How to clean a cast iron skillet: a simple step by step guide

how to clean a cast iron skillet

Pans made from cast iron (high carbon steel) remain the most popular containers for cooking fried and baked foods. The relatively high hardness of cast iron, as well as good thermal conductivity, make it easy to use pans for a wide variety of cooking methods.

The article discusses how to care for and how to clean the pan in order to minimize the negative effect of soot and rust.

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There are relatively few drawbacks to cast iron cookware.

These include:
  • prolonged heating
  • big weight
  • formation of soot and rust

And if the first two of the listed shortcomings at least somehow compensate for each other (a lot of weight increases the heat capacity of the dishes), then the latter has to be fought regularly. Carbon deposits and rust have a negative effect not only on the appearance of the pan, but can change the taste of the food being cooked and even make the pan unusable.

The most important side effect of soot and rust is that they cause food to stick to the surface of the pan during cooking. This not only complicates the process of cooking and washing dishes, but also provokes the formation of new foci of soot and rust.
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Causes of dirt in the pan

Frying Pan Operation

Frying Pan Operation

During operation, the pan is exposed to high temperatures and various substances contained in food. In addition, cutlery used in the cooking process (knives, scrapers, skimmers, etc.) cause mechanical damage to the material from which the pan is made. 

Food starts to stick to the pan

Food starts to stick to the pan

The consequences of such merciless exploitation will not be long in coming. Over time, the pan becomes covered with soot dirt, scratches, microcracks and plaque. 

Frying pan after several months of use

Frying pan after several months of use

Even if washed regularly, It is unlikely that pollution can be completely eliminated.

Rust on the bottom of a cast iron skillet

Rust on the bottom of a cast iron skillet

Damage to the outer coating, contact of cast iron with water and high temperatures lead to the formation of rust.

Consider, how to remove dirt from the working surface of the pan and protect it during operation.

Action #1 Coarse cleaning of contaminants

For rough cleaning of the surface, you will need a metal washcloth and any dishwashing detergent.

For rough cleaning of the surface, you will need a metal washcloth and any dishwashing detergent.


Surface cleaning begins with the removal of the outer layer of contaminants.

Dishwashing liquid is applied evenly to the surface of the pan.

Dishwashing liquid is applied evenly to the surface of the pan.


At the initial stage, dishwashing detergent is evenly applied to the surface of the pan using a metal washcloth.

Processing of the working surface to separate the top layer of dirt

Processing of the working surface to separate the top layer of dirt


Next, you need to forcefully process the work surface to separate the top layer of dirt.

The bottom and sides of the pan, and even its handle, are processed in the same way.

The bottom and sides of the pan, and even its handle, are processed in the same way.

Step #2 Rinse and dry the pan

Frying pan

Frying pan


After processing with a metal sponge, it is necessary to rinse the pan under the pressure of hot water.


In this case, it is advisable to rinse the pan with a regular kitchen sponge.

In this case, it is advisable to rinse the pan with a regular kitchen sponge.


Everyone knows that water, when exposed to iron, leads to the formation of hydroxide or rust. Therefore, after the pan is washed from dirt and detergent residues, it should be dried well.

Heating to evaporate moisture can be done by placing the pan on any heat source, such as an electric stove

Heating to evaporate moisture can be done by placing the pan on any heat source, such as an electric stove


Drying can be done in different ways. You can, for example, wipe the pan dry with a towel. However, this method does not guarantee complete removal of water from all pores and microcracks on the surface of the pan.

Evaporation of water from the surface when heated

Evaporation of water from the surface when heated


It is best to dry the pan by heating the water until it completely evaporates from the surface.


Action #3 Surface treatment with oil

At the beginning of processing, you need to pour 5-10 ml of linseed oil into the bottom of the pan

At the beginning of processing, you need to pour 5-10 ml of linseed oil into the bottom of the pan


To protect the outer layer of the pan, it is recommended to use vegetable oil. The best option is flaxseed: it dries out faster than other "kitchen" oils in the air. In addition, when linseed oil dries, a strong transparent film is formed that completely envelops the surface of the pan.


After that, the oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pan with a paper towel.

After that, the oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the pan with a paper towel.


Just as with coarse cleaning, the outer side of the bottom, sides and handle are processed. If the napkin becomes dirty when applying the oil (which is quite likely, since vegetable oil can dissolve the top layer of soot), you should wipe the pan again.

Slight soiling of the napkin after applying a layer of oil

Slight soiling of the napkin after applying a layer of oil


As a result of this action, excess oil will be removed. If even after re-treatment with a napkin there is too much oil in the pan, you should go through the napkin again - the oil layer on the surface should be as thin as possible.

Wiping the surface of the pan again with the clean side of the paper towel

Wiping the surface of the pan again with the clean side of the paper towel

Action #4 Heat treatment

Putting the pan in the oven

Putting the pan in the oven


For the final formation of a protective film on the surface of the pan, it must be heated to a certain temperature. The best way to do this is in the oven.


The frying pan must be heated to a temperature above the boiling point of the oil so that the collapsing polymerized film reacts with the iron on the surface and forms a thin and durable protective layer.


The smoke point of linseed oil is 107°C. To ensure that the oil breaks down into fractions, it is recommended to set the furnace to a temperature of 200°C to 260°C. In this state, the pan is aged for about an hour.


After heat treatment, it is necessary to allow the pan to cool.

Comparison of a frying pan before (left) and after (right) the process of cleaning and forming a protective film

Comparison of a frying pan before (left) and after (right) the process of cleaning and forming a protective film


The result of the described actions is not only an attractive appearance of the pan, but also an updated coating, to which the food being cooked does not stick.

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Tips for daily care of the pan

Trying to get the steak off the pan

Trying to "pull" the steak out of the pan

The main cause of surface damage is the excessive use of metal skimmers and scrapers. Many believe that, for example, meat does not burn, it must be regularly separated from the pan using these tools. 

This is a mistake. Indeed, often at some stages of cooking meat, it sticks to the surface of the pan, even with a non-stick coating. However, with the correct selection of the frying temperature, by the time the crust forms, the meat itself will lag behind the pan without any additional effort.

Roasting vegetables in a pan

Roasting vegetables in a pan

In the case of cooking sauces from vegetables and various herbal supplements, it is not recommended to cook them in a frying pan in the frying mode. Frying is present only at the initial stage of preparation of such dishes.

They complete their preparations in the baking mode in the oven. This approach will not only make the heating of the dish uniform, but also eliminate the need to wash the burnt remains of vegetables from the pan. 

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Cleaning the pan after use

Washing the pan

Washing the pan

The pan stays hot after cooking. If you want to wash it immediately, then you need to use only hot water for this. Cold water with too much heating of the pan can lead not only to splashing of oil and boiling water, but also to the appearance of cracks in the metal from which the dishes are made.

Therefore, the following sequence of actions for washing a hot pan is recommended:

Action #1 Salt Treatment

Salt in the bottom of the pan

Salt in the bottom of the pan


After the oil is drained from the pan, a layer of salt should be applied to it, evenly scattering it along the bottom.


Cleaning the bottom of the pan with a sponge and salt

Cleaning the bottom of the pan with a sponge and salt


Next, using a hard, but not a metal sponge, you should clean the bottom of food debris. It is best to use a hard cloth of an ordinary kitchen sponge as a cleaning surface.

Salt is abrasive, so it will easily remove the remnants of burnt food.

Action #2 Rinse the pan with hot water

After cleaning, rinse the pan with hot water

After cleaning, rinse the pan with hot water

After removing food residues with salt, the pan is washed with hot water.

Action #3 Drying the pan

It is best to do this in the way described earlier - by heating an empty pan.

It is best to do this in the way described earlier - by heating an empty pan.

To prevent water residues from corroding cast iron, the pan must be dried from moisture.

Using the above methods of caring for a cast-iron pan significantly extends its life and makes working with it more convenient and enjoyable.

VIDEO: How easy it is to clean a cast iron skillet

How to clean a cast iron skillet: a simple step by step guide

How To Cook With Cast Iron

How to clean a cast iron skillet: a simple step by step guide

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How to care for a cast iron skillet

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