Pomegranate at home: growing from seed and care, useful properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

pomegranate at home

Growing pomegranate at home is not only exciting, but also quite useful. An indoor exotic plant with beautiful pink flowers and a unique smell will become a real decoration of your home space. In order for the plant to bear fruit and produce fragrant fruits, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.

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Description of the pomegranate

In its natural habitat, this perennial plant grows massively in Eastern Transcaucasia, Central Asia. In the west, the natural habitat of the pomegranate tree captures the coast in Asia Minor, and the southern limit reaches the coastal zone of the Arabian Sea.

The word "pomegranate" is of Latin origin and translated into Russian means "grainy". This definition is most suitable for describing the appetizing, filled with sweet juice, tree seeds, which are hidden under a very dense peel. In ancient times, the fruits of this plant were called "grainy apples", and only later, in the Middle Ages - "seed apples".

pomegranate tree at home

pomegranate tree at home

In nature, pomegranate is a fairly tall tree, reaching a height of 5-6 m, growing mainly in a subtropical climate. The fruit plant prefers hot, humid air and the maximum amount of sunlight.

Under other conditions, the seeds of a deciduous tree practically do not germinate, and weak, diseased plants grow from the sprouted specimens, which eventually die.

When grown at home, the pomegranate grows in the form of a small decorative bush, with a maximum height of 1m. The size of the fruit does not exceed 4-6 cm in diameter. The leaves are light green in color and small.

This fruit crop is characterized as a very attractive, sprawling plant with a chic crown and a slender trunk. The shape of the flower is funnel-shaped with orange-red coloration. As soon as the flowering period ends, fruits appear on the tree in the form of a ball, rather large in size and having a leathery pericarp.

The life span of the plant is 50-60 years. Upon reaching this age, trees must be replaced with young ones, since they lose their ability to bear fruit and their agricultural purpose.

During flowering, the bush is abundantly dotted with tubular flowers similar to the mouthpiece of a gramophone. They are short-lived and fade in 3-4 days. One of the features of a tropical culture is the continuous formation of new buds. The effect of constant flowering is created, lasting from May to September.

The first harvest can already be obtained in the third year after planting, the fruits ripen in the second half of autumn. It is more efficient to propagate pomegranate through cuttings, but, with the right agricultural technology, it is possible to grow it from seeds and seeds.

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favorable conditions

pomegranate at home

Soil selection

The soil for pomegranate should be light and fertile.

The soil should be light and fertile

Fruit culture attracts lovers of growing exotic plants with its undemanding soil. As a soil, you can use almost any soil mixture.

But the most favorable for the bush is the use of loose, moisture-permeable and breathable soil with a neutral Ph7 reaction.

When using a fully prepared soil intended for growing roses or begonias, the ornamental plant grows and develops well.

You can independently prepare the soil mixture from:

  • (1 part) humus
  • garden soil (2 parts)
  • sawdust (0.5 parts)
  • adding a small part of river sand (0.5 parts)
  • peat (0.5 parts)

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable container. The recommended option for a flower pot is a wide and deep container with a drainage hole. For drainage, it is good to use expanded clay or large river pebbles.

Indoor lighting according to the season

WITH spring in the summer, it is better to put containers with tropical bushes on the windowsills of the southern, western, eastern windows. If the weather is cloudy outside, it is recommended to compensate for the lack of sunlight by using LED phytolamp.

Plants grow well in direct sunlight, but at lunchtime, when there is maximum sun activity, it is advisable to darken them.

Pomegranate is demanding on lighting

Pomegranate is demanding on lighting

Room pomegranate is good to take out to the balcony, open area. Fresh air is simply necessary for the bush. If this is not possible, then the room where it is located is recommended to be periodically ventilated, avoiding cold drafts.

From autumn to winter, for pomegranate, you need to choose fairly well-lit places. It is recommended to place containers with plants very close to the window glass, but at the same time, it is advisable to place foam plastic or other heat-insulating material under the pallet. There is no need to darken, the activity of the sun in winter is weak.

In cold weather, it is important to use LED backlighting, thereby extending daylight hours, up to 8-10 hours. The optimum temperature for a tropical plant in winter is no more than 12 degrees Celsius. If you keep it in a room with dry, heated air and in poor lighting, then the pomegranate will lose its attractiveness, like a plant, stretching strongly upwards.

Air temperature

During the warm period of the year (Spring - summer) the optimum temperature regime is 20-25 degrees. The plant calmly tolerates high temperatures, but with sudden changes it can shed fruit ovaries and leaves.

From autumn to winter, the recommended temperature for the bush is 10-12 degrees Celsius, but not lower than 7 degrees. Only by providing cool conditions can you be sure of the ability of the plant to bloom and bear fruit next year.

Considering that pomegranate naturally grows well in dry climates, the level of humidity in the room does not play a special role for it. It will develop well with indicators of 40-50% humidity. On hot days, to create comfortable conditions, it is recommended to spray the leaves, wiping them 2-3 times a day with a damp cloth. Alternatively, you can install water containers next to the pots, use a special device, use wet sphagnum moss, expanded clay.

Irrigation Features

Irrigation is recommended when the top layer of the earth dries out. It is necessary to reduce watering procedures during the period of its active flowering. In winter, when the tree is in its dormant phase, frequent watering is not needed.

watering plants

When growing a pomegranate, it is important to follow the rules for caring for it.

The main thing is not to let the earthen clod completely dry out. In the summer, do not forget to regularly spray the leaves. Watering is best done directly under the root, preventing water from getting on the leaves. It is good to use a watering can with a narrow spout for such purposes.

The soil in the container should be slightly damp. It is recommended to use non-cold water for irrigation, a couple of degrees higher than the temperature in the room itself.

In addition, it must settle within a day.


You can form a home plant as a compact bush, leaving 3-4 skeletal branches or, like a tree with a low stem, and with 4-5 skeletal branches. Over time, up to 5 branches of the second order are laid on each skeletal branch, in the future, branches of the third order can be laid.
young pomegranate pruning

Unnecessary and fatty shoots, root shoots must be removed

Old, no longer able to bear fruit branches should also be cut. Pomegranate fruiting occurs on the shoots of the current year. It is recommended to form a plant in the off-season, it will grow incredibly beautiful and sprawling.

Excessive thickening can be avoided by pruning should be carried out on the buds directed towards the inside of the ornamental tree.


To grow a healthy pomegranate bush at home, you do not need to transplant it into another container earlier than in the fourth year of its life.

The procedure is recommended to be performed in the spring, each time replacing the soil depleted in mineral components, the containers are also selected each time with a large volume.

It is better to use sod land, black soil.

Healthy Pomegranate Root System

Healthy root system

High-quality drainage in a flower pot will be the key to the health of the plant and protect its root system from decay.
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Reproduction methods

Growing from seeds

Planting material is subject to preliminary preparation before germination:

  • First, remove the seeds (pits) from the fruit.
  • Free them from the pulp.
  • Rinse under cold water.
  • Wipe them with a paper towel to eliminate the possibility of putrefactive processes.
  • Dry the seeds throughout the bottom.

The composition of the peel of an exotic fruit contains toxic substances, which allows it to be used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, with problems with the gums.

To plant pomegranate seeds, it is necessary to pour drainage (small pebbles), a soil mixture of river sand, peat and garden soil into a clay pot. Dried seeds are added dropwise to moistened soil to a depth of one centimeter, maintaining a distance between seeds of at least 5 cm. It is recommended to water the seeds sparingly.

Clay pot with drainage

Clay pot with drainage

Seed containers should be moved to a warm place with enough sunlight. It is possible to provide plantings with moderate humidity by covering the containers with plastic wrap.

As the earth dries out, it needs to be slightly moistened.

young pomegranate sprouts

Young pomegranate sprouts grown from seeds

After two weeks, viable planting material will begin to germinate, in most cases their germination rate is high. As soon as the seedlings begin to grow actively, it is necessary to remove the plastic film.

Having identified weak and deformed specimens, they are removed, leaving only the strongest.

From a cutting

The most popular way of agricultural cultivation of a pomegranate bush is the use of cuttings as planting material. With this method of reproduction, it is possible to completely preserve the genetic information of the plant., as well as the taste of fruits and resistance to various diseases.

Pomegranate propagation cuttings

cuttings for propagation

The selection of cuttings should be done in early spring, choosing the middle part of a two-year branch, on which there are three to four buds. The length of the handle should be no more than 15 cm.

Step-by-step instruction:

1Place the cutting for two days in a container of water, adding a root growth stimulator.
2Then place in a pot with fertile soil.
3After 3-4 weeks, the cutting should form a primary root system. Bud development will occur already on new branches.
4Transplant the rooted cutting into a large container with light soil, sandy composition.
5Plant a strengthened tree with a height of 50 cm or more in an open area or plant it in a large flower pot and leave it at home.

When the roots of the plant reach the maximum size of the container, it can not be transplanted, replacing only twice a year the top layer of the earth. It is recommended to feed an ornamental bush at the stage of fruiting, intensive growth.

To activate the growth of plantings in the seedling period, it is necessary to use a solution of wood ash (2 tsp) and water (0.5 l) as a top dressing. From spring to late autumn, it is recommended to fertilize an exotic crop every 14 days using a universal liquid preparation.

If the crop is grown to obtain a tasty harvest, then it is advisable to replace the mineral compositions with organic ones using slurry, chicken manure.

But, you should know that nitrogen fertilizers must be applied in moderation, otherwise, with an overabundance of it, the ability of the bush to bear fruit is lost, and only green mass grows.


To get a varietal plant, it is necessary to graft a varietal stalk onto a pomegranate rootstock grown from seeds. For these purposes, only a cutting from a fruiting bush is suitable.

pomegranate stock scheme

This is another way to propagate pomegranate at home.

Grafting can be done using different methods, everything will depend on the thickness of the graft cuttings and rootstock.

There are over 150 ways of grafting, but, most often, flower growers use:

  • simple copulation
  • copulation with a tongue, in a split, behind the bark, in the butt, in a side cut

An indicator of successful grafting will be the flowering of the bush already in the third or fourth year.

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How to care for young shoots

For the successful cultivation of tropical crops, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • When the first true leaves appear at the pomegranate bush, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for transplanting it into a permanent container.
  • As soon as the third leaves are formed, the apical cone of the plant must be pinched to form two tops, which, after the appearance of the third leaves, are also pinched. Only with this approach can the indoor tree become a luxurious and strong decoration. If this is not done, then you get a thin, helpless rod.
  • The plant needs to get enough fresh air and sunlight, but this becomes possible only in the summer. As soon as the spring frosts pass, take out the pots with bushes on the terrace, balcony, well-lit area. With the onset of cold weather, put the exotic handsome man in a cool place for the winter.
  • The plant does not like excessive moisture, so it should be watered only as needed when the soil dries out. Spraying the air around the bush has a positive effect on its growth and development. It is advisable to add nutrients once every 14 days, and it is necessary to alternate mineral and organic compounds. Closer to winter, watering is reduced.
  • Under comfortable growing conditions, the pomegranate tree bears fruit in September. When the pomegranate begins to drop foliage, this will indicate the onset of the dormant phase. During this period, it is enough to irrigate and fertilize 1-2 times a month. In the dormant phase, it is better not to disturb the fruit crop.

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Flowering and assessment of the condition of the pomegranate tree

When the plant receives enough sunlight and nutrients, flowering can be expected as early as 10 months after emergence. It is desirable to pinch the first "grainy apples" for better rooting of the bush. Often lovers of indoor flowers do not do this.

pomegranate blossom

pomegranate blossom

In most cases, the first large fruits appear at 2-3 years of plant life.

If the basic rules of agricultural technology are not observed, a normal, full-fledged harvest can not be expected.

You can determine the poor condition of the bush by the following signs:

  • A small, poorly developing pomegranate is a lack of nutrients.
  • The plant "sits in place", does not grow, has wide leaves of a greenish-brown color - a lack of sunlight.
  • The leaves wither, there is a lag in growth and development - an excessive amount of moisture in the soil.
  • The presence of dark spots on leaves that increase in size indicates the development of diseases such as gray rot, root cancer.
  • If a thin cobweb was found on the leaves, and on examination a pronounced sticky coating, plaque is felt on the trunk, then a spider mite is present on the plant.
  • In the case of cracking of the bark, its swelling with the formation of oozing wounds on the trunk and branches, this is a sure sign of the development of branch cancer.

In order not to miss the warning signs of the disease, it is recommended to regularly inspect the ornamental plant.

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Indoor pomegranate pests and methods of dealing with them


Aphids on foliage

  • These are small insects of light green color, settling in whole colonies mainly on the underside of the leaf plate, can infect the apical cone of the plant, buds.
  • Leaf parasites weaken bushes very quickly by sucking out cell sap. In this case, toxic substances are released, which lead to twisting, deformation and death of the leaves, cessation of shoot growth, and curvature of the top. Through salivary secretions, plantings can become infected with dangerous viruses that cause extensive damage.
  • As effective methods of struggle, flower growers use the treatment with tobacco infusion, prepared at the rate of 40 g of tobacco, 1 liter of water. The solution should be infused for a day, then crushed laundry soap (5 g) is added to it.
  • Phytoferm, Inta-Vir, Biotlin preparations have proven themselves well. Working solutions are prepared according to the instructions.


Foliage covered with whitefly

  • The pests are small in size, their length is not more than 3 mm, their wings are covered with a waxy coating similar to flour.
  • Whiteflies also settle on the underside of the leaf plate. Parasitic feces can be found on the upper side of the underlying leaves in the form of a shiny coating (honeydew).
  • On these stools, black (sooty fungi) develops in the future. As a result, the surface of the leaf plate first turns white, and then blackens. These insects also carry viral infections from one plant to another.
  • Most often, there is a deformation of shoots, leaves, cessation of their growth, fruit necrosis.
    The found whiteflies need to be collected, and the plants should be treated with an onion solution.
  • To do this, it is necessary to pour onion peel (20 g) into a container and pour water (1 l), let it brew for 5 days and pass through gauze, a sieve before use.
  • From special means, you can use Aktara, Tanrek, Mospilan, according to the instructions.


Shield on a plant

  • The insect is very small, body length up to 5 mm, moves quickly enough, which gives itself away.
  • Dark-colored plaques are visible on the leaves - these are signs of its manifestation.A characteristic sign of its presence is the presence of a sticky liquid (padi) on the leaves of the plant, when there is too much of it, it begins to drain directly onto the windowsill.
  • This liquid is a favorable habitat for soot fungus.
    First of all, you must try to collect the parasites manually. To facilitate the task, their shells are smeared with a small amount of turpentine, kerosene, and vinegar.
  • After 2-3 hours, they will easily be separated from the leaves, the trunk.
  • Processing should be carried out with Fitoverm, Phosbecid, Metaphos. The solution is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

spider mite

Signs of a spider mite

  • It is almost impossible to detect an insect, it is very small, no more than 1 mm in size.
  • Its body can be painted green, brown, gray or brown.
  • Adults and larvae feed on the cell sap of the plant by piercing the leaf plates with their jaws.
  • The parasite appears in the form of small, transparent dots, which eventually become completely yellow, dry out and fall off. The bush stops its growth and development, in severe cases the plant dies.
    Spider mites prefer to live in a dry climate, avoiding a humid environment, so it is necessary to spray the air around the bush and its leaves every day.
  • Among the effective means are Neoron, Agravertin, Omayt, which are bred according to the instructions.

If a pomegranate tree turns yellow without a spider mite being found on it, then most likely the plant is suffering from excessively hot air or from a lack of moisture in the ground. The lack of water in the soil is accompanied by the presence of dark spots on the leaf blades.

Pomegranate foliage can fall off for several reasons:

  • as a result of their yellowing

  • damage by spider mites, other pests

  • at high air temperature

  • with insufficient watering.

In addition, leaf fall in a plant can also begin for a natural reason, when the period of preparation for wintering begins.

The leaves of an exotic culture can dry out as a result of dry air, a painful state of the root system (in case of violation of the irrigation regime).

Inspect the soil for signs of mold in it. If there is a characteristic smell, then it is necessary to transplant the pomegranate into another flower pot with new soil as soon as possible. In the process of transplanting, pay attention to the root system, if there are roots affected by rot, treat them with crushed coal.

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What varieties of pomegranate are suitable for home growing

Among the most popular varieties of pomegranate intended for growing at home, there are:


baby pomegranate variety


  • An adult plant reaches a height of no more than half a meter. This is a fairly miniature variety, characterized by abundant flowering. Fruit sizes up to 3-4 cm in diameter, like walnuts.
  • Despite growing it at home, the taste of the fruit is practically in no way inferior to "real" pomegranates.
  • In most cases, the variety is formed in the form shrubconsisting of 5-7 skeletal branches. Alternatively, you can form it into one trunk, like a tree, but then the plant will develop poorly. The thickness of the shoots of the shrub is up to 1.5 cm, they are covered with smooth light gray bark with slight pubescence.
  • Deciduous pomegranate sheds foliage in autumn, which is why you don’t need to sound the alarm, this is a normal process. Due to the shiny leaves of a pronounced dark green color, the plant does an excellent job with its decorative function. Collected in the so-called "bunches", they are distinguished by an elongated lanceolate shape and moderately corrugated edges.
  • In diameter, the flowers of a dwarf bush reach 3 cm, and their length is 6-7 cm. Six-petal flowers are located on the tops of the shoots. Purple petals are distinguished by the shape of a wide oval, they have a wrinkled surface, their tips are bent back.
  • The first appearance of buds is carried out in the fourth year, if they appear before this period, then they are cut off. This is necessary in order to give the plant the opportunity to grow stronger.
  • On an ornamental bush, flowers and “grainy” apples may appear at the same time. The flowering process can last even during the ripening period of the crop. Given the compactness of the variety, the bush cannot feed all the formed ovaries, therefore a maximum of 6 pieces are left, the rest are removed.
  • To prevent the plant from depleting, it is recommended to feed it periodically. The ripening of the crop occurs in the second half of winter. Its duration is about six months.
  • A variety is grown from seeds purchased in specialized stores.


pomegranate Carthage


  • A dwarf plant attracts attention with a huge number of large red flowers and oblong pale green leaves. Cups can be compared with a bouquet in which wavy petals of scarlet or pink color are collected. There are exotic specimens with yellow or white petals, but the most common color is still red.
  • The duration of complete dormancy in the bush is quite short, it begins after the final fall of the leaves. The color of the fruits is predominantly dark red, it can be orange, they reach 7 cm in diameter. Each “granular” apple contains over a thousand seeds, which are contained in separate two-tiered chambers.
  • The taste qualities of the fruits are good, they have a sweet and sour taste, very juicy. But, often, this variety is grown at home because of its high decorative qualities. The fruits are removed so that the plant actively grows and develops.


rubig pomegranate variety


  • This is another representative of low-growing varieties, on average, its height does not exceed 70 cm. The main feature of this dwarf plant is its lush flowering and bright, rich ruby-colored flowers, unlike other varieties.
  • The fruits are quite large, up to 8 cm in diameter, their weight can be up to 100 g. The bush is unpretentious in care, it is resistant to negative environmental factors.


nana pomegranate variety


  • This exotic specimen grows up to one meter. Flowering begins 2-3 years after planting. A variety with a very early fruiting period, plants grown from seeds can bloom for 3-4 months, and up to ten pieces of fragrant fruits ripen on two-year-old bushes.
  • It is noteworthy that this variety of pomegranate practically does not shed its foliage before wintering, which is rare for indoor specimens. The tropical culture has a good degree of tolerance to dry air, which makes this variety one of the most common for home cultivation.

Alba Captivity

pomegranate variety alba foam

Alba Captivity

  • The variety is used mainly as an exotic decoration of the home space, it is chosen because of the incredibly beautiful and large flowers. They have a terry structure, cream coloring, and can reach 6 cm in diameter.
  • Oval in shape, the leaves are characterized as very sinewy, dense, slightly elongated. They have a rich green color. One of the advantages of the variety is its ability to grow quickly.
  • You can limit its growth by planting in a tight container.


pomegranate variety Uzbekistan

Alba Captivity

  • The variety has a shrub form of growth, shoots can reach 2 m. This variety is suitable for growing in open areas, and in an apartment.
  • "Grainy" apples have spherical outlines, bright red coloration, their weight can be 100-120 g. The grains are covered with a thin peel, the seeds stand out with a pronounced burgundy color, the taste is harmonious sweet and sour.
  • When choosing a pomegranate variety, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with its strengths and weaknesses in order to know what comfortable conditions to create for it for growth and development.

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Useful qualities of pomegranate

Pomegranate, by right, is called one of the most useful fruits. Its fruits contain vitamins P, C, B12, B6, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, fiber, potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium, calcium.

And its juice contains glucose, fructose, acids (apple, citric, tartaric, oxalic, boric, succinic and others), chloride and sulfate salts, tannin, phytoncides, nitrogenous, tannins.

Pomegranate is a storehouse of vitamins

Pomegranate is a storehouse of vitamins

Due to the presence in the pomegranate of all these useful substances necessary for the human body, it determines its healing qualities. It is recommended for use to improve hematopoiesis, quench thirst, to activate the production of hemoglobin, the formation of red blood cells.

And also to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, the nervous system and raise immunity.

Even in ancient times, pomegranate infusion was used as an effective hemostatic agent.

Elderly people are also prescribed pomegranate to restore strength in the postoperative period. Pomegranate seeds contain vitamin K necessary for normal metabolism in connective tissues and bones, which is also needed for the absorption of calcium.

pomegranate juice

Drinking pomegranate juice helps to normalize blood pressure

It is recommended as a hematopoietic agent for diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, respiratory system, kidneys, and liver.

Women during menopause can also include pomegranate in their diet to relieve symptoms, since it contains estrogens. Tropical fruit helps with depressive conditions.

Pomegranate is a fairly popular product in vegetarian cuisine.

Pomegranate is a fairly popular product in the vegetarian diet. kitchen

Considering in the composition of its juice 15 amino acids, most of which are found in meat. It turns out that for people who have completely abandoned meat products, this exotic fruit can fully compensate for the lack of protein.

One more useful quality pomegranate juice - the presence of a diuretic and choleretic effect, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

It has been observed that the use of pomegranate helps with scurvy, uric acid diathesis, atherosclerosis, headaches and gastrointestinal disorders. For people who have undergone irradiation, living in a zone of increased radiation and whose work is related to radioactive isotopes, it is definitely recommended to consume this fruit.

Patients suffering from anemia, hypertension, bronchial asthma, malaria and diabetes mellitus are also prescribed pomegranate.

Due to the content of alkaloids in the pomegranate peel, the fruit has a strong antihelminthic property.

Due to the content of alkaloids in the pomegranate peel, the fruit has a strong antihelminthic property.

With inflammatory processes in the liver, kidneys, joints, eyes, it is good to use a decoction based on pomegranate peel. Especially, it is good to use it for sore throats, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is known that the use of pomegranate peel powder lightly fried in olive or butter for cosmetic purposes, as a remedy for oily facial skin, for the treatment of various skin lesions.

The use of pomegranate seeds is quite actively used to improve the functioning of the intestines, in addition, they are a source of useful pomegranate oil, in which there is a high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins E, F.

They are necessary for the rapid healing of wounds, the restoration of epidermal cells, for rejuvenation and protection of the body from the development of cancer. With the help of pomegranate extract, you can restore the skin from sunburn.

Contraindications regarding the use of pomegranate

People suffering from gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, use pomegranate juicesaturated with acids is not desirable. If there is a need for its use, then it must be diluted with water.

In addition, pure pomegranate juice can corrode tooth enamel, so immediately after drinking it, it is recommended to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth well with water.

If a person has problems with the intestines, constipation, then the fixing property of an exotic fruit can exacerbate this problem. In case of an overdose of decoction from the peel, malaise, dizziness, convulsions may occur, and blood pressure will greatly increase.

In order to prevent deterioration of general well-being, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using pomegranate decoctions.


Pomegranate at home: growing from seed and care, useful properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews


Pomegranate at home: growing from seed and care, useful properties and contraindications (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Home pomegranate

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  • The presence of self-grown vitamin fruit
  • Nice decorative look
  • Sensitive to adverse conditions
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  1. I used to think that growing pomegranate at home was impossible, but now after reading the article and seeing the Nana variety in a pot, I thought, maybe my wife is right with her experiments. In fact, even I did not believe in its success. And at home the 5th year is already flaunting a lemon and we no longer buy, but literally this year we have 7 dates in a flower pot. Therefore, it is really possible to grow pomegranate at home. Actually, your article is a godsend for us, you just need to believe in the success of your business and everything will work out! And the collected materials of the author are only confirmation that even the impossible is possible!

  2. Hello. Thanks for such a good article. I want to share my experience in growing pomegranate. At first I tried to grow it from a seed, because this is the most affordable way. It didn’t work out - the bone took root, but rotted almost immediately. Then again - the plant also died, due to pests. I decided to buy from the agro seedling. Thank God he didn't have any problems. Grows well, even had small pomegranates. Well, a very beautiful tree has grown!

  3. Answer
    tamara vasilievna shlykova 08/30/2021 at 15:48

    Hello, we bought a room pomegranate tree with a bunch of buds and flowers. The roots of this tree were already outside at the cup, so we decided to transplant the plant into a larger pot (I made a transshipment). But after a week, they noticed that the buds and flowers began to fall off, and the leaves remained green. Tell me, is this how it should be or did we do something wrong

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