All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration

Brickwork appears in many fashionable interior styles. Imitation brick for interior decoration is a spectacular way to create a cozy and harmonious design of a room. The reception allows designers to gently focus on all the walls or subtly emphasize a certain area of ​​​​the apartment.

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Natural brick has a large weight and volume. It creates too much load on the load-bearing floors, which is unsafe for residents of a multi-storey building. And yet, such masonry is not easy for a beginner in construction work.

Sometimes partitions are laid out of brick in large rooms, which are left to "live" in a rough finish.. You can use stone in spot decor elements. For interior finishing work, it is almost never used.


All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Stone masonry as the main accent in the interior of the kitchen

There are many methods to create an artificial brick wall that is visually indistinguishable from the real one. Depending on the financial capabilities, preferences or imagination of the residents, you can choose a different texture, color, size of cells. Choose the best view for the chosen interior style in accordance with the design of the building.

On the modern market of finishing materials there are dozens of decorative tiles with different levels of hardness, prefabricated flat panels or dense wallpaper with imitation of a characteristic pattern. If desired, you can not buy special products at all, using ordinary plaster, adhesive tape or a plastic stencil.

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Ways to create a brick wall using ready-made finishing materials

The main advantages of products imitating bricks are the absence of pressure on the slabs. due to its light weight and small thickness, due to which the volume does not steal from the space. And yet, it is much cheaper than a real stone. It is much more convenient and faster to work with it.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Spectacular look of ceramic tiles

In stores there are different options for finishing materials. Among them are several types of tiles, roll wallpaper, wide panels. Each element of decor has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The complexity and speed of the laying process differ for each method. Read all the instructions carefully and choose the best option. Be sure to consider the physical properties of the materials.

Soft tiles

It is the leader in ease of installation and handling. It has bright decorative qualities, it is almost impossible to distinguish it from the original texture. Suitable not only for interior rooms, but also for decoration balconies, loggia, terraces, exterior columns or building walls.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Flexible tiles are available in a wide range of colors

Due to the elastic, bending structure, it is convenient to spread it on rounded planes, in corners, for facing of small architectural forms. The product is sold in a variety of colors, which makes it interesting to combine shades, create catchy compositions.

Advantages of facing material

Consider the advantages of soft tiles and find out the reasons for its incredible popularity among master finishers:

  1. It is resistant to environmental factors, temperature extremes, humidity, pressure.
  2. Gives the surface an aesthetic and stylish appearance
  3. Additionally protects the walls from damage, insulates the room
  4. Strong and durable, not afraid of impacts, does not crack, dry or split
  5. Not afraid of pathogenic microorganisms, including fungi, mold, parasites
  6. Not affected by UV rays, does not fade in direct sunlight
  7. Perfectly lays down in internal and external corners without folds and bubbles

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

The perfect fake

Products are resistant to high temperatures, practically do not burn, immediately melt and fade. This is the most important factor in terms of safety in case of an unexpected fire.

What you need

First of all, prepare everything you need:

  • Flexible tiles (check the quantity with the sales consultant, having previously measured the area)
  • Primer
  • Glue

It is best to buy a bucket with a ready-made mass for tiles, which does not have to be diluted and brought to the desired consistency.. However, a dry mix will also work if there are good reasons in its favor. Be sure to consult in the store what glue is best to use to work with the selected material, and read the recommendations in the instructions for the tiles.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Universal adhesive for flexible stone

  • 2 spatulas: smooth and serrated, 15-20 cm wide. The depth of the teeth of the latter should be 4-8 mm. The first is needed to apply glue to the surface, and the second will help to evenly distribute the substance, which will ensure better adhesion.
  • Building level and long ruler (1-1.5 m). If you allow the slightest unevenness or bevel away from the right angle, after a couple of three rows they will become visually obvious. The neatness and impeccability of the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled
  • Cord for marking
  • tassel 1 cm wide for processing tile joints
  • Simple pencil and scissors

Installation steps

1At the first stage, the wall is carefully prepared. It is leveled, polished, cleaned of the old coating.
2Next, a primer is passed along it, which has antiseptic qualities. This will protect your decor from mold and mildew. Will provide more tenacious fastening of a tile and a wall.

Wait until the primer is completely dry. Work begins in a room where the air temperature is not lower than 5 ° C.

3Marking is applied to the entire surface with a simple pencil. Be sure to determine the bottom and top row of masonry. Use a ruler and level.
All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

The visual simplicity of tiling corners and outer edges of walls with soft tiles

4Stir the glue with a flat tool and apply it to an area 1 m wide and 0.5 m high. The layer thickness should be no more than 3-4 mm.
5Carefully level the adhesive mass with a notched trowel.
6Lay out the first row, work from the bottom up. If the first one started with a whole tile, then the second one continues with a half or a third, depending on the desired type of masonry. Cut tiles with simple scissors.
7Gently press the material against the wall and gently smooth over the entire area.
8Make sure that the distance between the rows is the same. So the seams will look neat.
9Before applying glue to the next section, go over the seams with a thin brush dipped in water. Smooth out both vertical and horizontal furrows.

Before laying, remove all the tiles from the packages and mix them thoroughly with each other. So you evenly distribute products, the shades of which can vary minimally.

Volumetric panels with brick imitation

Finished panels are large, so their laying is much faster. They are glued end-to-end, in rows, like puzzles. They immediately cover a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface, so this lining is easy to do with your own hands.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Cladding panels with characteristic check pattern

Product varieties

There are different types of panels, depending on the material from which they are made:

  1. Hardboard (compressed woodworking waste)
  2. fiberboard
  3. fiberglass
  4. Gypsum
  5. Glass fiber reinforced concrete (cement with glass fiber fibers). Very strong but heavy material
  6. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
  7. Modified fibreboard (MDP)

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

PVC Sheet Panel Instance

For interior decoration, the last two varieties are most often used. PVC is a high-quality plastic, and MDP is wood-based panels with plastic elements.

Let's analyze the advantages of such structures:

  • Durability and resistance to environmental influences
  • Plastic is not afraid of chemical detergents, is not subject to mold, corrosion
  • Easy to clean from dust, dirt, grease, yellow plaque
  • Provides excellent sound insulation
  • In case of mechanical damage to a certain area, the block can be easily replaced without destroying the entire masonry
  • The material is very light
  • Installation technology is simple and fast
  • Low prices. Due to the large area, fewer boards are required
  • The optimal material for a room with high traffic, which is subject to changes in temperature and humidity: kitchen, bathroom, loggia, hallway
  • Panels are easy to cut with an electric jigsaw or hacksaw
  • They perfectly mask the irregularities and imperfections of the wall, do not require their preliminary preparation.
  • When mounted on a frame, the panel perfectly masks engineering communications: pipes, wires, recesses

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Facing the balcony with MDP panels

There are models with heaters, which are supplemented on the reverse side with foam or mineral wool. They are suitable for facing balconies or cold verandas in country houses.

Wall laying

Depending on the direction of the pattern, the panels are mounted on the wall vertically or horizontally directly on screws or self-tapping screws. On a flat surface, the sheets are perfectly glued to liquid nails or any other polymer adhesive. Heavy blocks can be planted on a cement adhesive mass.

There are designs that are installed on special frames that are attached to the wall with dowels. If the surface is not flat, a special subsystem of metal slats or wooden beams will be required. Many panel manufacturers sell ready-made frames with hooks, on which the blocks are hung.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Mounting pattern on the frame subsystem

If you buy panels separately from the frame, make sure they match and can be used for a single mount. It is best to purchase designs from one manufacturer.

Gypsum tiles

It belongs to the varieties of hard facing materials and is considered the most cost-effective option. It is very light and aesthetically attractive, it allows you to reliably imitate brickwork.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Elegant appearance of gypsum tiles

The disadvantage is the impossibility of decorating in rooms with high humidity, since gypsum is considered a highly hygroscopic rock. However, there are specimens on sale with additional moisture-proof layers on the inside and outside of the stone. Such tiles can be mounted even in bathrooms.

In addition to the usual rectangular tiles on sale, you can find figured specimens in the form of corners, squares, triangles.. It is necessary to glue such material on the composition with the inclusion of gypsum in it. To create aesthetic seams, it is necessary to purchase grout, which fills the space between the rows.

cement tiles

This material is very strong, durable, resistant to low temperatures. Consists of sand, cement and water. Comes in a variety of textures and shades.

By the way, you can make such a tile yourself if you find a silicone mold. Knead the solution with water and two equal parts of sand and cement to the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour it into the mold and wait until it dries completely.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Cement tiles disguised as "wild stone"

A homemade tile requires external decoration, as well as applying a paint or varnish layer. It can be coated with color and apply a protective coating.

Clinker tiles

The most expensive option, but also the most effective. This finish looks expensive, noble, elegant. The tile has the highest operational qualities.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Impeccable interior with clinker tiles at the head of the ensemble

It is made from natural, plastic clay, which is pressed and fired at high temperatures. The result is an environmentally friendly and natural material that can be used to line existing fireplaces, stoves, internal and external walls. It will last a long time without losing its bright appearance.

Clinker tiles are decorated in a variety of ways. Its surface can be smooth, rough, glazed or "raw". There are dozens of colors and textures.

How to properly stick hard material on a vertical surface

imitation brick for interior decoration

The process of gluing decorative tiles

Solid tiles are mounted on the wall following the same algorithm. Only the type of adhesive composition can differ. Choose the one that is preferable for the material from which the tile is made: gypsum, cement, clay, etc.

Process technology:

The same tools are prepared from the inventory, which are listed in the section on installing soft tiles. Add a grinder with a disc designed for cutting stone or a hand-held circular saw.

Due to the severity of the material, the procedure is considered more complex. It also includes an additional final stage for sealing seams.

1The wall is leveled, cleaned, coated with a primer
2Carefully mark up with a simple pencil. Designate the upper and lower boundaries of the masonry, calculate the number of rows between them, draw perfectly straight lines

When calculating the distance between rows, do not forget about the gaps for the seams. The average thickness of the seam in brickwork is 8-12 mm.

3Prepare the glue
4Carefully study the instructions for packaging with tiles. Some heavy materials must also be glued on the inside
5Apply glue to the wall and level it with a notched trowel
All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Clinker installation

6Press the tile to the surface for 10 seconds. Start working from the bottom up

Do not be lazy to check the evenness and symmetry of each row with a level.

7To make the same seams, wooden slats or special calibrators are temporarily inserted between the rows. After setting the adhesive composition, they are removed and transferred to the next row.
8When the laying is completed, the seams are filled with a special grout. It is placed in a plastic bag with a cut corner, and gently squeezed into the hole. Work carefully so that the mass does not fall on the outside of the tile

Wallpaper for brick coating

Brick-patterned wallpaper is an inexpensive and easy way to add charm and sophistication to your interior. They look especially advantageous in the office, on kitchen, in the hall. The appearance of rooms changes quickly and irrevocably.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Wallpaper with this pattern looks stylish and catchy

Please note that if the entire room is covered with wallpaper, such a print will visually reduce the space. Therefore, registration is permissible only in large rooms.

Wallpaper is glued in the traditional way, without special recommendations and additional instructions.

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DIY brickwork imitation

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Nice plaster masonry

Homemade options are among the most budgetary. If you try hard, you can imitate a brick wall, indistinguishable from a real one.Let's analyze the three most affordable and easy ways to imitate a brick with your own hands.

We independently produce tiles from expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is cut into tiles of the desired size with a thickness of 1 cm. For greater similarity, the edges are melted with fire. Instead of melting, you can rub each tile with sandpaper in different places, achieve roughness, dents and bumps.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Making tiles from expanded polystyrene

Work with fire is carried out in the open air, protecting the nose with a respirator. When burning, the material releases toxic substances.

  1. The wall is leveled and treated with a primer
  2. Apply markup using a level and a ruler
  3. Styrofoam is cut into bricks and decorated for better imitation
  4. Stick on liquid nails
  5. Treat the seams with standard grout
  6. Paint the surface with color with a brush

Apply the finished stencil

Purchase dry building cement intended for plastering work. It is plastic and convenient for finishing procedures. Prepare a stencil (cage) with a brick pattern.

The stencil can be plastic, wood, rubber.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

This is what a standard plastic stencil looks like

1The wall must be perfectly flat. Apply a primer on it and wait for it to dry.
2Next, cover the surface with a solution 1-1.5 cm thick
3Apply the stencil to a fresh layer of cement and carefully press
4After a couple of minutes, it is transferred to the next area next to the squeezed pattern

Apply the fixture so that the masonry is even, its symmetry is not broken, and there are no distortions. This is the hardest part of the process.

5When you finish pushing the picture, wait for the solution to dry completely. Go over the surface again with a primer. Paint the wall with acrylic paint of the desired color.

Use narrow masking tape

Scotch tape helps to reproduce the brick pattern on the wall with a thick layer of ordinary plaster. The role of the latter is performed by the cement or gypsum mentioned above. Watch the video, which clearly demonstrates the process of creating a "brick" pattern on gypsum plaster using strips of narrow adhesive tape:

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

VIDEO: Construction tape allows you to achieve perfect similarity

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

Construction tape allows you to achieve perfect similarity

A cozy and homely brick wall is conducive to peace and spiritual comfort. It gives a feeling of solidity, protection and security. I want to return to such a house, there is no desire to leave here.

The rough texture of raw stone is interestingly combined with fragile and airy textiles, allowing you to create amazing ensembles. It also looks good with wood, other rocks, glass and plastic. Effectively "plays" in daylight and artificial lighting.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

The right color scheme helps visually expand the space.

Even a beginner in finishing work can easily decorate a wall under a brick. If you carefully understand the issue, you can perform a spectacular design without spending a single extra penny. Do not be afraid to experiment and try new things - let the interior of your home give you pleasure.

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

VIDEO: 5 ways to apply brick decor. imitation brick

All ways to imitate brickwork for interior decoration: expensive and budget, simple and virtuoso. Installation instructions (80+ Photos & Videos)

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Imitation brick for interior decoration

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