How to quickly clean a blockage in the sink at home: step by step instructions

how to quickly clear a blockage in the sink

During the operation of bathrooms, their blockage and clogging are inevitable. The reasons for such phenomena can be very different: foreign objects entering the drain, too fatty liquids in the drains, improper wiring pipes and others.

Sinks are most susceptible to this phenomenon. This is explained quite simply. Firstly, the sink pipes have small diameters, and secondly, it is the sink of all bathrooms that is used most often.

The article shows how you can quickly find a place of blockage and qualitatively eliminate it with your own hands. Also, typical errors that occur in this case will be considered.

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Reagents used

Sprinkle baking soda on the contaminated area

Sprinkle baking soda on the contaminated area

To clean the blockage at home, soda and vinegar are used. The chemical reaction of the interaction of sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid is accompanied by an abundant release of carbon dioxide, the bubbles of which destroy the blockage from the inside.

Checking for clogging in the tank

Checking for clogging in the tank

That is, in order to get rid of pollution, which is the cause of the blockage of the pipe, you must do the following: 

As a result of the interaction of two reactants, a violent reaction occurs

As a result of the interaction of two reactants, a violent reaction occurs

After the reaction is complete, you just need to rinse the drain with plenty of warm water or boiling water.

Pouring boiling water into the blockage

Pouring boiling water into the blockage

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What Not to Do

Clearing a blockage in a sink

Clearing a blockage in a sink

The most important thing to avoid is clearing the blockage without determining its exact position. Often mistakenly assuming that the blockage is in the siphon, they clean it. This should not be done, since the blockage may not be in the siphon, and the reagents will be wasted.

In addition, due to the actions taken, the service life of the seals is significantly reduced.. In the most extreme case, the siphon itself may fail.

Action number 1 Installing a bucket under the siphon

Installing a bucket under the siphon

Installing a bucket under the siphon

First you need to install a bucket under the siphon to drain excess fluid. 

Action #2 Checking the siphon

Unscrewing the siphon

Unscrewing the siphon


After that, unscrew the siphon tank and check if there is a blockage in it.

Checking for clogging in the tank

Checking for clogging in the tank


And check if there is a blockage in the siphon.

Checking for clogging in the siphon itself

Checking for clogging in the siphon itself


You can simply open the tap and see if the water will flow freely from the siphon into the bucket.

Water passes through the siphon, which means there is no blockage in it

Water passes through the siphon, which means there is no blockage in it


After checking, the siphon tank should be screwed on.


Twisting the siphon tank

Twisting the siphon tank

Action #3 Checking the drain tube

The tube can be illuminated with a powerful flashlight

The tube can be illuminated with a powerful flashlight


The next step is to check the tube connecting the siphon and the outlet pipe.

If there is no blockage in the drain pipe, it is removed from the drain pipe and placed in a bucket

If there is no blockage in the drain pipe, it is removed from the drain pipe and placed in a bucket


The opaque tube can simply be removed.

Action #4 Cleaning the outlet pipe

Cleaning agents: soda and acetic acid

Cleaning agents: soda and acetic acid


Since the blockage was not found in the siphon and drain pipe, it is in the outlet pipe.

To remove it, it is necessary to prepare reagents.

Filling soda into the outlet pipe

Filling soda into the outlet pipe


First, you need to pour at least 5 tablespoons of soda into the outlet pipe.

Pouring vinegar into a pipe

Pouring vinegar into a pipe


Next, vinegar is poured into the pipe. For 5 tablespoons of soda you need 500 ml of vinegar.


Next, you need to wait until the reaction of soda and vinegar is over.

Next, you need to wait until the reaction of soda and vinegar is over.


The more boiling water there is, the better the cleaning of the remnants of the blockage will be.

Then boiling water is poured into the pipe

Then boiling water is poured into the pipe

Step #5 Assemble the drainage system

The drain tube is inserted into the outlet pipe

The drain tube is inserted into the outlet pipe


After the cleaning is completed, it is necessary to restore the entire structure of the drain from the sink.

Next, open the hot water faucet to finally eliminate the remaining blockage.

Next, open the hot water faucet to finally eliminate the remaining blockage.


After the water drains, the blockage will be completely eliminated.


How to quickly clean a blockage in the sink at home: step by step instructions


How to quickly clean a blockage in the sink at home: step by step instructions

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How to clear a clog in a sink

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