TOP-8 Ways to get rid of fleas in the house: chemicals, as well as proven folk remedies | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Fleas are parasitic insects that live in the fur or hairline of mammals, or in the feathers of birds. They feed on the blood of their hosts. In addition to the consequences of bites that cause discomfort and local inflammation, fleas are a carrier of many dangerous diseases.

Man has common diseases with some types of cattle (for example, pigs), as well as with almost all rodents. We do not directly contact with rodents, but we do it indirectly through predators - cats and dogs.

The list of diseases transmitted by fleas is quite extensive: from plague and typhoid, which are deadly, to banal hepatitis, which, although not fatal, is quite unpleasant.

Separately, it should be said about the allergy to flea saliva, which even in small quantities causes a very strong reaction. Therefore, if these insects appear in the house, they need to be neutralized as soon as possible - destruction or expulsion. The article discusses ways to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment.

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Source of appearance in the house

Flea life cycle

Flea life cycle

There are relatively few ways to get these harmful arthropods into your home. Mostly these methods are associated with living beings that inhabit the neighborhood of the house.

Sources of fleas in the house can be:


Cats and dogs are carriers of fleas

Cats and dogs are carriers of fleas

The most common way for fleas to enter a house or apartment. cats or dogs - These are the main carriers of fleas in the immediate environment of a person. Actually, if the animal went out for a walk in warm weather, it will almost always be attacked by fleas.

Fleas, temporarily deprived of a host, climb plants or simply tall objects and wait for a living creature to pass by them, after which they jump onto its fur.

Even if the animal is treated with a flea remedy, the insect can stay on it for a long time before leaving it. Often the process of "leaving" is already carried out in the owner's apartment.

Items of clothing and footwear

Clothes or shoes can be a source of fleas

Clothes or shoes can be a source of fleas

Fleas can also travel on the human body. In the end, they can simply make a mistake with the definition of the type of living being to which they have moved. The insect will look for a source of food for some time, and, not finding it, will also leave the wardrobe item, but who will guarantee that this will be done on the street?

Also, shoes or clothes can get flea eggs from the same animals met on the street or somewhere else.

Utility rooms

Rodents living in basements - a source of fleas

Rodents living in basements - a source of fleas

Each house has an attic and a basement, in extreme cases, an underground. In such places, the main carriers of most fleas, rats or mice, can live. With sufficiently large populations of these rodents, there will also be a lot of fleas.

Usually, mass migrations of fleas occur after the death of the host, and the mortality rate among mice and rats is quite large. And every day, hundreds of insects can lose their owners and go in search of new ones.

The small size of fleas allows them to get into any holes and cracks in walls, doors and floors, thereby appearing in seemingly absolutely incredible places.

Human factor

Fleas are blood-sucking insects

Fleas are blood-sucking insects

People can also act as carriers of fleas, and not always temporary. Even wealthy representatives of the species of a reasonable person, who observe the rules of hygiene and carry out the prevention of their homes from fleas, are not immune from becoming their carriers.

Given the small size of insects, as well as their mobile lifestyle, sometimes even their detection on the human body can occur several days or even weeks after infection.

What can we say about those cases when the rules of hygiene are not respected. They don’t choose neighbors, and if a dysfunctional tenant lives in the entrance, in whose apartment fleas live due to unsanitary conditions, it is likely that about a third of the residents of this house will also receive unpleasant “tenants”.

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Mandatory activities

Tar flea soap

Tar flea soap

It is quite problematic to remove fleas that have firmly established themselves in an apartment or house, but still possible. The difficulties of dealing with them are, first of all, in their small size, the ability to go without food for a long time and very high fertility.

Fleas can literally wait out unpleasant times for themselves for months, in order to then leave their hiding places and start hunting for warm-blooded animals.

Therefore, the most important weapon in the fight against fleas is consistency. Only regular and constant repetition of operations for the prevention and destruction of insects can give a positive result.

It is recommended to have regular activities at the weekend to coincide with other hygiene procedures in the house.

Consider the list of activities that need to be carried out regularly to combat fleas:

Pet handling

Applying flea drops to the withers of a dog

Applying flea drops to the withers of a dog

Actually, this is where it all starts. The dog or cat should be washed with anti-flea shampoo and treat the skin of the animal with a special anti-flea agent (for example, drops).

The next stage - all items and things with which the animal is in constant contact should be sent to the washing machine and washed at a temperature of at least +60 ° C.

These things may include:

  • sheets and blankets
  • pet bed
  • his pillows and toys

Those objects that are too large must first be dried in the sun and treated with a steam generator or cleaning of any kind. In extreme cases, simply immerse in a large container of water in which anti-flea shampoo is dissolved (for example, a bathroom).

If a pet has fleas, it is likely that it is also infested with parasites, since insects carry a considerable number of helminths. In any case, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for advice and possible treatment of the animal.

Processing of interior items

Carpets and furniture in the apartment are subject to mandatory cleaning. Fleas can be in a fairly small space - no more than 1 m from the floor, therefore, everything that enters this space needs to be cleaned and processed with special means.

These can be various anti-flea drugs - powders or aerosols.

The following interior items are subject to processing:

  • carpets located on the floor and located in the "risk zone"
  • upholstered chairs and sofas
  • door mats
  • rugs in the toilet and bathroom

First, they are processed with a vacuum cleaner (followed by the immediate ejection of the contents of the dust collector), then with the help of chemicals.

Floor washing

Floor disinfection is a mandatory part of the fight against fleas in the house

Floor disinfection is a mandatory part of the fight against fleas in the house

Often fleas not only live in small defects in the flooring, but also leave their eggs there. It is necessary to regularly wash the floors with any antiseptic. It can be either special anti-flea products or a simple solution of bleach in water.

When washing floors, skirting boards, furniture legs, door frames, etc. should also be treated.

Destruction of potential habitats

Destruction of fleas in the apartment

Destruction of fleas in the apartment

Various items of clothing, shoes, interior, located in the house, may already be hopelessly damaged by fleas and not subject to any type of cleaning or restoration. Such items may include old things stored in closets, mattresses, pillows, etc.

If traces of fleas are found on them, It’s better to just throw away such items without hesitation.

Regular cleaning of street clothes and shoes

Outside clothes and shoes can become carriers of fleas, so they should be carefully cleaned after each walk. Shoes need to be washed and clothes (at least outerwear) washed more often than usual.

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Effective chemicals against fleas

Flea sprays

Flea sprays

The listed processing methods will require the use of various chemicals to kill fleas. These products contain insecticides of various types, differing in varying degrees of effectiveness and safety for humans and animals.

Thanks to the achievements of the chemical industry, there are now several dozen agents that can effectively destroy fleas, ticks, bed bugs and other insects. It is rather problematic to give a specific recommendation on the use of this or that remedy (due to their large number).

The most effective are those containing broad-spectrum nerve or complex insecticides. They destroy the chitinous shell of the insect and affect its nervous system, causing paralysis and death.

Currently, the most effective are the means that include the following substances in their composition:


pyrethrins, which are natural insecticides of nervous action. They have an average efficiency, but are the safest for mammals. It is with their help that animals are processed


Pyrethroids - more effective substances related to pesticides. They are of artificial origin and also affect the nervous system of insects.


Delcid in ampoules for treating an apartment from fleas

Delcid in ampoules for treating an apartment from fleas

Do not treat animals with pyrethroids! Moreover, at the time of processing the premises, it is desirable to remove animals from it.

One popular pyrethroid is imidacloprid.


Nitenpiram. The drug is used for internal use. Safe for humans and animals, able to kill parasites within one hour. The form of release is the most diverse. However, not all animals can be fed with this drug.


Selamectin. More weak insecticide of internal action. Suitable for puppies and kittens


Finiprol - drug in the form of drops, used to treat animal hair

When buying a particular flea remedy, you should look for the listed drugs in its compositionbecause they are quite efficient.

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Folk remedies for fleas

Folk remedies for fleas

Folk remedies for fleas

Despite the abundance of chemicals, a large number of people do not use them too often, and the reason for this can be understood. Whatever the manufacturer's assurances of the safety of a particular product, they are all poisons to varying degrees and can cause, if not poisoning, then quite serious allergic reactions.

An alternative to the use of chemicals is the use of folk remedies, proven for centuries. Undoubtedly, their effectiveness in the medium term is somewhat lower than specialized drugs, but their negative impact has practically no consequences for human health.

Most of these products are of plant origin. Consider folk remedies against fleas in more detail.


Wormwood is a natural flea repellent

Wormwood is a natural flea repellent

One of the most common herbs used against fleas. Wormwood contains aromatic oils that have a pungent odor that repels fleas and other insects.

Dried wormwood is laid out in places where fleas can penetrate or live, and often it simply covers the floor surface.

Wormwood does not destroy, but simply repels fleas, so its use is more of a preventive nature.

Persian chamomile

Persian chamomile or peretrum contains a natural insecticide

Persian chamomile or peretrum contains a natural insecticide

A more effective remedy, which includes natural insecticides - pyrethrins. The stems and leaves of the plant can not only scare away, but also kill fleas.

To the disadvantages of using the Persian chamomile it can be attributed that for the effective destruction of insects, the material must be sufficient and it must be fresh, since pyrethrins decompose relatively quickly.

The application is similar to the use of wormwood - the stems and leaves are scattered on the floor and are on it for a day. After a few days, the process is repeated.

Application of infusions

Wormwood for pest control

Wormwood for pest control

Infusions and decoctions of several components, which have both a repellent and an insecticidal effect, have proven themselves well.

For example, concentrated infusions consisting of the following plants cope well with fleas:

  • wormwood
  • eucalyptus
  • tansy
  • mint

Mixtures of several infusions are also often used. Decoctions and infusions of coniferous sawdust have a good deterrent effect.

The use of such tools consists in the treatment of all surfaces in the apartment, located at a height of no more than 1 m from the floor. Once every 2-3 days, the treatment is repeated.

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Shampooing a cat

Shampooing a cat

Fleas are one of the most insidious and dangerous insects for humans. They are rather difficult to detect quickly and they are carriers of many dangerous diseases and parasitic organisms.

When fleas appear in the house, you should get rid of them as soon as possible. First of all, pets are subject to processing, as well as the floors of the room, the furniture located in it and outerwear.

VIDEO: How to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment quickly, efficiently and safely

TOP 8 Ways to get rid of fleas in the house: chemicals, as well as proven folk remedies

How to get rid of fleas in a house or apartment quickly, effectively and safely

TOP-8 Ways to get rid of fleas in the house: chemicals, as well as proven folk remedies | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

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Flea control in living quarters

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  1. An excellent chemical preparation against fleas in the room will also be Medilis Ziper. Recently, with the help of it, I was able to quickly get rid of fleas in the cellar.

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