How to quickly peel a large amount of garlic: TOP 3 ways

how to peel garlic

Garlic since ancient times it has been used by mankind as a component of spices. It is difficult to find a recipe with vegetables or meat in which it is not present in one form or another. Many sauces, appetizers, salads and other dishes are made from garlic.

Unlike Luke, the work with which can cause inconvenience to the cook, garlic is devoid of such a drawback. It does not cause any allergic reactions or irritation. And yet, the use of garlic in the kitchen is associated with certain difficulties that can significantly slow down the process of preparing a particular dish.

Difficulties appear when peeling a clove of garlic from its surrounding skin. Moreover, at first glance, there is no problem, because in order to peel the garlic, it is enough to cut the root area from the clove and then remove the skin by prying it in several places. Sometimes this does not work out right away and cleaning can be delayed.

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Since usually 3-4 cloves are put in the dish garlic, this process does not take much time in the total duration of cooking. If a dish requires a lot of garlic (for example, for garlic caviar), then the usual cleaning method will be ineffective.

The article discusses alternative methods for cleaning a different number of garlic heads. All of them use objects and tools that are on any kitchen.

Method number 1 Quick cleaning of one clove

Place a clove of garlic on a board

Place a clove of garlic on a board

If you don’t want to fiddle with the skin for a long time even on one clove (cut off the root circle, remove the skin in several stages, pry and remove the film layer, etc.), you can use a very simple and radical cleaning method:


First, a clove of garlic is placed on the board.

A knife is placed flat on top

A knife is placed flat on top


Then a knife is placed flat on top.

They hit the knife with their hand or simply press it against the table with force

They hit the knife with their hand or simply press it against the table with force


Then they hit the knife with their hand or simply press it against the table with force.

Removing the outer shell from a garlic clove after squeezing it

Removing the outer shell from a garlic clove after squeezing it


Garlic deformed during such processing is easily released from the skin.


The disadvantage of such a method is that that the clove loses its original shape and can no longer be used for certain purposes (for example, to decorate dishes). However, if in the future the garlic is ground or squeezed out, this does not matter.

Method number 2 Cleaning one slice without deformation

First, the clove is placed in a small jar

First, the clove is placed in a small jar

This method is used if it is necessary to preserve the shape of the clove. 


First, the clove is placed in a small jar. Instead of a jar, any container with a lid, for example, a shaker, can act.

The jar is closed with a lid

The jar is closed with a lid


The jar is then closed with a lid.


Shake jar of garlic clove

Shake jar of garlic clove


After the jar with a clove of garlic is closed, they begin to shake it vigorously from side to side. The amplitude of movements is about 20-30 cm, and the frequency is from 2 to 3 times per second, that is, the shaking will be quite energetic.

The jar is opened and a peeled clove of garlic is taken out of it.

The jar is opened and a peeled garlic clove is taken out of it.


After 8-10 shakes, the jar is opened and a peeled garlic clove is taken out of it.

Method number 3 Bulk peeling garlic

The head of garlic is placed on a cutting board

The head of garlic is placed on a cutting board

The method implements the idea discussed earlier, but since it uses a large number of cloves, a larger container will also be required. To peel a whole head of garlic, consisting of several cloves, you need to follow the same steps, while using not a small jar, but a large pan.


The head of garlic is placed on a cutting board.

Squeeze the head of garlic until it breaks into cloves.

Squeeze the head of garlic until it breaks into cloves.


Then you need to press down the head of garlic a little so that it breaks up into cloves.

The cloves are placed in the pan

The cloves are placed in the pan


After dividing into cloves, they are placed in a pan.

The pot is closed with a lid

The pot is closed with a lid


The pot must be closed with a lid.


After that, they begin to shake it, and the directions of movement should be such that the garlic hits not against the sides, but against the lid and bottom of the pan.

Partially peeled garlic

Partially peeled garlic


The duration of shaking to completely peel the head of garlic is about 20 seconds. After a while, you can see that the garlic has partially separated from the husk.

Peeled garlic is poured onto a cutting board

Peeled garlic is poured onto a cutting board


After shaking, the lid is opened, and the peeled garlic is poured onto a cutting board.

VIDEO: 3 ways to quickly and easily peel garlic in a couple of seconds

How to quickly peel a large amount of garlic: TOP 3 ways

3 ways to quickly and easily peel garlic in a couple of seconds

How to quickly peel a large amount of garlic: TOP 3 ways

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How to peel a large amount of garlic

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