How to get rid of an old stump without uprooting? Fast way? problem solving

How to get rid of a stump without uprooting

Many of us are familiar with the problem: how to get rid of stumps, for example, old fruit trees left after the rejuvenation of the garden at their summer cottage. The entrance of special equipment in the country is often difficult, and it is not possible to wait a year or two until the stump rots from the use of other methods. Having done a little preparatory work with an old two-hundred-liter barrel, you can get rid of an unnecessary stump in 24 hours. Just follow our instructions.


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Materials for work

In order to get rid of a stump without uprooting you will need:

  • old 200-liter barrel;
  • metal scissors or grinder;
  • shovel.

Step 1. Prepare the barrel


In the upper part of the barrel (near the open lid), we cut out a rectangular hole with metal scissors or a grinder, sufficient to allow firewood to be added.

make a hole


We also cut a hole of arbitrary shape in the bottom of the barrel. Smoke will come out through it.

Cut a hole in the bottom of the barrel

Step 2. Preparing everything for burning


We dig the old stump with a shovel so that the barrel goes a little into the ground.

We dig an old stump with a shovel


We dress the barrel on the stump.

We dress the barrel on the stump.

For better combustion, the feed opening is best located on the leeward side.


We lay firewood in a rectangular hole, wrapping it around a stump.

We put firewood in a rectangular hole

Firewood can be laid in the evening, but it is advisable to light a fire in the morning - the burning process can exceed 14 hours.

Step 3 Burn the stump.


We burn wood.

We set fire to firewood


Smoke came out of the vent.

Smoke came out of the exhaust


Add more wood if necessary.

Add more wood if needed

Stock up on enough water and do not leave the fire unattended for a long time.

By the end of the day, the stump has turned into coals, which can be safely left to smolder overnight.

at the end of the day the stump turned into coals,


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Arriving at the site in the morning, we find that the firewood is completely burned out.

the wood is completely burnt out


We take the barrel. There was no trace left of the stump.

There is no trace left of the stump

Be careful! The barrel may still be hot.

Video: How to get rid of a stump without uprooting

How to get rid of an old stump without uprooting? Fast way? problem solving

How to get rid of a stump without uprooting

How to get rid of an old stump without uprooting? Fast way? problem solving

  1. Only then nothing will grow in place of the stump for several years! No grass, no trees!

    • It's not all that scary! Yes, you will need to remove the top layer of the earth if you plan to plant something there. There are times when you need to make a platform for a car or build a gazebo just in the place where there is a huge stump. So here you need to consider each case separately.

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