How to convert a gasoline walk-behind tractor to gas? | A solid way to save money

we remake the walk-behind tractor

Motoblock is a self-propelled vehicle that is equipped with a gasoline engine. This mechanism is universal, since it can be used to perform any agricultural work. But it should be noted that rather large funds are spent on the purchase of gasoline, which significantly increase the cost of its use. This problem can be solved by switching the walk-behind tractor to gas.

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Materials for work

In order to convert a gasoline walk-behind tractor to gas, you will need:

  • propane reducer;
  • hose;
  • fine gas filter;
  • Metal sheet;
  • collar;
  • small propane tank
  • gas tap;
  • compression fitting.

Step 1. We transfer the gasoline walk-behind tractor to gas


First, you need to remove the spring in the gearbox, for which we disassemble it, breaking the seal. After unscrewing all the screws and removing the cover, take out the spring and collect everything back.

If you want to unscrew the screws faster, use a screwdriver.
take out the spring


We check the working pressure by connecting the reducer to the hose and gas. We release the other end of the hose into a jar of water. We open the gas tap and observe that there are no bubbles in the water jar (when the hose is lowered by about 5 cm), then everything is done correctly. If you place the edge of the hose at a distance of 1-3 cm from the surface of the water, bubbles appear.

Checking the working pressure


In order to supply gas to the housing through the air filter, you need to drill a through hole on the side with a 10.5 drill. To fix the copper tube, use a compression fitting. We pass the tube through the drilled hole and clamp it with a fitting: on the outside with a body with a washer, and on the inside with a nut.

we pass the tube through and clamp it with a fitting


We lay the hose along the handle of the walk-behind tractor. For fine purification of gas, we use a filter that is used in cars. Without it, the engine will clog quickly.

We lay the hose along the handle of the walk-behind tractor


Further, the hose rises higher to the steering wheel, where a gas valve is attached, which regulates the supply of propane.

Then the hose rises higher to the steering wheel

6At the end, we attach the hose to the reducer, which is attached to the gas cylinder.
attach the hose to the reducer


In order for the cylinder to be firmly fixed, we make a stand from a sheet of metal. We fix it to the base of the walk-behind tractor with a clamp.

make a stand

Step 2. We start the walk-behind tractor on gas.


In order to start the walk-behind tractor, open the gas supply valve.

open the gas valve


We open the dosing gas valve for 2-3 seconds, after which we return it to its original place.


We pull the starting lever. After the engine has started, you need to slightly open the gas valve until it becomes clear from the sound that the engine is receiving enough gas.

Pulling the start lever



Our walk-behind tractor has now been switched to gas, which will significantly reduce the cost of its maintenance.

motoblock is now switched to gas


How to convert a gasoline walk-behind tractor to gas?

Transfer of the motoblock to gas

How to convert a gasoline walk-behind tractor to gas? | A solid way to save money

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