How to cut potatoes in a spiral and cook: a simple step-by-step instruction

How to cut a potato into a spiral and cook

Baked potato, cut into a spiral, has not only an excellent taste, but also a very attractive appearance. At first glance, it may seem that its preparation is too complicated, but it is not.

The article looks at how to make a wonderful side dish of potatoes in the form of a spiral in a relatively short time. To prepare the dish, you will not need any special tools, except for those that are always at hand.

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Action number 1 Preparing potatoes for slicing

Ingredients needed for cooking

Ingredients needed for cooking


To prepare the dish, it is necessary to use elongated washed potatoes, as well as wooden sticks up to 30 cm long and 3-4 mm thick.

Potato strung on a stick

Potato strung on a stick


Potatoes must be strung on a stick.


The result is the following construction

The result is the following construction

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Action #2 Slicing potatoes

Potatoes on a cutting board

Potatoes on a cutting board


Potatoes are placed on a cutting board.

And they begin to cut it at an angle of 30-45 °

And they begin to cut it at an angle of 30-45 °


Cutting goes with the simultaneous rotation of the potato with a stick around the axis, in the role of which the stick acts. In this case, the potato is rotated so that it moves towards itself.

Rotating potatoes while slicing

Rotating potatoes while slicing


Slicing continues until the knife reaches the end of the potato.

Fully sliced ​​potato

Fully sliced ​​potato


Next, stretch the potatoes along the length of the stick.

Stretching a potato along the length of a stick

Stretching a potato along the length of a stick


As a result, the potato on a stick will take on the following form:

Potatoes on a stick will look like this

Potatoes on a stick will look like this

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Action #3 Roasting Potatoes

Prepared potatoes on a baking sheet

Prepared potatoes on a baking sheet


Several potatoes prepared in this way are placed on a baking sheet.

Irrigation with vegetable oil

Irrigation with vegetable oil


Top them with vegetable oil.

And sent to the oven

And sent to the oven


And sent to the oven heated to 160 ° for 25 minutes.

The baking sheet is taken out of the oven with the help of an oven mitt.

The baking sheet is taken out of the oven with the help of an oven mitt.


After the end of the cooking process, the baking sheet is taken out of the oven with the help of an oven mitt.

Appearance of the cooked dish

Appearance of the cooked dish

Serving potatoes to the table

To put it on a plate, just remove the stick from the potato

To put it on a plate, just remove the stick from the potato

Potatoes prepared in this way can be used as a side dish for various dishes.


Spiral baked potatoes with sauce - a great addition to a hamburger

Spiral baked potatoes with sauce - a great addition to a hamburger

VIDEO: Slicing potatoes with a spiral

How to cut potatoes in a spiral and cook: a simple step-by-step instruction

Spiral Potato - Chip on a Stick Life Hacks

How to cut potatoes in a spiral and cook: a simple step-by-step instruction

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How to cook spiral cut potatoes

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