How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?: a simple life hack | (Video)


how to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

There is a bottle of wine and good company, but no one has taken care of the corkscrew. How to be? An ordinary flat key to an apartment or car will come to the rescue. A few movements - and you appear in front of your friends as a wizard. Read the secrets of this trick in our article.

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Materials for work

To open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, you will need:

  • a flat key to an apartment, garage, etc.;
  • towel.

No. 1. Asking a question

There is a bottle of good wine, but no corkscrew. But there is a key.

What to do

It should be borne in mind that the key must be strong enough so as not to bend or break.

No. 2. Remove the plastic shell from the neck of the bottle

We remove the shell

No. 3. Insert the key into the cork


We insert the key at an angle of approximately 45 degrees as deep as possible.

We insert the key

To prevent the key from rubbing and cutting into your hand during the application of efforts, you need to put a towel on its surface.

Put up a towel


Here is the result of our efforts.


No. 4. Turn the cork

Now, resting on the key with the thumbs of both hands, we try to turn the cork in the neck of the bottle.

We turn the cork

Initially, it is quite difficult to move the cork from its place. But then it starts to scroll much easier.

No. 5. Rotate and gradually pull out the cork

We unscrew the cork

No. 6. Cork starts to give in

First successes

No. 7. We continue to rotate, helping with the hand

We keep spinning

No. 8. Done



No. 9. You definitely deserve an award in a glass


This method is good for opening plastic corks. But if they are made cork, then in the process of opening they may crumble.

Video: Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?: simple life hack

Opening a bottle of wine without a corkscrew

How to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew?: a simple life hack | (Video)

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