Thrifty owners buy only what they cannot do without - if something can be done on their own, they do it: reinforced concrete structures, including steps, ceilings, slabs and pillars.
In this article we will tell you how to make reinforced concrete fence post, which will not differ in any way from industrial counterparts, except for its cost.

Production of reinforced concrete pillar
The formation of concrete supports for the fence in place is well known to many - it is being prepared foundation, formwork is being built, reinforcement is knitted and everything is poured with concrete. It turns out a quality product, but it takes a long time to do all this - it is more convenient to use ready-made poles.
Step number 1 - casting matrix
In order to fill the pole, you need to make a mold for this - we will use a PVC pipe for external sewers. Suitable sizes. For thin poles, a PVC pipe with a diameter of 100 mm is suitable, for more massive ones there are 200, 250 and 300 mm. When choosing, you need to take into account your strengths - concrete pillars weigh a lot.
- Having chosen a PVC pipe, we cut it alongto get two identical halves.
- We put them on top of each other and drill a through hole for the bolt stud, which will serve as a connecting fastener.
For the reliability of the formwork (pipe), several through holes can be made.
Step number 2 - we knit reinforcement
Without reinforcement, a concrete pillar will not last long. For reinforcement, we will use a welded mesh with a wire thickness of 3-4 mm.
- Cut the grid into strips. The dimensions must correspond to the dimensions of the pipe: overall length and circumference.
- We form cylinders from cut strips so that the transverse wires are outside, we fix the received forms on twists or in any other way.
When working with welded mesh, we use grinder, a sledgehammer and other metalwork tool.
Step number 3 - installation of formwork (PVC pipes)
We collect formwork. To do this, we put an armored belt in one half of the pipe and close the other half of the PVC pipe on top. We fix the formwork on the bolted rod.
At sewer pipe on the one hand there is a connecting connector - a coupling of a larger diameter. Inside it there is a groove for the sealing ring - we will use it to place the damper in it.
- We place a wooden lid-bottom of a suitable diameter in this groove. (It must be made in advance).
- The end of the pipe is tightened with a clamp.
The clamp can be made from perforated tape and a bolt with a nut.
Clamps must also be put on the other end of the pipe and its middle.
Additional elements can be formed on the bottom cover, as in Fig. 5 - they are needed to form the mounting holes for the fence cross members (so as not to drill the post later).
Step number 4 - concreting the column
It can be concreted with both ordinary cement mortar and concrete. Also, some additives can be added to the solutions. Liquid glass will increase the waterproofing property of concrete, and liquid soap will make the solution more plastic, which will allow you to get products with smoother surfaces.
For cement mortar, we will use Portland cement M 200 - in the ratio of 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 3 liters of water. Sand must be used coarse.
When mixing, add liquid glass about 100 ml per 15 liters. solution bucket. Liquid soap add 1-2 caps from under bottles.
After mixing the components, the solution is ready.
Step number 5 - pouring the PVC mold
We fix the pipe vertically. Pour the cement mixture inside the plastic formwork. We use a pole for tamping and removing bubble air. We leave the product to dry. After a day, the formwork can be removed.

After dismantling the formwork, the latter is used to make the next column in the same way. To speed up the process of manufacturing reinforced concrete pillars, several such formworks are made.
As you can see in the figure, the poles turned out to be of the correct geometry, and in terms of technical characteristics they are not much different from industrial products.
VIDEO: Do-it-yourself concrete posts
Do-it-yourself concrete posts
Making reinforced concrete poles for the fence with your own hands