Peat tablets: how to use it correctly, a mini-greenhouse device for seedlings (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Peat tablets

Peat tablets

The quality of the resulting plant material depends on the composition of the soil for seedlings, its nutritional value and other properties. When using special peat tablets for growing seedlings many problems associated with both poor-quality soil and the inability to choose the right container are solved. In this article we will tell you how to use peat “circles” correctly.

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Before the advent of special tools in growing seedlings, many gardeners faced problems, since it was necessary not only to prepare the soil for planting, but also to take care of the container for the plants. Both large boxes and individual pots were used as containers.

Peat tablets with seedlings

Peat tablets with seedlings

In addition, few people seriously thought about using any specialized means for growing, using almost any container as a container - from juice boxes to cups of dairy products. Naturally, the characteristics of such devices for seedlings were not very high.

Seedlings in peat pots

Seedlings in peat pots

A compromise solution was the use of peat pots, however, they had a number of disadvantages inherent in conventional containers. In particular, the dense material from which they are made did not dissolve well in the ground, and often, transplanting into open ground was carried out without a peat pot, since an earthen clod was removed from it, as if ordinary containers were used.

In addition, the peat pot did not provide any nutritional benefits. Virtually impervious to decomposition from water, it could not transfer the nutrients contained in it to seedlings.

Peat tablets are the next step in the evolution of peat pots. They are containers having a flattened cylindrical shape. The composition of such "washers" includes peat and various additional substances. These substances can be stored for a long time in a pressed form without losing their properties.

Peat tablets

Peat tablets

Before using as a seat for seedlings, a peat tablet is poured with warm water, swells and becomes loose. After that, seeds can be planted in it.
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Peat tablets can be divided according to the composition of their ingredients, as well as their size.

The composition of peat tablets may include the following substances:

  • growth stimulants
  • immunity stimulants
  • rooters
  • drugs to fight fungal and bacterial infections
  • etc

Their diameter can vary from 24 to 90 mm, and the thickness in compressed form can be from 8 to 30 mm. It should be understood that the smaller the diameter of the tablet, the less it contains nutrients.

Various tablet sizes

Various tablet sizes

For example, to grow plants such as tomato, which are planted in the ground already in adult form, the use of small-diameter tablets is not enough. For such plants, tablets with a diameter of at least 40 mm are used.While for seedlings of many annual flowers, tablets of a minimum diameter are used. In general, the choice of a tablet for a particular plant depends not only on its type, but also on the planned growing time.

coconut tablets

Coconut analogues of peat "circles"

Preferably the use of tablets, in the production of which a mesh was used. She is not only able to hold the mixture after it reacts with water, but often it is she who is a barrier to negative invasions - the mesh is impregnated with fungicides or antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

In addition to universal tablets, there are also highly specialized products created for various plants.. They may differ, for example, in different degrees of peat hardness, various top dressings, and so on.

The simplest box for growing seedlings in peat containers for 12 places

The simplest box for growing seedlings in peat containers for 12 places

However, it would be a delusion to believe that the tablets are sold exclusively on their own, without any specialized means for seedlings with their help.

There are a number of special devices designed to organize the cultivation of seedlings using peat tablets.. The most popular at present are specialized boxes for seedlings and mini-greenhouses for "tablet" cultivation.

Mini-greenhouse for seedlings grown using tablets

Mini-greenhouse for seedlings grown using tablets

The use of such tools greatly simplifies the work of the gardener and gives him the opportunity to get rid of the mass of routine work associated with growing seedlings. Devices can be more complex. Most often, they include special transparent lids that can be closed both hermetically and using special ventilation holes.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Peat tablets open up wide opportunities for gardeners in growing seedlings and greatly simplify this process.

Peat tablets open up wide opportunities for gardeners in growing seedlings and greatly simplify this process.

  • There are no restrictions on the use of tablets. Since almost all types of seedlings use soils containing peat, the use of peat briquettes will not cause any undesirable reactions in plants.
  • With the help of tablets, you can germinate small seeds. A huge number of both garden and ornamental plants are desirable to grow in fine soils due to the size of their seeds. The fraction of peat in tablets is quite small, so it is ideal for such purposes. In addition, there are crops with small seeds that need to be planted on the surface of the soil without deepening them at all. On a completely peat substrate, this is best done. In addition, an increased concentration of nutrients in peat is a guarantee of a high percentage of seed germination.
  • Seeds of some crops can be either expensive or difficult to obtain. Therefore, to guarantee their germination, it is better to use completely peat soil.
  • No problems when picking for crops that have either a weak root system or do not tolerate transplants. The use of tablets allows you to carry out an operation to transfer seedlings to the ground without any injuries to the root system.
  • Leaf and stem cuttings are perfectly rooted in them. It is much more convenient, faster and more reliable than using a solution of water with nutrients for rooting cuttings.
  • Pill containers take up much less space than seedling boxes. At the same time, the amount of nutrients necessary for plant growth in them is even greater than in any soil mixture.
  • Significantly reduces the time and materials spent on the preparation of planting soil.In addition, the probability of carrying any pollution into the room where the soil mixture is prepared is reduced to almost zero. This is especially true in apartments.
  • Seedlings with this method are provided with a sufficient amount of air for the root system.
  • For seedlings grown in this way, there is no need for any top dressing or fertilizer. All the necessary nutrients are already contained in the substrate.
  • The root system of seedlings when using a peat substrate is much less prone to decay. The reason for this lies in the fact that peat does not absorb excess water. We can say that the control of substrate moisture is carried out by itself. With this method, seedlings are guaranteed to be protected from problems such as, for example, root rot and black leg.
  • The shelf life of peat tablets is practically unlimited.
  • Even a novice gardener or gardener can use a similar method of germinating seedlings.

  • High price. For the mass cultivation of cheap crops, their use is impractical.
  • Peat tablets dry out relatively quickly. Which means constant monitoring of the degree of their moisture content and fairly frequent watering.

It is obvious that the positive aspects of using peat tablets more than cover the possible disadvantages. In cases where the seedling material is of value to the gardener, their use is not only justified, but necessary. The use of these tools can greatly facilitate the work of the gardener and make his work more enjoyable and fruitful.

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Consider how it is necessary to grow seedlings using peat "houses":

Almost always, seedlings during cultivation require conditions of high humidity and temperature, therefore, along with peat tablets, it is necessary to use a mini-greenhouse.

Almost always, when growing, seedlings require conditions of high humidity and temperature, therefore, along with peat tablets, it is necessary to use a mini-greenhouse

Preliminary preparation of the greenhouse

Usually, the tablets are placed in the greenhouse with the seed side (the one on which the recess is located) up. If there is no special container, as a mini-greenhouse, you can use any nearby similar structure, for example, a plastic cake box. The main requirement for it is height, since it must be taken into account that peat tablets increase several times during swelling; Well, we should not forget that seedlings will still be located on them.

Homemade mini greenhouse from a cake lid with the possibility of ventilation and watering

Homemade mini greenhouse from a packing box for a cake with the possibility of ventilation and watering

An individual arrangement of tablets is also possible, that is, each in its own container. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that each of the containers has a lid. In extreme cases, several layers of polyethylene film can be used as a cover.

Place the tablets in a mini-greenhouse in such a way that there is no free space left.. This will not allow swollen lumps of peat to move along the surface of the mini-greenhouse or even fall on its side, injuring seedlings with accidental shocks and shifts of the entire structure.

Using a plastic food container

Using a plastic food container

In some cases, when the degree of filling the greenhouse container with tablets is insufficient, it is recommended to fill the space between them with some kind of filler, for example, sand or perlite. It is desirable to disinfect the sand at the same time.

With this method of germination, certain difficulties arise in controlling the level of moisture at the bottom of the greenhouse, however, in this case, the integrity of the seedlings is much more important.

"Launch" of tablets

After that, the tablets are poured with warm, preferably pre-settled water. Sometimes you can additionally add potassium permanganate to the water at the tip of a knife - this will disinfect both the soil and the mini-greenhouse.

If you are unsure about the presence of additional fertilizers, drugs and stimulants in the tablets, add them now - it's time. It is possible, after the tablets are filled with water and began to swell, add additional components to each of them. These can be fungicides, fertilizers, antiseptics, the Baikal mixture, and so on.

It is best to pour water not directly into the tablets, but past them, to the bottom of the container. Moreover, you should not fill in all the water at once - the tablets are lighter than water and, without having time to absorb it, they can float. At the same time, they can move, roll over, swell unevenly, and so on. In general, in this case, the structure of the greenhouse will be broken. Therefore, several additions of water should be made as the tablets swell.

Filling the tray with water

Filling the tray with water

In addition, it must be taken into account that the lower the temperature of the liquid, the longer the tablets will swell. The average time for tablets to reach a “working” height of 6-8 cm is about 5 minutes at a water temperature of about +25°C. And after about 15-20 minutes, the peat will be saturated with liquid evenly and it will be possible to start planting seeds.

If there is a little liquid left at the bottom of the greenhouse (about 1-3 mm), you should not worry too much, it will be completely absorbed into the substrate within the next few hours. If there is more water, it is recommended to remove its remains. In this case, of course, you should not tilt or turn over the entire mini-greenhouse. Remaining liquid is removed with a napkin or sponge.

Seedlings can be planted in swollen tablets immediately, or you can postpone the landing dates to any time convenient for you - even swollen tablets will not deteriorate. The main thing is not to forget to moisten them again before planting seeds.

Sowing seeds

It is necessary to plant seeds in well-moistened peat tablets.. It is best to immerse all seeds in peat to a depth of 1.5 to 2 sizes of the seed itself. Seeds that are recommended to germinate on the surface can be left on top, or you can sprinkle them with a layer of minimal thickness. In extreme cases, which seeds are simply pressed into the peat.

The process of sowing seeds into tablets

The process of sowing seeds

It is recommended to sow small seeds with a small stick, such as a toothpick.. Seeds are first poured onto paper of a contrasting color, with which they will be placed in peat tablets using a wetted stick. Depending on how far the stick is immersed in the seeds, you can adjust their amount when planting. If the seeds are large enough, they can be safely planted with your fingers.

Sowing seeds with a toothpick.

Sowing seeds with a toothpick

After all the seeds are installed in swollen tablets and covered with a layer of soil, the greenhouse is closed with a lid and transferred to a warm place.. The greenhouse should be provided with the possibility of ventilation, corresponding to the type of seedlings grown.

Growing seedlings

Consider the most important rules for growing seedlings in the case of using peat tablets. If it is necessary to place the seedlings in sunlight, such as on a windowsill, then care must be taken to protect the seedlings from cold air that may come from the window. To do this, a box with tablets should be placed on a layer of heat-insulating material.

If necessary, to ensure a longer daylight hours, a mini-greenhouse can be installed under fluorescent lamps.

The use of additional artificial

Use of additional artificial lighting

Airing should be carried out regularly, as a rule, it is almost always combined with soil moisture. Maintaining a constant moisture content of peat tablets is the key to success in growing seedlings in this way. It is the errors associated with moistening the substrate in tablets that account for 99% of failures when using this method. Even a short-term drying of the soil can have irreversible consequences and become detrimental to seedlings.

Before the seeds germinate, watering must be carried out by dripping, moistening each tablet individually. An alternative is to use an atomizer set to atomize a water mist with a minimum particle size. In addition, the pressure of the jet must be minimal so that small seeds are not washed out or even weathered from the soil.

Watering with a spray bottle

Watering with a spray bottle

Watering already germinated plants is done by pouring liquid directly into the pan, or at the bottom of the mini-greenhouse. Peat absorbs this liquid quite well, filling the tablets evenly over the entire height. Such properties of peat are due to its good capillary structure.

In addition, the amount of liquid contained in peat is sufficient to feed the plant, however, there is no waterlogging that can cause root rot. This is the second important advantage of peat tablets after their convenience - the concentration of liquid in the substrate will never exceed the critical value that is dangerous for plants.
Seedlings on the windowsill.

Seedlings on the windowsill

Do not place a box with seedlings near heating devices. They will not be able to achieve complete tightness (and this is not necessary in most cases), but dry air near the heaters is able to evaporate moisture from the peat substrate much more quickly.

When in the future it becomes necessary to transplant the plants into a larger greenhouse, or transfer them somewhere, there are no particular problems with this - the seedlings are easily transferred by hand, and the peat tablet is not destroyed.

As the seedlings grow, much more important than watering becomes monitoring the root system of the seedlings so that it does not go beyond the tablet. If you miss this moment and transplant plants into open ground or some kind of intermediate container with roots sticking out, they can be easily damaged and the whole point of peat tablets when growing seedlings will be lost.

Adult seedlings before planting in the ground

Adult seedlings before planting in the ground

To keep the root system intact, it is necessary to regularly inspect the tablets for breaking through the roots outward.. Already in the first such cases, plants with similar problems should be transplanted into individual containers. Each case is individual, so the decision on the timing of disembarkation should be made taking into account various factors. Perhaps, if there is already a little time left before planting in open ground, you can wait with a transplant, but simply monitor specimens with sprouted roots more closely.

Peat tablets: how to use it correctly, a mini-greenhouse device for seedlings (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Peat tablets: secrets and nuances

Peat tablets: how to use it correctly, a mini-greenhouse device for seedlings (20 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

8.4 Total Score

The use of peat tablets in growing seedlings is currently gaining more and more popularity. This is due to a significant reduction in the time for working with seedlings, as well as an improvement in seed germination and an increase in the quality of seedlings. In the case of a small amount of planting material or its high cost, the use of such a planting method is often the only acceptable way to grow seedlings. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance
Buyer ratings: 4 (9 votes)

1 comment
  1. I read about coconut washers. Do you think they will be better?

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