The honorary title of “Queen of the Shady Garden” has long been assigned to the host. And this is no coincidence: the unpretentious decorative perennial feels great in shady areas. under the treeswhere no other plants often grow.
We will talk about the varieties of hosta and the most popular varieties, about planting this plant in open ground, growing conditions and caring for it, as well as how to propagate and use hosta in landscape design.
- Description
- Varieties
- Varieties
- Blue Angel (Blue Angel)
- Albomarginata
- Big Daddy (Big Daddy)
- Wolverine (Wolverine)
- Red October (Red October)
- Broadway (Broadway)
- White Feather (White Feather)
- Sort Paul's Glory (Glory to Paul)
- Praying Hands (Praying hands)
- Gold Standard (Gold standard)
- Gypsy Rose (Gypsy Rose)
- Guacemole (Guacamole)
- Liberty (Freedom)
- Moerheim
- Patriot (Patriot)
- Grade Purple Heart (Purple heart)
- risky business
- Sharmon
- Stiletto (Stiletto)
- Undulata Mediovariegata
- Curly Fries
- reproduction
- Landing
- Growing conditions
- garden care
- Diseases and pests
- In landscape design

Hosta is a perennial ornamental deciduous plant. Its homeland is the Far East, Japan, China and the countries of Southeast Asia, where these beautiful bushes grow in natural conditions.
Previously, this plant and the genus as a whole were called Funkia, which was given in honor of the German botanist Heinrich Christian Funk, who lived in the 18th - 19th centuries.

In landscape design
Then both the perennial itself and the entire genus were officially renamed: this decision was made by the participants of the International Botanical Congress, held in 1905.
The plant received its new name in honor of Nikolaus Thomas Host, an Austrian doctor and botanist. Currently, the Hosta genus belongs to the Asparagus family, although it previously belonged to the Liliaceae family.
Hostas bloom in July-August. At this time, numerous funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers bloom on the bushes. They resemble small lilies, rise above the bushes on long peduncles and emit a delicate aroma. There are varieties with white, lilac and pale lilac shades of petals.

plant flowers
Hostas are real centenarians among all herbaceous perennials, they live up to 25 years!
Neat bushes with leaves figuratively laid out in a kind of “hairstyle” become more and more magnificent with age and retain their decorative effect for a very long time. They are used to create borders, and their leaves are also used in bouquets and flower arrangements.

Hostas were brought to Europe from Japan in the 18th and 19th centuries and have been cultivated ever since. By height (excluding peduncles), these decorative perennials are divided into six groups.
At the same time, there are no strict international standards for assigning a certain variety to a particular group.They may vary from country to country and even from supplier to supplier.
- miniature (reach a height of just over 10 cm)
- dwarf (10-15 cm)
- undersized (15-35 cm)
- medium height (35-55 cm)
- tall (55-75 cm)
- giant (75-150 cm)
The genus Khosta has more than two dozen species. At the same time, some of them exist only in culture, and do not occur in natural conditions of growth.
The most common and popular are the following types:
Wavy hosta
A plant with leaves up to 20 cm long, elongated and wavy edges.
In the color of the leaves, white areas are interspersed with green, and the flower petals are painted in a light purple hue.
Hosta Siebold
A plant with dense broad leaves up to 30 cm long, covered with a bluish wax coating. The inflorescences are short and dense, the flowers are lavender or light purple in color. In the sun, the leaves of this species lose their bluish tint and turn green.
This species is named after Philipp Franz von Siebold, a German naturalist and plant collector. He lived for some time in Japan in the 19th century and studied its flora and fauna. In addition to the hosta, several dozen Japanese plants bear the name of Siebold.
Hosta lanceolate
The plant comes from Northeast China and the south of Primorye.
Elongated lanceolate leaves are up to 25 cm long and form a compact bush, and on peduncles up to 100 cm high July-August, numerous purple flowers bloom. Bushes grow quickly.
plantain hosta
The plant is native to Japan and China. Rounded leaves up to 40 cm long, painted in bright green, form a large "cushion", which rises above the flower garden.
In August, flower stalks up to 100 cm tall appear with tubular flowers.
Hosta Fortune
Similar in many ways to Siebold's hosta, but smaller and with less waxy coating on the leaves. This species includes varieties that differ in color and size of leaves, shade of flowers and height of peduncles. Garden forms of this hosta are quite unpretentious and can grow only in temperate latitudes.
The species is named after British botanist Robert Fortune. In the middle of the XIX century, he made several long trips to China, Japan and Taiwan, collecting unexplored and unknown plants in Europe.
Hosta white-rimmed
Forms a dense rosette of leaves and blooms in July-August. The bushes are medium-sized, they can grow well in a container.
There are a large number of varieties of this species with green, yellow-green, dark green and blue-green corrugated leaves that have a thin white border around the edge.
Hosta rectifolia
A powerful plant with almost vertically growing leaves on long petioles. In the wild, it is found in Japan, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.
In the Land of the Rising Sun, this plant is considered edible and even medicinal. It finds use in many recipes of Japanese traditional medicine.
Hosta swollen
A plant with broad heart-shaped leaves. Forms a powerful bush, reaching 80 cm both in height and in width. Lilac flowers bloom on long (120 cm) peduncles in July-August.
This species has many varieties with a wide variety of leaf and flower colors.

To date, about 600 varieties of hosta are known. Dozens of new varieties are registered every year, many of which are amazing and truly luxurious. We will introduce you to the most beautiful, popular and unusual varieties that can take their rightful place in your garden.
Blue Angel (Blue Angel)
A giant variety with graceful blue-green leaves falling in a beautiful cascade. The height of the bushes is 100-120 cm. The flowers are lavender in color.
The variety is shade tolerant, can only withstand the morning sun.
Charming variety of medium size with a dense rosette of leaves. The bushes are sprawling, up to 60 cm high and wide. The leaves are green, with a thin white edging along the edge, slightly corrugated.
Big Daddy (Big Daddy)
A powerful plant of large size with leaves of expressive texture. It is one of the best blue-leaved varieties. The leaves are up to 30 cm in diameter.
White flowers bloom on meter peduncles.
Wolverine (Wolverine)
Wolverine, whose sprawling bushes grow up to 35 cm in height and up to 80 cm in width. The leaves of this variety are narrow, lanceolate, blue-green, with a yellowish edging along the edge.
Foliage acquires the greatest contrast in the second year of growth.
Red October (Red October)
Medium-sized hybrid variety with showy red petioles contrasting with green foliage. Bushes grow up to 40 cm in height and 60 cm in diameter.
Purple flowers bloom in August.
Broadway (Broadway)
A beautiful variety with dense embossed heart-shaped leaves. The color of the leaves is bluish-green, along the edge there is a wide uneven border of a yellowish-cream color.
Bushes grow up to 55-60 cm in height. The flowers have lavender shade.
White Feather (White Feather)
One of the most effective hybrid varieties. This beautiful plant forms a compact bush (up to 35-50 cm).
Graceful creamy white leaves with light green veins, really like feathers, sit on green petioles.
Sort Paul's Glory (Glory to Paul)
In 1999, he received the honorary title of "Host of the Year", which is awarded annually by the American Association of Host Manufacturers. The leaves of this variety are very decorative. In their color, yellow and blue-green shades alternate, as if applied with an artist's brush.
However, the color may change throughout the season. Starting from the age of three, the leaves acquire an interesting "reaped" texture. Spreading bushes: an adult plant reaches 60-70 cm in height and up to 90 cm in diameter.
Praying Hands (Praying hands)
An original variety with narrow leaves that grow almost vertically. At the first glance at this host, it immediately becomes clear why it got its unusual name.
The leaves of this variety are dark green in color and have wavy edges. A medium-sized bush reaches a height of up to 40 cm.
Gold Standard (Gold standard)
Forms sprawling domed bushes up to 60-70 cm tall and 120 cm wide.
The leaves are heart-shaped, yellow-green or yellow with a contrasting dark green edging around the edge.
Gypsy Rose (Gypsy Rose)
Attractive plant with expressive leaves with clear light and dark green color zones.
In height, the bushes of this spectacular variety reach 40 cm, and in width - up to 75 cm.
Guacemole (Guacamole)
A great option for a shady garden. The shiny, heart-shaped leaves of this variety are apple green with a dark green border around the edge. In height, the bushes grow up to 60 cm and have a diameter of 70-100 cm.
In 2002, this variety was named Host of the Year by the American Host Growers Association.
Liberty (Freedom)
A beautiful variety that retains its decorative effect throughout the growing season. Dense leaves of spectacular contrasting colors are among the most memorable.
In late autumn, when the foliage of other varieties has already died off, Liberty will continue to please the eye in a dormant garden. With age, the bushes of this variety grow rapidly and acquire a beautiful shape, and the border on the leaves becomes wider.
Tall fast growing variety. Bushes reach both in height and in width up to 60 cm.
The heart-shaped leaves are 15-20 cm long, dark green in color and have a white thin border along the edge of the leaf plate.
Patriot (Patriot)
A popular variety in ornamental horticulture. Small compact bushes reach 40 cm in height and grow in width up to 70 cm.
Dark green leaves are outlined by a contrasting whitish-cream wide border. This variety blooms in the second half of summer with lavender flowers.
Grade Purple Heart (Purple heart)
It belongs to the red-leaf varieties. Breeders have not yet bred varieties with red or purple leaves, but the first step in this direction has already been taken.
Red-brown petioles of this variety contrast with bright green foliage, and flower stalks have the same rich color. Pale purple flowers, of which there are up to 30 on each peduncle, cast a purple tone at the base.
risky business
Variety with dense dark green leaves, in the center of which are clearly defined creamy white stripes. Bushes grow up to 40 cm in height and up to 60 cm in width.
It blooms in July with lavender flowers on long peduncles.
A very effective variety that can become an ornament to any shady garden. Bushes grow up to 55 cm in height, and up to 80 cm in width.
In the color of the leaves, a bright green hue is combined with light greens and yellowish-cream areas and stripes, giving the plant an unusual decorative look.
Stiletto (Stiletto)
The original variety with long narrow leaves and low bushes growing up to 25-35 cm. Slightly wavy leaves are green and have a thin white border around the edge.
This variety blooms with small bell-shaped flowers of a light lilac hue.
Undulata Mediovariegata
A compact variety that belongs to the wavy varieties of the host. Beautifully curled leaves are eye-catching with wavy edges and contrasting creamy green coloring.
Bushes up to 40 cm high look spectacular in flower beds and landscape compositions.
Curly Fries
The original undersized variety. Leaves with wavy edges are very narrow and long, grow quickly, forming a kind of "shock". Bushes reach 25-30 cm in height.
Light green leaves gradually change their color to yellow-green.

It reproduces in several ways:

hosta seeds

Propagation by cuttings

Division of the rhizome

Plant hosta outdoors in early spring or autumn. In the spring - before the leaves bloom, in the fall - after flowering, but with the expectation that the plants have time to take root before the cold weather and can winter well.

Planting a plant in spring
It can grow in one place for over two decades, and its bushes tend to grow. This must be taken into account when planting plants in the garden. The distance between the bushes should be done from 30 to 60 cm, depending on the type and variety of the plant. If the specimens belong to giant varieties, the distance between such plants must be increased to 80-100 cm.
The pit for planting should be prepared with sufficient width, as the root system of the host grows in breadth. In the pit you need to add rotted manure, peat, a small amount of sand and mix everything.Growth buds should be at ground level. After planting, the plant is watered and mulched.

Growing conditions
Hosta is a shade-tolerant and undemanding plant. These perennials prefer shady places, can tolerate irregular watering, can withstand frost well, and are low maintenance requirements. However, there are varieties that can grow in sunny areas - these include mainly varieties with yellow leaves.

Some varieties grow well in full sun.
It is undemanding to soils, but loose, rich, slightly acidic soil, for example, acidic loams, suits them better than others. The soil should be moderately moist, but do not tolerate excessive dampness. Plants are frost-resistant, however, in cold regions for the winter, it is recommended to mulch or cover the bushes with warming materials.
The peculiarity of the plant is the close location of the roots to the surface of the soil. That is why plants can suffer from frost in winter. Freezing occurs, as a rule, due to excessive moisture and soaking. Plants that have reached the age of six and older are more susceptible to this than others.
Shallow roots can also cause them to overheat during the hot summer months. For this reason, it is better for plants to choose a shady or semi-shady area. As for the southern regions, in these areas the host can be successfully grown exclusively in the shade.

garden care
You often see this expression: hosta - a plant for the lazy. Growing these ornamental perennials is not particularly difficult, you just need to provide them with comfortable conditions for good growth and development.

Hosta is a hardy plant.
Responsive to fertilization. Watering these perennials is required only in the dry summer months in the absence of rain. It is imperative to protect plants from snails and weed out.

Diseases and pests
With proper agricultural technology, hosts are quite resistant to diseases. Of the pests, caterpillars and slugs are dangerous, which eat the leaves and reduce the decorativeness of the bushes.
In this case, mulching the rosette with sawdust and ash will be an effective method. When attacked by a large number of insects, you can treat the bushes with an insecticide.

Leaves affected by the disease
Of the diseases, the most insidious is the host virus X or HVX (Hosta Virus X) - a specific disease discovered in 1996. It can proceed in a latent form for a long time, after which the plant begins to die: the leaves are deformed, stained and die. Currently, scientists have not been able to find an effective remedy for this disease.
The only thing that the owner of the garden plot can do is to remove and burn the diseased bush when the first signs of the disease are found, until the virus has spread to healthy neighboring plants. Periodically, you should check the bushes growing in the garden, and carefully examine new specimens before purchasing them.

In landscape design
Plants are highly valued for their shade tolerance and decorative. Hosts are widely used in landscaping and home gardening. Large specimens look great in single plantings, miniature hostas can decorate alpine slide or rabatka, medium-sized plants look colorful in landscape compositions.

flower bed decoration
Hosts are great for flower beds and curbs. On the background tracks, well-groomed lawns and ground cover "rugs" their lush bushes can fully demonstrate their decorative effect.
Hostas are picturesquely combined with undersized coniferous perennials, astilbes, lupins, daylilies, ferns, hellebore and other flowering and decorative leafy plants.
Hosts for beginners. How to grow
Hosta: description, types and varieties, planting in the open field and care, possible diseases (120+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
I love hosts!!! The best and original plant !!!