How is it very easy to get a pipe or a column out of the ground with improvised means ???

We get the pipe from the ground with improvised means

Very often on the land you can encounter deeply buried pipes or posts. Of course, you can dig them out with a shovel, loosening them a little, and get them out in this way. But this method is very long and laborious. It is much easier to do this if you use an ordinary rope, an iron pipe and a stone.

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We get an iron pipe with a stone and a rope

In order to get a pipe or column with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Strong rope;
  • Shovel;
  • A rock;
  • Pipe from 1 m long.

Step 1

Initially, there is a pipe that is located deep underground, and only a small part of it is visible on the surface. Digging such a pipe is a very laborious task. Therefore, they came up with a clever life hack.

First of all, lightly dig the pipe so that 10-15 cm of the pipe “sticks out” from above.

Step 2

Take a thick and strong rope and tie a grasping knot around the pipe.

First wrap the pipe with a rope once.

We wrap the pipe in the center with a rope a second time. It turns out a grasping knot.

No matter how hard you pull on the rope, thanks to the grabbing knot, it will not slip anywhere.

Step 3

Stepping back from the grasping knot of 10 centimeters, we tie another, ordinary knot

Step 4

Now you will need a stone, which must be placed next to the pipe.

It is necessary so that the emphasis does not fall into the ground.

Step 5

We put the iron pipe, which will serve as a lever, between the usual and grasping knot and put the free end of the pipe on the stone.

Step 6

We begin to pull the pipe with the lever.

As the pipe is pulled out, the grasping knot is lowered down.

Step 7

After a few minutes, the pipe will almost completely appear on the surface. Then it can be easily pulled out by hand.

VIDEO: How easy it is to get a pipe or a column out of the ground with improvised means

How is it very easy to get a pipe or a column out of the ground with improvised means ???

How to pull a pipe out of the ground is very simple with improvised means

How is it very easy to get a pipe or a column out of the ground with improvised means ???

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