus"), nothing bad will happen.

With the wrong polarity selected

With the wrong polarity selected

The device will not burn out, the protection will not work in it, and it will not fail at all. Just the indicator will display the measured voltage with a sign "minus"; the “–” icon will appear in the high-order digit of the digital indicator. It just says that the polarity is not correct. If you swap the probes, the sign "minus" will disappear.

1Measurement of alternating voltage (for example, the voltage in our network) is made in ACV mode. In this case, the same sockets are used as in the measurement of direct voltage - the lower and second.
2For alternating voltage, the concepts of "plus" and "minus" are absent, since the polarity of each of the electrodes is constantly changing. Therefore, it does not matter where to connect the measuring ends of the probes when determining the magnitude of the alternating voltage.
For AC voltage switch position

For AC voltage switch position

3To measure the voltage in the network, it is necessary to set the measurement limit to at least 220V; in our case (using a DT-832 multimeter), this limit will be 750 V. At the same time, the icon will appear on the digital indicator. "HV", which means high voltage - high voltage.
Measurement of voltage in the network 220V

Measurement of voltage in the network 220V

When working with high voltage, you need to be careful not to touch the bare parts of the probes. It could be deadly

In addition, it is not recommended to take the probes with both hands when measuring high voltage. Traditionally, one of the probes is somehow fixed on one of the electrodes (in our case, it is simply inserted into the socket), and the other touches the second electrode. Thus, the probability of electric shock is significantly reduced.

Phase detection

AC voltage phase detection

AC voltage phase detection

1With a multimeter, you can also determine the phase of an alternating voltage. To do this, the device switches the measurement of alternating voltage to the minimum limit (in our case, ACV 200V). The probes are connected as standard.
2One of the probes (usually black) is clamped in the hand, and the red one is connected in turn to each of the electrodes. If the red probe is connected to zero, the indicator will show either 0 or one in the least significant digit (0.1 V)
AC voltage phase detection

AC voltage phase detection

3If the red probe is connected to the phase, that the screen will display a digit other than zero or one in the least significant digit.
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Features of working with a multimeter

You need to check its working mode before measuring

You need to check its working mode before measuring

  • When working with a multimeter, you need to be very careful, because in some cases it is easy to confuse its mode of operation.
  • For example, the position of the mode indicator used to measure resistance, may be perceived as a measurement of high AC voltage.
  • If at the same time you turn on the device in the network, then a short circuit will occur and, at best, the fuse inside the device will simply blow. In the worst case, the measuring part of the device may burn out from the impact of a 220V change and it will have to be thrown away.

Multimeter off

Multimeter off

To avoid such situations, it is recommended to mark the operating mode indicator (arrow) with something bright, for example, by sticking a piece of bright paper or electrical tape on it, which will be clearly visible.

VIDEO: Multimeter. How to use a multimeter

[Instruction] How to use the multimeter: basic modes

Multimeter. How to use a multimeter

[Instruction] How to use the multimeter: basic modes

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How to use a multimeter

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  1. briefly and clearly.

  2. They do not measure AC or DC voltage, but DC or AC voltage.

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