Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)



The genus Carnation (Diánthus) from the Carnation family was classified and named by the Swedish scientist K. Linnaeus in honor of one of the deities of the ancient Greek pantheon. The literal translation of the Latin name for carnation is "flower of Zeus". This article will discuss the most common types of perennial garden carnations: planting, care, pest control and other intricacies of growing these delightful flowers.

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General information about the plant

Many species are cultivated as ornamental plants: cloves are used in landscape design and when making bouquets. Carnation is classified as a herb and sometimes as a stunted shrub.

Leaves are linear or linear-lanceolate. The flowers are often solitary, with 5 petals, 2 columns, 10 stamens and a cylindrical calyx. There are types of carnations in which the flowers are collected in inflorescences. Petals come in a wide variety of shapes: smooth, corrugated, fringed, with a torn or wavy edge.

The stem is smooth and knotted, green, blue or bluish. Depending on the variety, the length of the stem varies from 5 to 100 cm. The fruit is a cylindrical box with black oval seeds.

Annual carnation of the Chianti variety

Annual carnation of the Chianti variety

The stem of the carnation is distinguished by two types of shoots: flowering and vegetative, which are much shorter than the first ones.

The variety of colors is constantly increasing thanks to hybrid varieties. In addition to the classic scarlet carnation, you can find pink, lilac, white and even green flowers. Particularly impressive are multi-colored and velvet varieties of all shades of the rainbow.

Carnation blooms from early summer to late autumn. Many species exude a characteristic pleasant aroma.
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History, legends about carnation

The earliest information about the carnation is found in the myths of Ancient Greece, after which the mention of it disappears for 12 centuries. Some historians believe that it was the crusaders who first brought the flower to Europe as a cure for the plague and a symbol of victory. During Napoleonic times, the color of carnation was chosen for the ribbon of the Legion of Honor.

European artists of the 16th century made carnations an indispensable part of portraits and still lifes. The flower is mentioned in Shakespeare's play The Winter's Tale. The fashion for carnations in England was introduced by Queen Elizabeth.

Bouquet of carnations

Bouquet of carnations

The carnation is one of the symbols of the Soviet era. With red bouquets, Soviet citizens went to demonstrations dedicated to the day of the October Revolution. For more than 70 years in the CIS countries, the carnation has been a symbol of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

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Seeds and seedlings

Seeds of annual plants are planted in boxes in early spring. Seedlings of carnations will appear in 2-3 months, but only with the onset of heat, the seedlings are placed in open ground. Turkish carnations and Shabo are sown in February, and perennial garden plants - in March.

Biennials such as Turkish and Grenadine are planted outdoors in May, but these plants will not flower until the following summer.

clove seeds


For planting seeds, you will need containers with a wet substrate of earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 1. Due to the small size of the seeds, they are sown on the surface of the soil and slightly crushed with earth, moistening the substrate from the spray gun. A weak solution of potassium permanganate will help protect the seeds from fungal diseases. The containers are covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm, bright place. When the seeds sprout, the greenhouses open.

Seedlings are planted in small pots at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other., periodically watered and make sure that the ambient temperature does not fall below 20 ° C. A decrease in air temperature slows down seedlings.

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Propagation by cuttings

All types of perennial carnations are propagated by cuttings; this method is not suitable for annual plants. Cuttings are chosen among well-developed vegetative shoots at the end of May. The length of the cutting should be from 3-9 cm, and on the shoot from 6 healthy leaves.

Eustoma and carnation cuttings

cuttings eustoma and cloves

The shoot is cut from the stem under the node with a sharp pruner and the leaves are removed from its lower part. An incision is made along the stem.

The cuttings are placed in a pot of perlite and covered with a jar. If the greenhouse is made correctly, rooting will occur as early as 3 weeks after planting. Next, you need to prepare a container with calcined sand or perlite and plant cuttings in it.

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Reproduction by layering and dividing the bush

The method is suitable for breeding large species.

A longitudinal incision is made at the internode of strong lower shoots, the shoot is bent to the ground and rooted with an incised area. Layers are sprinkled with earth and watered. After the roots appear, the plant can be separated and transplanted.

dividing the bush

Schematic representation of the process

Reproduction by dividing the bush is only suitable for some species, such as Turkish and pinnate.

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Popular types and varieties

To date, up to 350 types of carnations have been classified.. Most of them are found in the Mediterranean countries, and some species grow in Asia, Africa and even North America. In countries with a hot climate, the plant can bloom all year round. About 20 species and varieties grow in natural conditions on the territory of Russia.

Ornamental gardening surprises with new hybrid varieties every year, because most types of crops easily interbreed with each other.

Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation

All types of carnations are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Annual carnations that bloom in the year of sowing
  2. Biennial carnations that develop in the year of sowing, and bloom only the next
  3. perennial garden carnations
Carnation Grenadine

Carnation Grenadine

Carnations Shabo, Dutch and Grenadine - annual plants with large double flowers (up to 8 cm in diameter) on a long stem. Their varieties are grown for cutting for flowerpots.

It is very difficult to grow varieties of these species in the flowerbeds of a summer cottage or garden plot: long thin stems should be protected by a canopy from the effects of wind and precipitation.

A biennial Turkish carnation with a thyroid inflorescence in the first year after planting forms a stem-peduncle, the structure of which is more powerful than that of other species. In the second year, inflorescences bloom with characteristic color circles.

perennial garden carnations do not differ in double flowers, but their petals have an interesting border and a rich aroma, such as a feathery carnation. These flowers are suitable for landscape design: they decorate alpine slides and garden beds.

Grass (Dianthus deltoides)

grass - unpretentious perennial species of carnations. Unlike its light-loving relatives, the herb feels good in a shaded area. Lack of moisture and care does not affect flowering too much. The plant can be found in natural conditions in the field, forest, meadow. Shades of grass are varied - from bright scarlet and raspberry to white.

Carnation grass splendens

Carnation grass splendens

The length of the stem is up to 20 cm, the rhizome is short. Without a transplant, the plant develops and blooms from 4 to 7 years. Able to spread by self-seeding.

  • Variety Splendens - hardy plants with pink flowers.
  • Sort Brilliant - characterized by abundant flowering, burgundy hue and delicate aroma.
  • Variety Albus - white carpet
Carnation herb Grade Brilliant

Carnation herb Grade Brilliant

The grass blooms for about a month and a half, starting from the end of June.

Planting seeds and seedlings

  • After the end of the flowering season, grass seeds are carried by the wind to a nearby area.
  • For planting, select a well-lit area and proceed when the outside temperature rises above + 15 ° C.
  • If the soil is warm enough, the seeds are planted directly in open ground, but more often this species is sown for seedlings, and already grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place.
  • In early spring, seeds are sown in rows in small boxes with loose fertile soil. At the bottom of the box, a layer of expanded clay is necessarily poured. Seeds are watered, sprinkled with earth and a layer of sand. The greenhouse is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a well-lit place.
  • From time to time, the boxes are ventilated and watered, preventing waterlogging of the soil. The emerging shoots are planted in small groups in peat pots or plastic cups. Seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May.

Reproduction methods

  • In addition to seeds, carnations are propagated by cuttings and division of bushes.
  • The cuttings are cut under the leaf node in early May and placed in a mixture of soil and sand to prevent diseases. Cut shoots are placed under a plastic greenhouse to create high humidity.
  • It is better to divide the overgrown carnation bushes in early March. Then the plant will bloom in the same year.

Carnation herb grade Albus

Carnation herb grade Albus

Watering, feeding

  • Fertilize grass bushes 2 times per season: mineral and organic fertilizers. Even in severe frosts, grass grass does not need to be wrapped. During the flowering period, sparse watering is enough.
  • Carnation bushes grow so tightly that weeds have no chance to break through them, so the plant does not need to be weeded.

Alternariosis in clove grass

Alternariosis in clove grass


  • A hardy herb is prone to fungal diseases.
  • In spring, specks and spots may appear on the leaves of the plant. The reason for their appearance has not been established, presumably, this occurs under the influence of the close proximity of lilac bushes.
  • The fungus Fusarium causes yellowing and wilting of the leaves. A characteristic sign of fusarium in carnations is that the stem begins to rot at the root, its color changes from bluish-green to red-brown. During the period of the disease, the flowers do not fully bloom.
  • Brown spots with a black coating on the leaves indicate alternariosis. This is a fungal disease, due to which not only the flowers wither, but the whole plant dies.
  • It is worth getting rid of diseased plants, and treating the soil under them with a fungicide. It is not recommended to plant more grass in this area.
  • Rust fungus is easily identified by brown and yellow spots. It infects stems and leaves, which are cut and sprayed with a fungicide.
  • To prevent fungal diseases, the soil under the plant is mulched and applied to non-phosphate and potash fertilizers.
  • Thrips, nematodes and mole crickets are another category of clove pests.To combat them, before the start of the cold season, the ground around the flowers is dug up so that the pests die with the onset of frost.

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus)

A cold-resistant and unpretentious type of carnation is cultivated throughout Russia, although the natural habitat of culture is the warm countries of the Mediterranean: Turkey, Croatia, Italy and Spain.

The Turkish variety is a biennial plant with a low (35-75 cm) strong knotted stem and oblong leaves of bluish and reddish hues. Thyroid inflorescences with pink, white, red and cream shades of flowers.

  • Variety Scarlet Beauty - bright scarlet inflorescences, stems up to 50 cm high.
  • Sort Diadem - dark flowers with white spots in the middle.
  • Sort Coal - fantastic black and crimson flowers.
Turkish carnation

Turkish carnation


  • Turkish carnation seeds are placed in a greenhouse at a depth of 1 cm and kept at a temperature of +18 ° C until germination. A mixture of sand and leaf humus is suitable as a substrate.
  • In order for the seedlings to get stronger, after the appearance of the first leaves, the greenhouse is placed in a cooler room. As soon as the seedlings form the second pair of leaves, they dive into peat pots. Landing on a permanent place is carried out at the end of May.
  • You can sow the seeds of this species directly in open ground, but this should be done no earlier than the beginning of June or at the end of October. Autumn crops are mulched with a layer of peat.
  • Unlike many other light-loving types of carnations, a little shading is acceptable for the Turkish variety.
  • The site chosen for planting seedlings is preliminarily dug up, compost or wood humus is introduced into the soil together with complex mineral fertilizers.

Another representative of the Turkish carnation

Another representative of the Turkish carnation

Watering, feeding

  • Carnations are watered 2 times a week, and if dry hot weather is established, then more often. An excess of moisture in the soil is fraught with a disease called root rot, due to which the plant can shed its rosettes. After fertilizing, the soil around the plant is loosened.
  • You can achieve abundant flowering if you cut the faded inflorescences in time and weed the weeds. Carnation hibernates under a layer of peat or humus.


  • The culture is very sensitive to heavy metals and engine exhaust gases.
  • Turkish carnation, like its relatives, is susceptible to fungal diseases: Fusarium and rust. In the first case, diseased plants are destroyed, and the remaining ones are treated with a fungicide solution or Bordeaux liquid.
  • Of the pests, the plant can be annoyed by earwigs and bears, in which they fight by digging the soil under the bushes before the onset of cold weather and with the help of manure traps.

Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis)

European florists were introduced to the Chinese variety of carnation in the 18th century. The flower was brought from China by a missionary who returned to his native France. In Russia, Chinese cloves appeared a century later.

Today, there are countless hybrids and varieties of the flower. Even a novice gardener can grow a plant in his backyard. Some hybrid varieties of this species can bloom even indoors or on a glazed veranda.

Chinese carnation

Chinese carnation

The natural habitat of a perennial herbaceous plant is Northern China, Korea, Mongolia.

A low bush reaches a height of 50 cm. The leaves are oblong, arranged in pairs. Basic shades and colors: burgundy, pink and white. Flowering continues from early to late summer. In the garden, Chinese carnation bushes hibernate under a layer of compost or fallen leaves.

  • Variety Geisha Dance - non-double carnations up to 3 cm in diameter of scarlet color with a faint pleasant aroma.
  • Variety Grazia - lilac and bright pink flowers with a white border.
  • Sort Brilliant - Terry dark red flowers with jagged petals.
  • Hybrid variety Grace - low-growing shrubs with double flowers, well suited for landscaping lawns, but can also grow indoors.
Planting seeds

  • Seeds are sown for seedlings in March, planted in the ground in early May. If the greenhouse with seeds is installed on the north or east window, additional lighting will be required. On cloudy days, be sure to turn on the phytolamp. If the seedlings unnaturally stretched out or died, this is a clear sign of a lack of sunlight.
  • Seedlings tolerate changes in daily temperature well. The distance between seedlings when planting in the ground should be up to 20 cm (for dwarf varieties 10 cm).

carnation seedlings

  • Do not use peat-based mixtures as a greenhouse substrate, prefer nutritious garden soil in combination with sand or vermiculite. Seeds are immersed in the ground at a distance of not more than 0.5 cm and watered with water through a fine sieve.
  • The first weak sprouts are not recommended to be watered from a watering can, it is enough to spray them from a spray bottle. After watering, the soil must dry out completely, otherwise there is a risk that the seedlings will get sick with a black leg.
  • To make the seedlings grow denser, after the appearance of 2 leaves, pinch the growth point.
  • The grown seedlings are seated in plastic cups and hardened in an unheated room after the night temperature rises above 0 ° C. Such seedlings subsequently develop faster and do not get sick.

Chinese clove variety

Chinese variety

Feeding and care

  • Seedlings are planted in loose fertile soil, in which there is no fresh organic matter. For abundant flowering, choose a flower bed that is not shaded by other plants.
  • Avoid dense planting of seedlings: so it will be more difficult for plants to cope with fungal diseases. After planting, mulch the soil with old compost.
  • Complex fertilizers are applied to the soil 2 times a month.


  • Typical for representatives of the genus carnation.

Dutch carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus)

Perennial plant, cultivated in Europe and Mediterranean countries as a biennial. The tallest of the existing types of carnations (the stem reaches a height of 1 m). Stems are bluish-green, knotty, with small, oblong leaves. Buds of rich color with a strong characteristic aroma.

Dianthus caryophyllus carnation

Garden Dianthus caryophyllus

  • Variety Grenadine - pink and red buds.
Place to land

  • Choose a well-lit garden area with moderately moist soil of neutral acidity. Sandy and sandy soils are well suited. Lime, chalk or dolomite flour are added to excessively acidic soil.
  • Carnation will not be able to grow in clayey, wetlands with poor air permeability of the substrate.

Sowing seeds and care

  • The Dutch carnation does not tolerate daily fluctuations in air temperature, so planting seeds immediately in open ground does not make sense.
  • Seeds are sown in greenhouses in March, garden soil mixed with sand and ash is used as a substrate.

Watering, loosening the soil and fertilizing

  • Once a year, the land is fertilized with complex mineral fertilizers during irrigation. Compost and other organic compounds are used with great care, since their excess can provoke the development of fungal diseases.
  • You should not be zealous with loosening the soil around the carnation bushes, so as not to damage the shallow root system of the plant. Be sure to remove the crust on the soil that forms after a heavy rain.

Carnations planted in a pot

planted in a pot

Trimming and support

  • Faded buds and the shoots on which they were, carefully cut off. Such measures will contribute to the growth of new shoots and their flowering. Experienced flower growers pinch bushy varieties, thereby increasing their branching.
  • High varieties are tied up, covered with a canopy from the wind and props are installed so that thin stems do not break under the weight of large inflorescences.

winter period

  • Some perennial varieties react painfully to low temperatures in the spring.
  • Frost-sensitive plants are covered with covering material with the onset of cold weather.
  • In this state, even young carnations can withstand snowy winters very well. The spruce branches are removed not earlier than April.


  • Gray rot, rust and bacteriosis - typical diseases for representatives of the genus clove. They occur from stagnation of water in the soil and from an excess of organic matter in its composition.
  • For the prevention of diseases, plant calendula and marigolds next to the carnations, and for treatment, treat the bushes with Topaz.
  • Insect control: For bears and earwigs, prepare a special trap in the form of a hole with manure before the onset of frost near the place where carnation bushes grow. Insects that live in the garden plot will crawl into this hole to overwinter.
  • You can fight pests with a solution of laundry soapwith which their minks are poured. Earwigs can be lured to a mound of wet grass in summer. Plants affected by spider mites are sprayed with an infusion of onion peel or tobacco.

Cirrus Carnation (Dianthus plumarius)

Perennial plant with bright succulent flowers. Low-growing species (stem length up to 40 cm). The natural environment is the east of Europe and the south of Russia.

carnation pinnate

carnation pinnate

  • Sort "Sonata" - undersized shrub with white and maroon flowers.
  • Variety "Pleiades" - the color of the carnation is from white to dark red.

  • In the first year after planting, the culture does not bloom, and the next summer after planting, the bush pleases the eye for only 1 month - June.
  • Breeding methods: seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush.
  • Seeds are sown in the substrate in early March, and in open ground in May. Cuttings and division of the bush are performed in early to mid-summer.

soil, fertilizer

  • An unpretentious plant loves sandy soils and moderate watering.
  • It copes well with summer heat and winter frosts. In the spring, during planting, organic humus is introduced into the soil.

Variety Pleiades carnation

Variety "Pleiades"


  • A plant affected by Fusarium can be easily identified by a rotting stem base and yellow twisted leaves.
  • Treatment is with fungicides.
  • The cause of rust is stagnation of moisture in the soil. For its prevention, before planting the crop in the ground, it is treated with a solution of saltpeter.

Shabo (Dianthus caryophyllus var. schabaud)

The variety is named after the apothecary from the city of Toulon, who brought it out in the 19th century. An ornamental hybrid variety grown for cutting, it is also popular in landscape design when decorating flower beds, alpine slides, porches and even balconies.

Shabo - one of the varieties of Dutch cloves, but unlike it, the Shabo variety can be grown outdoors.

A perennial species that is often grown as an annual. Branched bush with stems up to 70 cm high. Oblong leaves are oppositely arranged on knotted stems. Petals are terry, semi-double and smooth. Colors of a wide variety of shades, especially in hybrid varieties: cream, raspberry, pink.

Carnation Shabo

Carnation Shabo

  • Variety Marie Chabot - large flowers of rich yellow color.
  • Variety Pink Queen - Pale pink flowers.
  • Variety Mikado - lemon-colored cloves.
  • Variety Aurora - pink-salmon flowers.
planting seeds

  • Seeds are planted in containers and boxes, using light neutral soil as a substrate.
  • The depth of the container should not exceed 6 cm, so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the soil.
  • Seeds are planted in a greenhouse from January to February.
  • For additional lighting of the greenhouse, a phytolamp is used.
  • It is permissible to treat seeds with a growth stimulator.
  • The optimum temperature for a greenhouse is +15 ° C.
  • Seedlings may appear as early as on the 5th day, in connection with which the seedlings require 2 picks.
  • Seedlings are placed in open ground in early May.

soil, fertilizer

  • In autumn, the area intended for planting feathery carnations is dug up and fertilized with a solution of phosphates and humus.
  • After planting, the site maintains moderate soil moisture.

Variety Shabo Pink Queen Carnation

Variety Pink Queen


  • The culture is resistant to diseases, but fungal diseases can affect the cloves in the rainy season. Affected plants are completely removed, and the remaining ones are treated with a fungicide solution.
  • Insect pests: thrips and aphids feed on the sap of the plant and inhibit its growth and flowering, due to which the flowers lose their aesthetic qualities. To combat them, use a solution of insectoacaricides.

Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)

Shabo: sowing, germination, transplanting, pinching

Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)

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Carnations in landscape design

Variegated Chinese and Turkish carnations pair well with other flowers in neutral, monochrome hues.

clove variety Eydangeri

Variety Eydangeri

Some useful flower neighborhood tips:

  • roses inhibit the growth of carnations, so flowers are not planted nearby. Arrange them only in cut form.
  • It is not recommended to plant carnations next to tulips, as the plants are susceptible to the same diseases.
  • For culture, stagnation of moisture in the soil is contraindicated. Do not plant carnations in lowlands and wetlands.
  • If you are looking for an undersized species, opt for grass or sandy. Undersized bushes during the flowering period do not exceed 25 cm.
  • In a sunny area, the flower will bloom more abundantly and develop faster than in a shaded one. flower bed.
  • For design rock garden or rockeries, plant perennial feathery varieties.
 Carnation garden in landscape design

A skillfully selected variety will harmonize well with plants of any type.

Bright varieties of Turkish cloves look good next to tall shrubs, without being afraid of shading.


Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)

Useful properties of the plant

Carnation flower - description, types and varieties, methods of cultivation and reproduction, planting and care (60+ Photos & Videos)

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Ease of maintenance

  1. Good afternoon. Great article. I also recently sowed a carnation and for some reason it did not sprout. I found your article) I reseeded and everything worked out. I recently dived and am waiting for the end of May to land.

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