Dandelion can be safely attributed to cosmopolitan plants that quickly spread due to volatile seeds and boldly take their place in the meadow or in the garden.
This herbaceous plant is a serious "headache" for summer residents who simply do not have time to deal with the newly appeared yellow flower baskets. The reverse effect is often observed: the more plants are destroyed, the more appear again.
How to get rid of dandelions, so as not to remember tenacious weeds for a couple of seasons?

Necessary knowledge about the weed plant

Quite a pretty, sunny plant is a pernicious weed
Dandelion is a rhizomatous, perennial plant. The ground part is formed by a rosette of lanceolate basal leaves. The strong and long dandelion root goes deep into the soil.
The representative of the family Astrov is one of the first to appear from under the snow; its seeds germinate faster than other weeds. Bright caps of yellow flowers appear already in early spring. During the summer, the weed forms yellow inflorescences several times, followed by a lush cloud of flying seeds. The plant is capable of seeding 2-3 times per season: the seeds ripen quickly.
Parachute seeds are carried by the wind for 2-2.5 km and take root in any free place. The plant is unpretentious and populates any territory. They grow equally well in gardens and vegetable gardens, bloom beautifully on lawns or sprout along roadsides. The perennial grows rapidly, increasing the number of peduncles, which leads to its even more active distribution.
Removing this weed is not easy. The rhizome goes into the ground to a depth of 35 cm, and extracting it completely is not an easy task. If even a small section of the root system remains in the soil, the plant will be reborn. It can propagate through seeds and rhizomes.
If the beds are rich in humus and humus soil, then:
- dandelion is easy to pull out of loose earth;
- the weed is weakening, because it does not like fertile soil;
- it won't be hard to get rid of it.
Dandelions grow well in acidic, heavy soils where they root well and look great. Fertilizer, top dressing and the application of lime mixtures weaken the plant, not giving it a chance for active growth.

Seeds scatter over long distances and have good germination
But do not despair. It is not easy to remove the weed, but there are methods of struggle that gardeners actively use:
- physical methods: digging and weeding;
- mechanical methods: mowing and using root removers;
- folk recipes for eradication;
- chemicals that stop weed growth;
- other tricks created by cunning summer residents.
The most effective options for the extermination of a harmful plant are shown in the photo.

№1 Mechanical struggle with dandelions

Digging up dandelions in the lawn
Includes weeding small specimens of weeds, mowing or using a special device - root remover for dandelions.

When the situation gets out of control, mass removal of dandelion fields is indispensable
Not knowing how to get rid of dandelions on the site, gardeners take tools in hand: a scythe, trimmer, lawn mower or cultivator. This is the simplest method that does not completely eliminate the harmful plant, since the rhizome remains in the soil and after some time will give new shoots. But this method is actively used, since mowed plants recover gradually, and there is time to rest until the next wave of dandelions.
The growing point of the weed is slightly above the soil surface. This point should be taken into account when setting up a lawn mower, when using a scythe: you need to mow the weed at the root. If the growth point is preserved, then soon the dandelion will be reborn again.
Weeds are removed during the budding period before flowering twice a week. Cutting them during flowering and the formation of flying seeds is ineffective due to the beginning of the period of active reproduction. Even cut flowers actively and abundantly form fluffy "balls" with seeds.
Removing with the root

With the help of a root remover, each individual instance of the weed is removed.
A convenient option that will eradicate the problem is to use a dandelion control device. With it, they dig the ground around the weed, and then turn it upside down.
There are other options for removing devices, similar to a two-pronged fork and a corkscrew. You can also use a spatula, but the possibility of incomplete removal of the roots remains.
The fork grip is convenient in the fight against dandelions in the country, when working on beds or lawns, where you need to carefully remove the dandelion root, so as not to damage the cultivated plants. After work, a small hole remains, which is easy to fill with earth.
On paths or clearings, you can act with an ordinary shovel. She has a large grip, so other plants that are located nearby will also suffer. The use of a shovel to remove rhizomes in beds is undesirable, as this leads to a violation of garden plantings.

No. 2 Folk remedies on guard of order

Getting rid of dandelions
After thinking about how to get rid of a dandelion in a garden plot, summer residents often choose folk remedies. They are safe, but require a systematic approach, since our weed is an extremely tenacious plant that can grow in any conditions.
Each gardener selects for his site the most optimal option from his point of view.

Table salt helps with exposure to young weeds. It is rather problematic to destroy adult dandelions with food seasoning.
One tablespoon of table salt is poured onto a small plant, trying not to fall on the planting of vegetables or flowers. Sodium chloride in high concentration causes the weed to die and die.

Vinegar treatment helps get rid of an annoying plant
There are two options for preparing vinegar for processing:
- Evaporating 9% table vinegar to create a more concentrated solution
- 1:1 dilution of vinegar essence to make a less saturated composition
The solution is poured into a spray bottle and the dandelion is treated from head to toe. To obtain a 100% effect, the weed is dug out of the ground and the hole is poured with vinegar to destroy the remnants of the root system.
Watering with boiling water

Watering with boiling water from dandelions
Boiling water or boiling fat (+100 C) will help to partially remove dandelions. Boiling solution is poured over the center of the outlet. This procedure is carried out for three days, only then the dandelions will disappear. You can even take a camping gas burner and spot-treat several pockets of weed.
A one-time approach will only lead to temporary wilting and oppression of the plant. Fat that sticks to the ground part is more effective.

#3 Killer chemicals or herbicides

Fighting Measures: Removing Dandelions with Herbicides
Reliable and effective chemicals have been created that “know” how to deal with dandelions in the garden. It is important that the herbicide gets on the leaf or stem of the weed. This is enough for the poison to penetrate the cells of the plant and gradually spread inside it. First, the ground part dies, and then the plant poison reaches the root system.
How the herbicide works:
- When sprayed, thanks to a special additive, it sticks to the leaves or stem. Surrounding plants must be covered with film, cardboard, create any fences: continuous herbicides kill everything
- Within 5-6 hours, it enters the cells through the pores and disrupts intracellular metabolism.
- The death of the whole plant occurs within a week
Poison remains in dead dandelions therefore, they must be removed from the ground and removed from the site so as not to poison other plantings.
As the most effective drugs, the chemical industry offers herbicides of universal or continuous action (pre-emergence): Agrokiller, Tornado, Roundup, Lontrel and others. They need to be applied manually, using a brush, to individual specimens of dandelions. This is important if there are plantings of strawberries, tomatoes or other cultivated plants nearby, otherwise toxic substances will destroy everything around.

Herbicides are also used for dandelions
It is better to use selective herbicides: Longan, Tatrel-300, Clippard, Killex, Metafen. Lintur works well on grassy lawns. The sniper has a directional action, destroying weeds in flower beds and lawns. They operate in the temperature range - + 5- + 25C, destroying only weeds.
The use of herbicides can be used in gardens with fruit trees and shrubs. Do not forget that poisons affect the beneficial microflora, bees, insects that live in gardens. The chemicals remain in the soil, polluting it.
Corn gluten is used as an organic herbicide against dandelions. It is a natural gluten product that is left over from corn processing. It prevents the growth of seeds and fragile seedlings of dandelions, so gluten flouring is carried out 4-6 weeks before germination.
The effect of its impact lasts 4-6 weeks, after which the procedure is repeated. The powder is used throughout the growing season. It will not help to get rid of adult weeds.
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No. 4 Preventive control measures

Cosmopolitan plant unpretentious to growing conditions
Do not wait for the destruction of the weed during one-time events. No matter how well the area is weeded, dandelions will reappear after a while. The problem should be approached seriously and comprehensively.
Only regular treatment and prevention will bring the desired result and answer the question: how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever. Among the preventive measures:
- Autumn digging of the soil to a great depth. Weed seeds will be on the surface and freeze in winter. The method is not universal, not suitable for lawns
- Spring weeding on the eve of planting cultivated plants. Dandelions germinate very early, so young plants are easier to remove.
- Wastes are quickly populated by cosmopolitan plants, including our dandelion, so it is advisable to immediately sow empty areas with green manure plants
- Mowing grass on lawns and lawns to a height of 6-8 cm. Dense planting of cereal grasses and their height does not allow young shoots of dandelions to develop well
- Mulching planting flowers and vegetables, row spacing. Pavement tiling. Placing a dark film between berry or vegetable crops

The use of film on the beds
Every plant needs light to grow. Dandelion also belongs to light-loving crops. Its sunny flowers stretch towards the sun, creating bright glades.
If you carefully cover one or more plants with dark plastic bags or film, the plant will die in a few days. Total benefit without harm to the environment.
If the whole area is covered with dandelions, then at first they carry out mowing, and then - complex measures in the fight against annoying weeds.
Dandelions appear in garden plots with enviable regularity. The use of a number of means helps to get rid of the "weed invader" for a year, a maximum of a couple of years.
Then the familiar yellow flowers will appear on the site again, because parachute seeds fly well and take root where they have to. And the plant is hardy and does not care about bad climatic conditions. No wonder they say that a gardener's work never ends.
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How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site or lawn?
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A little about the benefits of dandelions for humans and pets

Do not forget that dandelion is a medicinal plant.
There are also biological devices for removing dandelions. For example, healthy weed dishes, which are lovers. Lettuce is used as food, but first the weed has to be treated for bitterness. The same can be said about jam.
There are numerous folk recipes for various ailments: it is not for nothing that the species name of dandelion is medicinal. Herbal fertilizer is prepared from the weed.
It is a folk remedy in pest control:
✿ DANDELIONS INSTEAD OF CHEMISTRY! We fight aphids, thrips, spider mites
How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site or lawn?
And for chickens and rabbits, weed with golden heads is a pleasant delicacy. They gladly eat a harmful plant.
If pets are released into a clearing with bright baskets of yellow flowers, then you can say goodbye to the weed for a long time or forever. But with the point settlement of dandelions in the area, they will have to be weeded out manually, and only then fed to the living creatures.