Snakes are legless representatives of the world of reptiles. These cold-blooded creatures are distributed almost all over the world, except for a few islands. Even the neighborhood with snakes is an unpleasant phenomenon, and the point here is not only disgust or unreasonable fear of these reptiles.

General Principles for Snake Elimination
Since all snakes are predators, they are able to exterminate any living creature of the appropriate size around them. First of all, their food base is mice, small birds and frogs.
Settling in some area, the snakes immediately begin vigorous activity to destroy all this living creatures. In the ecosystems of gardens and orchards, each representative of the same birds is practically priceless, so their extermination should not be allowed.
In addition, snakes can also attack chickens, while they still do not have the strength to resist them. Do not forget about the danger of reptiles for humans - even in our, not at all warm lands, there are several types of poisonous snakes that are dangerous to humans.
In general, due to a combination of factors, the neighborhood with snakes is extremely undesirable for any gardener or gardener. And this neighborhood must be immediately terminated.
It is necessary to fight snakes in your garden plots and prevent these reptiles from entering the human habitat.
Reptiles are fairly primitive creatures. Most of them lack even basic reflex functions. However, their set of instincts is enough to exist for over 300 million years.
Snake behavior is pretty predictable.
- here are acceptable living conditions for them, that is, their home can be located here - a snake lair
- there is a food base on the site - small rodents (mice, hamsters) or amphibians (frogs and toads)
There are no other reasons for the appearance of snakes. These animals are sedentary and almost never migrate. They can look for new habitats only if their previous housing was destroyed or captured by competing animals.
Thus, in order to drive snakes away from your site, you need to fight not with the consequence, but with the cause: either make living conditions unacceptable for snakes, or deprive reptiles of food supply.
But these are strategic, one might say, global issues. Their decision is very important, but it has a more or less long-term perspective. And there is another one - short-term: what to do in the case when the snakes are already here and stubbornly do not want to leave?
The article will address these issues in more detail.

How to keep snakes away from the yard
You need to start prevention to fight snakes in order to make their stay on the site as inconvenient as possible.. This means that favorable conditions for snakes - the availability of shelters and food - should be kept to a minimum.
Habitat change
To prevent snakes from using the site as their home, it is necessary to remove all possible places where snakes will live and hunt. The list of actions in this case is very simple:
The above methods, though simple, are quite effective. Their disadvantages include perhaps excessive laboriousness and the need for regular repetition.
You can simplify your task a little and strengthen some of them regarding the issues of scaring off uninvited guests. First of all, it is a chemical deterrent. Snakes do not tolerate the smells of naphthalene and sulfur very well. It is recommended to treat the area around the perimeter with these substances.
Naphthalene balls are enough to spread around the perimeter of the site and at the intersection of the paths. This method has several disadvantages - the duration of action of naphthalene is short, in addition, this substance carries a certain danger to children and pets.
With gray, the situation is a little easier. It is not so chemically active and does not pose a danger to humans and pets. It is also located around the perimeter of the site. The disadvantage of using sulfur is that after each rain, the procedure will have to be repeated. It also helps to treat the area with a solution of some herbicide, for example, Agritox.
An effective means of repelling snakes are those that have recently appeared on sale ultrasonic repellers. They are compact emitters of a sound signal, which is unpleasant for snakes. Now there are broadband repellers that emit sound in several ranges, focused on a wide range of pests - from mice and moles to snakes and birds.
The current misconception that snakes are deaf lacks any scientific justification; they perfectly hear sound with a frequency of up to 50 kilohertz, so ultrasonic repellers will be a good help in the fight against reptiles.
The disadvantage of this method is that it will be necessary to purchase several repellers, to cover the entire area.
Special places
Particular attention needs to be paid compost heaps, which snakes can use as a place to raise their offspring. The heat released during the debate of plant residues will create optimal conditions for the incubation of snake eggs.
It is recommended to enclose compost heaps with a fine-mesh net up to 50 cm high and regularly inspect them for snake activity. If snakes or their masonry are found, measures should be taken to destroy them.
Another, no less important site for the life of snakes, are cool places. After all, the regulation of heat in reptiles is carried out due to its exchange with the external environment. And snakes cannot permanently stay in the Sun, because, like all living beings, they are subject to heat stroke.From time to time they have to lower their body temperature so as not to literally boil alive.
For these purposes, reptiles use shaded places, preferably with high humidity, since the liquid greatly accelerates heat transfer. These can be spaces near the toilet, washbasin, well, etc.
They should be closely inspected regularly for reptiles. But the best course of action is to get rid of such places once and for all. Indeed, in addition to snakes, they are a breeding ground for mosquitoes and mold.
Destruction of food supply
Snakes, like all living things, need food. If there are no rodents on the site - the main object of reptile hunting, then the snakes will leave it themselves, without any additional measures.
The fight against rodents is primarily the fight against mice. The destruction of other representatives of this order (rats, hamsters, etc.) is also important, but mice are the most numerous representatives and they make up 80% of the diet of snakes in our ecosystems.
There are many ways to deal with rodents.
- use of mechanical traps
- water and mechanical traps
- electric traps
- chemical control methods, etc.
It is possible to consider them in detail for a long time and this is not included in the task of the article. The main thing is to remember that in matters of the extermination of rodents, a serious approach and regularity are needed.

Extermination of snakes
If the situation is too neglected and you need to get rid of uninvited guests in the form of reptiles immediately, you will have to take measures to destroy them. One of the main problems in this matter is that there are no specific chemicals aimed at the physical destruction of snakes.
This is due to the fact that these reptiles hunt live prey and are not at all interested in bait in the form of poisoned food. Therefore, other methods will have to be used.
- specialized traps in the form of cells
- glue traps
- biological methods of extermination
Let's consider these tools in more detail.
These devices are made of fine mesh steel mesh. Inside there is a bait in the form of a container in which the bait is placed. It can be a special liquid with a characteristic odor, or even regular milk. The snake crawls into the cage and can no longer get out.
Depending on the desire of the gardener, a snake caught in this way can either be killed or released. In the latter case, it is recommended to do this at a distance of at least 1.5 km from the place of capture.
Glue traps
They are very effective, although not entirely humane. The design completely repeats the glue traps for rodents, but they have somewhat larger dimensions.
Traps of this type are very effective, especially if installed in narrow passages.
biological methods
They consist in the use of natural enemies of reptiles. There are relatively few of them, but they are also very effective.
The main enemy of snakes in our climate are hedgehogs. These mammals feed not only on insects, but also on small and medium sized reptiles. It is quite simple to attract a hedgehog to the garden - you need to put a saucer of milk on the site for several days.
Even one hedgehog is able to easily cope with a population of small snakes in a relatively short time. In addition, a small predator "clean up" garden and less pests - slugs and bears. In general, it is recommended to attract hedgehogs to the site in any case, not only to fight snakes.
Another animal with the potential to exterminate snakes is the common cat. Cats are quite dexterous and instinctively know how to hunt reptiles, although these animals are not included in their diet. In addition, it is believed that cats have resistance to snake venom.
The effectiveness of this method, although not as high as in the case of a hedgehog, but from the most active representatives of the world of reptiles, a cat can rid the site without problems.
Another enemy of snakes is hunting dogs with the so-called. "lower sense", for example, a yagd terrier. Although, the use of dogs for the destruction of snakes is ineffective. These species almost never intersect and do not conflict with each other due to different food resources. Yes, and to start a thoroughbred dog to fight snakes, to put it mildly, is irrational.
Also, birds from the corvidae family - crows, rooks, magpies - have proven themselves as enemies of snakes. And do not forget about those representatives of birds for whom snakes are natural prey - storks and herons.

Snakes are unwanted guests in the backyard. Getting rid of them as soon as possible is a priority for any gardener. There are many ways to do this, although not all of them will be quick and pleasant.
And, nevertheless, these events must be carried out, since the harm from snakes is much more than good.
Thematic video:
How to get rid of a viper in the country
How to permanently get rid of snakes in a summer cottage: the reasons for their appearance, the effective means to combat them and preventive measures
Can bleach or bleach help repel snakes?
There is another effective way to get rid of snakes in a country account - to shed the perimeter of the account with spent machine oil. The neighbor said, and another neighbor in the account advised her ..
How much oil is needed??
The first signs of the presence of burrowing snakes on the site: a large number of dried trees, perennial plantings, round holes under the foundation, huge seed consumption and negligible crops, the death of poultry with huge feed expenses (similar to incurable anemia, antibiotics are contraindicated, death in a state of vegetative vascular dystonia and metabolic disorders with respiratory spasm), later: pets and farm animals. It is strictly forbidden: to dig inlets in the ground (note: a dog never digs them out, even a hunting burrow), touch with hands (a snake’s skin can be covered with poison from above), trample on (snakes live a very long time and the sting can be dangerous for the head of cattle and sheep, not to mention rubber without a specific smell).Methods of struggle: the burrowing snake definitely leaves the barn (basement of the house) if you use dough and grains from rodents, just a few mustard plants in the garden guarantee a crop of vegetables and “burnt” in the form of a “foundation” for the garden, scaring away can threaten uninitiated neighbors and neighborhood with “ “secret repeller” having a cluttered territory is dangerous for the lives of other people, of course.
If there are characteristic signs of a dangerous amphibian moving in, be sure to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations (112), the veterinary service, and be sure to SES and environmentalists, as well as snake specialists. It is not easy to attract specialists, be sure to inform the district police officer about your trouble. It is completely impossible to see a dangerous burrowing snake (the same viper), even if all the signs of its vital activity and habitation are present. Strange leathery testicles on the hot sand and a sick amphibian basking on heaps of waste in the warm rays of the May sun—once every few years, or rather decades. A metal mesh will help to save the animals, glazed window frames that have served their time, broken glass, slate, brick (cm 10) under the sand on the floor of the cage and around it, a double wooden floor, dense walls from the lower ends of the board buried in the ground, doors and an entrance are also in we deepen the ground, because the holes of reptiles are not usually deep at the exit. Our dough-grains into all holes in the ground, cellars and pits on the site. Protect yourself and your pets from a dangerous neighborhood! With Uv. to the valiant authors of the article.
Good day! Inspired by your article, I completed the task of the veterinarian: to create a trench under the walls of the barn. To my surprise, I dug out a very old package of the notorious calcium boron gluconate. She is 50 years old, no less: brown plastic packaging in which half of the ampoules of 50 mg / ml 1 ml are intact. Other veterinary drugs that had an effect and gave a positive effect at one time were hermetically packed by my grandparents and stored in a cellar in a box. I immediately made a conclusion about obsolete veterinary practice - with an absolutely correct diagnosis (vegetative vascular dystonia and metabolic disorders), use an antibiotic. After all, the venom of a snake, along with it, causes respiratory spasm and death at the hands of a rescuer, and this is especially tragic. Glucose with ascorbic acid, gemodesk and burnet (roots), vikasol (which is no longer produced) had a positive effect on green hay. I really hope for a change in veterinary patterns, because the drug was mercilessly immediately thrown “overboard” by the hand of an old veterinarian, which also corresponds to my first impulse. I really hope that my experience and the experience of my grandmother will help your pet survive a snake bite. For a long time we have not trusted natural selection in the lives of our pets, despite the current high cost of veterinary drugs. In this case, veterinarians are always nearby unconditionally and free of charge. Thank you of course. Hope.
Dear summer residents! Walking along the steep sandy bank of the reservoir and noticing the entrance holes of the lairs of burrowing snakes (with their rarest seasonal activity this year), we risk getting a bite. 100% - if we decide to walk on last year's densely laid down grass on top of which there is green tall grass. A snake bite is always an even red wound (or three), initially painless, later burning, swelling and pronounced redness are found at the site of the bite. It is good if the bite falls on the bone of the foot (as in my case) and if there is no allergy. I apply hydrocartisone ointment around the wound (from my grandmother's first aid kit), with insect bites (even wasps), it is indicated and the erysipelas that has begun is localized instantly, and local swelling and redness soon disappear. After examining a doctor, lubricate with fucorcin. In the morning, of course, there will be bite symptoms: dizziness, tinnitus, decreased visual acuity, muscle pain and weakness in the affected leg.It is necessary to "cancel" honey. drugs and do not use the same captopril, for example, antibiotics and acetylsalicylic acid and others that increase blood circulation and vasodilating drugs before consulting a therapist in the nearest emergency department. Presumptuously I took a pill of cofitsil (not for the first time for me, and, moreover, in the bone, a superficial “graft”) and glucose with ascorbic acid. It is better, of course, to avoid snake bites and not to neglect the rules of your own safety. Bless you!
Hello everyone. Not long ago we bought an abandoned house with a plot, for a summer cottage. And there turned out to be these snakes, measured not measured. Now we don’t know what to do in a panic. We have been looking for a suitable place for so long, and it turned out so stupidly. We don’t know what to do now. they had ideal conditions there. They mowed the grass, but this has not helped yet. We will try to sprinkle sulfur, maybe we will put repellers, (I wonder if they help?), we will poison more grass with herbicides. But I understand that somewhere on the site their lair, how to find it? And is it even possible to actually evict them permanently? Help, maybe someone faced such a problem. There are really a lot on the site, post all the trees are half dried up. It was written in the comment above that it had something to do with the presence of snakes? The ground on the site is soft, legs fall through when walking and are covered with moles. What to do?!?!?!
It is good that I am no longer alone in the question, which is a hundred years old in our house. Don't repeat our mistakes. You need to start from the house inside (and not like some: “took out the trash, spread the barbecue and arranged a barbecue” - this is how we cut off the path for the reptiles from the house to the food environment. In all secluded places (and in the cellar), spread out the tablets from rodents, and pour tobacco (the cheapest of packs) over the batteries and around the perimeter. Into the sofa and armchair as well - otherwise you risk being stung in a dream by disturbed creatures and becoming a “vegetable” for a year. In four days, the snake will leave the house and die on the territory. Only after pour soot from the chimney under the steps (these are my plans for tomorrow).It's good if there is a dog with a "lower instinct" - you will know by its behavior that the snake has crawled out into the grass.Further task: to dig a trench for animals.They, of course, you need to move it to a smoked cage (I dripped the remains of a fire with wormwood around the perimeter of the cage). Lay out the slate, metal, tin cans and bricks in the trench, wormwood on top (as advised in the article) and on top, see 10 dry garbage. In damp calm weather, set fire to and no admission direct combustion, of course. By these measures, I localized the poisoned snakes in the ground under the shed (I called mine “white jaguana” for the brutal reprisal against birds and animals.) The smell of smoke underground will not allow other reptiles to appear from the side of the forest lake (10 meters from the fence and two weeks after the first "pills" again, the animals became very restless, even afraid to go into the grass. I realized that snakes make their holes for centuries and cannot quickly create new ones. My grandfather secured our housing for many years (the same slate, roofing felt and rubber with tar firewood were already around the perimeter) as we thought, “from foxes.” The snakes themselves will not go anywhere. ) and the snakes didn’t go to any smell. This year their activity is obvious. Can you imagine how they can be “fed” on chickens and tomatoes? It was on the beds that my “jaguana” came out of the barn to eat roots and mice. in a trench with on the other side of the barn without the “burner”. For the last two years, I have ceased to find eggs in the sand: by “burning” under the beds, I forever separated the “jaguar” in the cellar from the “jaguana” in the barn. I received an addition both in the house (and in the barn (. So far, there are only lizards on the site. Moles and mice would be happy to see.There were never mice in our barn, only rats and black weevils, very nimble, but this winter they disappeared too. But there have always been victims that terrify me. Do not console yourself with the thought that a dog, especially a cat or a kite, magpie, ate a full cage of chickens without a trace. Birds tend to scatter, hide in the grass or under the crotch. A dog of one and only will not eat, but “squeeze”, especially a cat (can you imagine how many traces a cat leaves from a mouse? A rodent will also have time to sleep on a sheet in cat paws (Yes, the most important thing: do not overdo it and do not set fire to stumps: they need to be left, next spring, if they don’t turn green, uproot (and that’s the only way!).Every summer resident needs to be very careful with the roots.At first (especially under the trees) you need to start mustard and garlic with onions - this is known to any “hereditary” dacha resident. Take care of yourself! Thank you.
Natalya Anatolyevna Guryanova
Hello. Thank you for the answer. But can you tell me what kind of burrowing snakes are? I just didn’t find it on the Internet, I didn’t find a name or a description. In Ukraine, according to the descriptions, poisonous snakes are vipers, steppe with zigzags on their backs and Nikolsky. they write that vipers don’t like to live near water bodies. We get a dacha, for example, on the shore of the snakes that we found on the site, (according to the information that I managed to find on the Internet) snakes. They are just gray, without yellow spots on their heads, and with a chess with a pattern on the back. The so-called water snakes. I also saw an ordinary snake, but mostly gray ones. Dacha Kharkiv region. In which region are you? With UV.
Why can't you dig holes? And set fire to tree stumps?
Have you used
or who nebud electronic repellers? How efficient is this? The question is, if snakes live, can poisonous snakes live with them? Do they get along? Yesterday they used sulfur bombs in the basement of the house, I think that after them there should not be anything alive there. Although probably temporarily.
Because your "radical" measures are simply dangerous, and for you in the first place. To solve issues unknown to me, I always rely on the recommendations of specialists and have never regretted it. The site is wonderful, the district police inspector and the veterinarian deserve my special thanks! The advice works: in the lilac bush, in the yard, the birds chirped and in the garden today I “saw” a happy couple of woodpeckers. And that's great.
Once again, many thanks: for four months now I have been removing vipers from my not small plot - a huge sandy hill on the shore of a forest lake (which this year has become so shallow that two banks have joined, just behind my barn and garden). It turned out that I live in a forest (which my native places don’t remember for a long time) and I’m just happy that I didn’t give up, but worked according to your advice. The result (and the algorithm at the same time) is as follows: in the center of the site and along its perimeter on the right, it is now possible to plant shrubs and trees in beautiful pits safe for growing roots, and this is almost a garden, dens were found in a well (and this is a log house with rubber tires) and under drying birch, as well as on the corner of a warm barn at the burial place of households. garbage (. A fresh hole was also found - in a hole with a tomato in a well-spilled bed, which I measured with a watering hose, a depth of two meters deep, and then: under a warm bed and into a well. I spilled it well from the inside with water, the hole collapsed, and two -meter "entrance" was covered with ashes from manure with wormwood. After that, all the underground passages of the snakes around failed and they became clearly visible (and found the den so). The fact that the reptile predators did not reach my roof Recently, the cat lowered the kittens to the ground, two fluffy white lumps jumped high in the hay and I hurried to them.But when she approached, she saw a bitter picture: one kitten was lying with a deep bite in the neck, and the second was sitting next to him. This is terrible, but the fact of the presence of a snake on the "unworked" side is obvious (as well as the harm from a lightning attack). But the animals did not disappear without a trace, but were abandoned “half-eaten”. And besides, from the left bank, on the mowing right from the barn, I managed to see new dens (grasp with both hands) and now I can work with the left side of my site and the barn, without touching, of course, the dens on the shore. My sand hill contains too little sulfur in the soil and loses it very quickly, and this is one of the main problems of the site now. I remembered the achievements of my father, namely the simplest way to strengthen the walls of the shed: a shield wall and slag or ash inside. Fast, cheap, and you don't have to tear down a barn or poison snakes with a sack of wheat with unknown consequences. There is no food base on the site at all yet (kittens (?), I think to attach a photo, since now I have two of them: Bars and the rescued Dymka and they themselves have chosen a safe place - in the sofa with packs of ancient snuff). I think, having strengthened the walls of the barn with slag and finished the trenches on the left, I will get mice in my barn. Thank you. Newly Found Home! Not to mention a pleasing harvest, almost without watering, and by the fall I expect abundance from the beds - chic heavy rains and fogs began, interspersed with sunny days.
The most basic measure to combat burrowing snakes is obvious: it is a ban on placing open animal burial grounds within five kilometers of the nearest farms and buildings. Of course, in my area such an unacceptable location of dead animals has been eliminated as usual, but prohibition signs are also needed in traditional places (in our case it was the nearest copse that turns into a forest). Forest vipers live in the forest and return there. Steppe-in the steppe. And if the herd of cattle in the steppe is safe in the summer, then in the sheds that are attacked by forest vipers during the most dangerous spring-winter period, domestic animals, unfortunately, die from poison (it is during this period that burrowing snakes go hunting and attack, despite snow (in deep burrows they are of little interest in the weather) and concomitant infectious diseases that spread through a deep bite (even tetanus, and some types of coronavirus-animals have always been ill with it, although I am not an expert.) I don’t think that my conclusion not correct. After all, it was made with the involvement of specialists and on the basis of personal experience in the fight against the "serpentine flood"! From the fun: an excellent harvest of radishes and carrots. I would even call it a "harvest with meaning". It turned out three types of carrots in four beds, located from the poultry house to the barn. Namely: white, the usual orange color and dark (almost black). pleased: as usual, all the seeds in one bed (onions, cabbage, lettuce, basil, mustard, dill, carrots, at least something would have grown) - I had to remove the lettuce and onions earlier and transplant the cabbage with stronger roots into others wells. A dark-colored carrot symbolizes the activity of an underground fire. I bred it in a closed hole in the poultry house, once. Apparently, right: the smoke got into the hole obliquely from the poultry house to the barn (it is at least half a meter deep in the sand), on the surface of the smoky hole such “smoky” carrots grew. This is my first harvest of carrots - after all, I have been sowing it in this place for three years and there have never been shoots. Here is such a cheerful harvest mixed with smoke. Of course, it is necessary to find a hole and close up the entrance and exit with sheep's wool. Over time, if no one uses it, the hole itself will “fall”. It is a pity that many residents do not notice the obvious and blame their neighbors and disperse from the villages, abandoning farms, pastures rich in grass (on which supposedly “the wrong grass” grows from which cows swell and die and mowing.It is a pity for our old farms, because we do not have such perseverance and hard work as our grandmothers and parents have. My experience will definitely help someone. And, I hope, not in imposing yet another ban on what has helped people to develop the land for centuries. With the victory of us, of course.
The snakes completely disappeared, and, of course, mice appeared. I know about acutely contagious, difficult-to-diagnose "mouse" infections and dermatoses! I don’t want such epidemics to “settle” in dachas and household plots. Immediately laid out the bait and set traps for unwanted, after all, rodents. And all the pets were given an urgent injection of Ivermek, without waiting for the arrival of a veterinary specialist in September. Happy autumn days!