![[Instruction] How to pinch tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: a step-by-step explanation of the correctness of the procedure (Photo & Video) + Reviews [Instruction] How to pinch tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: a step-by-step explanation of the correctness of the procedure (Photo & Video) + Reviews](https://iherb.bedbugus.biz/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/kak-pravilno-pasynkovat-pomidory.jpg)
plant, water crops and harvest on the site - these are not all the most important procedures that must be carried out from the moment the plant is planted in the soil until the first fruits appear. Removing excess shoots from a plant is one of the mandatory works.
You need to know about its importance and it must be correctly performed by every gardener. About how, at what time and how many times to stepson tomatoes, we will consider in more detail below.

Brief explanation
Due to inexperience, many gardeners do not have information about the need to pinch tomatoes or consider this procedure unnecessary, because. the plant grows well without it. To obtain very good yield results, this work is not only mandatory, but it is also necessary to know how to do it correctly and at what time.
Pasynkovanie - work that is required to increase yields and in order to increase the fruit in size.
During the growth of the plant from a common stem from the leaf axils, new lateral branches appear, which are called stepchildren. They are secondary and take a lot of energy and nutrients from the plant for their growth.
Over time, these branches will also have their own secondary branches. This will affect the yield reduction, because. all forces will be spent on the growth of beautiful greenery, and not on the formation of fruits and their ripening.
To protect against a heavy load, secondary sprouts on the stem of the tomato are cut off. Due to this, the size of the fruit will be larger, and the stem with foliage will not require frequent treatment from rot, insects.
In addition, after removing excess shoots, the culture will use less fertilizer.
- increase the flow of nutrients to the plant
- increase fruit weight
- for better ventilation
- for easy and timely detection of insects
- for a better view of the bushes

The correctness of the procedure
The formation of the first processes begins on seedlings. For this reason, when it is planted in open ground after 2 weeks, all additional branches that have already reached 1 cm in growth are removed.
In the future, the situation is monitored throughout the growth and development of shrubs and the procedure is carried out as needed (almost every week). V greenhouse complexes continue to process tomatoes even after the harvest. All branches that have reached a height of 3-5 cm (no more!) Are subject to removal.
Shoots longer than 5 cm are already turning into stems and their removal is dangerous for the bush, because. the plant will recover for a long time after their loss. Therefore, it is so important to carry out pinching on time.
For early varieties of tomatoes, 1 sprout is left when removed. It will lag behind in growth from the entire shrub. This will give an opportunity to increase the yield, but will slightly slow down the ripening of the fruit.
This work will not be burdensome in time.Due to this, the fruiting time will increase, which will allow the tomatoes to grow further in size, and the shrub itself will become stronger.
Sick and weakened bushes are not treated with healthy crops on the same day, so as not to spread the disease further. Stepchildren are immediately removed after removal, because. they can be sources of various diseases.
In the evening before processing the plant, it is advisable to water it, and in the early morning to carry out the process itself. In this case, the time is chosen when the effect of sunlight on the foliage of tomatoes is minimal.
After the procedure the same evening or within 2 days. be sure to add some kind of supplement
The weather on the day of treatment should be sunny and clear, because. the sun's rays will help to quickly heal wounds. If the weather is cloudy, it is recommended to sprinkle the sections on the plant with ash.

Required Tools
Tearing off stepchildren with your hands increases the risk of infecting the bushes with any diseases. Therefore, gloves must be worn, which, after each removal, are thoroughly wiped with a napkin from droplets of juice.
When breaking off, the process is retracted to the side (in no case up or down). This will protect the skin of the plant from damage.
Tools must be treated with disinfectants, which must be based on bleach or potassium permanganate. Disinfection is also carried out after the processing of each bush.
In place, after pruning, a small stump is necessarily left to prevent the rapid growth of a new process.

Processing by grade
Let us consider in more detail the correctness of the procedure for pinching tomatoes for various varieties:
Undersized varieties
- The splendor of the bushes for these varieties is not a problem, because. the number of branches affects the future yield. During processing, not all secondary shoots are cut off in order to prevent the cessation of plant growth.
- If there are a large number of shoots, they can be rooted. To do this, the shoot is carefully moved away from the bush and pinned to the ground, after which it falls asleep. Thus, you can get more bushes.
- To obtain a quick and large harvest, these varieties are stepchildren in 1-2 stems, those. remove all secondary branches and leave the main stem.
- According to gardeners with experience, these varieties do not have to be processed. In this case, all favorable conditions must be created for the plant, incl. weather. But this is not subject to anyone.
Tall varieties
- These tomato varieties have a large and rich yield and require mandatory cleaning from all secondary processes. Without their removal, many fruits will appear on numerous branches, but not all will ripen, and the ripe ones will be small in size. Even the splendor of the bushes will interfere with good ventilation and will be prone to the appearance of various ailments.
- The beginning of the removal should be with the flowering of the first brush. For greenhouse crops, it is recommended to keep only 1 trunk. This means that all shoots are subject to removal, starting from the ground and up to the 1st blooming brush. With everything above, difficulties may arise, because. it will be difficult to determine where the secondary sprouts are, and where the main stem has simply forked.
- When the stem is bifurcated, the general condition of the plant is assessed. With its healthy and strong appearance, both stems are left. If any disease is detected, one of the stems must be removed.
- For growing these varieties with several trunks, when cutting off the lower stepchildren, to the first flowering brush, a couple of them are left. Left sprouts grow further as the main stems.
- After the first removal has been carried out, the plant is regularly inspected and, if new branches are found, they are cut off. This must be done while they are small. And even if something was missed, the grown sprout is also removed with scissors (it will be difficult to manually cut off a rough, strong branch).
Standard varieties
- This variety of crops is suitable for people with no experience in gardening or for lazy representatives who love tomatoes, but do not want to spend a lot of time growing them. Varieties have unpretentiousness, good survival in the soil and rapid maturation.
- Very few branches are formed and they grow weakly, so these species do not need to be removed. The plant does not suffer from them. Although, on the advice of people with experience, processing is necessary for all varieties, because shoots, even small ones, take part of the nutrition from the main trunk, interfering with the formation and ripening of fruits.
- For standard varieties, it is better to leave 1 stem, which will differ, in comparison with others, in strength and strength. All excess is removed. In the future, the situation is controlled and the processing is repeated several times.

Basics of Forming 1 and Multiple Stems
For tomatoes, it is possible to form a shrub in 1 or several trunks. The quantity is chosen from the desire of the owner, but the characteristics of this variety, climatic conditions and the state of the bush at the time of processing are taken into account.
A single stem is formed for those varieties whose growth is not limited. This is the easiest and most suitable option for forming a shrub for inexperienced summer residents. In this case, only the main stem is left, and all additional branches are cut without pity.
In rare cases, when forming a shrub with a single trunk, it is recommended to leave 1 brush on the 1st branch. All subsequent new shoots must be cut off.
It is also particularly important to remove the lower foliage on the plant. When green fruits appear, the foliage under them breaks off. But you need to remember that only 2-3 leaves can be cut at a time. Otherwise, the culture may stop growing. The fruits will be lost.
Forming a shrub with several trunks, for example with two, is a little more difficult. Including 1 main trunk, there will be 1 more, resulting from the offshoot. For the 2nd trunk, the strongest and healthiest branch is selected. Only it can give a rich yield. Usually a branch is left growing under the 1st flower tassel.
This thread is tied up. They take care of her, as for the main trunk, with the removal of unnecessary sprouts in the future. The bush must be processed once every 7 days, while monitoring the length of additional branches. They should not be more than 5 cm.
In order to form a shrub with 3 trunks, 1 main stem and 2 additional stems are left. Additional stalks will grow from the left lower shoots.

Situation without treatment
Regardless of the fact that the statement about the need for pinching a tomato is justified, some gardeners doubt the need for this work. In any case, every doubting gardener can confirm or refute this fact only from his own experience.
For all who do not wish to experience defeat, the following information is provided:

Cut off excess foliage
Regarding the need to trim extra leaves, there is still a dispute between summer residents with experience.
According to some, all leaves that appear during the first ovary are subject to removal. Only those that are located at the very top are left. Others believe that due to such a cut, the nutritional processes that take place in the plant are disrupted.
Therefore, it is clear that it is necessary to clean - these are the leaves that have withered.

Top pinching
tomatoes pinch at the time when the required number of inflorescences on the trunk has formed. This is done so that the bush stops growing in height, the number of future ovaries decreases. They will not have the opportunity to fully form and mature until the end of summer.
Process pplucking
Favorable period for removing the top of tomatoes - the end July. A few leaves must be left over each bloom. All excess is removed.
The correct pinching depends on the types of tomatoes. For tall varieties, the procedure is possible at any time of the summer period. The upper part of the trunk is constantly trimmed to direct the nutrients to the intended purpose to the fruit.
Summing up, we can say that for those who want to get the richest and largest crop of tomatoes from their garden, you need to stepson the bushes. This is very important work. Thanks to the cut of excess sprouts, the plant will have the strength to grow large tomatoes.
[Instruction] How to pinch tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: a step-by-step explanation of the correctness of the procedure (Photo & Video) + Reviews