Almost every home has carpets lying on the floor. The floor carpet is an element that gives the apartment additional comfort. However, its operation is associated with constant pollution, the cause of which is primarily ordinary dust.
Even if the house or apartment is often cleaned, some amount of dust will still be present. Settling on the floor, the dust will fall into the pile of the carpet, penetrate deep into and linger there for a long time. Even the use of cleaning with vacuum cleaner unable to remove all the dust from the carpet. Over time, the amount of dust in the carpet will only increase, and its color will gradually darken. But this is not the only reason why the carpet gets dirty and loses its attractive appearance.
Various pollution brought into the house from time to time by people and animals also contribute to the deterioration of the appearance of the carpet. In any case, if the carpet gets too dirty, it should be cleaned. This article discusses the issues of carpet cleaning using simple meanswhich you can cook yourself.

Step #1 Pre-prepare the Ingredients
To make your own homemade carpet cleaner, you will need the following ingredients:
- water - 500 ml
- soda - 1 tablespoon
- table vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.
- detergent (for example, "Fairy") - 2 tbsp.
If there is no detergent, you can use 2 tbsp. l. washing powder. In this case, if the carpet has more than two colors, you should choose a powder without bleach.
In addition, you will need the following tools:
- medium hard brush
- mixing container
- latex gloves
- a vacuum cleaner
- carpet beater or broom
- spoon for mixing the solution
It is recommended that you first clean a small area of the carpet to make sure that its color and texture have not changed. If any changes are observed, the use of this remedy should be abandoned.

Action #2 Preparing the carpet
The first step is to pre-clean the carpet.

Action number 3 Making a soda remedy
The cleaner is made as follows:
The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed. It is he who will be applied to the top layer of the carpet. But before applying it must be lathered.
Foaming is carried out with a sponge. When doing this, gloves must be used so that the solution does not damage the skin of the hands.

Step #4 Applying product to the carpet

Foam is applied to the surface of the carpet using the same sponge with which the solution was foamed.
After the solution is prepared and foamed, start applying it to the surface of the carpet. For clarity, only half of the carpet will be processed to see the resulting effect.
After that, the foam should be applied again. But at the same time, the area where it was applied should not be treated immediately after application, it is necessary to give time for the agent to work.
A few minutes after applying the second layer, you can start brushing the carpet again.
The procedure can be repeated several times at the same time, it is desirable to change the direction in which the brush moves. If the first layer of foam was processed with circular movements along the length of the carpet, then it is desirable to do the second, moving across, etc.
The purpose of all such actions isthat with each new layer, the product penetrates deeper and deeper into the carpet. After the carpet is saturated with the product throughout its thickness, it is left for 30-40 minutes. In this case, the product will penetrate deep enough into the carpet.

Action #5 Removing Dirt
Next, you need to make the second component of the cleansing mixture. To do this, dissolve 4 tablespoons of vinegar in 200 ml of water.
The resulting solution is quickly distributed over the surface of the carpet with a sponge. The baking soda reacts with the vinegar and the bubbling process begins. The bubbles lift the dirt to the surface of the carpet.
Dirt is pushed to the surface and falls apart. Foaming soap prevents dirt from getting inside again. For better contact between vinegar and soda, the carpet is brushed again.
After processing the entire surface, the carpet is left for 5 minutes so that the reaction is completely completed.
After that, you need to wait until the carpet is completely dry. All procedures should be done on a flat surface.
After the carpet is completely dry, it is vacuumed to completely remove any remaining dirt particles.
This completes the carpet cleaning.
HOW TO CLEAN A CARPET TO PERFECT CONDITION? Over 1000 carpets saved thanks to this method
Easy way to clean carpet at home