Irises are perennial herbaceous plants with over 250 varieties. Under natural growing conditions, irises can be found in Asia, North America, Africa, and Europe.
Bulbous and rhizomatous plants delight the eye with a palette of colors. You can create a beautiful composition of irises, planting and caring for which is not difficult, by combining purple irises with blue, lilac with pink, yellow with light green and white.

Botanical description of irises: an excursion into history
Iris - an ornamental, perennial plant belonging to the Kasatikovye family. It is believed that the first flowers came to us from Asia. Under natural growing conditions, irises can be found in North America, in Europe.

Beautiful flowers of irises captivate with their lightness and tenderness.
These are the most beautiful and common flowers. They decorate city parks, flower beds of suburban areas.
The plant has a long erect stem, basal elongated leaves, huge flowers of different colors. In addition to decorative properties, irises also have medicinal properties. They are used to treat many diseases.

Irises - flowers of the goddess Irida
Iris got its name in honor of the ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow - Irida. And the name was given to him by Hippocrates. If you believe one legend, then in those days when Prometheus distributed fire, a rainbow spilled in the sky. One could admire such a beautiful event all day, and the next morning, when the rainbow disappeared, flowers appeared that completely repeated the rainbow: they shone with all its colors.
In ancient times, iris was considered a powerful aphrodisiac. Men and women, eating the powder, believed that it causes a strong attraction. The aroma of the flower was so strong and pleasant that it had an exciting effect on people, setting them up for a love pastime.

Variety of species

Landing and care
The diversity of the natural world of irises botanists divided into 2 types: rhizomatous and bulbous. Rhizomes, in turn, are divided into bearded and non-bearded or beardless. Each species has its own characteristics and growing conditions. Let's consider each type in more detail.
Bearded irises - the kings of the garden
A large group of charming irises includes tall, standard, short and dwarf plants.
Distinctive features of bearded irises:
- Coloring. You can find flowers ranging from snow-white coloring to dark coal. Breeders did not bring out only one variety of irises - there is no pure scarlet color.
- Texture. The petals have both a translucent structure and a dense one. You can find petals with a wax texture
- Form. Thanks to selection work, you can buy flowers of a classical form, and if you want something original and unique, then there is an opportunity to have varieties with beautiful, foamy laces of openwork petals on your site. Such flowers look like a soaring bird.
- The size. Among the wide range, represented by undersized and tall varieties, you can choose the one that will be appropriate in landscape design and which will attract appearance.

Beautiful varieties of bearded irises - worthy decoration of the garden
A wave of new varieties of bearded irises simply swept the country in the early 90s. Mass distribution played a cruel joke, turning against the flowers themselves. It was generally accepted that the newest varieties were inferior to the old ones in quality. However, this is an exaggerated opinion, so you should not give up beautiful varieties of irises for the sake of someone else's opinion.
Among the huge variety you can find not only bearded irises, there are Dutch and reticulated irises that bloom in early spring from a planted bulb.
Dutch irises (xifiums)
Elegant tall plants reaching a height of up to 50 cm. These are hybrid varieties bred by Dutch breeders. Planting material is represented by bulbs covered with scales in several layers. The color of the flowers can be snow-white, blue, yellow, blue, orange.

Representatives of the Dutch selection. Can be grown from bulbs. They bloom very early and delight with flowering for more than a month.
You can find purple irises. Flowering begins in mid-May and continues until early June. By the end of August, the foliage dries completely. Dutch irises are resistant to frost, but bushes need to be covered to avoid freezing.
They prefer sunny areas with fertile soil and neutral acidity. Looks beautiful in the cut, can be grown on flowerbeds, flower beds.
Reticulated irises (iridodictiums)
This group refers to dwarf plants that do not exceed 10-15 cm in height. Such undersized varieties are used to decorate borders, in discounts, they look beautiful on flowerbeds.

Irises reticulated
However, the low foliage is just before flowering. When the specimens fade, the foliage reaches a height of up to 50 cm. They bloom very early. Due to such an early flowering, the people also call them snowdrops.

Varieties and varieties of irises
There is also a group of non-bearded irises, which includes all the remaining varieties of irises:
- Japanese and Siberian
- Louisianan and spuria
- Californian
- marsh
All of them are beautiful and deserve attention. Bearded refers to the Germanic iris.
Germanic iris is considered the most beautiful variety of tall bearded iris. Among the beautiful varieties can be called a few.
For example, the Acoma variety is famous for its sky blue flowers. A lavender border runs along the edge of each petal. Among Americans, the Acoma variety is considered the most popular.

Baltic Sea - a powerful plant with strongly corrugated flowers. The petals are painted blue, the blue "beard" is clearly visible.

Baltic Sea
Bewilderbest - an amazing variety with cream, corrugated, burgundy-reddish flowers. Each petal has white and yellow blotches and strokes.

Germanic iris Ettension pliz - a perennial variety with beautiful flowers, reaching a diameter of 13-16 cm. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm.

Iris Attention Please
Iris germany pink. The beauty of the pink bearded iris can be compared to a superb orchid. Pink inflorescences rise on a peduncle, reaching a height of 15 cm. It is characterized by early flowering. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil.

Iris germany pink
Blue Magic.Simple, large flowers are located on high peduncles, up to 30 cm high. Blue flowers of an ornamental variety look great in the cut.If you plant a plant in the spring, flowering will occur in the last decade of June or early July.

Iris Blue Magic
An extensive group that has collected irises with a natural color ranging from blue to dark purple. In the course of breeding work, more than 1000 varieties of Siberian iris have been bred, differing in color.
Snow Queen - a variety with dazzling snow-white flowers.

Iris sibirica ‘Snow Queen
Battz & Suga - the flowers are painted yellow, a white border runs along the edge.

Battz & Suga
Imperial Opal - a tall variety with lavender flowers reaching a diameter of 10 cm.

Imperial Opal
Other names have also been assigned to this variety - xiphoid iris and Kempfler's iris. The flowers of the representatives of the group are similar to orchids, they reach 25 cm in diameter, and, like Siberian irises, are devoid of aroma.
Thanks to the selection work of Japanese specialists, a garden form of Japanese iris was bred, which was given the name Hana-Shobu. However, this species has poor resistance to low temperatures, so it is not recommended for cultivation in our conditions.
Nessa No Mai. The variety is characterized by good growth, resistance to climatic conditions. The petals of the flowers are painted purple, white blotches are clearly visible. The flowers are very huge - up to 25 cm in diameter.

Nessa No Mai
Vasily Alferov. An amateur variety. The fact is that the flowers are simple, not terry, but they are painted in ink color.

Vasily Alferov
Solveig. Delicate iris flowers have a light lilac color.

Angel Mountain. An exotic plant with white and purple flowers.

Angel mountain
Iris spuria
A very elegant flower. In appearance, it has some resemblance to the xifium, only the flowers are much larger.
The 2 most important features are: the variety is resistant to drought and low temperatures, that is, it winters well in regions with severe frosts.
lemon touch. The height of the plant under good conditions can reach 1 m. The flowers are yellow-lemon, the petals are strongly corrugated along the edge, and a golden stripe runs along the edge.

lemon touch
Stella Irene. The pharynx is colored golden, the petals themselves are purple-black. Height can reach 90 cm.

Stella Irene iris
In the people it is also called false iris iris. Very interesting species, whimsical to growing conditions. The name itself suggests that the marsh iris prefers wetlands, and will not grow in conditions with a lack of moisture.
In nature, you can find yellow irises. Landscape designers use this species to frame the banks of water bodies.
Flore Pleno - a variety with double flowers.

Flore Pleno
golden queen or "hairy bee" has yellow flowers.

golden queen
Iris net Harmony
Early bulbous plant. In diameter, the bulb reaches 1.5-2 cm, in shape it is elongated-ovoid. The bulb is covered with fleshy scales, covered with a dry mesh.
The foliage is narrow, cylindrical. During flowering, the iris produces a peduncle 15-20 cm high.
Harmony irises are reddish-purple or light blue in color with flowers up to 5-8 cm in size. Used to decorate the garden.
You need to plant according to the landing scheme: 10x8 cm, where 10 cm is the distance between rows, and 8 cm is between the bulbs.

Iris net Harmony
Varieties of irises differ in the color of flowers and are also divided into certain groups:
- two-ton - the upper and lower petals are painted in different shades of the same tone;
- plain - all shares of flowers have the same shade;
- variegatta - the upper petals are painted yellow, the lower petals are red-brown;
- bicolor - the upper and lower petals differ in color, and can be combined as a contrasting color, so they can differ in shade in one tone;
- amena - upper petals - snow-white;
- iridescent - on the petals there is a smooth transition from one color to another;
- fringed - the petals have a beautiful corrugated rush of a different tone.
Among the huge variety, you can choose exactly those varieties that match the taste and are suitable according to the technical characteristics for growing in the area.

Features of planting Dutch, net and bearded irises
Many gardeners do not want to plant irises on their site, referring to the fact that caring for flowers requires some specific knowledge.
But growing irises is not a laborious task, you just need to know the varieties of the acquired iris and how to care for exactly the variety that you bought in the store.

Unpretentious plants serve as a worthy decoration of a suburban area
Features of growing bearded irises

By following simple rules, you can create a beautiful and compact flower garden that will decorate country cottage area
Contrary to the generally accepted belief that irises should be divided immediately after flowering, it can be said that irises can be transplanted at any time of the year: early spring, summer and even autumn. If the weather is warm in the region, then you should not rush to change at all.
Bearded irises are recommended to be transplanted once every 3 years.in order not only to propagate the variety, but also not to let it come down. Siberian irises are transplanted less frequently, once every 10 years. It is possible more often, the main thing is to prevent the degeneration of the variety.
Planting bearded irises
Bearded irises prefer areas with good light. They do not like drafts, so for planting it is recommended to choose a sunny place, protected from the winds. In the spring, when the snow melts, moisture should not linger in the area with irises.
Before planting, you need to dig a hole that will match the size of the iris root system. At the bottom of the hole, it is recommended to pour fine river sand. Then, on the resulting mound of sand, it is necessary to place the rhizome, straighten the roots and sprinkle them with soil.

A mixture of bright colors of bearded irises stands out in a bright spot on the site
When planting, you need to make sure that the upper part of the rhizome is not deeply buried in the soil.. It is better to do so that part of the rhizome protrudes slightly above the surface and is accessible to the rays of the sun.
Planted plants do not need watering. If the division of the iris and its subsequent planting was carried out in the previous year, it is recommended to remove the flower arrow so as not to deplete the plant's strength.
Features of planting Dutch irises
In shops you can find bulbs and rhizomes of Dutch irises. Rhizome irises are planted in August or early September. The site should be with loose, breathable soil, soil with low acidity.

Delicate Dutch irises grown from bulbs
For planting, dig a hole that is 2 times the size of the rhizome itself. After the rhizome is sprinkled with earth, you need to pour another layer of mulch. This will prevent the soil from freezing in winter, and in summer it will protect the root system from overheating. You can mulch with hay, straw, tree bark.
Planting bulbs

iris bulbs
There are some discrepancies in the planting of rhizomes and bulbs, which are important to consider when planting the prepared material:
The flowering of Dutch irises occurs in the middle or end of May, however, such a discrepancy can also be observed: some bloom in early June. Buds wither quickly, especially on hot days.
Care for the Dutch after flowering
After flowering, it is recommended to wait for the foliage to dry, then dig up the bulbs and dry for 2 weeks in a well-ventilated area.

Iris bloom
Some gardeners recommend drying outdoors., however, you need to ensure that the scorching rays do not dry out the bulbs. Store in linen bags in a ventilated place.

General rules for plant care

Caring for irises does not involve difficulties, it is important to know that the plant loves and fulfill its whims
- Irises prefer fertile soil with neutral acidity. Can be planted on loam.
- In the same place, flowers can be grown for no more than 3-5 years, then it is recommended to transfer the planting to a new permanent residence.
- When planting, the rhizomes are located close to the soil surface, so excessive soil moisture can provoke root rot.
- Waterlogging contributes to the appearance of black ugly dots on the foliage, which subsequently also rot. Therefore, in the first half of summer, the plant is watered abundantly, and starting from the second, watering is reduced.
- Elegant and beautiful irises can grow by March 8.
- Women will be delighted with such a gift. For distillation, you need to take bulbous irises.
- Good growth of irises and abundant flowering largely depends on the choice of location. The area should be well lit.
- When shading, the irises will not have enough light, so the brightness of the flowers will be lost and flowering will be more scarce.
- The flowers are badly affected by gusts of wind and drafts. Therefore, when choosing a site, this feature must be taken into account.
- Almost all types of irises tolerate even the most severe frosts well, so when preparing for winter, you only have to lightly mulch the ground.
- Beautifully decorated flowerbeds with irises attract the eye of passers-by. It makes you want to stop and breathe in the aroma of charming "butterflies".
- Irises need additional nutrients, especially when growing in one place for a long time. The first feeding is carried out in early spring. At this time, mineral fertilizers are scattered between plantings.
- During budding, it is recommended to apply potash fertilizers. In August, they are fed with phosphorus and potash top dressings. This procedure increases immunity and helps plants survive the winter.
- With long-term cultivation in the same place, you can notice such a feature that the irises stop blooming. This means that they need to be transplanted into a new nutrient soil.
- Transplantation of plants is carried out after they fade. During this time, irises have time to take root in a new place.Flowering in transplanted irises occurs in 2 years.
- Mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil before planting. Gardeners do not recommend adding organic compounds to the soil.

Iris breeding
There are several ways to propagate irises: seed and vegetative.
Seed propagation is used mainly by breeders to obtain a new variety. This method is rarely used by summer residents, since it has certain difficulties.

Preparing the bush before dividing the rhizome
When forcing irises, it is important to use additional lighting. If it becomes clear that you are not on time in time, then you can extend the time for additional illumination of plants. And then you can definitely get the coveted bouquet of irises for a certain holiday.
By dividing the rhizome, wild and varietal irises can be propagated.
Rhizome division rules

Pests and diseases of irises

Irises are unpretentious plants that feel great even with minimal care.
However, sometimes plants can get sick or be invaded. pests. To prevent the colonial spread of insects, it will be necessary to inspect plantings more often for diseases or harmful insects.
When growing irises in waterlogged soil, such a misfortune arises as rot. To fix the problem, the plant will need to be removed from the ground, cleaned of the soil and removed all diseased areas by cutting with a knife to healthy tissue.
Next, you need to dip the remaining rhizome into a growth stimulator solution. After the plant dries a little in the sun during the day, it can be planted on the site.
Signs that gladiolus thrips have settled on the plant can be recognized by the foliage - it becomes lethargic and loses its glossy sheen. You need to fight only with the help of special chemicals, folk remedies do not give a positive result.
When examining the foliage of a diseased plant, small brown spots can be seen. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to cut off the entire above-ground part and burn it away from the site. After that, the irises must be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Irises in landscape design

For the design of rockeries, you can choose beautiful varieties of dwarf irises
In a rocky garden, this type of iris will look beautiful against the background. saxifrage, sedum and subulate phlox. Dwarf irises stand out favorably over low grasses, crowded bluebells, over creeping undersized shrubs.
Bearded and Siberian irises successfully harmonize with swamp ones. The foreground of this composition can be created from a drop cap and a garden geraniums.
Irises can be used to decorate discounts: it is recommended to plant flowers on both sides of the garden paths.
To breed many varietal irises on your site, you will need to find a good supplier of planting material to be sure that neither labor nor money will be wasted.
If you wish to create rock garden, then in it irises should be combined with ephedra. Be sure to grow a small Christmas tree or decorative pine.

Swamp irises are preferable to plant in the coastal zone of an artificial reservoir
Irises for beginners
Irises: description, types and varieties, planting in open ground and care (150+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews