Bath in Russia has long enjoyed a well-deserved honor. It was believed that regular visits to the steam room not only improves health, but also contributes to spiritual purification. Special materials were used for its construction. Let's try to figure it out and we, from which it is better to build a bath.

wooden buildings
The first such structures in Russia were made of stone, but gradually the builders realized that wood retains precious heat for much longer. Plus, in such buildings it is much easier to maintain the required level of humidity and natural ventilation.

Wooden buildings of the bath
After all, this material, thanks to the smallest capillaries, quickly and easily absorbs excess moisture and just as easily gives it back to the room if necessary. Therefore, if you are in doubt about what material it is better to build a bath from, choose a tree - you will not be mistaken.
The main tree species used for construction
The Russian bath differs from saunas and Asian hammams in high humidity. Therefore, the tree for construction is selected the most moisture resistant. Most suitable for these purposes Pine, larch, spruce. Dense pine wood is less afraid of moisture and mold. In addition, due to the content of sticky resin, buildings made of it do not crack when dried and serve for decades.

Rounded larch log
What wood is better to build a bath? Larch is the least susceptible to rotting. Before the advent of other building materials, river bridges were built from it. This is the only wood that does not collapse even under the influence of sea water. The wear resistance of larch is also high.
In Europe, to this day, preserved floorscollected from it 300-400 years ago! Over time, such a tree not only did not collapse, but also acquired the strength of a stone.
Pine is less dense, weighs less than expensive larch, but can be processed much better. Over time, it turns yellow, while the more expensive and more massive larch turns brown-red. It is from pine that the largest number of domestic private buildings were built in Russia, rich in forests.

Pine log house
Distinguish pine it is possible by running a fingernail or a sharp object over the surface - there will be no trace left on the larch, while a small groove will appear on the pine. Pine has a characteristic resinous smell. Larch does not have it. Due to the high resin content, it is not worth using pine for the interior decoration of baths - when it is heated, hot drops appear on the surface. Only log cabins are erected from it.
The air in rooms built of spruce logs is unusually clean. But due to the low density, this tree is less wear-resistant, therefore, it requires additional processing from decay. For this reason, the cost of spruce is lower than that of pine. Since the spruce board weighs a little, it is often used for arranging the roof. For finishing inside the bath, it is not recommended to take such a tree - when heated, it begins to “cry”.
From hardwoods, oak and aspen are used for the construction of baths. Noble oak, resistant to rotting, is especially valued.Its texture is velvety, the color is slightly creamy. But, since the price of oak is high, it is used more for interior decoration - it, like cedar, is absolutely not afraid of elevated temperatures.
Outwardly less attractive than oak, aspen is not much inferior to it in density. Like larch, over time, it only increases strength. A characteristic feature of aspen products is a bright red hue. A log house from it will last for many years. It is undesirable to use inexpensive linden for both log cabins and finishing steam rooms. She perfectly keeps heat, but is very afraid of the fungus. Plus, without additional coating, it quickly darkens.

Glued laminated timber on a cut
What bath is better to build? In the process of drying, the tree often cracks, therefore, for the construction of log cabins, it is better to use not a log, but a denser 100-200 mm glued beam. Ideally, it is better to use material that has undergone chamber drying. In the process of such processing, it becomes practically invulnerable to the appearance of cracks.
When using a profiled (with locking connection) timber, the building can be assembled very quickly, almost like a constructor. It is better to connect the tree into a Canadian bowl - in this case, the structure will settle faster.
Inexpensive rough lumber, which is ordinary spruce or pine lumber, hewn to bars of rectangular section, it is dried not in chambers, in the open air. A bath from it will cost less, but the amount of work will increase.
Construction companies today offer ready-made log cabins made of timber according to individual or standard projects. Logs in already assembled buildings are numbered. Then the log house is dismantled, transported to the place specified by the customer, then assembled again in a short time. True, such a structure will cost more.

Sauna from chopped logs
It was this material that was traditionally used by ancient builders to build baths. But not every builder can build a high-quality log house - it is more difficult to work with a log. Experience is required here. But it is the log that is most valued by connoisseurs of the Russian bath. Some of them even refuse interior decoration, believing that a real steam room will only benefit from this. It takes longer to heat up such a bath. But it is believed that only such a steam room can be considered ideal.
What is better to build a bathhouse from, if there is a choice? According to the processing method, the log is divided into:
- chopped: due to the preservation of the upper dense layers of wood, it is more durable
- rounded: tree trunks are processed on special machines, as a result of which the logs take the form of a cylinder; it is easier to work with such material, and outwardly it looks more attractive, but it will last a shorter period than chopped
Features of working with wood
In Russia, they have long been very sensitive to the selection of logs for buildings. To make the building reliable, strong, the logs were selected equal in thickness. When felling the forest, even sorcerers were invited. It was believed that they were able to determine the "correct" tree not only by external, but also by "spiritual" characteristics.
Logging was carried out in winter, at a time when sap flow is inactive. After all, such a tree has less moisture, and when it dries, it cracks less. In autumn, it was cut down only in arid regions. Know about such subtleties and modern builders.

Cutting "into the bowl"
When working with wood, our ancestors used only an ax. It was believed that the saw unnecessarily tears the fibers. As a result, moisture quickly penetrates into the damaged area. Today, grinding, which is carried out after sawing, helps to reduce the hygroscopicity of wood. Sanded wood becomes less susceptible to moisture. Yes, and it looks more decorative.
Since the material begins to rot when in contact with metal, it is undesirable to use nails. To this day, log cabins are collected “in a paw” or “bowl” in the same way as in ancient times.True, today the use of metal fasteners and ties is allowed. Previously, if a connection was required, they were replaced with wooden stakes.
In order for the logs to lie tightly, a recess was made in their lower side, where the upper log was placed. A similar method in our time is called trimming - according to the rules, 2/3 of the diameter should be taken out at the bottom of the log.
If you follow the ideal building canons, adopted since antiquity, merging logs is highly undesirable. It was not allowed. If their length was insufficient, another log cabin was attached next to the building.
To preserve heat, all the cracks between the logs were carefully plugged with moss. (currently tow is more commonly used). After the shrinkage of the building after a year, the log cabins were again caulked.

brick buildings
The undoubted advantage of this material is its high strength, frost resistance and fire safety. Just like wood (although to a lesser extent), brick contributes to the natural regulation of moisture in the room.
But still, true experts in the Russian steam room unequivocally state that it is still better to use brick for building saunas or hammams.
It's not even the high cost of the material for construction:
- perhaps the main disadvantage of such a structure will be the lack of ventilation - it is enough to overheat the room, and it will be very difficult to be in it
- it will take longer to heat a brick bath; however, well-heated, it will keep warm longer
But the material costs of building a brick building also matter. Indeed, in addition to the brick itself, the construction of a powerful foundation will be required. Such a building will weigh a lot. Plus, since the masonry mortar has a high thermal conductivity, the brick structure will require additional finishing.
Another disadvantage – hygroscopicity of the material. Without reliable waterproofing, brick walls will quickly absorb moisture, and crumble under the influence of elevated temperatures.

Buildings from slag, gas and foam blocks
From what blocks is it better to build a bath? Let's try to understand this issue in detail. Is it worth it to use blocks to build a bath?

Foam block
The main advantages of such materials include low cost and speed of construction of buildings. But the service life of block structures is much lower than that of wooden or stone ones. A bath made of slag or foam blocks will cost 2 times cheaper than a wooden one.
However, taking into account the finish, the savings will not be so big. After all, such a building will require additional waterproofing and insulation.
Bath from cinder blocks

cinder block building
Cinder blocks are made on the basis of pelite, ash or slag. Less commonly, gravel, crushed stone, sand are used as a filler. It is possible to erect a building from large blocks (their standard size is 390x190x188 mm) in a matter of days. Moreover, cinder blocks are often made at home, even in the absence of special equipment. Thus, the final cost of the building will seem to be lower.
But for a bath, it is the finish that will be the decisive factor - not only internal, but also careful external cladding will be required. Products from cinder blocks without it will quickly pull moisture. Therefore, before you start building a bath from blocks, calculate the final cost, not only foundation, walls, floors, ceilings, but also finishes.
Building from aerated concrete blocks

Laying aerated concrete blocks
Aerated concrete is called concrete, which has a cellular structure. In addition to sand and cement, its composition includes special blowing agents that foam the solution. Due to the appearance of air bubbles (pores), the material acquires increased heat-shielding properties.
Aerated concrete is much easier to process than conventional concrete. It can be sawn, drilled. A nail is driven into the wall of aerated concrete without effort. A significant drawback of the material, just like cinder concrete, is its rapid destruction when wet. Therefore, buildings made of it require waterproofing.
The weight of the blocks is significant, so the masonry will have to be done by two. You need to be careful with the blocks - they are quite fragile.
Distinctive features of buildings from foam blocks

Production of foam blocks
The composition of foam and gas blocks is quite similar. So what material is better to build a bath? If aerated concrete is produced in autoclaves under the influence of increased pressure, then the manufacture of foam blocks is carried out using conventional formwork. In production, the solution is not poured into molds, but into ordinary formwork.
Hardening occurs in natural conditions at low positive temperatures. It takes more time for foam concrete to harden - up to 28 days.
The shape of the foam blocks is far from ideal - products are loose, with slight deviations in height, length, width. Naturally, their cost is low. But their strength is lower than that of gas blocks.

Building dimensions
What size bath is better to choose for construction? Let's start with ceiling heights. To make it comfortable to move around in the room, even if your family members are of average height, you should not make walls lower than 2.1 m. After all, it is necessary to take into account that the shelves in the steam room are made at a level of 1 m from the floor. A person should sit on it without bending over. Plus, you need to leave free space under the ceiling for the swing of the broom. You should not do a ceiling higher - it will take longer to heat the room.
Now let's talk about the length and width of the building. As a rule, a bathhouse consists of 3 rooms: a dressing room where you can undress, relax after a bath, the steam room itself and washing. According to the standard, the ratio of such premises is 2: 1.5: 1. That is, the dressing room is made a little larger.

Steam room dimensions
The size of the sink should be sufficient so that at least a couple of people can comfortably sit on benches with basins. For one person, 1 sq. m of free space. Leave free space for water containers. If desired, a shower room or a small pool is made.
The dimensions of the steam room are minimal. If several people visit the bathhouse at the same time, then 1.5 m2 must be allocated for each of them.
The width of the steam room depends on the size of the shelf. Someone likes to bathe while sitting. In this case, it is enough to build a bench 40-45 cm long. For those who like to lie down in the steam room, its length is 95 cm. You can use space rationally if you build shelves with the letter “G”. In this case, even two people can fit on small benches. You can make a couple of shelves at opposite walls. For free passage between them, you must leave 80 cm.
The dimensions of the steam room itself depend not only on the size of the shelf, but also on the type of stove. It is also necessary to take into account the recommended distance from it to combustible structures (wall cladding). This is done for fire safety purposes.

Finishing and warming the bath
Exterior finish
This type of finish is necessarily required only for products made of slag, gas, foam concrete. These materials are able to quickly absorb moisture. Brick lining of the building is also desirable - otherwise the bath will have to be heated for too long.Finishing of wooden buildings is made at will, more for aesthetic reasons.

Exterior finish
Plaster is a rather costly material. Yes, and its effectiveness is not so high low. Therefore, for external insulation of a block structure, it is better to use siding or lining fixed to wooden bars (battens), between which hydro- and heat-insulating material is laid. The most effective and inexpensive heat insulators include mineral wool or polystyrene.
Warming also requires floor, ceiling, roof of the building. The ideal option for the ceiling and roof in the price-quality ratio is polystyrene foam. This material is absolutely not afraid of moisture and does not absorb it. A more expensive option is polyurethane foam spraying.
Leftover construction debris should not be thrown away - it is better to fall asleep under the floor, thus saving on insulation. It is leveled, covered with expanded clay or slag, spilled with water, rammed, and then dried. Next, a reinforcing mesh is laid out and the floor is poured with cement mortar 15 cm thick.
The resulting subfloor should harden within a couple of weeks. Boards or ceramic non-slip tiles can be laid on the cement screed. Another way to insulate the floor is to lay a log, between which foam is laid.

Installation of lining
From the inside, it is better to plaster a bathhouse made of cinder blocks or foam blocks, and then sheathe it with aspen or birch boards. As we indicated above, the use of coniferous wood for interior decoration is not recommended - hot resin drops that appear when it is heated can cause burns.
We have described only the most commonly used materials for the construction of baths. If you are undecided about what it is better to build a bathhouse from, look on the forums for detailed information about this.
I would like the built bath to be not only comfortable, but also cozy. The author of this video shows and talks about the intricacies of arranging such a room:
VIDEO: Bath according to the design project
What is better to build a bath from: blocks, bricks, logs, timber and other materials? Review and recommendations (70 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
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