The article deals with the treatment of dry and wet cough with folk remedies, describes various methods of treatment at home. Recommendations are also given regarding possible contraindications and negative effects that will accompany the treatment process.
From the point of view of physiology, cough is a process of cleaning the pulmonary tract from various foreign bodies. These include dust, allergens, microorganisms, etc. In fact, coughing is an unconditioned reflex and does not always act as a symptom of the disease. Accordingly, there can be only two means of getting rid of a cough: stopping the cause (in fact, treating the underlying disease) or symptomatic treatment, which aims to block the unconditioned cough reflex.
There are two types of cough: dry and wet. Their differences are very simple: with wet, sputum leaves, with dry - no. It is believed that a dry cough is more painful, but anyone who has ever suffered from severe bronchitis will tell you that this is not the case. Each type of cough has its own causes and they may not be associated with diseases.
The cause of a dry cough can be allergies, excessive dryness of the air, the ingress of small foreign bodies (bullets) into the lungs. In addition, there is a so-called. "smoker's cough" and coughing fits in bronchial asthma. A wet cough has fewer “natural” causes - large foreign bodies or water entering the lungs. As for diseases, a huge number of them can be the cause of a cough, and these diseases will not necessarily be associated with the respiratory system.

General strategy in the treatment of cough

Different types of folk remedies for cough
If the cough appears from some external causes, then it is actually not necessary to treat it. With the disappearance of the cause, the cough simply stops. As mentioned earlier, in this case, the cause is a foreign body or an allergic reaction.
In the case when cough is a symptom of the disease, you need to understand that any therapy with folk remedies will only stop the processes of coughing and expectoration of sputum, but will not be able to defeat the disease. Therefore, the treatment of cough is in the nature of ancillary therapy and aims simply to alleviate the patient's condition.
Usually, in this case, coughing is not the first symptom of the disease. It may be preceded by malaise, fever, pain in the head or chest, etc. But, as a rule, it is the cough that becomes the very “last straw” when the patient decides to see a doctor.

A cough can knock you out for a long time gauge
Further treatment can go in different ways. At the same time, no one has any questions about the treatment of the underlying disease.If it is serious enough (for example, pneumonia or chronic / chronic bronchitis), then you will have to take all the necessary medications or undergo all the procedures.
But the treatment of concomitant cough can be carried out in different ways. Whether it will be the means of official pharmacology or traditional medicines of traditional medicine, the patient himself will decide.
These states include:
- sudden onset of coughing for no reason
- when coughing, the rhythm of breathing is lost, it becomes more frequent
- sputum is secreted with waste products of bacteria, their dead cells or a lot of dust
- cough does not go away for more than 4 days, while it is accompanied by a high body temperature
- cough without complications, but lasts more than 2 weeks
- there is blood in the sputum
Treatment with folk remedies is possible only if the cause of the disease is well known or unambiguously established. In another case, it is better not to use them, so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Features of traditional medicine in the treatment of cough

Bee products are often used in folk medicine in the treatment of coughs.
Before you decide what to choose for yourself - classical medicine or folk medicine, pills or infusions, you need to understand that every phenomenon, especially related to human health, has its positive and negative sides.
Traditional (folk) medicine, It would seem that it has only advantages: its products are of natural origin, are inexpensive, and are very effective in their price range.
Another important plus of traditional medicine is thatthat almost all of its remedies are powerful stimulants of the immune system, that is, they are perceived with greater tolerance in general and improve its resistance to disease. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.
Consider the disadvantages of traditional medicine:
- Presence of side effects. Almost all herbs, roots, twigs, etc. used in the preparation of folk remedies consist of many substances and components. Which automatically means the use of several active substances. This can lead to a wide variety of side effects.
- Contraindications. Unlike the world of “official” pharmacology, where certain drugs have been tested for decades, this is not the case in traditional medicine. Therefore, it is rather difficult to say in what clinical picture how this or that folk remedy will behave.
- Efficiency, speed of action, efficiency. Traditional medicines significantly lose to chemical industry products in terms of the listed parameters. Moreover, every year there are more and more new drugs, the effectiveness of which is only increasing. And folk remedies remain at the same level from year to year from century to century. Sometimes it’s easier (and more useful) to buy pills in a pharmacy and take their course for 4-5 days than to drink a dubious tincture of some berries every day for 2-3 months with folk remedies, additionally loading the excretory system
- The limited possibilities of folk remedies. Herbs and roots do not always help. Usually, they can cope with the symptoms of the disease only in the early stages of the disease, and in the case when it is running, you have to go to the doctors, stopping self-treatment

Folk recipes for cough
And even despite these shortcomings, we can say that traditional medicine has gained tremendous experience in the treatment of not only cough, but also other diseases. Herbal preparations used according to the rules contribute to a significant relief of the patient's condition, and in some cases completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
Consider the most popular ways to deal with cough with the help of folk remedies.

Dry cough remedies
Often this type of cough is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms in the form of chest pain, sleep problems, and sometimes even vasospasm. The reasons for it can be very different, but mostly these are colds affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract.
These include bronchial inflammatory processes and inflammation of the throat. This can dry out the airways. Therefore, in this case, the use of drugs aimed at alleviating these symptoms is recommended.
Liquorice root

Liquorice root
Chopped licorice in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. fall asleep in a container and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Then the mixture is brought to a boil and infused for 2 hours. Apply three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before every meal.
Black radish

Black juice mix radish with honey, stored in the root crop
Filtered black radish juice is mixed with honey (in a volume ratio of 2 to 1) and mix thoroughly. Use within 1 day in an hour on a teaspoon. The number of applications - no more than 10 times a day.
Use several recipes for this tool:
- The leaves of the mother-and-stepmother are mixed in equal proportions with the flowers of elderberry and knotweed (1 tbsp each). The resulting mixture is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water for half an hour. Take 4 times a day, 50 ml. For children, the dose is significantly less - no more than 10 ml
- Mix flowers of coltsfoot, lungwort, buckwheat and mallow in proportions 1:1:1:6. 5 tbsp the resulting mixture is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 6-8 hours. Apply during the day 5 times 1 glass
- Coltsfoot, plantain and licorice root are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with 600-800 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. The resulting mixture is filtered, sugar or honey is added (from 1 to 2 tablespoons) and drunk 2 r per day, 1 glass

Grated ginger is one of the components of folk medicines
Ginger root rubbed on a fine grater. 2 tbsp. l. grated root and 200 g of granulated sugar pour 300 ml of boiled water and put on a slow fire. The mixture is stirred regularly.
After it acquires a viscous consistency, the heating is stopped and it is allowed to cool. Use 0.5 tsp. before meals 2-3 times a day.
Chamomile and other similar remedies
Natural remedies based on chamomile have an anti-inflammatory effect and can be used both for oral administration and for rinsing. The usual concentration for oral administration is 4 tbsp. for 1 liter of boiling water. When rinsing (which will be relevant for a cough caused by throat infections), a 2 times higher concentration is used (4 tablespoons per 500 ml). Ingestion and rinsing is done 3-4 times a day after meals.
To speed up symptomatic treatment, chamomile is often used with other herbal infusions, such as thyme or sage. The first is insisted in a proportion of 2 tbsp. for 200 ml of boiling water, the second - 1 tbsp. for the same volume. In this case, the use of funds goes in turn - the day of chamomile, the next sage or thyme.
It is recommended not to prepare herbal solutions for the future, so that you always use a fresh remedy. Therefore, every morning you will need to prepare the drug that was planned and completely use it up during the day.

Althea root is mixed in equal proportions with coltsfoot leaves (1 tbsp each), then pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.Use half an hour before meals, 100 ml.

Chopped or grated onion used as an inhalation for coughing
One of the simplest and most effective methods against dry cough is inhalation of grated onions. A medium-sized onion must first be peeled and grated or finely chop. It is enough to breathe liquid vapors of grated onion for 5-7 minutes so that the cough recedes for several hours. Apply no more than 3 times per knock.
The medicinal properties of garlic are also used to treat dry coughs. The most commonly used garlic inhalation. To do this, grind 5-6 cloves on a grater and pour 1 liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and 1 tsp is added. soda. After 10-15 minutes start inhalation.

Moist cough
This cough, although easier to tolerate, but has its own specifics. On the one hand, with it, it is necessary to increase the intensity of sputum discharge, but, on the other hand, such a procedure leads to dehydration of body tissues.
Therefore, when treating a wet cough, it is strongly recommended to drink plenty of warm water.

Two st. l. anise seeds are mixed with 1 tsp. honey. After that, a pinch of salt is added to the mixture and poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is then brought to a boil and cooled. The broth must be filtered and applied 5-6 times in knocks of 1 tbsp. You can put a spoonful of funds in tea.
Olive oil

Olive oil
Mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, linden flowers and honey. The resulting mixture is insisted on a water bath and cooled. Apply 1 tsp. up to 4 times per knock before meals.

Three Art. l. crushed plantain pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist up to 3 hours. The mixture is filtered and taken 3 times a day, 50-60 ml.
Thyme potion with milk

Tea with thyme
Two teaspoons of thyme are poured into a glass of milk and kept in a water bath for half an hour. Take half a cup in small sips 1 time per day.

About 50 g of raisins are poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml and infused for 30 minutes, carefully wrapping it. After the mixture has cooled to 50 ° C, add 4 tablespoons to it. onion juice. Drink the whole mixture at once before going to bed.

Several figs (up to 100 g) are placed in 500 ml of hot milk, which is kept for 30 minutes over low heat. Consume up to 3 times a day after meals. It is one of the best natural expectorants.
Mint with cardamom

Green tea with ginger and mint
Mix in a container of 1 tsp. mint, oregano, thyme, 3 tbsp. honey and 500 ml of vodka. Mix thoroughly. A little cardamom is added to the resulting mixture. Close the infusion with a lid and put for 1 month in a warm and dark place. Shake the composition weekly without opening the lid. A month later, the container is opened and filtered.
Used as an additive to tea (1 tbsp.) 3 times a day after meals.
Vapor inhalation of boiled potatoes

Vapor inhalation boiled potatoes
A very simple and well-known way to deal with cough and runny nose. Potatoes should be boiled and without draining the liquid, begin to breathe in its vapors. In this case, it is necessary to cover the head with a towel from above, located at a safe distance so as not to cause thermal burns to the skin of the face and respiratory tract.The duration of the procedure is no more than 5 minutes.
Canned drinks, dried fruits

Christmas knot
A good help in the treatment of a wet cough will be drinks (in particular tea) prepared with the addition of various jams prepared in advance. Of course, the content of vitamins in them is already much less than in fresh fruits, but in any case they will have a positive effect on the body. In addition, these funds can be used to prevent childhood diseases, since they are not only healthy, but also tasty and children will be happy to drink such drinks.
Raspberry, currant, strawberry jam, linden honey - all this can be used as an excellent addition to tea or even some medicine (for example, in the form of a glass with a solution of chamomile).
Separately, it should be said about dried fruits. From them you can prepare a compote containing a large amount of vitamins, or use them in a dry form.
Lemon, as one of the champions in vitamin content C is strongly recommended for coughs and in general, any manifestations of a cold. Usually, it is used in its natural form (a few slices of lemon are added to tea, or consumed with sugar), or lemon syrup is used. There are no doses or recommendations, since this is actually an auxiliary therapy that enriches the body with vitamins.
In raw form, in addition to lemon, you can use other citrus fruits: orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Together with them, it is usually recommended to use bananas, but this product does not have any effect on the relief of coughing attacks.
You can also use a remedy consisting of lemon and glycerin. To do this, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into a glass and add 2 tablespoons to it. glycerin, as well as 120 g of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for 6 hours. Use 4-8 times a day with exacerbation of coughing attacks.
Honey and aloe

Aloe with honey
Aloe juice, obtained from several leaves, mixed with an equal amount of honey and the resulting composition is used in 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
pine buds

pine buds
Two tablespoons of pine buds are poured into 500 ml of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Next, the kidney solution is infused for 2 hours and filtered. Consume 4 times a day, 1 tbsp.

Cough rubs

Ointment for rubbing the chest with eucalyptus
These procedures are used regardless of the type of cough. They will be equally effective in any situation. They mainly have a warming effect, which greatly facilitates the processes of expectoration and mucus discharge, and also reduces the tension of the diaphragm.
The use of pepper

Pepper tincture is not only a strong drink, but also a means for grinding
Make pepper mono as follows: chop 1-2 small pods of red hot pepper and pour them with vodka. Insist in a warm dark place and for 10 hours. Rubbing the back and chest is best done before bed. After that, you need to wrap yourself up well and lie under the covers to sweat. After rubbing, the chest can be wrapped with plastic wrap.
This tool will be more effective if used as a compress, but you should not use 1-2, but only half a pepper. The mixture is applied to cotton wool, applied to the chest and wrapped in polyethylene.
The use of lard

Pork fat (not salty) is melted in a water bath. The temperature should not exceed 40°C. Rub the following parts of the body before going to bed:
- chest
- back
- Feet
After the procedure, you should put on a warm sweater and woolen socks and lie under the covers. Clothes can only be removed in the morning. Repeat the procedure for several days.Instead of fat, you can use badger, mutton, goose or bear fat.
Rubbing with honey

Honey with resin
Honey is heated to a temperature of + 37 ° C and rubbed with slow movements into the feet, back and chest. Often these procedures are combined with therapeutic massage. Then put on a warm sweater and socks. It is applied in the morning, during the whole day warm clothes are not removed. Before going to bed, wash off the honey and go to bed.
Vegetable and aromatic oils

Essential oils can also be used as a cough rub.
You can use various types of oils for rubbing, which have a warming effect. These include:
- rosemary
- castor
- camphor
- sea buckthorn
- caraway
- pine
- cedar
- eucalyptus oil
Rubbing can be done at any time of the day. It will be necessary to wrap the chest and back or wear warm clothes. However, it should not be removed within 2-3 hours.

Aromatic oils

Before use, the oil must be removed from the refrigerator and kept in the room until it reaches room temperature. It is applied to the chest, back and feet, after which they are wrapped in plastic wrap and put on warm clothes. The method can be used both in the morning and in the evening.
Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition menu
Oddly enough, but one of the main ways to promote symptomatic cough therapy is to change the diet. In the case of an increase in the proportion of plant components in food and a decrease in the amount of fat, the health of patients improved in just a few days.
Dishes containing vegetables such as cabbage, carrot, beet have on the body not only curative, but also a cleansing action and remove many painful toxins.
In diseases, it is not recommended to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Misconceptions and errors in the treatment of cough

Cough should never be started
There are several erroneous theories and treatments for cough, which are still passed down from century to century, from generation to generation. Moreover, in some cases, they are even recommended by doctors. But the effectiveness of such techniques, to put it mildly, is debatable and has not actually been tested by anyone.
Consider these misconceptions:
Warm milk with honey

Warm milk with honey
The method may be correct, but it has a narrow scope. It should be said right away that it is effective only with a dry cough, in addition, this remedy should not be given to patients if their temperature is elevated.
Naturally, such a remedy should not be given to patients with lactose intolerance or various honey components. In general, apitherapy products, whether honey or propolis, should not be overused. All of them have a limited shelf life (although quite long), but after it their healing effect is leveled and what the consequences of their use will be, one can only guess.
Use of mustard plasters

mustard plasters
Mustard plasters under normal conditions will not help with coughing. This tool will be effective only at a temperature. In addition, you need to remember that after the action of mustard, in no case should you go outside or to any cool place.
Pregnant women and children

Pregnant and child
It is believed that folk remedies for coughs do not have the restrictions that are present in chemical products. In particular, they can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as preschool children, without any serious restrictions.
This information is partially correct. Since the effectiveness of folk remedies is somewhat lower, they are not so seriously tolerated by this category of patients. But still, they should not be abused.
VIDEO: How to get rid of a cough in 1 day//The best folk remedies for cough//TESTED FOR YEARS!!!
How to get rid of a cough in 1 day//The best folk remedies for cough//TESTED FOR YEARS!!!
Treatment of cough at home with folk remedies: recommendations for women, men and children
Nice collection of recipes, thanks. When a child coughs, the first thing I try is traditional methods of treatment. Not bad helps tea with honey and ginger, and from the pharmacy I like Apicold.
Violent cough (with anguish). I used honey syrup. Quickly facilitates expectoration, soothes cough, softens the throat.
Thanks for the advice! I still prefer pharmaceutical preparations, rather than native methods of treatment. The last time the syrup helped a lot. A few days and sputum went, and then the cough began to subside. How long will it stay in my first aid kit?
Thanks, learned a lot!
Mineral alkaline waters also help a lot. We were prescribed Sulinka for bronchitis. They drank at night, in small sips in a warm form. In the morning, the cough had already turned from dry to wet. And plus it's great softens the throat, removes perspiration. So I advise you to take note, it will suddenly come in handy! It is sold in pharmacies, online stores
Thank you for such a wonderful and helpful article. Of the above, I prefer warm milk with honey, aloe and honey, this is all at home, and on the street or at work it is convenient for me to keep Sage lozenges from Natur Product with me, which also alleviate the situation associated with throat and cough.
Thanks for the good advice too!
Thanks, very helpful article!
Mineral alkaline waters also help a lot. We were prescribed Sulinka for bronchitis. They drank at night. in small sips warm. In the morning, the cough had already turned from dry to wet. Plus, it's great for soothing the throat. removes perspiration, it becomes easier to breathe. So I advise you to take note. Suddenly it will come in handy! It is sold in pharmacies.
Julia writes above about rinsing with alkaline water. I know Sulinka for many years, I drink. It helps with swelling, if the bones hurt and feel sad. I recommend Sulinka Silicon mineral water specifically for women's health. Silicon and iodine are needed by every city dweller. and to us to preserve the health of the thyroid gland and the beauty of the face. skin elasticity. Sorry for such a lengthy answer. wanted to share! It seems to me. that the skin looks better. especially in the morning. if you wash yourself with this water. And if you properly cleanse the body. and the face is beautiful. fresh) Plus, immunity is in order, we started to get sick less. Try!