Spring is the time for many favorite family holidays. This is March 8, and Easter, and May holidays. Traditionally, any hostess prepares a lot of delicious dishes on them. But then the guests disperse, and a problem arises: how to fit a large number of dishes in a refrigerator that is not too large. In our article, we will tell you how to make a refrigerator organizer out of a 5 liter bottle, which will easily help you place a large number of dishes in it.

Materials for work
To make an organizer, you will need:
- plastic five-liter bottle;
- stationery knife.
Step 1. Cut the bottle
First of all, we cut off the bottom of the bottle, so that the rim is at least 5 cm.

We also cut off the rings, as far as the height of the bottle allows.

Step 2. Putting together a pyramid of dishes
Place a plastic ring on the first plate.

Place a second plate on top of it.

So we repeat until the height of the pyramid of plates reaches the height of the refrigerator shelf.
Cover the top plate with the cut bottom.

5 liter bottle organizer
How to make an organizer from a 5 liter plastic bottle