The evergreen shrub originates from the regions of China, Vietnam and Laos, that is, it comes from the tropics and subtropics.
At home, where it thrives, there are 250 species of this family. Among them there are giants and dwarfs, deciduous and evergreen, deciduous and lignified forms.
Under natural conditions, hibiscus multiply rapidly and capture new territories. These are real "aggressors" in relation to other plants.
In temperate zones and continental climates, it is found as a pot culture. The most popular (but not the only) "indoor" species is Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose.

General idea of \u200b\u200bthe plant and its brief description

Chinese rose in the Malvov family: myth or reality?
Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa–sinensis) - the second name of a plant that has nothing to do with roses. This is a shrub from the Malay Archipelago, strewn with spectacular red flowers.
It has pronounced traits. Malvaceae (Malvaceae):
- height - 1.2-1.8 m, there are undersized, as well as dwarf varieties;
- dark green, toothed leaves of an elongated oval shape, with a glossy surface;
- varieties with variegated leaves have been bred;
- they are located alternately on petioles;
- flowers bloom at the tops of the shoots;
- funnel-shaped, solitary, they reach a diameter of 16 cm;
- fused golden pistil and stamens protrude beyond the flower;
- corolla color of various tones: red shades from yellow-orange to scarlet and even purple;
- the shape of the corolla is simple or terry;
- the flower lives only a day, after which it fades;
- the flowering of the bush continues throughout the growing season, sometimes in winter;
- prolonged flowering during the growing season is possible due to the abundance of flower buds;
- the trunk is lignified, and the branches are sprawling (the plant requires a lot of space);
- the fruit is a box, which consists of 5 flaps;
- the pod contains numerous, smooth or fibrous seeds.

Red color and a large corolla of a flower - a visiting card of Chinese hibiscus
In the Russian regions, varieties of hibiscus are found in botanical gardens and greenhouses. In open ground - only on the Black Sea coast of Crimea. They look great in single and combined plantings, are used to decorate individual areas, to create a small hedge.
Hibiscus are loved by flower growers for their decorative effect: an abundance of foliage and large flowers of saturated colors. But you can admire the Chinese rose only in a greenhouse or apartment version, heat-loving, "gentle beauties" are not able to grow in the open air of cool Russian expanses.

Chinese hibiscus care at home
The plant does not require ideal conditions for growing: hibiscus is unpretentious. But without attention and the right approach, its decorative effect is lost.
Beauty in the home interior is created by bright, green foliage, large, richly colored corollas and the splendor of the bush. To get such a copy, you will have to make a number of efforts.

Indoor Hibiscus (Chinese Rose)
Location and lighting are the two main cornerstones of hibiscus cultivation. The plant needs diffused light, direct rays of the sun are harmful to it. It will withstand the adverse effects, but refuse to bloom.
For a flowering specimen, a little shading is useful, but it is important to ensure a 10-hour daylight hours. A comfortable option for growing is the southeast or west side.
Hibiscus loves space and circulation of fresh air; it feels much worse in musty rooms. Only cold drafts, from which the plant can die, are extremely negative. He is loyal to different growing conditions, but does not tolerate extremes - cold and shade on the north side and heat and direct sunlight on the south.
Temperature regime during flowering and dormant period

Optimum air temperature +20-+30С
When caring for hibiscus, you will need to monitor the temperature regime. Its range is within + 20- + 30C. A favorable indicator is + 25C. If the thermometer falls below + 20C, then the Chinese rose will react to this by dropping flowers and leaves. If it rises more than + 30C, then flowers and buds will fall off.
The plant leaves for wintering during the dormant period at + 12- + 15C. Lowering the temperature to + 10C is detrimental to the plant.
For the dormant period, the plant should be prepared in stages. For 1-2 weeks, gradually reduce the temperature and reduce daylight hours (remove from windows and heat sources). The dormant period is November-February. During this period, a cool and shaded room is suitable for the Chinese rose. The plant is not just resting, flower buds are laid in it (at + 15C).
A tree can be deprived of a dormant period by leaving it under normal conditions. In this case, two scenarios are possible:
- The next year, the plant will find convenient months for a dormant period, reducing the duration of flowering.
- Next year, hibernation will be canceled and hibiscus will not bloom

Chinese rose, devoid of a dormant period, did not bloom
It is better if he rests for the prescribed period: you should not violate the natural life cycle of the plant. In mid-February, young leaves will appear on the branches. This is a signal that the bush can be transferred to the usual conditions of the apartment. This is also done gradually. The tree-like bush adapts to warm conditions, begins to grow and bloom.
In summer, the tropical shrub feels good in the garden or on the balcony. This is possible in the absence of:
- temperature fluctuations more than 5C;
- cold drafts and strong winds;
- hot, scorching sun;
- abrupt changes in day and night temperatures.
Watering and humidity
Hibiscus is a flower crop that needs frequent and regular watering. A moisture-loving plant requires compliance with irrigation rules:
- The plant is watered with settled (rain, melt) water, which corresponds to room temperature
- During the period of active growth, watering is carried out after 1-2 days, when the top layer of soil dries
- Water from the pan is removed half an hour after the procedure. The soil is already moistened, so the remaining water is drained
- In September-October, the frequency of irrigation is reduced. During the dormant period, hibiscus should be moistened every 2 weeks.
The drying up of the earthy coma is noticeable by the withered leaves of the Chinese rose. They fall and take on a wrinkled appearance, turn yellow. This is already an extreme stage of withering, which must be quickly eliminated. The plant is saturated with water, gradually acquiring a healthy appearance.
"Tropikanka" adopted from its distant relatives the love of high humidity. The ideal option is 70-80%, but it is impossible to create such a “wet oasis” in an apartment. There are actions that will help create a humid microclimate around the plant.
You will need:
- place wide containers with water near the shrub;
- use humidifiers;
- carry out frequent spraying;
- rinse under a warm shower, washing off the dust.
Droplets of moisture should not settle on the flowers, which are covered with brown spots and even fall off.
The composition of the earth mixture and transplant

Transplant sequence
A tropical shrub needs loose and “light” soil that can pass air and moisture. An important condition is the slightly acidic composition of the soil (рН=6.8). For Chinese hibiscus, the following composition of the earthen mixture is proposed:
- humus - 2 parts;
- leaf ground - 1 part;
- sod land - 1 part;
- sand - 1 part.
For adult plants (from 3 years and older), a different, more “heavy” composition is used:
- humus - 1 part;
- leaf ground - 3 parts;
- sod land - 4 parts;
- charcoal - 1 part;
- sand - 1 part.

One of the options for top dressing for flowering plants
Self-prepared soil is calcined or watered with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. You can buy a ready-made mixture at the garden center, specifying its composition. It must contain a significant amount of loosening components. The additional introduction of peat or vermiculite will not hurt.
The purchased copy of the Chinese rose is kept in quarantine for 2 weeks, and then transplanted into a fresh earthen mixture. If the plant blooms, then it is better to wait with the transplant so as not to bring down the physiological rhythms of the plant. After transshipment during flowering, hibiscus is able to drop flowers.

Indoor hibiscus transplant
Step by step steps during transplantation:
- The bush is planted in a pot, which is 2 times smaller than its crown.
- The bottom is laid out on 1/3 with expanded clay (drainage layer), the earth is poured
- The root system is washed with warm water from the old substrate
- The roots are carefully distributed in a new container, the voids are covered with earth and lightly tamped.
- The bush is well watered and a bright place with diffused light is selected for it.
An adult plant is transplanted after 4-5 years into a container whose diameter is 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one. During this period, 3-4 cm of the topsoil are changed annually, including the loose, humus component. Young bushes require an annual transplant. The old ones are not transplanted at all, limited to adding earthen mixture.
top dressing

Phosphorus-potassium fertilizer
In the care of the Chinese rose, fertilizing is mandatory. They feed the plant from April to September twice a month.
It is recommended to feed hibiscus with complex compositions for flowering indoor plants and at the same time take into account the following points:
- At the beginning of growth (April-May), focus on fertilizers that contain nitrogen.They help grow green mass
- During the flowering period (June-September), potassium-phosphorus compounds are introduced, which are necessary for full flowering and development of the root system.
- Do not fertilize hibiscus during dormancy
Fertilizers are bred according to the instructions. The earth is shed with water, then top dressing is poured under the root, without touching the foliage. After that, it is again spilled with water so that the chemical components do not burn the root system.
If the plant hibernates under normal apartment conditions, then top dressing is applied once a month at a concentration 2 times less than usual. It is advisable to "feed" the plant in the evening.

Reproduction methods

Formation of the root system of cuttings of Chinese rose
The shrub can be propagated vegetatively and by seed. Sometimes a graft is used, planting a graft of a new variety that is of interest to the gardener on a strong stock.

Hibiscus cuttings
The most convenient vegetative propagation using cuttings, which is carried out in early spring. This is a simple and fast method that preserves the varietal qualities of the plant. Cuttings allow you to get a full-fledged, capable of flowering plant, already in the 2nd year.
Step by step instructions for rooting cuttings:
- Use shoots on which the bark has grown stronger. Cut branches 8-12 cm in size, removing the lower foliage. The leaf blade on the stem is shortened by ½ part to reduce the evaporation of moisture.
- You can root cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1) or in water. The drug Kornevin is added to the water, which stimulates the growth of roots. The container is covered with a PET bottle or a plastic bag, creating the effect of a greenhouse, where higher humidity and temperature are maintained.
- The container is periodically ventilated, the cuttings are sprayed. For rooting choose a shady and warm place
- The first roots will appear in 7 days, but before planting in the ground, you should wait a month until a stronger root system is formed.
- Planted in plastic cups up to 7-9 cm in diameter. Peat is added to the composition of the earth mixture (2 parts of soddy soil with humus + 1 part of sand), and sphagnum moss is laid on top
- For 2 months, the cups are put on the windowsill, providing heat and light. The top is pinched to grow side shoots.

Hibiscus - propagation by cuttings
seed propagation

Sowing seeds is carried out from early February to mid-March
The procedure includes the following step-by-step steps:
- Seeds for 10-12 hours should be soaked in "Epin" - a growth stimulator in order to awaken them to life faster
- The soil is prepared in advance from a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom. Small seeds are scattered over the surface, maintaining a distance of 0.5 cm between them. They are lightly buried in the ground (by 0.5 mm). The container is covered with glass or plastic to increase humidity.
- Put in a bright and warm place (+25-+27C) to increase germination. The container is ventilated daily, and the soil is sprayed with settled water from a spray bottle.
- After 3 weeks, the seeds begin to hatch and shoots appear, and after a month, the seedlings form leaves.
- When 3 true leaves appear, the plants are transplanted into cups, keeping the light and heat conditions.
- Flowering begins in the 3rd year of life

One of the Chinese rose bonsai options
The Chinese rose tolerates pruning well, which provides unlimited opportunities for the formation of its crown. A sprawling bush can be given a more compact or unusual shape. It is possible to create a standard tree.When pruning, you need to take into account that flower buds are laid on the grassy shoots of the current year of life.
In autumn, after flowering, the tips of all shoots are cut off so that more young branches appear by spring. This creates the effect of a lush crown and increases flowering. Sanitary pruning is also necessary, in which “tops” and horizontally growing branches are removed.
The spring formation of the crown will lead to a delay in flowering, which will begin closer to autumn, when the plant "comes to life" and forms new flower buds. During the dormant period, there is no need to injure the bush with pruning.

Professional flower growers create bonsai from indoor hibiscus
To form a small tree, Cooper's hibiscus and dissected hibiscus are more often used, which are easier to give the desired shape. They begin to form bonsai from hibiscus from the age of 2, with the help of a wire they give the desired direction to the shoots and cut some of them.
Crown shaping, reproduction and basic care are shown in the video:
indoor hibiscus. Formation, reproduction, basic care
Hibiscus (Chinese rose): description, cultivation, reproduction and care, possible diseases of tropical mallow | (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Possible problems

The appearance of yellow spots on the leaves indicates a dry climate, insufficient watering or excess light.
A delicate tropical plant does not always feel good at home. Usually, stress is associated with care errors.
Consider what problems the Chinese rose has:
The plant dies and upon closer examination, the drying of the roots is noticeable. This is evidence of cold soil or insufficient watering. You should rearrange the pot of hibiscus in a warmer place and increase the frequency of watering.
Root rot. Occurs when moisture stagnates. The plant will have to be transplanted, remove rotten roots and create good drainage.
The appearance of dark pink or reddish spots on the foliage. The reason is excessive feeding combined with poor lighting. It is necessary to stop feeding for a while and choose a lighter area to place the bush
Falling buds and flowers. Associated with drafts, sudden changes in temperature, insufficient watering. Restoring the microclimate in the room and increasing the amount of moisture will help solve the problem
Yellowing and lightening of foliage. Caused by iron deficiency (chlorosis). Watering with well-settled water, to which iron chelate is added, will help, based on the instructions for the treatment of chlorosis.
Foliage turns yellow and curls. The reason is too dry air. Increase spraying and place a container of water or a humidifier next to the plant
The growth of green mass in the absence of flowering. Perhaps when "overfeeding" with nitrogen fertilizers. It is necessary to adjust top dressing, introduce potassium-phosphorus components to form flower buds
Aphid spread. Pests "live" on the underside of the leaves, so they are noticeable only upon detailed examination. With a slight infection, the leaves are washed with a solution of soap or oil in water, garlic solution
The appearance of a spider mite. Noticeable by the light cobwebs between the foliage. It is easy to destroy it with a soap-oil solution and by increasing the number of sprays (mites do not like moisture)
Settlement of scale insects. They are visible as dark spots located on the underside of the leaf along the leaf veins. Scale insects are not afraid of insecticides, so they are harvested by hand, and then preventive treatment with chemicals is carried out. The procedure is repeated until they are completely destroyed.

Whitefly detection. Greenish larvae settle on the underside of the leaf, sucking out the juice. Characteristic sugary secretions appear on the leaf blade. Consequences: leaves turn yellow and fall off. Harmful parasite multiplies rapidly, so "chemistry" is needed
Stretching of stems and blanching of foliage. A sign of lack of light. You should change the "place of residence" of the Chinese rose
A white, fluffy coating appeared on the leaves, which eventually turned brown. This is powdery mildew - a fungal disease that appears with dense foliage and high humidity in the room. Fungicides are used against it, after removing diseased leaves
Most often, the owners of the "green pet" are concerned about the issue of flowering. If he flatly refuses to bloom, then the following points were not taken into account when caring for hibiscus:
- too large containers were used for planting;
- the bush was placed in a shaded place;
- not enough light hours;
- abandoned fertilizing or reduced them to a minimum;
- did not carry out autumn pruning for the formation of annual shoots.
How to make hibiscus bloom is shown in the video:
HIBISCUS does not bloom | How to make CHINESE ROSE bloom at home
Hibiscus (Chinese rose): description, cultivation, reproduction and care, possible diseases of tropical mallow | (75+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Varieties of Chinese hibiscus with photos and names

Borias hibiscus is decorated with white flowers with a red center
Breeders have bred more than 500 hybrid varieties of the representative of the family. Malvov. Breeding culture is carried out by nurseries around the world, but the "palm tree" belongs to the United States, where the Hibiscus Lovers Association was born. Australia, Holland and Belgium are not far behind America, creating more and more new forms of the familiar tub hibiscus, which we are used to seeing in various institutions.
When Dutch plants appeared on the Russian flower market, different varieties of Chinese hibiscus stood out among their splendor. Corrugated petals, white, yellow, pink and orange colors of flowers were amazing. The collection "Sunny City" became very popular. It included varieties in which flowers lasted 3-5 days instead of one.
Among them:
- San Remo (San Remo) - with snow-white flowers;
- Tivoli (Tivoli) - orange-pink flowers with a yellow border last 3-4 days;
- Borias (Borias) - large flowers of lemon-white color with a burgundy middle, corrugated along the edges;
- Torino (Torino) - a rich orange flower;
- Porto (Porto) - red, large, non-double flower;
- Kyoto Yellow (Kyoto Yellow) - lemon yellow color with a red center.

Kyoto yellow as one of the representatives of the Dutch line of hibiscus
Among Russian flower growers, the following varieties are deservedly popular:
- Hamburg (Hibiscus Hamburg) - a variety with double flowers of bright red color;
- Florida (Florida) - showered with non-double flowers of red-orange gamut;
- the Rose (Rosa) has medium double pink flowers;
- Feeling Blue (Feeling Blue) - a variety with flowers of bluish hues;
- Purple Majestic (Purple Majestic) interesting purple flowers with white specks on the petals and with corrugated edges;
- Carmen Keene (Carmen Keene) - purple-pink color scheme of flowers looks fantastic;
- Rio (Rio) - a variety with simple pink flowers and a purple center.

Syrian hibiscus - a wonderful decoration of the Crimean gardens and parks
Do not forget about garden varieties of hibiscus. And although in the natural environment they grow only on the coast of Crimea, they deserve close attention. Interesting hibiscus Syrian. It is grown in the form of a standard tree up to 1.5 m high.
Not inferior to him in beauty and another species - marsh hibiscus. The plant is grown in the open air of the Crimea or at home. Caring for him is not much different from his closest relative - Chinese hibiscus.

Marsh hibiscus is characterized by large flowers and a bright color of the corolla.
The “visiting card” of marsh hibiscus is bright and large inflorescences from scarlet to purple and lilac. Some flower growers prefer to grow this particular species.

Hibiscus tea warms in the cold and quenches thirst in the heat

Signs and superstitions

A tropical plant is simply shrouded in signs and superstitions.
Often they are contradictory, carry both positive and negative. So, Chinese hibiscus is simultaneously called the "flower of love" and the "flower of death." To believe in such extreme options or not is everyone's business. But they are not born from scratch, so let's listen to some of them.
Signs associated with Chinese rosan:
- It creates around itself the energy of movement, therefore it is suitable for lethargic and apathetic people. An energizing flower meant for those born under the constellation Leo
- With regard to the love sphere, superstitions diverge. Some people tend to believe that the Sudanese rose strengthens the family union, others say that when a flower appears in the house, the couple will soon part, and the newly formed relationship will quickly collapse.
- A flower that opens its buds ahead of schedule is a sign of misfortune or the imminent death of a relative. The wilting of the plant leads to disease or strife.
- When a hibiscus is sick, it draws off the vital energy of its owner, who is weakening every day.
There are many signs and superstitions, but most flower growers are skeptical about them. They simply grow a beautiful plant with a lush hat of foliage and enjoy its flowering.
The photo of Chinese roses once again confirms that their growing popularity is not accidental. A large copy will decorate an inconspicuous corner of the apartment, decorate it with green foliage and delicate flowers.
Small specimens will find their place among other indoor flowers, please with bright colors, give a festive, sunny mood. And the abundance of varieties will allow the landlord to create unusual, almost fabulous compositions.