How to permanently get rid of weeds in a summer cottage: folk remedies, chemistry and other methods | (Photo & Video)

Dreaming of a good harvest in gardens (gardens), summer residents are forced to constantly fight weeds that appear in the beds. If the site is not properly cared for, then it will quickly overgrow not only with weeds, but also with cultivated plants.

Regularly weeding, cutting, uprooting shoots, digging, loosening the soil is a complex of mandatory work. In this article, we will consider all possible methods of how to get rid of weeds that do not want to obey the will of the owner of the site and grow where they would not like to be seen.

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Remarkable resilience regardless of conditions

Remarkable resilience regardless of conditions

A weed is a wild-growing grass that prevents cultivated plants from fully receiving nutrition, moisture from the soil, and prevents the penetration of sunlight. For her, the composition, humidity of the earth is not particularly important. It has good vitality. Easy, quickly multiplies.

There are many types of weeds. It can be annual and perennial plants.

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Co-location is not allowed

Co-location is not allowed

Most types of weeds are valuable fodder flowers, honey plants. They are actively used for food, medicines.

But the joint finding of fruit and berry and garden crops with grass that is suitable for fodder or useful for an apiary is impossible.. To maximize the useful use of the territory, summer residents destroy unwanted plants in their areas.

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Favorable conditions for the development of fungi, pests, diseases

Favorable conditions for the development of fungi, pests, diseases

Harm caused by unwanted vegetation to planted crops:

  • hinder their growth
  • compete with them for everything necessary for life
  • thickening plantings, worsen the passage of air, create favorable conditions for fungi, pests
  • can lead to the development of diseases

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Fighting methods

Weed control

Weed control

To choose which way to fight, take into account the specific situation, location, growth rate of weeds.

On a site relatively clean from green litter, harmless products are suitable: mechanical and agrotechnical.




  • This is a simple, environmentally friendly method, but painstaking, time consuming. It consists in frequent weeding and has an important point - the thorough removal of the weed with the root part, until it blooms, the seeds ripen. The effectiveness of the method is amazing: perennial weeds will not bother for a long period of time.
  • There is still the possibility of starvation of unwanted grass. To do this, you need to constantly pull out its upper part, bevel or trim. This will weaken the root, leading to its death. The main thing in this business is regularity. It takes much less time compared to the general digging of the territory.
  • If the site is heavily littered with wild plants, it is recommended to plow or dig it up in the fall so that the grass roots freeze out in winter. The option is suitable for regions in which frosty, little snowy winters. In the south, similar work is done in the summer. The dug up unnecessary weed dries under the rays of the scorching sun.

For digging it is better to use a pitchfork

For digging it is better to use a pitchfork

  • In small areas, digging the ground (no matter what region, what time of year), you need to manually or with a rake to select the roots of the grass. These roots are further burned or sent to compost. For digging, it is better to use a pitchfork, with which the root system will not be cut, but pry off and pulled out of the ground as much as possible.
  • This is useful in resisting plants that have roots that are rod-like and deep or long branched, such as wheatgrass or loach. They are able to quickly germinate from a small part of the rhizome preserved in the ground. And if you cut these roots into several parts with a shovel, then this will not destroy the weed, but will allow it to spread massively.
  • For the cultivation of overgrown virgin lands, the option of rolling the turf in the spring is used. To do this, at the moment when the snow has melted, the turf is pulled off with a tool and rolled into a roll, like a carpet. Early spring is a period when the soil is saturated with water, sod is well separated from it, pulling out even large perennial grass.
  • This method does not require much effort, so that large areas can be cleaned every day. The soil cleared of weeds is covered to keep it clean until the time necessary for planting. The rolled turf is folded into heaps, which during the next season can be used to grow zucchini, pumpkins.
  • The advantage of rolling sod is that it does not require a lot of time, labor, and the soil ecosystem is also preserved. Of the shortcomings, only one point can be singled out - the period favorable for this method is very short and not everyone has the opportunity to be in the garden at the right time.


Buckwheat as green manure

Buckwheat as green manure

Effective agrotechnical measures, to help control weeds:

  • sowing green manure
  • installation of a drip irrigation system
  • ground mulching


The method of sowing green manure is very popular among adherents of organic farming. Thanks to him, not only the growth of vegetable litter is restrained, but also the soil improves. The earth becomes loose and enriched with micro and macro elements.

Siderates are annual fast-growing crops, mainly cereals and legumes:

  • rye
  • oats
  • buckwheat
  • rape
  • mustard
  • Clover
  • alfalfa
  • vika etc.

Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation

  • These crops are planted densely in the fall after harvest or in early spring. When sown in the spring, seedlings rise by 20-30 cm, mowed and left for a short time on the surface to rot. In the future, these mowed shoots are used as a layer for mulching or plowed into the ground along with the roots.
  • When choosing green manure, it is necessary to pay attention to their resistance to possible cold weather and affinity for crops that will be planted in the future. Although planting plants belonging to the same family is not desirable. For example, cabbage, radish, swede, turnip, and mustard with oilseed radish belong to the same cruciferous family.
  • The use of green manure does not require large financial and labor costs. With this method, the growth of weeds in small and large areas is well drowned out, whether it is an area behind a fence or a potato field.


According to gardeners dahlias and rye are the worst enemy of such a weed as wheatgrass. It does not grow in places where these flowers are planted. Even the following year, the soil remains untouched by this pest. Rye is sown on vacated beds. The result is the same, wheatgrass does not grow in these areas. 
Mulching tomatoes

Mulching tomatoes

  • Drip irrigation is also used to control weeds. This is a targeted supply of water to each cultural plantation, leaving the grass without water. There will be no complete elimination of weeds, but their active growth will be inhibited.

  • The disadvantage of this method is a considerable financial investment. Holding hoses will significantly hit the budget drip irrigation to each cultivated plant, to provide it with water. It makes more sense to use this for a greenhouse, so that the plants are always provided with moisture, and there are fewer weed problems. 

  • Agrofibre is used for surface soil cover (mulching) (dark non-woven material) or improvised materials (for example, linoleum, black film, roofing material, thick cardboard).
The purpose of this is to block the availability of sunlight and prevent the growth of weeds. It is not particularly successful to cover entire beds for the whole season, as some summer residents recommend, in order for the grass roots to rot and disappear. This greatly reduces the useful area, which may affect the potential yield.

  • In any case, the effectiveness will be in doubt and temporary. Germination of weed seeds can last for years and after the shelter is removed, they will germinate perfectly. And new ones will be easily brought to clean soil with the help of wind, birds, animals. The root system of weeds that reproduce vegetatively quickly makes their way from the nearest territory, which will completely destroy the positive effect.

Dark material contributes to good soil warming and prevents grass growth.

Dark material contributes to good soil warming and prevents grass growth.


To speed up the overheating of weed roots and stimulate the development of cultivated plants, holes are made in the material covering the beds, and then seedlings are planted in them. This prevents the germination of unwanted grass, and due to the dark color of the material, it quickly warms up and the temperature of the soil rises.


Also, dry grass can be used as a mulch cover, compost, straw, small branches or the same weed grass. All this is laid around the plants. The layer should be about 7 cm. Such a coating will not allow weeds to grow, but cultivated plants will fully receive air and water. The coating is laid on well-weeded areas.


Using chemicals with extreme caution

Using chemicals with extreme caution

  • Gardeners must use this method with extreme caution, those. apply chemicals (herbicides) with a brush only on specific harmful plants.
  • Virgin territories are treated with chemical agents using sprayers. The weather should be sunny and windless so that nearby cultivated plants are not harmed. The applied agents penetrate the foliage and stem of the grass and destroy its root.
  • Chemical preparations are used in strict adherence to the instructions for use, in compliance with accurate dosing and safety precautions. The substances included in them are toxic and can remain in the soil, which will adversely affect the growth of planted crops and lead to the death of insects that pollinate them.



Application of vinegar and salt on the site

Application of vinegar and salt on the site

Folk recipes include aggressive concentrated solutions, which are prepared from reagents that are at hand at every home:

  • salt
  • baking soda
  • acetic acid

Such funds are not able to cope with unwanted grass, but they are able to disrupt the composition of the soil:

  • salting
  • alkalization
  • acidification

The use of such funds is possible only in those areas where grass is not needed. These are, for example, lined paths in the garden, the surface of patios, basement areas of buildings or a cemetery. But these places are best weeded by hand or spot-treated with chemicals.

The struggle must be carried out systematically and comprehensively.

The struggle must be carried out systematically and comprehensively.

  • There is another method to cultivate the soil around cultivated plantations with an alcohol solution. Unfortunately, such a procedure will impress the neighbors more than the annoying grass.
  • From the experience of lovers of the garden and the garden, another way has been revealed, which is no less effective in the fight against unnecessary grass. It is suitable for places that are not visible and where plants are not needed (behind outbuildings, outdoor toilets). It is necessary to scatter fresh chicken manure. If you dilute it, you get fertilizer, in its pure form - it is a poison that can burn out any vegetation.
  • Some summer residents use a very exotic and dangerous way to fight grass with fire. In the beds where vegetable crops are sown, weeds sprout first of all. With the help of a blowtorch, the surface of the soil is treated with a sliding fire. And after the bed is watered and it cools it. The downside is that the method is flammable and vegetable seeds can burn out if you overdo it for at least a few seconds with fire.
  • It is no less dangerous to spray beds with carrot or dill seeds sown on them with kerosene. Since it is quite difficult to weed the seedlings of these crops, resourceful gardeners suggest taking kerosene (100 ml) and spraying the bed with it until the seedlings of the planted crops appear. It is assumed that the seeds of carrots and dill will not suffer from such treatment, and all weeds in 2-3 days. will perish. This method is not environmentally friendly. For many, it will be considered a risk to eat anything from such areas. 

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Weed control

Weed control

It is impossible to single out the best, most effective weed control methods from the above methods that can help from a single application. Getting rid of unwanted grass is carried out systematically and comprehensively, in a combination of all methods and means. This takes into account the specifics of cultivated crops, soil type, weed characteristics, weather and climatic conditions and other individual factors.

How to permanently get rid of weeds in a summer cottage: folk remedies, chemistry and other methods

How to kill weeds in your yard

How to permanently get rid of weeds in a summer cottage: folk remedies, chemistry and other methods | (Photo & Video)

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