Fast-growing perennial hedge: plant selection, planting, growing and care rules (Photo & Video)

fast growing hedge

To protect your site, it is not necessary to install a wooden or metal fence. The best option would be a hedge, fast-growing shrubs will allow you to draw up your borders in a fairly short time.

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Such a fence will not only hide from prying eyes and delight with beauty, but also enrich the air with oxygen. In conditions of air pollution, a green space will be an excellent solution.. The article will help you choose plants for her. He will tell you how to plant and how to care.

An example of a plant combination for a hedge

An example of a plant combination for a hedge

A hedge can consist of almost any plant. When choosing them, you need to take into account the features of care and the timing of growth. If there is no desire to wait for them to grow, then you need to give preference to fast-growing specimens.

Types of live fencing:

  • Up to 1 m - curb
  • 1 - 3 m - hedge
  • Above 3 m - wall

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Terms of hedge formation

To grow a hedge from plants, you need to pick up suitable specimens. You can plant one species or several. They must match the intensity of growth. Also, the density should be the same. This will make the fence smooth and beautiful.

Commercial cultivation of ornamental perennials

Commercial cultivation of ornamental perennials

It is realistic to form a 2 m high fence in 2 years by planting fast-growing trees.

You can plant hedges from annuals. This will allow you to admire her in the summer. The downside is that they need to be planted every year anew. And there should be an ordinary fence, otherwise there will be no fence in winter.

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Choosing the Right Plants

An important condition in the selection of plants is their root system. Roots are not suitable for hedges. For example, as in raspberries and blackberries. Their task is to enclose the site or zone it, but not to spread to neighboring territories.

Fast-growing plants are a great way to form a green fence in a short time.

Fast-growing plants are a great way to form a green fence in a short time.

If bushes with thorns are planted along the perimeter, then it will serve as protection from uninvited guests. When choosing shrubs, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil and climatic conditions. This will make it easier to take care of them.

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Perennial shrubs and trees for fast growing hedges

Fast growing perennial hedge


A shrub from the barberry family. There are many species in the genus. For decorative purposes, most often, two varieties of Thunberg barberry and Ottawa barberry are used.

There are several varieties:

  • Dwarf, height about 30 cm
  • Undersized, from 50 cm to 1m
  • Medium, 1 - 2 m
  • High, 2 - 4 m

Different types of barberry have a different crown:

  • creeping
  • sprawling
  • Upright
  • columnar
  • compact

The foliage of the bushes can also be of different shades, which allows you to choose according to your preference: green, yellow, purple. It varies in the brightness of the flowers, as well as the patterns on the leaves. In the Thunberg barberry, they are pink-red-brown and covered with leucorrhoea with strokes or spots.

The flowers of the shrub are yellow, after which white or yellow fruits are formed.. They look spectacular against the backdrop of unusual foliage. When creating a hedge, they can be combined with conifers and other evergreen specimens.

The advantages of barberry is that it is not afraid of wind and draft. He is not whimsical in care. When planting it, you only need to observe the acidity of the soil. He does not like stagnant water, so you need to regularly weed weeds and loosen the ground.


Includes more than 220 species of shrubs and trees. Of these, 130 species are evergreen. The maximum plant height is 10 m.

The deciduous varieties are beautiful in autumn when the red fruits stand out against the foliage. Each variety has its own foliage color in autumn: yellow, red, purple, orange. Sometimes all these shades color one sheet.

Euonymus dwarf

Euonymus dwarf

Euonymus fruits contain poison. It is not recommended to plant it near houses with small children and near playgrounds.

Evergreen varieties include varieties such as dwarf and fortuna. They attract with a variety of leaf colors: with a white or yellow border, green in summer and reddening in winter.

By cutting the euonymus, it can be given any shape. In the first years of life for the winter you need to cover. With age, it becomes more resistant to frost.


The genus is represented by both shrubs and trees. It has 50 species. Very often used in landscape design.

Common privet

Common privet

Its fruits are poisonous. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant near children's institutions and playgrounds.

In spring, the plant produces small white flowers. In autumn it is decorated with blue fruits. It doesn't like shade. It can be cut into any shape with the help of pruning. The intensity of growth is average.

In privet shoots grow quickly. On it you can train in artistic cutting. All inaccuracies and oversights will quickly overgrow.


It is a low growing, evergreen shrub. It has a compact, round crown. There is only one species - Common Heather. It has needle-shaped leaves. There are varieties with a lemon, copper shade of foliage.



It has great decorative value during the flowering period - July and August. They are white, pink, lilac, raspberry. The inflorescences are in the form of a brush, their length reaches 25 cm.

In hedges, it is used both independently and combined with other plants: juniper, yew, boxwood, spruce.


belongs to the family hydrangeas. The bush can reach a height of 4 m.

Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom / Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom

Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom

It has decorative value due to abundant flowering. The first flowers bloom 3 years after planting. There are varieties with white, purple, pink and carmine flowers. Her inflorescence is racemose. There are varieties with double flowers.

Only weak and damaged branches are pruned. This plant is used in unshaped compositions. They can be single and group. Combine it with mulberry, barberry, fan maple.


An evergreen coniferous plant from the pine family. Life span over 300 years. The genus includes 45 species.

Eastern spruce

Spruce eastern

Leaves-needles fall partly annually, each of them grows on a tree for about 6 years. Their color varies from blue to green. The branches grow horizontally, there are varieties with drooping branches.

It is planted with seedlings, which allows you to immediately create a hedge of about 1 m in height. She is unpretentious in care.

  • Coniferous plants are distinguished by excellent health.
  • They purify the air and neutralize unpleasant odors.
  • A spruce fence will serve as a good protection from the wind. As a result, it will protect from dust in summer and snow drifts in winter.


Deciduous plant with bronze shoots. There are 25 varieties.



Flowering lasts a week. It takes place in the spring at the end of April. The flowers are white or cream in color. After the fruits are formed. They are edible and delicious. In autumn, the foliage turns yellow and purple.

The crown is dense. Consists of ovate leaves. Plant height can reach 8 m.


Belongs to the Rosaceae family. This is a highly ornamental shrub.



The leaves are very dense and thickly envelop the shoots. It also blooms profusely. With the advent of crane fruits, decorativeness increases. From it you can create a dense and beautiful hedge.

In autumn, the leaves turn red and last quite a long time.

There are several evergreen varieties:

  • Dummer
  • Henry

The shrub tolerates a haircut well. It can be given the most intricate shape. It can be combined with privet, hydrangea, action and other plants.


Belongs to the barberry family. It is an evergreen shrub and has beautiful feathery leaves.



The decorative look persists throughout the year. Its leaves are purple in autumn and winter. In spring, it blooms with yellow inflorescences-panicles. Occasionally mahonia blooms a second time in autumn.

The shrub does not require special care. It is resistant to pests and diseases. It tolerates pruning well, moreover, it must be systematic.


Evergreen shrub. Its height varies from 20 cm to 10 m. The genus includes more than 70 varieties.

Juniper (Mint Julep)

Juniper (Mint Julep)

Best varieties for hedges are:

  • Cossack
  • Usual
  • Virginia
  • Horizontal
  • Chinese

They do not lose their beauty in winter. Depending on the variety, their color may be green or gray. You can plant next to them rhododendrons, heather, barberry.


Deciduous shrub. Its maximum height is 3 m. There are only 14 species, 2 of them grow in Europe:

  • Kalinolistny
  • Amur



This plant can grow on any, even poor soils.. He has one requirement for care - watering should be strictly moderate.

For design, the Kalinolist variety is most often used. It has a high decorative effect. Its unusual fruits, leaflet bubbles, decorate the branches even in winter.


The genus consists of 80 species of deciduous shrubs. They differ in the color of leaves and fruits, their shape and crowns.

The most famous variety is the mountain ash.. It has complex beautiful leaves. The peak of decorativeness occurs in autumn, when the foliage turns bright colors and the fruits ripen. It grows up to 15 m.



There are varieties with a weeping crown. They look very original at any time of the year. In hedges, it can be planted along with a vesicle or spruce.


The genus includes 28 species. Which includes 1500 varieties and hybrids.

The most common:

  • Common lilac - blooms in May, shades of colors vary from white to deep purple.
  • Persian lilac - flowers are painted in white or purple. Blooms in early summer. They exude a pleasant aroma.



When buying a lilac, it may happen that it blooms in a color that is not declared. Many will decide that this is a fraud of the seller. This is not true, the shade of flowers depends on the acidity of the soil and climate, in different conditions it changes in the same variety.

Large lilac bushes. It is recommended to plant them at a distance of at least a meter from buildings.. If the lilac is crowded, it will lose some of its decorative effect.


These are 35 species of deciduous, fruit plants. Height can reach 12 m.

The most popular varieties:

  • cherry plum
  • Turn
  • Chinese
  • Pissard
  • Korean
  • Black

There are prickly varieties, such as the turn.They will not only decorate the backyard and give delicious fruits, but also protect the territory from the invasion of unexpected guests.

Plum cysteine

Plum cysteine

Cysten plum is very decorative, it is distinguished by raspberry-purple leaves.. Its flowers are white and the fruits are dark purple. This combination creates a beautiful contrast.

It can coexist with spruce, juniper, mountain ash and other plants.


Deciduous shrub. The genus is represented by 15 species. The maximum plant height is 3 m.

It got its name because of the fruits that look like white snowballs. They hang on the branches very densely. The color can be not only white. Available in pink, black and red.



The most unpretentious and resistant varieties are white and bushy snowberry. The fruits remain on the branches even after snow falls. It bears fruit in the third year after planting.

Berries are poisonous. Eating is strictly prohibited.
Creating a hedge, you can combine with thuja, boxwood, juniper.


The genus includes 90 species of deciduous shrubs. There are dwarf varieties, no more than 15 cm in height. Regular varieties reach a maximum height of 3 m.

Varieties differ in crowns:

  • upright
  • creeping
  • weeping
  • Pyramidal
  • spherical
  • Cascade-like

Some of them bloom in spring, some in summer. Flowers can be white, pink, red, crimson. Spiraea can be used to make compositions, including different varieties.

With the right selection of which, the flowering of the hedge is ensured from May until the first frost. Spirea calmly tolerate polluted air. This allows them to be planted along roads.


This deciduous shrub is represented by 6 species, of which 5 grow in temperate climates:

  • ovoid
  • European
  • dangling
  • The greenest
  • Intermediate



This plant is the first to open its yellow flowers in spring. They are shaped like bells. They bloom a few days before the appearance of the leaf. The maximum height of the bush is 2 m.

It goes well in compositions with spruce, junipers, mock orange, barberry, action, spirea.


Shrub growing up to 3 m. This is a type of jasmine. It has a long flowering, this fact attracts designers to use it in landscape compositions.



It has a decorative appearance not only racemose inflorescences, but also foliage. In addition to pure green, some have white spots or a white border. These varieties include crowned mock orange.

Flowering mock orange

Flowering mock orange

It blooms profusely. Many varieties have double flowers. They smell nice. Their color is white.

Combined in hedges with lilac, barberry, plum.


10 species are known, of which 3 grow in temperate climates:

  • Mulberry
  • large-leaved
  • dissected leaf

Mulberry fruits

Mulberry fruits

Fruits give it a special decorative effect. They can be white, red and black. Their shape is round or oblong. The largest berry is 5 cm long.

Thanks to the openwork crown, it looks original in hedges. Compositions with it are recommended to be diluted with evergreens: juniper, thuja, yew. And also with decorative - hydrangea, spirea, action, forsyth.

Rose hip

Represented by evergreen and deciduous shrubs. 250 species are known. Its height is not more than 3 m.

It comes in different forms, thanks to shoots that are different:

  • upright
  • drooping
  • creeping
  • climbers

Rose hip

Rose hip

Flowers are small from 1 cm in diameter, large - up to 10 cm. Petals are found simple, double and semi-double. They are painted in pink, crimson, yellow, white colors.

After flowering stops, fruits are formed. Depending on the variety, they can be red, brown, orange or yellow.

He is not whimsical in care. What makes it attractive for creating hedges. And prickly varieties will not only decorate the site, but will also serve as protection against unwanted penetration into it.

NameilluminationWateringThe soilseasonal decoration
Barberry Sun, partial shade regular, moderate Fertile, light All season
Euonymus Penumbra drought resistant Not demanding All season
Privet Sun, partial shade Drought tolerant (grows faster when watered) Not demanding All-weather, summer and autumn (for deciduous varieties)
Heather Sun, light shade Regular, spraying Sandy, acidic or neutral, drainage required All season
Action The sun regular, plentiful fertile Spring Summer
Spruce Shade-tolerant Moderate Sandy, loamy, drainage is required All season
Irga Sun, partial shade Drought tolerant Not demanding Spring
Cotoneaster Sun, partial shade Moderate Sandy, loamy All season
Magnolia Sun, partial shade Drought tolerant Not demanding All season
Juniper The sun Moderate Chernozem All season
vesicle shade-tolerant Moderate Not demanding, drainage required All season
Rowan Sun, partial shade Regular Chernozem Spring, autumn
Lilac The sun Regular Loamy, black soil Spring Summer
Plum The sun Regular Loamy, black soil Spring, autumn
Snowberry The sun Moderate Stony, loamy All season
Spirea The sun Moderate Not demanding Spring Summer
Forsythia The sun Moderate Chernozem, loamy and calcareous Spring
Chubushnik The sun Regular Fertile, light and well hydrated Spring Summer
Mulberry The sun Moderate Not demanding All season
Rose hip Sun, partial shade Regular Chernozem, loamy All season
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Climbing hedge plants

Sweet pea

Sweet pea

Sweet pea

annual plant from legume family. It attracts with abundant flowering and a pleasant smell. This is a liana reaching a length of 3 m. This species combines about 2 thousand varieties, of which 200 are most often used.

It is used for vertical decoration of personal plots and creating flowering hedges. He definitely needs support. A thin stem, otherwise, will lie on the ground.


Represents a liana. Belongs to the bindweed family. This is an annual plant.



It has very beautiful heart-shaped leaves and funnel-shaped flowers. They are monochromatic and colorful. Presented in the following shades: blue, pink, purple, white, purple, red.

Ipomoea blooms for a very long time, until frost. In care, she is not whimsical, but you need to protect her delicate flowers from the wind.

It wraps the supports well, which allows you to make flowering walls with it. It is not suitable for external hedges. It is better to use for zoning the territory.

Ipomoea flowers predict the weather. They close before the rain.


Perennial fast-growing liana of the cyanotic family. In temperate climates with cold winters, it is grown as an annual plant. Its leaves have tendrils with which it clings and braids supports.



Kobei flowers look like bells and are brightly colored.. In order for them to bloom in a temperate climate, you need sow seeds for seedlings at the end of February. Landing in the ground is done when there are no night frosts.

This vine is heavy, it needs to establish reliable supports.. The landing site must be protected from the wind. To make a hedge with it, a lattice support is installed.

NameilluminationWateringThe soilseasonal decoration
Sweet pea The sun Regular, drought intolerant Fertile, nutritious, with the addition of sand. The reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline Summer
Ipomoea The sun Regular fertile, loose Summer autumn
Kobeya The sun Regular fertile, loose Summer
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Plants not recommended for hedges

juniper hedge

juniper hedge

Plants with poor health are not recommended for hedges.. If they are attacked by harmful insects, it will be very difficult to save the shrubs. This can lead to the death of the entire plantation.

In temperate climates, it is not necessary to plant non-winter-hardy plant varieties. In severe winter conditions, it is very difficult to cover them and save them from freezing.

When using bushes with running roots, you need to install a barrier. Otherwise, they will grow throughout the site and go to the neighbors. It is very difficult to get rid of them. The appearance of the fence will not be aesthetic.

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Before planting plants for a hedge, you need to prepare the area. Think about which plants will make up the composition, or will it consist of one type of shrub.

Plot preparation

You need to start with the marking of the territory. It will allow you to plant plants evenly, at the same distance. Do it using a tape measure or pegs with a rope.

Planting a hedge

A trench breaks out according to the marks

The depth should be 40 - 60 cm. It depends on the root system of the selected tree or shrub. The width varies by the number of rows. For one row of plantings, 60 cm is enough, for two rows, 1 m.

Then the soil is prepared. Here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of plants to the soil. If necessary, a drainage layer of crushed stone is laid on the bottom. The earth is mixed with humus, or other suitable fertilizers.


Planting time depends on the planting material. Cuttings are best planted in the spring. Shrubs grown in containers or transplanted from another site can be planted in both spring and autumn.

Planting a hedge

Planting a hedge

The soil is moistened. After that, a landing is made. The distance between seedlings should be approximately 30 cm. It depends on the desired density of the hedge and the characteristics of the plant itself.

The formation of a fence takes at least 2 years. During this time, the plants are already growing well, creating a dense wall.

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Creating a trellis fence

trellis fence - This is a godsend for small areas. It is formed from willow, acacia, hawthorn, rowan.

trellis hedge

tapestry hedge

Step-by-step instruction:

1Seedlings are planted with an interval of 20 cm.
2After a year, the plants are pruned. Leave only a stump of about 15 cm.
3In the second year, pruning is carried out again. It is necessary to leave strong shoots, remove the rest.
4The remaining shoots are intertwined. A 45 degree angle must be observed. The bark at the points of contact is removed.
5The diamond pattern needs to be fixed. For this, a frame is installed.
6When side shoots appear, they need to be cut. Pruning is carried out about 3 times during the season.
7In order for the hedge to be the desired height, the tops of the trees are also sheared.
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mixed hedges

When the territory of the site allows, mixed hedges can be planted. It is optimal to choose plants for them that bloom not at the same time. If everything is done correctly, then the whole season it will bloom and smell fragrant.

mixed hedges

mixed hedges

You can create a two-level fence. Combining shrub and tree. At the same time, the bushes will hide the trunks of tall trees with their foliage. That will create a single green wall.

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The hedge requires maintenance.In order for it to have a well-groomed appearance, it needs to be cut, weeded, fertilized, watered.

hedge care

hedge care

Top dressing and watering is carried out with the intensity that is required for the selected plants. If the fence consists of deciduous plants, then regular watering is needed. Evergreen species are mostly drought-resistant, they can be moistened much less frequently.

Fertilizers are recommended to be applied 2 times a year:

1First time in spring at this time, preference is given to nitrogen-containing mixtures.
2Second time in autumn top dressing should contain phosphates.

hedge trimming

When planting deciduous plants, the first haircut is stasis. Leave stumps about 15 cm. This will allow the side shoots to grow more magnificently.

It is necessary to consider which seedlings are planted. With a bare root system, half the length of the plant is left. If a shrub grown in a container is planted, pruning is done to one third of the height.

For caring procedures, garden shears, secateurs or electric clippers are used.

For caring procedures are used gardening scissors, secateurs or electric clippers

In the second year of growth, 4 pruning is carried out with an interval of a month. They start in May and end in August. Pruning should be easy. It is aimed at the formation of the density and form of planting.

Very strong pruning is needed for hedges of privet, hawthorn, and blackthorn. Plants are left 15 cm above the soil surface. At the dogwood boxwood, barberry, beech shorten new shoots by a third of the length.

But juniper and cypress do not need such a cardinal procedure. They cut off only branches that are knocked out of the total mass, violating the neat appearance.

When forming a hedge, you need to leave the base wider. Than the top. That is, a trapezoidal shape is attached. This will allow low twigs and leaves to receive enough sunlight.

All subsequent years, light preventive pruning is carried out. It contributes to the preservation of the decorative hedge.

Deciduous plants are recommended to be cut in the spring before the leaves appear. Coniferous - can be cut both in spring and autumn.
Fast-growing perennial hedge: plant selection, planting, growing and care rules (Photo & Video)

Hedge. Types of hedge

Fast-growing perennial hedge: plant selection, planting, growing and care rules (Photo & Video)

8.6 Total Score

By choosing perennial fast-growing plants, in a fairly short time you can create a beautiful hedge on the site. It can be given any shape and height. Such a planting will not only decorate the personal plot of land, but also serve as a reliable fence. Your opinion about this material is very important for us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  • A hedge of climbing plants is formed quickly, they braid the installed supports with shoots, rapidly
  • With its help, you can hide external flaws in the construction of buildings.
  • Decorate the area
  • With a modest budget, it is possible to choose suitable plants
  • Allows for any shape
  • Takes up little space
  • Possibility of landing in hard-to-reach and narrow places
  • Regular care
  • If plants are planted that lose their foliage in autumn, then in winter the hedge will be translucent

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