Heating with infrared ceiling heaters with a thermostat is more cost-effective than heating rooms with conventional devices. And there is no need to wait for a long heating - the heat begins to flow immediately after switching on.

Operating principle
If in a converter heater a heating element or a spiral is first heated, and then the surrounding air is heated due to heat exchange, then the principle of solar radiation is taken as the basis for the operation of an infrared device. Such devices do not heat the air, but objects that fall into the coverage area of the device. This happens due to the radiation emitted by the reflector - a thin aluminum plate with an anodized coating.

Infrared heaters do not heat the air, but objects
The secondary heating of the premises is due to the gradual transfer of heat from the walls, floor, household items to the surrounding air. Due to the high efficiency and simplicity of design, infrared heaters have a wide range of applications - from space heating to heating the soil or concrete. Such devices consume a minimum of electricity.
Plus, the humidity in the room remains at the same level, it does not dry out. Unlike converter devices, there is no feeling of lack of air in the room where infrared heaters work - they do not burn oxygen.

The design of infrared ceiling heaters can be different. They are available as:
- flat rectangular panels
- polymer films: the heating elements in them look like thin carbon fiber filaments laid in parallel
- lamps with a reflector of various shapes; heaters are most commonly used spiral

Film heaters
According to the types of energy used, heating elements are divided into 4 types:
- electrical
- gas
- diesel
- water
The last two types of heaters are used less frequently. The radiation range can also be different.
Infrared heaters are available:
- shortwave with a wavelength range of up to 25 microns, capable of heating up to 400°C; in order to avoid accidental contact with human skin, they are mounted in spacious rooms with a ceiling height of 3 m or more
- medium wave up to 50-100 microns: suitable for all types of premises
- long-wave: up to 200-340 microns, create the most comfortable microclimate, heating elements have a temperature of no more than 50°C
By installation methods, all infrared heaters are divided into:

Use of hangers

Radiation sources
According to the material of manufacture, heaters are divided into:
- tubular (heating elements)
- quartz: with tungsten filament
- carbon: with spiral carbon threads placed in a vacuum glass tube; unlike tungsten heating elements, they last longer and do not burn out
- ceramic: the advantage of ceramic plates is that they do not heat up, the surface of the heater remains almost cold
- halogen using inert gas enclosed in tubes
- mikatermicheskie: manufactured using Micatherm technology, consisting of a heating plate insulated from the ends with mica

Micathermal heater
For residential premises, it is preferable to choose devices with carbon or tubular heaters. Ceramic products are not very durable, and the wavelength range of halogen is too small and can have a negative impact on human health. Long-wave carbon film heaters, on the contrary, are considered absolutely harmless.

The power of the device is selected on the basis that for a full-fledged constant heating of 1 sq. m will need about 100 watts. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of thermal insulation - to warm up poorly insulated rooms, this parameter is increased by 25-30%.
Ceiling height is also important. With their standard height of 2.5 m for heating 10 sq. m enough heater with a capacity of 700-1100 watts. At higher ceilings, this parameter can increase up to 2000 watts. 4000 W models are more often used for heating industrial premises up to 5 m high.

Loggia heating
Point devices of medium power 900-2500 W are often mounted as additional heating for cottages, garages, apartments, private houses or separate rooms, for example, bathtubs, balconies and loggias, etc. They can also be used for heating greenhouses both in summer-autumn and winter.

Design features
The main element of this device is an emitter in the form of an anodized plate. In order for it to start emitting infrared rays, an elevated temperature is required. Its heating is provided by halogen, ceramic, carbon or tubular elements.
Converter devices with a small thickness have sufficient height and width, so they are often hung on walls or ceilings. The length of ceiling models can be 1-2 m. For spot heating of small rooms, more compact portable models 25-30 cm long are used. Due to the small thickness of the wall models, after installation, they practically do not catch the eye.

Infrared heaters are relatively small
A cylindrical or parabolic reflector is responsible for the direction of the rays and protection against overheating - a device made of heat-resistant materials. Protection against heating of objects adjacent to the heater in the form of a metal mesh is also provided.

Temperature sensors (thermostats)
These devices help to use electricity more economically. You set the room temperature that is comfortable for you, and the device turns on and off as needed. Such temperature sensors not only provide a comfortable microclimate in the premises, but also serve as protection against excessive heating of the device and its ignition.
There are three types of thermostats:
For ease of use, ceiling heaters are combined into groups and connected to one thermostat, and the user has the opportunity to control the microclimate in each room or throughout the house.

The thermostat allows you to set the exact temperature in the room

How to choose?
Before buying infrared emitters, you need to know exactly:
- room area and ceiling height
- type of heating (additional, main, point, zone, etc.)
- type of heating elements
- materials of manufacture (for ceiling structures it is better to take products not with a steel, but with a lightweight aluminum case)
- water resistance class (it is indicated on the label): to install a heater in bathrooms and showers, this parameter must be maximum
- additional features required
- color, product shape
- the amount allocated for the purchase
When selecting devices, not only the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises is taken into account, but also the height of the ceilings - the larger it is, the greater the power it is necessary to select devices. Fixing the infrared heater to a standard ceiling height of 2.5 m provides a coverage area of 20 square meters. m. The industry produces a number of models that can be selected for any interior.
There are also systems built into suspended ceilings. High-quality infrared models from trusted manufacturers with a 5-year warranty period can work for 10-15 years. Products with carbon heating devices are considered the most durable - their real service life is 15-25 years.

Ceiling heaters take up minimal space
The thickness of the anodizing layer of the heating element should also be taken into account. It should be from 25 microns. This parameter has a significant impact on the service life of the device. Heaters with a smaller thickness of such a layer fail much faster.
It is worth paying attention to the presence of a thermostat: if it is not available, you will have to manually adjust the temperature. Convenient are models equipped with a control panel - to set the desired temperature, it will be enough to take it in hand. Products are produced that can memorize several temperature conditions at once.

Leading manufacturers

Model Peony Thermo Glass
Design features of devices, coverage area and other factors depend on the specific model and its manufacturer. The warranty period for infrared devices may also vary - depending on the brand, it can range from one to 6 years.
The most famous manufacturers of such heaters are:
- Zenet (Germany)
- Noirot Royat (France)
- Timberk (Sweden)
- Electrolux (Sweden)
- Turkish Sinbo, UFO, Maximus (Turkey)
- Neoclima (Russia, Ukraine)
With similar quality and high efficiency, the price of devices manufactured by domestic firms Pion, Ecoline, Plan, TeploV or BiLux is much lower than the cost of products from venerable manufacturers. It makes no sense to buy cheap Chinese fakes - they will quickly fail. But factory samples from the Middle Kingdom (manufacturer Polaris) are quite reliable and enjoy the trust of customers.

Device cost
The average price of infrared devices, depending on the power and the availability of additional functions, varies between 1900-8000 rubles. Products equipped with a simple mechanical thermostat cost 20-30% less than similar models with an electronic heat controller.
We present in the form of a table the cost of ceiling devices of several domestic firms:
Manufacturer | Average price (rub) |
Peony | 2500-3900 |
Ecoline | 2000-7400 |
plan | from 2900 |
ballu | from 2500 |
HeatV | from 3900 |
The reputation of the manufacturer also affects the price of the device. Of course, for temporary heating of a summer house or a rented apartment, you can save a little and stop at budget models. For residential premises, it is still better to purchase products with a sufficient warranty period - their price will fully pay off with long-term work.

For greenhouses
In the spring-autumn period, when the sun does not indulge in warmth, summer residents use greenhouses various types of heating - from stoves to modern infrared devices. The latter are considered not only more economical, but also do not require large physical costs (delivery and ignition of coal, etc.) to maintain heat.

Infrared devices for greenhouses
Another advantage of infrared devices is the uniform heating of the soil.which cannot be achieved with conventional heating systems. In this case, the most favorable conditions for plant growth are provided.
When the system is provided with automatic thermoregulation, overheating of the soil and its overdrying are excluded. Under conditions of sufficient humidity, the germination of seeds, including elite and expensive ones, increases by 30-35%.

Installation of the heater will not take you much time
To ensure comfortable conditions for plants in early spring or autumn, high-power heaters are not required - it is enough to purchase several compact models and evenly distribute them around the perimeter of the ceiling. If you plan to heat a winter greenhouse, you will need to install appliances with higher power.
For giving
Heat country house using a boiler and radiators is not always advisable. After all, if you visit there in the winter from time to time, then the water in the system will simply break the pipes when it freezes.

This is a great option for a summer residence.
Infrared ceiling devices are ideal for heating residential areas from time to time:
- the radiation emitted by reflectors can quickly warm up the room; even if you have just entered a cold room from the street, after 20 minutes it will already be comfortable to be in it
- they are less afraid of drafts coming from poorly sealed old windows, because infrared radiation does not heat the air, but objects
- their installation does not require special knowledge - it will take no more than an hour to install the equipment
The main criterion for their selection is the area of the premises. Each room may need a different number of them.
for garage

Garage heating
Infrared devices that can quickly warm up a room can become indispensable for permanent, temporary or spot (local) garage heating. Even in unheated rooms, its periodic heating may be necessary, for example, during repair work or preventive maintenance of a car.
IR emitters can be installed on the ceiling of both small and spacious boxes.
Here are the benefits of using them:
- the surface of the heaters warms up slightly, but if they are mounted on the ceiling, the risk of fire is minimized
- wear of the running gear and engine when installing a car in a heated room is reduced - after all, no warm-up time is required; reduced costs for the purchase of antifreeze and fuel
- when using a thermostat capable of automating heating, heating costs are reduced by 30-40%
- if there is no need for full heating of the entire garage, you can choose the spot installation of an infrared heater
Heating of private houses and apartments

At present, alternative types of heating are very relevant due to the high cost of gas
For heating residential premises, infrared devices are most often used as an additional source of heat. They are installed in rooms where walls freeze through, at doors to protect against drafts or windows.

You can use them as an additional source of heating.
In apartment buildings, they are installed in cases where there is not enough central heating or living quarters are located on the ground floor, and the cold coming from the basement does not allow the rooms to warm up enough. Such devices are considered absolutely safe. After all, infrared radiation, by its nature, is as close as possible to the sun.
They work silently, plus when heated, they do not emit combustion products into the surrounding air. Infrared heaters are able to work in conditions of high humidity, so they are often installed to warm bathrooms, showers or dressing rooms. Ceiling devices for children are safe - they simply will not have the opportunity to get burned on a hot surface.

Veranda equipped with heating devices
Plus, infrared heaters do not dry out the air and do not burn out oxygen. Since objects are heated in the room, the heat does not rise quickly, but is evenly distributed throughout the room.

Proper placement is an important factor.
The main point that you should pay attention to when installing infrared heaters is the height of the ceilings. After all, the distance from the devices to the human head should be at least 0.5 m. The minimum ceiling height in the room where the installation is planned is 2.3 m.
In large rooms, heaters are distributed evenly over the entire area so that there are no unheated zones left. Finishing materials must also be taken into account. If the ceilings are upholstered with combustible clapboard or plastic, it is better to purchase a floor heater or change the finishing material, or take all the necessary safety measures applicable in this case.
No additional fasteners for installation are required - all fittings are included.
All you need is a screwdriver and a drill:
- as an additional source of heating, devices are usually mounted in the coldest places in the room: at the door or window
- holders-brackets are the first to be attached to the ceiling, they look like metal corners with holes
- after determining the exact location of the fasteners, holes are drilled in the ceiling, and the brackets are mounted on the anchor; they should be screwed down
- for very high ceilings, suspensions are used - in this case, the height of the heaters can be adjusted
- electrical wiring is done according to the diagram given in the instructions
- each device is tested sequentially
- wires are connected to the main wiring

Heater fixings
Installation of film heaters is much easier.Holes for fastenings are prepared on their surface (only the location of the heating elements must be avoided). Next, the device is screwed to the ceiling with screws. You can fix such heaters with glue.
DIY heaters
Of course, it is almost impossible to make complex design models in the absence of special tools and knowledge at home. But to make the simplest infrared heater for heating a garage, summer house or greenhouse is within the power of everyone.

And even more so if you are a great jack of all trades and at home you have your own small workshop
The simplest infrared heater is a sheet of foil placed behind a heating battery. For the manufacture of more serious designs, you can use any type of heater - from a spiral to a laminated plastic coated with crushed graphite. As a reflector (reflector), you can take an aluminum plate or a shiny polished steel sheet.
Infrared glass and foil devices

small infrared heater
We will need two glasses of the same size, foil, sealant, a wax candle, epoxy glue and a wire with a plug:
- before starting work, we remove all greasy and dirty stains from the glass
- now it needs to be carefully smoked: we fix the candle in the candlestick and evenly cover each glass on one side with an even layer of soot - it will serve as a current conductor
- we clean the edges of the glass around the perimeter from it - a clean strip of 0.5 cm in size should form on all sides
- cut out a rectangle from the foil slightly larger than the glass
- coat the smoked surface with epoxy glue and put a cut piece of foil on top; its edges should slightly extend beyond the glass
- glue the second smoked glass with glue and lay it on the foil; we bend its excess and wrap it on glass
- the joints of the glass are carefully treated with sealant
- we attach two metal plates to a wooden block - we solder a plug to one of them
- firmly press the bar to the foil bent around the glass
- check the operation of the received device by plugging it into a power outlet
Using old reflectors

As a basis, you can take any old reflector
- We clean any old but working reflector from dirt and dust
- We check the integrity of the cord, spiral, terminals, etc.
- Replace them if necessary
- We measure the length of the spiral and cut off the same piece of steel rod
- We wrap it with a nichrome thread in increments of about 2 mm
- We remove the resulting nichrome spiral and lay it on the dielectric, attaching it to the power terminals
- We connect the current and check the operation of the device
- The heated spiral is easy to fit into the grooves
Laminated carbon heaters

Film heater
Devices with a carbon-based film can be built from improvised materials. For this you will need:
- graphite powder
- a couple sheets of paper-based laminate
- copper terminals
- epoxy adhesive
- wire with plug
Graphite powder, which is a good conductor, must be fixed on the sheet. To do this, it is mixed with an adhesive and applied in a zigzag pattern to the paper laminate. The sheets are glued together.
Then copper terminals and wires are attached to the graphite conductor on both sides. For ease of control, it is better to connect a thermostat to the finished device. Before switching on, all workpieces should be thoroughly dried. The closest attention should be paid to insulation.
Device Benefits

infrared radiation is considered safe for health
We briefly list the main advantages of infrared heaters:
- quick heating of the room: since the device does not need time to warm up itself, it will take no more than 20 minutes to heat objects and get a comfortable temperature of 23-24 ° C in a cold room
- infrared heaters do not dry out the air and do not burn oxygen - the heated room does not require special air conditioning and ventilation
- small weight and compactness: such devices take up a minimum of space
- efficiency: the cost of paying for electricity when heated with infrared emitters is 30% less than when using other types of devices, including oil heaters
- additional savings are provided by thermostats that regulate electricity consumption
- since forced air circulation is not required to speed up the process, accordingly, there is no accumulation of dust; infrared devices can be installed in the rooms of people prone to allergies
- noiseless operation
- low fire hazard: the plate emitting heat waves heats up to 60 ° C, plus the presence of sensors that instantly react in case of overheating of the case reduces the risk of fires to a minimum
- ease of installation: since the design of the devices is simple, they are easy to install without the help of specialists
- wide range: the market provides a sufficient number of models of various rated power, different sizes and shapes
- the rays of the device are absolutely harmless to health
- higher price than converter devices (although it is offset by future energy savings)
- decrease in radiation density with increasing distance: the farther objects are from the device, the less they warm up
- impossibility of installation with low ceilings: no matter how compact such devices are, their installation requires a ceiling height of at least 2.3-2.5 m
- it will be difficult to remove dust periodically accumulating on the surface in this place;
- increased load on the electrical network: a separate line is required for the ceiling infrared heater system
- radiation density decreases with increasing distance to objects
VIDEO: If you are planning to purchase a ceiling infrared heater, be sure to watch the following video
Infrared ceiling heater with thermostat - modern technology in your home (Prices) + Reviews