Walnut: benefits and harms - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on the shell and partitions), features for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews


The beneficial properties of walnuts have been discovered since ancient times. Hippocrates himself described their properties, and told how indispensable this product is for maintaining the balance of vitamins in the body. We have been told about the value of walnuts since childhood, but not everyone shares this opinion. So what gives the use of walnuts, benefit or harm?

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Effect on the body

Ripe walnuts

Ripe walnuts

Among the many varieties of nuts, it is walnuts that have a high content of vitamins C, E, B, PP, A. It contains many minerals, iron, sodium, cobalt and zinc.

No less important elements of this product are proteins and saturated fatty acids. All of these vitamins are important for maintaining health, which is the benefit of eating walnuts.

  • Strengthening immunity. Doctors recommend eating nuts during the cold season, when the human immune system is as weakened as possible. Vitamins that are part of the nuts help to strengthen and improve immunity.
  • Anemia use. This helps zinc and iron, which are part of them. Nuts raise the level of hemoglobin in the body, which significantly improves a person's well-being.
  • Beneficial for cardiovascular disease. Walnuts are an ideal remedy for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. They strengthen blood vessels, purify the blood (contribute to the resorption of cholesterol and sclerotic plaques). Improves the functioning of internal organs.
  • Improves potency. Nuts strengthen men's health and increase potency. Walnut oil is considered one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. These properties of the fruit were found out in ancient Greece, where they first began to use walnuts for this purpose.
  • Normalize bowel function. Proteins in walnut fruits help to improve the functioning of the digestive system. The microflora in the intestine returns to normal, which helps fight dysbacteriosis and constipation.
  • Calming properties. To do this, you need to prepare a special tincture from the partition in the shell. It turns out a natural sedative of strong action.
  • Helps to improve the functioning of the brain and the body as a whole. Nuts fill the body with energy, speed up the metabolism, and help the body work much faster. This, in turn, improves a person's overall well-being.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels. For this, not the nut itself is used, but an infusion of partitions. For patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, this product should be excluded from the diet.
  • For thyroid problems. The high content of iodine in fruits improves the functioning of the endocrine system, so all endocrinologists recommend that their patients regularly consume their fruits.

The fruits of the walnut tree are especially recommended for children during the growth period.

The fruits of the walnut tree are especially recommended for children during the growth period.

It helps to build a strong and healthy body. Fills the child with energy and strength. The daily norm for children is 5-7 pieces.

Walnuts are recommended for people who live in environmentally polluted areas, or in places where a high background radiation is found. This will help improve health and keep the body in order.

Walnuts are loved by many athletes. At the ancient Greek Olympic Games, they were used to restore these and energy. The same is true in our time.

The nut remains the same ingredient in protein shakes, helps to restore energy balance, and reduces soreness.

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Possible harm

walnut in bowl

It is important that the daily norm of the product is not exceeded.

Although the list of useful properties of walnuts presented above is far from complete, in some cases it is better to refuse to use it. Sometimes the fruits of a walnut tree can harm the body.

  • First of all, individual intolerance and allergies can be attributed to contraindications for the use of this fruit. An allergy can be not only to the fetus itself, but also to the protein. Therefore, before using them, you need to make sure that you do not have any contraindications.
  • Even 1-2 nuts can aggravate the condition of a person suffering from psoriasis, eczema and neurodermatitis. Also, due to their high calorie content, it is better to refuse their use for people with obesity.
There are 654 kcal per 100 grams of product. The nut contains 7% carbon, 15% protein, and the fat content in the fruit reaches 65%. Therefore, when using it, it is important to maintain a balance, and correctly combine the nut with other products.
  • Although nuts help to cope with some intestinal problems, they are not recommended to eat with serious bowel disorders. If you have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, this issue should be agreed with your doctor.
  • Even the most useful product can be many. An adult is recommended to consume 10-12 nuts per day. In this case, the high content of vitamins and other substances has the opposite effect. The result can be inflammation of the oral mucosa and tonsils.
  • It is equally important to monitor the condition of the nut itself. If its color has become darker, or the shell in general, or the fruit itself has become moldy, the nut should be thrown away immediately. With these “symptoms”, a poisonous enzyme begins to be produced in the fruits, which will negatively affect the human condition.
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green walnut

Few people know, but an unripe walnut is also very useful for the body.

Few people know, but an unripe walnut is also very useful for the body.

First of all, due to the high content of vitamin C. For comparison, this vitamin is 50 times less in a lemon. In addition, green walnuts contain iodine, carbon, vitamins E and PP, phytonicides, tannins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Green walnut has a positive effect on the emotional and physical state of a person.
  • Normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic.
  • Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps to cope with stress and nervous tension.
  • Improves brain function, increases intellectual abilities.
  • Helps to cheer up. Fills the body with energy. With regular use, constant fatigue and drowsiness disappear.
  • Helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, various viruses and bacteria.
  • Prevention of inflammation in the intestines or stomach.
  • Has a rejuvenating effect. Helps to improve skin tone and condition.

Possible harm:
  • Individual intolerance.
  • It is undesirable to use this product if the body has a high content of iodine.
  • Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs.
  • You can not eat green nuts, or use various tinctures for gastritis or psoriasis.


The benefits of green walnuts have also been known since ancient times. First of all, it is useful for the prevention and treatment of stomach diseases. For this, the nuts were boiled in milk.

For the treatment of the thyroid gland, the grated upper peel mixed with whey was used.

For the treatment of the thyroid gland, the grated upper peel mixed with serum was used.

Often grated and dried, the peel was used to heal wounds. Jam is also often made from this product, juice and various tinctures.

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Walnut partition

Walnut partition

Walnut partitions

Useful qualities of a walnut are preserved not only in the fruit itself, but also in the shell, and in the partition of the shell in the nut. Tinctures with this ingredient can always be seen on the shelves of pharmacies.

What harm and benefit can a walnut partition bring:

  • If there is a lack of iodine in the body, you do not need to buy expensive vitamins and medicines. A tincture from the partition will restore balance much more effectively.
  • A good result of tincture from the partition is given during problems with the psycho-emotional state. If you notice that you are often irritated, feel tired and apathetic, it is enough to drink a decoction with a partition, and your mood will improve. Also, this medicine will help fight insomnia.
  • The tool provides stimulation of neurons, which helps to improve memory and restore vision. For prevention, it is recommended to use such a drug for people who work in hard mental work.
  • Due to the accumulation of potassium and magnesium, and other minerals in the walnut partition, blood circulation improves, blood vessels dilate, and promotes the removal of cholesterol. This is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and varicose veins.
  • The healing properties of the partition help to get rid of migraines and headaches. This tincture is great for preventing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The partition has strong antiseptic and healing properties. Large abscesses, cracked heels, other skin lesions can all be healed with a powdered walnut partition.
  • Alcohol tincture from the partition helps to eliminate pain in the muscles or joints. To do this, simply rub the tincture on the problem area.
  • With the help of tinctures from the partition, you can lose weight well. This is facilitated by the alkaloid compounds included in the composition. Cells are saturated with oxygen, metabolism is normalized, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. Thanks to this, fat is burned faster.
  • During age-related hormonal disorders, this remedy helps prevent the formation of pathologies, fibroids, adenomas, etc. Thanks to the intake of this remedy, the hormonal background is normalized.

Possible harm:
  • You can not use tinctures from the partition for people with an excess of iodine in the body. It is also forbidden to use this remedy for psoriasis, dermatitis and acute gastritis.
  • To use a remedy with a nut partition, even with good health and the absence of contraindications, unlike the nuts themselves, is prohibited for pregnant women. During the feeding period, you can not use such a tool either.
  • You can not use such infusions on your own. Be sure to consult with your doctor.
  • You can not start using drugs with large doses. First you need to check the reaction of the body, and then gradually increase the dose. Otherwise, it may cause negative consequences.

The partition is used solely as a prophylactic. For the treatment of some serious diseases, it is not suitable, and you should not expect too much from it.
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What does the tincture give

If you just take fresh nuts, this is a fairly effective prevention of certain diseases, but cooked tinctures are much more effective and have a wider range of applications.

The main advantage of nut tincture is a high percentage of iodine.

The main advantage of nut tincture is a high percentage of iodine.

This element is present in all parts of the tree, but its maximum amount is present in the green peel, and in the partition in the shell. Most often, this remedy is recommended for use in diseases of the thyroid gland and much more.

Indications for use:

  • tuberculosis
  • neurosis
  • inflammation of the housing and communal services
  • blood diseases
  • avitaminosis
  • kidney disease
  • fibroadenoma, mastopathy
  • men's health problems
  • skin problems, inflammation of the skin
  • vascular problems (atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis)
  • metabolic disease
  • musculoskeletal disorders

Nut tinctures are often used in gynecology, infertility, adnexitis, myoma. They help normalize blood sugar levels.
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Contraindications to the use of tincture

This remedy, like any other drug, has its contraindications.

This remedy, like any other drug, has its contraindications.

In order for the treatment to be really effective and not cause even more damage to the body, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of these contraindications:

  • children under 12 years old
  • acute form of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  • allergy
  • during pregnancy
  • exacerbation of psoriasis or eczema
  • kidney problems
  • lactation

As a rule, the tincture does not cause any side effects, but in rare cases, or due to the abuse of the amount of tincture, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • rash
  • sleep problems
  • diarrhea
  • Strong headache

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Partition tincture

There are many recipes for making tincture for walnut partitions.

There are many recipes for making tincture for walnut partitions.

They help to solve the problem in several directions at once and are made on an alcohol basis.

Classic recipe

  • We take a container of a suitable size (a regular can for preservation or a saucepan will do).
  • We pour partitions into it and fill them with alcohol.
  • The ratio of ingredients should be 100 ml of alcohol base per 1 tablespoon of partitions.
  • For the base, you can use medical alcohol (70%) or good vodka.
  • The product should be infused for 10 days, after which we pour it into jars and send it for storage in a cool place.

From the partitions of a young walnut

  • To do this, we select only young nuts, and we will insist them on vodka.
  • First you need to split about 30 nuts, and remove the partitions from them.
  • Pour them into a pre-prepared container and pour 0.5 liters of vodka into it.
  • The remedy is infused for 3 weeks in a dark, cool place.
  • Shake the container daily.

How to apply tinctures from the partition

  • With iodine deficiency and for its prevention: on 1 tbsp of water we drip 5-10 drops of the product. Consume before meals every day for 2-3 weeks.
  • For cough treatment: 1 tsp is taken 3-4 times a day. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
  • For insomnia or stress: 3 times a day we drink 25-30 drops of the product. It is good to drink water.
  • Sciatica and joint problems: several times a day, do rubbing, or apply a compress to the affected area.
  • Myoma and mastopathy: the remedy is applied 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, washed down with plenty of water. Take 5 to 30 drops, starting with the lowest dose and increasing gradually.

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How can you use the shell

Nut shells, most often, are simply thrown away.

Nut shells, most often, are simply thrown away.

But it also has a lot to offer us.Methods for preparing tinctures and other nutshell remedies have been passed down from generation to generation for many years. In pharmacies, such a remedy is not sold, but it is not difficult to prepare it at home.

Its useful properties:

  • The nut shell contains a high content of tannins, which have an effect at the level of pharmacy antibiotics.
  • The only difference between the means is that the shell is of natural origin. With the help of this remedy, you can cope with various skin diseases, ulcers, inflammation on the skin.
  • The content of coumarin in the shell is effective in disinfecting wounds. The use of such a tool guarantees the rapid healing of such injuries.
  • Carboxylic acids help speed up metabolism.
  • The content of vitamins in the shell helps to strengthen the immune system and stabilize the hormonal background.
  • Helps to remove toxins from the body.

Shell tinctures

No less effective is the tincture on the walnut shell.

No less effective is the tincture on the walnut shell

They also have many variations, and now consider the most popular of them:

Recipe 1

  • Grind the shell as much as possible and pour it into a clean container.
  • It should be 2/3 full.
  • After that, pour vodka into the container until the jar is filled to the brim.
  • Insist 2-3 months.
  • To make the tincture easier to drink, you can add 1 tsp of sugar to it for every 0.5 liter of vodka.
  • You need to add it only after the remedy is infused.
  • We pass the liquid through the filter (you can take gauze, or make a cotton filter).

Recipe 2

  • We take the shell of 15 nuts, wash it well and dry it.
  • Transfer the shell to a jar and pour vodka over it.
  • Infuse the remedy for 14 days, then filter, and you can take it.
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walnuts for women

Walnuts have a special effect on the female body.

Walnuts have a special effect on the female body.

The benefits of this product for the fairer sex are as follows:

  • Promotes speedy recovery after severe blood loss (after childbirth, surgery or during menstruation).
  • Prevents varicose veins. This is especially true for women who like to wear high heels or are on their feet all day.
  • Helps to calm down, improves the emotional state. Helps to increase stress resistance and get rid of tension.
  • Shell tincture is extremely useful for uterine fibroids.

During pregnancy

At this time, proper nutrition and maximum vitamin intake are extremely important, both for the expectant mother and for the baby himself. Many women doubt whether walnuts can be consumed during pregnancy. Doctors give an unequivocal answer - of course you can! Moreover, during this period, nuts should become an indispensable element in the diet.

Nuts help the formation of the fetus and provide it with all the useful macro- and microelements.

Nuts help the formation of the fetus and provide it with all the useful macro- and microelements.

Also, do not refuse to eat nuts during breastfeeding. First of all, the milk becomes fatter and acquires a pleasant aftertaste. Babies like this taste, and often affects their appetite. In addition, all useful substances are transmitted to the child through milk, and help to form immunity and strengthen the child's body.

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roasted nuts

Their use can restore vision, calm the nerves, get rid of migraines and headaches, and cure insomnia. In addition, their regular use significantly improves brain function.

Roasted nuts are recommended by doctors. According to their assurances, they help with flatulence, throat diseases and help cleanse the kidneys and bladder. In addition, they are recommended for use in breast cancer.

Such a delicacy as fried walnuts is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Such a delicacy as fried walnuts is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Of course, after processing, many vitamins from nuts disappear, but they still contain protein, acids and other vitamins, only in smaller quantities compared to a fresh product.

Nuts are very tasty and nutritious. Incredible taste makes them a great dessert. To cook them, you need to preheat the oven to 160 degrees, and send the peeled fruits for 10-15 minutes in the oven.

Nut jam

You can make a very tasty and incredibly healthy jam from walnuts. There are several cooking methods that do not require much effort. The most delicious and common recipe for nut jam is a classic one.

Nut jam

Nut jam

For it, young "milk" nuts are used. True, this recipe requires a lot of time and attention.

Classic recipe

Walnut jam according to this recipe is very similar to regular prunes.

Walnut jam according to this recipe is very similar to regular prunes

This applies to both taste and appearance of the product.


  • green nuts - 4 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 kg
  • cloves - 10 buds
  • citric acid - 1 pinch
  • slaked lime 100 g for each liter of water (for soaking)

It is extremely important to know the mass of nuts. They need to be weighed. And starting from this, regulate the amount of other components of the jam.

Nuts for jam

Cooking method:

  1. Wash nuts well and place in a large bowl. Fill them with water so that the liquid is 1 cm above the level of the nuts themselves. Nuts should infuse for about a week. Every 6-7 hours the water must be changed. The water may turn green, don't be alarmed, this is normal.
  2. After this week, we prepare a solution with lime. We stir water with lime, mix well and leave for half an hour.
  3. The solution must be carefully drained into another container so that there is no sediment. We put the nuts there for soaking. We leave for a day. The skin of the nuts may become blotchy or dark, this is normal.
  4. The next day, wash the nuts well in running water. Cut large nuts in half, pierce small ones in several places with a fork.
  5. Bring water to a boil, add nuts and blanch for 20 minutes. After that, we drain the water, and send the nuts to cool under cold running water.
  6. At this stage, the nuts should be a dark olive color. Or brown. Re-boil water in a saucepan and blanch the nuts for 30 minutes. We repeat the procedure for cooling the fruit under running water.
  7. When the nuts have become completely dark, you can proceed directly to the preparation of jam.
  8. Immediately prepare the syrup: dissolve the sugar in hot water, bring it to a boil, gradually stirring. Add citric acid and cloves to the syrup. Pour the syrup into the nuts and bring them to a boil. They should boil for about 5 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the heat and forget about it for 1 hour.
  9. The nuts will immediately become very dark, but the procedure must be repeated 4 more times. Each time we boil them for 5 minutes, and leave to cool for an hour. Bring the jam to a boil for the last time and simmer for 15 minutes. We pour it into jars and sterilize.

The jam is tasty and sweet. Jars can be stored in the basement for 1 year, but you can start eating jam right away.

Nuts, honey and lemon

An excellent remedy for the prevention of colds and other infectious diseases, a remedy with lemon, honey and walnut. Many even treat a mild form of the disease with this remedy. This complex also improves the functioning of the whole organism.

Improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system

Improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system

Use of the tool:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  • migraines and headaches
  • avitaminosis, anemia
  • rheumatism
  • tuberculosis
  • prostatitis
  • cold
  • inflammation of the mouth
  • intestinal inflammation
  • epilepsy
  • normalization of blood pressure

Method of preparation

We clean the nuts from the shell and break them with our hands

We clean the nuts from the shell and break them with our hands

  • We put them in a jar and fill them with honey. To do this, you can take absolutely any honey varieties and nuts.
  • The ratio of ingredients is about 2:1. Lemon cut into small pieces and add to the mixture.
  • It is strictly forbidden to cut nuts with a knife or other metal objects. They need to be broken by hand.
  • The composition must be infused for a certain time.
  • As a rule, this period lasts from two weeks to a month.
  • All components share useful properties.
  • The lid should be paper, you can use cling film. The fact is that the product must "breathe".
  • Lemon is more like an additional ingredient for this remedy.
  • Therefore, it can be replaced with dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins. Daily for prevention, you need to use 1 tsp.
Walnut: benefits and harms - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on the shell and partitions), features for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Walnut: benefits and harms - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on the shell and partitions), features for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Walnut: benefits and harms - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on the shell and partitions), features for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Do you need a walnut in the country? All the pros and cons of walnut

Walnut: benefits and harms - how to stay healthy. Jam, tinctures (on the shell and partitions), features for women (Photo & Video) + Reviews

6.6 Total Score

Tinctures and remedies from its fruits are a great way to get the body working and cope with some diseases. The product is completely natural and extremely effective. Therefore, you need to try to use it every day, and your health will always be normal. We have tried to collect for you interesting and useful information on this topic. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Buyer ratings: 2.67 (3 votes)

  1. Nuts are my element, and if earlier I adored only cedar and cashews, then after giving birth I prefer walnuts. And despite the fact that the nut is quite heavy at night and you should not overdo it with it, so as not to plant the liver, I still gobble it up in bags.
    I'm ashamed to say, I'm almost 35, and as a schoolgirl I collect nuts in the fall and break them greedily, peeling off the white skin.
    It's an indescribable taste!
    And nut jam - I looked at the photo and straight saliva ran, I still have a whole jar in the bins.
    I use whole nuts when young ones without partitions make tincture according to my grandmother's recipe and it helps for the thyroid gland with a lack of iodine.
    The only thing I didn't know was that you can use nutshells as well. In general, the article is just a storehouse of information, so I took note of some recipes.

  2. Answer
    Nadezhda Sokolovskaya 10/18/2018 at 11:19

    I read the article and Maria's comment, and I can't help but agree. Yes, nuts are really indispensable for our body, because they are the best natural sources of iodine. I remember how my mother collected partitions in young nuts and made a tincture, and then she gave me this disgusting thing in a teaspoonful of water, but I managed to avoid thyroid surgery.I tried walnut jam only once in Norway, and although this is not their plant, it is unusually delicious, here I agree with Maria! My kids enjoy cracking nut butters, and the markets are booming in the season. Yes, I personally saw how they use nutshells and, truly, this is a useful plant.

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