How to properly and quickly clean a herring from bones: a simple step-by-step instruction

how to quickly clean a herring

Herring is quite affordable and at the same time very healthy food. The main component that herring is rich in is Omega-3 polyunsaturated acid, which has a beneficial effect on maintaining normal brain function.

Of all seafood, herring is the cheapest source of this compound. In addition, herring is simply delicious. Cooking herring dishes has several unpleasant nuances. Few are able to quickly and efficiently clean it without contaminating a sufficiently large number of kitchen utensils, which then have to be washed to get rid of the persistent fishy smell.

Another feature of herring that many do not like is the large number of small and thin bones in the fish. Since most herring dishes require fillets, deboning can take a long time. The article discusses how to quickly and efficiently clean this fish without any problems.

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Action number 1 Preparing fish for cutting

Herring prepared for cleaning

Herring prepared for cleaning


The fish must be washed and placed on a cutting board. 

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Action #2 gutting the fish

Cutting off the head of a herring

Cutting off the head of a herring


Gutting consists of removing the head and entrails of the fish. First, cut off the head of the herring.

Cleaning the abdominal cavity of the fish from the insides

Cleaning the abdominal cavity of the fish from the insides


And then - clean out her abdominal cavity from the insides.

Then it is necessary to remove the black film from the surfaces of the abdominal cavity.

Then it is necessary to remove the black film from the surfaces of the abdominal cavity.


If there is caviar or milk in the carcass, they can not be thrown away, but used for other dishes, for example, for sandwiches.

Gutted herring carcass

Gutted herring carcass


After that, the carcass is again washed under running cold water.


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Action #3 Skinning

Cutting the back of a herring with a knife

Cutting the back of a herring with a knife


To remove the skin from the carcass, you need to make a longitudinal cut in the center of its back from head to tail. An incision is made along the entire length of the carcass.


Removing the dorsal fin

Removing the dorsal fin


Removal is carried out in the same way as cutting - from head to tail.

After that, remove the skin

After that, remove the skin


The skin is removed from both sides of the carcass.

The skin is removed from both sides of the carcass

Skin removed from carcass

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Action number 4 Cutting the carcass

Dividing a herring into two parts by breaking the caudal fin

Dividing a herring into two parts by breaking the caudal fin


Cutting a herring consists in removing the bones from it along with the ridge. To do this, you need to break the tail fin in the middle and continue to separate the upper and lower parts of the carcass along its entire length from tail to head.


Completion of the separation of the upper part of the carcass from the lower

Completion of the separation of the upper part of the carcass from the lower


After this procedure, the lower part of the carcass is completely freed from bones, since all of them remained attached to the ridge.

First, one half of the carcass is separated from the ridge

First, one half of the carcass is separated from the ridge


Next, you need to remove the ridge from the top of the carcass.

Separation of the halves

Separation of the halves


Then the remaining half is separated.

Cutting off the tail fin

Cutting off the tail fin


After the ridge with ribs is separated from the fillet, you need to cut off the remains of the caudal fin.

Appearance of a cleaned herring fillet

Appearance of a cleaned herring fillet

VIDEO: A tricky trick on how to peel a herring in 10 seconds

How to properly and quickly clean a herring from bones: a simple step-by-step instruction

A tricky trick to peel a herring in 10 seconds

How to properly and quickly clean a herring from bones: a simple step-by-step instruction

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How to quickly clean a herring?

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