Interesting ideas for decorating your favorite dacha with your own hands | 150+ original photo tips for craftsmen

do-it-yourself cottage photo ideas

The concept of design is known to everyone. Since the acquisition of a summer cottage, its meaning becomes filled with a different meaning. The flow of creativity is directed to decorating a cozy dacha, the implementation of creative ideas and bold ideas in crafts. For bold non-standard ideas, even unnecessary things that have served their time are a good help. Consider the proposed photo ideas to decorate the cottage with your own hands.

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Where to start?

The beginning will be the ability to look at familiar things from a new angle, the rejection of stereotypes.

a selection of ideas for decorating a summer cottage

A selection of non-standard solutions

Another find for creating and implementing a creative solution is humor. By applying these criteria for ideas, you will notice that the cottage has become a favorite place for the family. On it, everyone can not only work, grow healthy fruits or vegetables, but also fully recover after work. Moreover, making decorations for giving is not only profitable, but also useful:

  • Things that have become unnecessary are reborn.
  • Family creativity. Simultaneous involvement of children and adults to participate in the creative process is nice. The younger ones are so inspired by the joint work that they offer their own ideas, which sometimes amaze with novelty. In addition, children will not break their and your crafts.
  • When there are few own ideas for decorating a summer house, it is good to use those already implemented. It can be a neighbor's cottage, a photo from the Internet or a catalog. Thus, you can still find new colleagues in creativity.

supply for toothpick and flower

Let's start with those projects that will not take much time or money.

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Mini-flower beds for your favorite cottage

bird cage flower bed

Flowerbed from a decorative cage for birds

To not have a flower bed in the country is incredible. Usually, these are beautiful combinations of luxurious colors, decorated in a certain style. But, unusual mini-flower beds will help to diversify, give zest to the design of the dacha. They are easily made from improvised materials. The main component is garden soil. Without it, no idea will come true.

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worn shoes

flowerbed of old boots and kortsin

Rubber boots as a flower pot

Not a single family experiences a shortage of material in the country. This is the best planter for a mini flower garden. Such designer crafts decorate not only the porch, but also the playground, bench, fence.

Abandoned by everyone, a forgotten shoe on the lawn, in which flowers have grown - spectacularly and unusually. Children will appreciate this arrangement.

flowerbeds from old shoes

A family design decoration project will be a composition of several pairs of shoes

A harmonious combination of boots or shoes of family members will decorate the steps in a stylish and unusual way.


plates for fencing flower beds

Plates can serve as a flower bed fence

For creativity, broken tableware, a holey old bucket are suitable.

Even an old iron barrel can be given a new look.

Even an old iron barrel can be given a new and non-standard look.

Take the paints in your hands, immediately the old basins, buckets, jugs and plates familiar to summer cottages will be transformed before your eyes.

flower pots covered with pieces of broken dishes

Flower pots covered with pieces of broken dishes

Try to place decorations for a summer residence in places that are unusual for us:

  • on a bench by the garden path
  • on the shore of a natural or artificial reservoir
  • along buildings, greenhouses, fences or garden beds
  • just on a stool or an old chair

In any case, the space will sparkle with new colors, become more fun, more unusual.

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We decorate the interior space

The same old dishes will serve well for the implementation of ideas and indoors. In the country there is a tea set that is out of fashion or half broken. It is not necessary to take it outside, decorate the room or create a composition.

Old spoons and forks

flower pots from ladles

Flower pots from ladles

By attaching items to a regular board, we get a hanger of the original form. The photo shows what the idea looks like:

fork and spoon hangers

Great design solution

If the family is a craftsman with experience, then he can handle a real masterpiece. An old lamp and cutlery in his hands will transform the room beyond recognition.

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We continue in nature

Here the scope for imagination increases exponentially.

Old furniture

Flower beds from old furniture

Old desk repainted bright yellow

Popular, grateful, profitable material for ideas or projects. In combination with flowers, it will take up a lot of space, so it will be possible to beat a significant space at no cost.

flower bed from an old bed

Old bed wrapped in climbing greenery

Use an old bed to play with lawn space. Or a gazebo. It's cozy, comfortable, beautiful, cheap.

A chest of drawers with flowers will refresh the wall of the outbuilding.

A chest of drawers with flowers will refresh the wall of a farm building

old piano with a waterfall

And a flowerbed from an old piano, which has served its time, will generally replace the element of the cascade of a waterfall in the garden in the country

A typewriter mined from the trash will surprise guests, and the idea itself will bring joy to the owner.

A typewriter mined from the trash will surprise guests, and the idea itself will bring joy to the owner

There are so many options for ideas for their application that the choice becomes not easy with each photo. But, most importantly, take into account the style of the dacha, the preferences of the home, as well as the available arsenal. The remains of furniture are combined in one zone, painted in an unusual bright color, small or different elements are added.

Broken chairs enjoy special attention among summer residents.

Particular attention among summer residents is used by broken chairs.

Stumps from felled trees

flowerbed on a stump

Flowerbed on a stump

When an old site is purchased for a summer cottage or after construction activities on a new one, the amount of wood trimmings or old stumps will save design costs. Do not throw away a valuable element for decoration.

An unexpected solution to the idea - a planter for your favorite flowers. But, you have to work hard.

An unexpected solution to the idea is a planter for your favorite flowers. But, you have to make an effort

The stump is selected carefully, it should not show signs of decay or disease.

The process of creating a planter takes time and effort:

  • To make room for plants, remove the core. With the help of a pickaxe, a jigsaw, a drill, a chisel and an ordinary hammer, decorate a “flower meadow”. The time spent will be proportional to the size of the stump
  • Leave the bark on the stump, but treat the core and bark with antifungal and antiseptic solutions. This will protect plants from disease.
  • Inside, insert a container of a suitable size and fill it with soil. Do not fill the ground without containers, otherwise the stump will collapse quickly
  • Plant the plants in the prepared pot

For flower beds curb stunted species, small shrubs and junipers are appropriate from the stump. Your main task is to maintain harmonious proportions between plants and the size of the stump.

The stump has changed, and a new decoration has appeared in the country house.

The stump has changed, and a new decoration has appeared in the country

Remains of logs

Ideas with a tree to decorate a summer house can not be counted. The rest of the wood is suitable for the original garden path.

Saw the log into pieces of the same thickness and lay on the site.

Saw the log into pieces of the same thickness and lay on the site

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Design solutions will help attract feathered helpers to the garden. Therefore, with such decor, there will be no place for pests on the site.


Log feeder

Log feeder

An old log is suitable for making garden furniture, toys, children's swings, fairy-tale compositions - an idea for playground.

Remains of building materials

A numerous and budget option for decorating a summer house is brick and the remains of a board. Ideas and projects will not only decorate and refresh the summer cottage, but will help to show creativity, use things that were going to be thrown away.

several used pallets

Material for creativity

pallet garden furniture

Some Pallet Garden Furniture Ideas

Stone compositions are a great idea, very practical and long lasting.

Original tracks are made from the remnants of natural material.

Original tracks are made from the remnants of natural material

To implement the idea, the construction team is not needed. Any owner of the cottage is able to independently perform the list of works:

  • Level and compact the soil
  • Choose the type and size of the stone
  • Apply markings and lay the material according to the drawing

If only adults and children will walk along the path and no cars or any other equipment will drive, you should not take large slabs.

Paths of sea pebbles

Sea pebbles in an unusual application


flower beds from car wheels

The tire will help in zoning

Dacha outside the city requires the presence of a car. The type of used tires is unsightly, there is nowhere to store them, so we can use them for the benefit of our ideas. The usual decor is the design of garden beds and the design of deciduous plants.

colored flower bed of car tires

Choose bright colors, brushes and time - that's all it takes

It turns out simple, beautiful and useful. There is no garbage, and there is no extra flower bed. Who grew in the country strawberries, knows how important it is to transplant the culture after 3-4 years.

In order not to take up extra space under the beds, use tires.

In order not to take up extra space under the beds, use tires

Glass or plastic bottles

This idea helps gardeners when you need to arrange a garden bed, cover cuttings or cover a weak seedling. And for creative people, this is a help in translating ideas. When creating an original structure, considerable patience will be required.

Flowerbed of glass bottles

A very unusual solution for using glass bottles

The advantage of products made from glass bottles is impermeability. They will not burn, they will not melt in the sun, they will not get wet in the rain. Even the fragments will be useful for the construction of a country masterpiece when implementing an idea.

Picture from the bottoms of plastic bottles

Picture from the bottoms of plastic bottles

Plastic bottles transform and bend. Plastic palm trees or animals will decorate the children's area or recreation area. Paint them in bright colors, and the design of the cottage will become unique.

Two swans from plastic bottles

Year-round garden decoration

When the cold comes and the flowerbeds with annual flowers cease to exist, the original ideas of compositions from plastic bottles. Regardless of the weather, they will keep a bright variety on the site.

unnecessary things

flower bed from an old suitcase

Even an old suitcase can be a decoration

Decorated old bike

An old bicycle painted in all the colors of the rainbow is a great decoration

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Garden Ideas

You also want to see beds with vegetables attractive and original. Expensive and fashionable material is not always available. Therefore, unusual solutions from the usual means help summer residents, and the garden looks no worse than a recreation area.

From the remnants of brick, slate or board, neat beds are obtained.

From the remains of a brick, slate or board, neat beds

If you like weaving, use wooden rods. Simple and beautiful.

If you like weaving, use wooden rods. Simple and beautiful

A flowerbed of ornamental cabbage in the garden will become a designer exclusive. On the one hand, a vegetable, on the other, an original decoration.

Combination of vegetables and flowers

Combination of vegetables and flowers

Dress the scarecrow in the latest fashion. And it's good for plants and it's nice to look at. The remains of a metal rod are suitable for creating an arch, next to which you plant a climbing rose or ivy.

The entrance to the garden will acquire some mystery.

The entrance to the garden will acquire some mystery

Interesting ideas for decorating your favorite cottage with your own hands

Country tricks or useful ideas for giving your own hands

Interesting ideas for decorating your favorite dacha with your own hands | 150+ original photo tips for craftsmen

8.8 Total Score
Interesting ideas for decorating your favorite cottage

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  • The ability to refresh or embellish your summer cottage, simply by using old things that are no longer needed.
  • You can involve relatives and friends in this process, diversify your leisure time.
  • Creative activities develop imagination and fantasy.
  • Any creativity requires concentration and free time.
Buyer ratings: 4 (1 vote)

  1. Yes, I read this article and realized that I would do the general cleaning at the dacha, which I planned in the spring, in a different way)) I really wanted to throw out so much there, but I read this article and realized that I would definitely not throw everything out )) There are so many ideas about how you can use trash to decorate your summer cottage, that there are simply no words))) I would never have thought of finding a use for old shoes or plates, for example))) the materials that remained from the repair, based on this article, can be completely used as furniture)) In general, more ideas are described and shown here than necessary. But I still took a couple of ideas into account and in the spring and summer in 2018 I will definitely try to implement them. But, at least. I’ll definitely try)) I think my wife won’t mind either, she just loves my creativity))

  2. On our site, we teamed up with my mother's dacha. We got quite a decent area for the implementation of not only her garden, obligatory vegetable beds, but also for her ideas. The charm came out with the reservoir, from its side (now from the common side) a tiny, but rather deep river flows. This was a great success, and a new gazebo was put up not far, just by the cedars. Beauty indescribable opens to the opposite shore. Of course expanse for flower beds. We love all sorts of flowers, the eye rejoices at the abundance of many colors. And hanging flowerpots fell in love, ampelous pelargonium blooms with such lights that neighbors from afar see this miracle. Some people don't even know about these types. How much I share it already, everyone is surprised at such an unpretentious, but lush flower. They also dragged an old grandfather Cossack to the site. We made this rarity the basis of the clubs, planting petunia, it grows well and quickly, creating a flower abundance.And the barberry fence finally got rid of annoying guests, from village cats to someone's curious goat.

  3. I got a lot of useful ideas for myself. Some ideas will be implemented this spring. A lot of rubbish gathered at the dacha, which I planned to throw out, but it became a pity, and now I can use this rubbish to good use. I always wanted to transform my site and turn it into a beautiful place. Last year, he installed decorative fences and laid out a stone sidewalk. My wife's plans have always been to decorate the plot with a lot of flowers, I support her desire, but I want to do it as rationally as possible in order to leave room for planting vegetables. In the process of reading the article, I found many useful solutions for decorating the garden with flowers and at the same time I do not have to allocate a lot of space for flowers. I will use free places, and I will use various rubbish as containers for flowers and flower beds: balls, plastic containers, shoes and car tires, having previously decorated all this. I especially liked the idea with swans - simple execution and looks spectacular. I also note the fence of the plates - simple and tasteful. I have always admired people who can create something beautiful and useful out of nothing.

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