How to fix a garden hose: a description of the key points, step by step instructions | (Photo & Video)

how to fix a damaged garden hose

garden hoses may be damaged during operation. Damage leads to leakage of water and to a weakening of its pressure at the outlet of the hose. All this gives the owner a lot of inconvenience.

The cost of garden hoses is quite high and their regular replacements will be unreasonably expensive. Do-it-yourself hose repair is much cheaper. The article will discuss the most common types of hose breakdowns and show how to fix them.

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Necessary repair tools

Garden Hose Repair Tools

Garden Hose Repair Tools

To repair the hose, you will need tools that are always at hand:

  • screwdriver
  • household cutter (you can use a sharp knife)


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Repair of seals at hose connections

Leakage at the junction

Leakage at the junction

One of the most common hose failures are leaks at the hose connections and crane with water. 

Broken O-ring

Broken O-ring

The reason for this is the wear of the sealing rings. 

Worn (left) and new O-rings

Worn (left) and new O-rings

Repair in this case is very simple.

Set of new O-rings

Set of new O-rings

It is necessary to purchase O-rings of suitable diameter at any hardware store and replace them.

O-ring removal

O-ring removal

And here is the whole renovation.

Hose with new O-ring

Hose with new O-ring

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Hose Body Damage Repair

Damaged garden hose

Damaged garden hose

In the event of a rupture of the hose, its repair is done as follows:

Action No. 1 Finding the place of damage

Damaged section of hose

Damaged section of hose

It is necessary to visually determine the place where the hose is damaged.

Action #2 Cutting out the damaged area

Cut hose with damaged section removed

Cut hose with damaged section removed

Cut out this area with a cutter. 

Action #3 Connecting the Hose Parts

Plug-in connector (1) and coupling (2)

Plug-in connector (1) and coupling (2)


Next, you should use a plug-in connector or a coupling. In the first case, you will also need two clamps of the appropriate diameter.

Plug connector lubrication

Plug connector lubrication


In order for the connector to fit into the hose without problems, it must be lubricated.

Fitting a connector to one end of a hose

Fitting a connector to one end of a hose


Install a connector at one end of the hose.

Clamps are put on both ends of the hose

Clamps are put on both ends of the hose


Next, clamps are put on both ends of the hose.


Fitting the connector to the other end of the hose

Fitting the connector to the other end of the hose


Then the connector is installed at the other end of the hose.

Tightening clamps

Tightening clamps


The operation is completed by tightening the clamps.

Screwdriver without bit with hexagonal hole

Screwdriver without bit with hexagonal hole


In some cases, you can tighten the clamp with a screwdriver without a nozzle, using a hex hole.


This does not always work out, but in this case, the hole fits perfectly with the clamp tightening bolt

This does not always work out, but in this case, the hole fits perfectly with the clamp tightening bolt

How to do without clamps

Coupling made of plastic

Coupling made of plastic


An alternative way to assemble the hose is to use a plastic coupler.

Plastic coupling with garden hose

In this case, you can do without clamps and a screwdriver with a garden hose


In this case, you can do without clamps and a screwdriver.

Tighten the coupling nuts by hand

Tighten the coupling nuts by hand


All that is needed is to insert the hose into the seats and hand-tighten the coupling end nuts.


Hose coupled

Hose coupled

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Repair of threaded connections

Hose thread damage

Hose thread damage


If the threaded connections at the ends of the hose are damaged, they cannot be repaired on their own. They should be replaced with new ones of suitable diameter.

Three fittings with different types of threads and ways of connecting to the hose

Three fittings with different types of threads and ways of connecting to the hose


Depending on the design of the threaded connection (with external or internal thread), a replacement should be selected for it.

Connecting the fitting and hose with a clamp

Connecting the fitting and hose with a clamp


The easiest way to attach a fitting to a hose is to use a hose clamp.

Cut off the damaged fitting with a small part of the hose

Cut off the damaged fitting with a small part of the hose


To do this, first cut off the damaged fitting with a small part of the hose.


Attach a clamp to the end of the hose

Attach a clamp to the end of the hose


Then a clamp is put on the end of the hose.


Fitting is inserted into the hose

Fitting is inserted into the hose


Next, the fitting is inserted into the hose and the clamp is tightened.


And at the end tighten the clamp

And at the end tighten the clamp


Before using the hose, it is necessary to check whether there is a sealing gasket in the fitting, and if it is missing, install it.

Fitting with new gasket

Fitting with new gasket


However, the free end of the clamp in this place can be traumatic.

To avoid injury during the operation of the hose, you can use a special fitting with a clip

To avoid injury during the operation of the hose, you can use a special fitting with a clip


To avoid injury during the operation of the hose, you can use a special fitting with a clip.

VIDEO: How to DIY Repair a Damaged Garden Hose

How to fix a garden hose: a description of the key points, step by step instructions

How to DIY Repair a Damaged Garden Hose

How to fix a garden hose: a description of the key points, step by step instructions | (Photo & Video)

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How to repair a garden hose

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