Threaded pipe connections are still in use - they remained in the old housing stock. If you are faced with metal pipes and you need to form a connection in the heating system, then you can do it yourself. How to cut a thread on a pipe will be described in this photo instruction.

We will cut the thread using a special tool - a screw cap. This is a die (lerka) for thread formation, equipped with a pipe seat (jacket, shank, etc.). The cost of this tool is 300-500 rubles, depending on the diameter.
If you are connected to a central water supply system, then it is strongly not recommended to use this method - high pressure. This requires the experience and skill of a specialist.
Step number 1 - preparation for work
First of all, you need to trim the pipe. You can do this with a grinder or a hand saw for metal.
If there is a thick layer of paint on the pipe, then it must be removed. But the chamfer on the pipe does not need to be removed, otherwise the klupp will not catch on to it.
To facilitate work, the pipes should be treated with grease: lithol, grease, etc. Some plumbers use lard.
Klupp also needs to be processed.
Stage number 2 - cut the thread
We put the clamp on the pipe as shown in the figure. If the pipe is old and there is a suspicion that it is rotten, then it is better to use two gas wrenches. One will hold the pipe in a static position, and the other will turn the klupp.
Special ratchet wrenches are sold for pipe dies and dies, but a regular gas wrench is suitable for one-time work.
We twist the klupp clockwise. After making two or three turns clockwise, you need to remove the resulting chips.
We turn the gas key over and make one turn in the opposite direction.
We repeat the cycle until at least 7 threads of thread are cut.

In order to connect to heating system 3 threads are enough, i.e. 3 full turns. It should be remembered that the klupp cuts conical threads, and all plumbing fittings are designed for cylindrical. Therefore, for the best result, it is recommended to walk with a cylindrical die after the klupp.
VIDEO: How to thread a pipe
How to cut a thread on a pipe
How to cut a thread on a heating pipe? You will be surprised how easy it is!