Figs: useful properties and possible contraindications for the body of women and men | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

figs useful properties and contraindications

People have long known the taste and healing qualities of figs.

Excessive consumption of berries can provoke certain harm to the human body.

This article will talk about the benefits and harms of figs for the body.

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Growth area

Fig tree

Fig tree

Fig fruits are oval or flattened pear-shaped with a delicate purple or light-colored skin, red flesh and seeds inside. People have found use not only for the fruits of the fig tree, but also for the leaves. Ancient healers prescribed a decoction of figs to their patients for the treatment of many diseases.

Dried, canned and fresh berries are eaten and used in folk medicine, a decoction of leaves and seeds of a fig tree is used to treat diseases, lose weight, and also for cosmetic purposes.

figs useful properties and contraindications

Dried fig fruits

Figs are one of the most ancient plants known to man. The homeland of the plant is Kariya, a region in modern Turkey. Carian ficus, on which the berry grows, is a subtropical deciduous plant of the mulberry family.

This tree grows in the countries of the Mediterranean basin, on the Black Sea coast, in Central Asia, the Iranian Highlands and in Africa.

Figs bear fruit twice a year. Some varieties of figs can be grown indoors. Another name for this plant is fig tree, fig tree, wine berry.

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The chemical composition and nutritional value of figs

Fig tree branch with ripe fruits

Fig tree branch with ripe fruits

The medicinal properties of wine berries are due to the content of useful minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, glucose and fructose. Eating fig fruit will help improve health significantly.

The composition of figs includes minerals such as potassium, magnesium, copper, iron and other macro- and microelements.

Each of these elements has a beneficial effect on human health:

  1. Iron. This mineral is part of the blood and is responsible for carrying oxygen to all cells of the body. With a lack of this element, a person’s health worsens, appetite disappears and the protective functions of the immune system decrease. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. Figs help replenish iron deficiency in the body and promote blood formation. 100 grams of dried or fresh figs cover the daily iron requirement by 17% and 4%, respectively.

  2. Calcium - is necessary for a person for the formation and development of the skeleton and proper metabolism. In addition, the mineral contributes to the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles. The required amount of calcium in the body will ensure the stable operation of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the vestibular apparatus and normal hormonal levels. Regular consumption of dried or fresh figs reduces a person's need for calcium by 28% and 7%

  3. Magnesium. This element is not synthesized in the human body.To compensate for the lack of magnesium, it is necessary to eat foods containing this mineral. 100 grams of figs contain 15% and 5% of the required daily intake of this mineral. Magnesium reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, normalizes heartbeat and blood pressure, and also prevents the development of cancer. Magnesium is especially useful for women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children.

  4. Copper - participates in the formation of red and white blood cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes), strengthens the immune system and removes free radicals from the body. Also, this metal contributes to the elasticity of blood vessels and the functioning of the endocrine system. 100 grams of dried figs can compensate for the deficiency of copper in the body by 17%, fresh fruits cover the deficiency of this element by 5.5%

  5. Manganese - has a beneficial effect on the formation of bone tissue, stabilizes the process of digestion and supports the immune system. Lack of manganese is fraught with diseases of the joints and upper respiratory tract, epilepsy, sclerosis. To replenish the daily norm, it is enough to eat 50 grams of dried figs or 100 grams of fresh fruits.

  6. Phosphorus - is one of the main elements that make up DNA and RNA. This mineral serves as a source of energy and ensures the growth of the body. Phosphorus is involved in the formation of nucleic acids responsible for cell division. In addition, phosphorus reduces the likelihood of urolithiasis. The lack of this mineral negatively affects the general condition of the body, a person loses his appetite and has pain in the joints. To cover the daily rate of phosphorus needed by the body, it is enough to eat two to three juicy fruits a day.

Composition of fresh figs

Composition of fresh figs

In addition, the fruits of the fig tree contain vitamins, vegetable saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, tannins and enzymes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Figs are rich in B vitamins Bwhich have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

Also, the composition of the juicy fruit includes vitamins K, PP, E,A, C, oxalic and pantothenic acid. The content of ascorbic acid in dried figs is less than that of lemon. The unique amino acids, pectin and beta-carotene contained in figs minimize the risk of developing diseases and help remove toxins and excess sodium from the body.

Figs are considered a high-calorie food. In terms of calories, the wine berry is not inferior to walnuts and dried dates. Figs are high in protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and other nutrients. Figs are great for diet food. Several fruits are able to saturate the body.

The nutritional value of 100 grams of fresh berries is:

  • proteins - 0.7 g
  • fats - 0.25 g
  • carbohydrates - 19 g
  • fiber - 2.5 g

Composition and nutritional value of dried figs

Composition and nutritional value of dried figs

Dried figs are highly nutritious and contain:

  • proteins - 3.1 g
  • fats - 0.8 g
  • carbohydrates - 57.9 g
  • fiber - about 10 g

Fresh fruits contain 75 kilocalories, and the calorie content of dried figs is 250 kcal.

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Benefits of wine berry for human health

The benefits of figs for vital body systems

The benefits of figs for vital body systems

The healing properties of figs support the entire body and are useful for people suffering from chronic diseases.. Nutritionists recommend eating figs for people who are recovering from a long illness, as well as for preventive purposes, in order to prevent the risk of developing diseases.

Figs are especially useful for the elderly to prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

The fruits of the fig tree have the following healing qualities:

  1. Restore the heart rhythm and stabilize the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle

  2. Strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of viral and bacterial respiratory diseases

  3. They have antibacterial, healing, antipyretic and diaphoretic properties.

  4. Normalize blood cholesterol levels and thin the blood, eliminating blood clots and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

  5. Stabilize blood pressure

  6. Figs are useful for people suffering from intestinal disorders, pancreatitis, dystrophy and diseases of the digestive tract.

  7. Thanks to the antioxidant properties of wine berries, free radicals are removed from the body, which prevents the development of cancer.

  8. The fruits have diuretic properties and are useful in diseases of the urinary system. The mild laxative properties of figs help fight constipation and stimulate intestinal motility.

  9. Due to the low glycemic index, the consumption of figs does not affect blood sugar levels and contributes to the treatment of the endocrine system. However, people with diabetes should eat figs with caution.

  10. Wine berry contains substances that satisfy hunger, and is useful for people who are prone to overweight and obese

  11. Figs have anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties and are useful for colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and asthma.

  12. The analgesic properties of figs will help eliminate pain from migraines, dental diseases and hemorrhoids.

  13. Figs are great for people on a diet and help to lose weight


ripe figs

Delicious fruits have a beneficial effect on both the adult and the growing organism. Doctors recommend figs for the treatment of the reproductive system in men. It is useful to use the fruits of the fig tree for women during pregnancy.

Health benefits for men

Figs with milk

Figs with milk

Since ancient times, figs have been considered a powerful aphrodisiac. The fruit of the fig tree has been used to treat infertility in men. Due to the presence of micro- and macroelements, the wine berry helps to cure prostatitis and increases libido.

A simple recipe is known, which was used by ancient healers to restore potency. To do this, soak a few berries in a glass of milk and leave overnight, and eat on an empty stomach in the morning. In addition, figs help to restore strength after physical exertion and increase tone.

Benefits for the female body

The benefits of figs for women

The benefits of figs for women

The wine berry has no less benefit on the female body. The weaker sex is prone to such a disease as varicose veins. Just a few fruits a day will save a woman from this ailment.

Figs also help normalize estrogen levels, which reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer. Eating a couple of berries a day can relieve pain during menstruation.

The use of figs will help the weaker sex to maintain a figure. You can use the fruits of the fig tree for cosmetic purposes. The substances contained in the wine berry maintain the elasticity of the skin, rejuvenate it and protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Cosmetic masks from the pulp of figs will help cleanse the skin and get rid of acne.

In addition, figs are useful for pregnant women and during breastfeeding. Useful microelements, which are rich in berries, help in the formation of the fetus during pregnancy. The fig also serves as a source of vitamins that the baby receives from a nursing mother with breast milk.

Benefits for children

The benefits of figs for a child

The benefits of figs for a child

Children can add crushed figs or puree to their diet from 9 months. By this time, the child's body is already adapted to such food.

Useful substances contained in the berry contribute to the full development of the child and protect against the development of diseases such as cerebral palsy.

However, it is necessary to control the reaction of the child's body to the fruits of the fig tree, since figs can cause allergic reactions and, in addition to numerous advantages, eating berries can harm the health of the child.

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Contraindications to the use of figs

People suffering from stomach ulcers and gastritis should be careful about eating this southern berry. Dietary fiber, which is contained in figs, can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

It is also not recommended to abuse these fruits for people who are prone to fullness, with diabetes and suffering from urolithiasis of the kidneys. It must be remembered that figs are a strong allergen and can cause swelling and skin rashes.

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Fig storage

Storing dried figs

Storing dried figs

When choosing a wine berry, you should pay attention to the appearance and smell of the fruit. Figs are perishable therefore, you should not buy berries with dents, sour smell and signs of fermentation, as they can cause diarrhea and poor health.

Fresh fruits should be firm, however, very hard figs are most likely underripe.

It is advisable to store fresh berries in the refrigerator, laying them out in one row. Dried figs must be placed in an airtight container and placed in a cool, dry place.

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The use of fig fruits in cooking

Fig Pie

Fig Pie

Figs are considered a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. From this berry you can cook compotes, jams and preserves, prepare marshmallows, marmalade, sweets, cookies and other desserts. Also, the fruits of the fig tree are suitable for conservation.

An interesting flavor combination of figs with soft cheese. In the cuisines of Eastern peoples, this berry is served as a side dish for meat and added to salads. There is also a recipe for baking fig bread.

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Interesting facts about the wine berry

fig tree blossom

fig tree blossom

Wild figs have a rather interesting way of reproduction. There are two types of inflorescences on one plant. Some inflorescences consist of female flowers and from them develop edible fruits - figs. In other inflorescences, male and female flowers are present, from which inedible caprifigs are born.

The flowers of the fig tree are pollinated by wasps - blastophages that cannot breed outside the flowers of a fig tree. The females of these wasps are fertilized inside the flower and, after fertilization, crawl out, while carrying pollen from male flowers on their bodies. This phenomenon is a vivid example of natural symbiosis.

figs useful properties and contraindications

In ancient Egypt, tamed monkeys were used to harvest figs. The animals plucked the fruit and handed it to the person who was under the tree.

The fig tree is often mentioned in the Christian religion, and in Buddhism it is a symbol of insight, since under the fig tree the Buddha knew the meaning of life.

In addition to fruits, fig leaves can be used for treatment. The juice of finely chopped leaves, mixed with butter, relieves itching from biting blood-sucking insects. Also, the juice of the plant can remove warts and get rid of fungal skin diseases.


In conclusion of the article, it should be recalled that the benefits of this berry are due to a rich set of vitamins and minerals that allow the use of fig tree fruits for the treatment of many diseases.

However, you should not self-medicate and before using figs as a medicine, you should consult a safely enjoy delicious figs.

You can watch a video about the benefits and dangers of figs at the link below.

VIDEO: 10 HEALING PROPERTIES OF FIGS! Benefits and taste that cannot be expressed in words

Figs: useful properties and possible contraindications for the body of women and men

10 HEALING PROPERTIES OF FIGS! Benefits and taste that cannot be expressed in words

Figs: useful properties and possible contraindications for the body of women and men | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

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