Jasmine garden: description, types, planting in open ground, care, pruning, reproduction (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

a true decoration of any garden

Jasmine garden - a true decoration of any garden. It exudes a soft, and at the same time quite strong aroma that will fill your cottage with a charming fragrance. Surely you know that perfumers do not add jasmine notes to a rare fragrance, so why not grow this amazing shrub under the windows of your country house?

Blooming jasmine with a white hat of small flowers will spread throughout the garden and will delight the eye for several months. And with proper care and proper pruning, you can annually extend the flowering period of the shrub. Below we will tell you about all the nuances of planting and caring for jasmine.

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Its features and uniqueness

The more you know about jasmine, the easier it will be for you to understand the nature of this shrub and the easier it will be to care for it.. The homeland of the jasmine flower lies in the distant Mediterranean. Many centuries ago, a flower cult was formed in those parts. He was in every house, in every garden, in the hair of the girls and in the suits of the men.

Over time, oils began to be made from jasmine, perfumes were infused and brewed into tea. At the beginning of the 14th century, the medicinal properties of the flower were discovered as a sedative and anti-inflammatory agent. And here is such a wonderful plant you can grow in your country house!

blooming jasmine

blooming jasmine

Despite the abundance of different properties of jasmine, you, like many other gardeners, will most likely grow it exclusively as an ornamental plant. The beautiful lush white crown will enchant you, and you will forget that many peoples have been brewing jasmine petals into tea for centuries for better sleep.

Garden jasmine is incredibly beautiful during its flowering period, when white and yellow inflorescences bloom, representing a single growing harmony.. Incredibly gentle, enveloping smell, the flowers also exude especially strongly during the flowering period.

Jasmine in active bloom

Jasmine in active bloom

To date, there are several dozen different types of jasmine, which differ mainly in the size of the flower and the shape of its petals. But all these species are united by the main thing - full adaptation to different climatic and weather conditions.

You should not rack your brains over the landing site, since the shrub can germinate equally quickly in shadows, and in the sun. In choosing the sides of the horizon, jasmine is also unpretentious, whether it is north or south. If you take care of the shrub, then it will easily endure many days of drought and abundant humidity without consequences.

When caring for and sorting jasmine flowers, be careful, as it always attracts various insects, including bees and bumblebees, which love to collect its nectar.
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Main types

Syringa. Below we describe the most popular types of fluffy plants.

Below we describe the most popular types of fluffy plants

Jasmine small-leaved

Jasmine small-leaved

Jasmine small-leaved

Small-leaved jasmine is one of the shortest plants, whose height rarely exceeds 100 cm. The main distinguishing feature of the species is a strongly curved leaf plate.Such a flower device protects the pistils from pests.

Small-leaved jasmine also stands out from other species with its aroma, which is similar to the smell of strawberries with cream.


Common crown jasmine

Common crown jasmine

Common crown jasmine is one of the most common plant species in central Russia. Frosts do not spoil its root structure, and cold autumn - delicate flowers.

Plant growth in the period of its greatest maturation can reach 300 cm in length. And the thickened leaf plates have an unusual golden color.


Jasmine fluffy

Jasmine fluffy

Fluffy jasmine is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful species of the Mediterranean shrub. Its length can reach 450 cm upwards, despite the fact that the width for a person will be simply immense. Therefore, the fluffy type of jasmine is recommended to be planted in large gardens and parks. This species needs space.

In addition, it almost does not exude a smell, which makes it an ideal shrub for parks where many children walk with a possible allergy to such flowering.

Fluffy jasmine blooms for a whole month.

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Features of choosing a landing site

So, we have already said that jasmine is an absolutely non-capricious plant. However, when choosing a landing site, we still recommend that you consider the following our recommendations.

First of all, you must decide in what form you want to see jasmine bushes in your garden: it will be a separate bush, a hedge, or maybe several different plantings dispersed throughout the garden.

Based on this knowledge, pay attention to the tips:

1The soil for planting can be any. The main thing is that it is sufficiently moist and at the same time with good drainage.
2Despite this, the shrub is not picky about the light, if you can create periodic sunbaths for planting, you will enjoy a brighter smell of the plant. Here we note that jasmine, which sprouts in the shade, has more faded shades of the flower and leaves.
3Try not to plant other plants near the jasmine, as we said that this flower loves space, and other plantings can interfere with the normal development of the rhizome and crown
4In case your plantings of jasmine are intended as a hedge, we recommend planting shrubs at a distance of at least half a meter from each other
5The most favorable period for planting jasmine is the beginning of spring. However, with a skillful approach, autumn planting can also please you with beautiful flowers.
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Planting jasmine in open ground can be divided into four stages. They will not give you trouble, despite the fact that at the exit you will receive a stunning beauty and fragrance decoration of your garden.

Planting a plant takes place in several stages

Planting a plant takes place in several stages

1Dig a hole 60-80 cm deep and 45-55 m wide. It is not recommended to deviate greatly from these parameters, since the jasmine rhizome will not be able to grow properly.
2Prepare good drainage, which is based on granular sand and fine gravel. At the bottom of the dug hole, fill the drainage with an even layer and level it with a shovel.
3Protect the freshly dug hole from moisture. It needs to dry out for three to seven days before you place the bush sprouts in it.
4Plant jasmine in a dried, dug hole, then fill the planting with substrate. It is important that the main "ingredients" of the substrate are humus, peat, sand, ash and fresh black soil.
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Features of shrub care

At one glance at the flowering petals of jasmine, you will understand whether this plant is cared for or not.Shrub care involves systematic watering and fertilizing (fertilizing).


Please note that it is best to feed the plant in early spring, that is, during the period of increased growth of your jasmine. This shrub is most receptive to the nutrients you fertilize it with.

Ash fertilizer

Ash fertilizer

Jasmine must be fed strictly with mineral fertilizers, otherwise you will ruin the flower.

For one medium-sized jasmine bush, you will need a mineral liquid with fertilizer in the following proportions:

  • 5 liters of fresh cold water
  • 13-16 g superphosphate
  • 6-8 g urea
  • 6-8 g potassium sulfide

Also, don't forget about manure, which was, is and will remain the best fertilizing substance. In this case, it is necessary to dilute manure with clean cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Before you use the resulting liquid, let it brew for several days.

Few people know that jasmine can be fertilized with ashes from an old fire. This tool is undeniably very effective, however, it is very important to watch the consistency of the ash that you scatter over the bush. It must be thin and sparse, otherwise you will spoil the petals.


Despite the resistance of the Mediterranean shrub to various weather changes, it reacts very painfully to cold water.

In extreme heat, you can spray the whole plant

In extreme heat, after the sun subsides, you can spray the entire plant

It is better to postpone watering the jasmine until the next day than to pour cold water on it. A slightly dried shrub can still be saturated with moisture, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to revive the coarsened flower petals.

So, you need to water the jasmine with slightly warm, soft water.. To do this, you need to pour ordinary well water into a watering can or any other tank, and let it brew for at least a day.

Jasmine should be watered once a day in the evening. The absence of direct sunlight will not crack the ground and leave clearings where small pests usually climb.

Watering the shrub should be carefully and carefully. Make sure that strong jets of water do not fall directly on the flowers, because the petals may not withstand the strong pressure. Water the plant at its roots.

Also note that in extreme heat it is necessary to spray the plant itself. This will allow you to cool the flowers, saturate them with liquid, and remove dust from the leaves, increasing the intensity of photosynthesis.

Weeds need to be removed regularly

Weeds need to be removed regularly

Here are some more jasmine care tips that will help you extend the life of the shrub and make it the centerpiece of your garden:

1Regularly remove weeds
2Look around the ground near the jasmine for signs of pests. Fragrant flowers are very attractive, for example, for a bear, so it is necessary to protect the planting from it.
3Pinch the top of your bush to give it a nice shape.
4Cut dried inflorescences under the root and remove them
5Periodically inspect the bushes in order to remove old and weak shoots. They prevent the full flowering of healthy shoots.
61-2 times a year, add phosphate-containing fertilizers to the ground in order to speed up and prolong the flowering of jasmine
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Systematic watering and regular care is only one step towards creating a truly lush and fragrant jasmine leaf.. Another very important point is trimming your fit. Moreover, this must be done regularly and with knowledge of the matter.

Jasmine pruning in spring

Jasmine pruning in spring

Here are 4 rules for the correct pruning of garden jasmine:

1In spring, the jasmine shrub is in a vegetative state. It is at this time that pruning should be done.
2The branches of the shrub, which you find significantly longer than others, must be cut completely at the root, cut the branches of medium length exactly in half.
3Jasmine pruning includes such a thing as "anti-aging pruning."This means that you use special scissors to remove absolutely all empty branches, i.e. those on which there is no flowering.
4The central trunk of the most adult bush needs to be shortened by 40-60 cm.
In order for jasmine to delight you with its lush inflorescences and unique aroma every year, it is necessary to inspect your planting every time, free it from dry branches, weeds and pests.
Here are some more tips for quality shrub pruning:

  • carry out the first pruning no earlier than three odes after planting
  • cut off all branches of the bush that look to the side, not up
  • carry out work on trimming pieces before the first buds appear

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Preparing the shrub for winter

Winter is the hardest time for delicate jasmine. In order to protect your shrub from the cold and prevent it from dying irrevocably, you will need to carry out a number of special works every year. They won't take much of your time.

Shelter plants for the winter

Shelter plants for the winter

About preparing jasmine for winter, you need the following:

1Only young shoots need to be prepared for winter. Adult specimens have good frost resistance and do not require increased attention.
2Annually, right after your jasmine bushes have finished blooming, and should be covered in a special material thin enough to allow the plants to breathe, but dense enough to protect it from frost.
3To protect the jasmine roots from the frozen ground, you should carefully dig the soil around the trunks in late autumn, and fill the holes with compost.

If you are planning to “relocate” a shrub to a new place, then it is best to do this at the end of spring.

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Reproduction methods

It is possible to carry out the reproduction of a snow-white, fluffy shrub in three basic ways: layering, cuttings, and division of the root system.

The last method is the most difficult, and the easiest way to propagate jasmine is with the help of cuttings. Let's consider each in more detail.

With the help of cuttings

jasmine stem

jasmine stem

Prepare cuttings for propagation should be at the beginning of summer with a thin sharp knife. The stalk, ready for planting, is a stalk, not more than 6 cm high and having at least a pair of leaves on the sides.

Shoots that have parts of old branches take root much faster.
1Place the cutting only in loose and slightly moist soil, which has previously been mixed with fine-grained sand.
2Trample the soil a little, then place the prepared cutting into it.
3close planted soil hothouse. Do not forget to periodically remove it to spray the bush and let it saturate with oxygen.
4Transplant the cutting outdoors in October if you have cared for it properly before.

Reproduction by layering

Two options for reproduction by layering

Two options for reproduction by layering

Jasmine should be propagated by layering strictly in the middle of spring.

Proceed as follows:

1Choose the best escape and pin it to the ground.
2At the point of contact of the stem with the soil, cut off the bark a little.
3Screw the shoot to the support with a thin wire, after which the substrates sprinkle part of the root without bark.
4Carefully monitor the layers throughout the entire ripening period, if necessary, mulch and primer.
5Don't forget to water the soil.

Division of the root system

Reproduction of jasmine by division is a rather laborious work, so you should resort to this method only if your plant has grown around the perimeter and was conceived as hedge.

jasmine root

jasmine root

To propagate by dividing the root system, you need to dig a bush and divide it into several equal parts., each of which has its own root system. Immediately after separation, plant each of the divided parts shrub.

Propagate the plant in this way or early springor late autumn. During these periods, the likelihood that the sprouts will take root is much higher.
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Shrub protection from diseases and pests

Aphid-damaged jasmine leaves

Aphid-damaged jasmine leaves

There are three main problems that gardeners have to face when growing jasmine bushes on their plot. But each of them can and should be fought.

1Dry foliage, twisting and falling of leaves. This problem usually occurs for three reasons: insufficient or irregular watering, lack of humid air and strong exposure to direct sunlight. You can correct the situation by transplanting the plant to another place, possibly more shady, and also to establish an automatic watering system near the jasmine.
2Buds do not open. There can be only one reason for this trouble - the absence or lack of sunbathing for the plant. But there is also a downside. If you notice that the buds have begun to darken, then your shrub is growing in a place that is too dry and stuffy and needs to be transplanted as well.
3The impact of insect pests. The most dangerous pests for jasmine include aphids, scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs or whiteflies. There are special preparations against each of these insects, which should be used when pests are found.
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Jasmine in landscape design

Jasmine in landscape design

Most varieties of garden jasmine are unpretentious to weather conditions, however, they will be grateful to you for constant watering, care and feeding. Use our advice on planting and caring for jasmine, and the snow-white shrub will delight you for many years with its fluffy crowns and unique aroma.

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Jasmine garden: description, types, planting in open ground, care, pruning, reproduction (60+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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