Hydrangea (90+ Photos) - description, outdoor care, reproduction, transplantation, diseases (Video) + Reviews


Due to its unusual appearance and dissimilarity to other flowers, hydrangea is attributed to the plant culture of the East. There is some truth in this: it really comes from the Far East and grows in Japan and China, is found in the Kuriles and Sakhalin.

Her lush bushes are not uncommon in North America. Hydrangea care cannot be called simple, but the work of the grower pays off with airy caps of inflorescences that appear in the garden in July and delight with abundant flowering until October.

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Features of hydrangea: a brief description


Hydrangea (Hydrangea) is a member of the Hydrangea family and originated in China.

The life forms of the plant are diverse: herbaceous perennials, shrubs or small trees, as well as lianas.

Flower culture is interesting for its features:

  • height - up to 60 cm in herbaceous forms, 2-3 m - in shrubs, 30 m - in lianas;
  • evergreen in the south, deciduous in mid-latitudes;
  • dark green leaves are large, oppositely planted, rough texture;
  • oval-shaped foliage with a pointed tip and serrated edging;
  • terry inflorescences up to 30 cm long are collected in a shield or panicle;
  • flowers of 2 types: fertile (fertile) small and sterile large - up to 3 cm in diameter;
  • barren flowers give the inflorescence an attractive appearance;
  • differ in various shades: painted in cream, purple, blue tones;
  • the bush is characterized by rapid growth, it is easy to grow it in a short time;
  • buds open on the shoots of the current year of life;
  • the fruit is a box with small seeds.

Hydrangea is translated from Greek as a "vessel of water", which is associated with common blue inflorescences that resemble water in color. The plant is moisture-loving, so the name is fully justified. The Japanese call the hydrangea Ajisai and this name translates as "a flower that looks like a purple sun."
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Agrotechnical features and rules of care

Flowering occurs due to sterile flowers that are not able to produce seeds.

Flowering occurs due to sterile flowers that are not able to produce seeds.

You can grow hydrangeas according to the traditional scheme., but special attention should be paid to transplanting, watering and pruning.

Location, lighting, temperature

Optimum air temperature during plant growth + 18- + 23C

Optimum air temperature during plant growth + 18- + 23C

For a "gentle beauty" light shading is more suitable., therefore, in the garden, under the canopy of tree crowns, she feels most comfortable. In sunny, open spaces, the leaves quickly wither, the plant loses its decorative effect. Hydrangea does not like drafts, so they select a suitable corner, closed from the winds.

In room culture, a flower pot is placed on the east, and in winter - on the west windowsill. In the summer, they take it out to the loggia, balcony or terrace.If the place is sunny, then the hydrangea is slightly shaded. The plant is photophilous, but too bright light of southern latitudes is not the best option for it. In Russian gardens, hydrangea does not have to be left in partial shade, because there are not so many truly sunny days in summer.

The flower does not need a too hot atmosphere: a cool summer is the most suitable option for it. It is recommended to maintain the temperature range within + 18- + 23C. If the specimen is indoor, then in autumn and winter the temperature is reduced to + 5- + 10C, gradually increasing it by the summer. Most varieties of hydrangea grow in southern gardens, as they are not cold-resistant and are not able to winter in harsh Siberian winters.

Watering and humidity

A hydrangea or a vessel of water cannot live without a constant supply of water.

Hydrangea or “vessel of water” cannot live without constant water supply

Moisture for hydrangea is literally "life-giving". The earth in the trunk circle is constantly moistened, trying not to flood. A dry earthen lump is an unacceptable phenomenon.

Basic watering rules:

  • spend every 1-2 days for small plants and every 7 days for bushes;
  • use settled water (preferably rainwater);
  • in room culture, a tray with wet pebbles is placed under the plant;
  • spraying is carried out periodically, trying to ensure that drops of moisture do not fall on the inflorescences
  • in autumn, the amount of watering is reduced.

Pay close attention to soil moisture. Hydrangeas bloom only with optimal watering. After watering, the near-stem circle is covered with mulch so that moisture from the soil surface evaporates more slowly.

Soil and top dressing

Granules with nutrients are embedded in the soil and watered abundantly.

Granules with nutrients are embedded in the soil and watered abundantly.

Hydrangea does not make special demands on the soil. It grows well in areas to which soddy soil, sand and peat substrate are added. To make the plant feel 100% comfortable, use a mixture of sand, humus or compost and peat (1:2:1).

The flower prefers acidic soil (pH = 5.5) and if the soil composition is neutral, then an acidifier is added. Universal preparations include garden sulfur, which acidifies the earthen substrate qualitatively and for a long time.

Why does the hydrangea change the color of the inflorescences? The color range depends on the pH value. Cream flowers will bloom on neutral soil, lilac or pink specimens appear on alkaline soil. An acidic environment gives rise to spectacular inflorescences of blue and blue.

Acidify the soil easy, adding aluminum sulfate or potassium alum to it to get blue shades of flowers. Initially, the color of the inflorescence is white and gradually it changes its colorful palette, based on soil conditions.

In order to guarantee a blue tint of inflorescences, on the eve of flowering, the plant is watered with a solution of aluminum alum, diluting 5 g in 1 liter of water.
Superphosphate double as top dressing

Superphosphate double as top dressing

Weed control throughout the growing season. This simple rule of agricultural technology is also relevant for hydrangea. After that, loosening is carried out to a depth of 5-6 cm, since air permeability and light soil are important factors in the full development of a capricious plant.

Fertilization under hydrangea is carried out in stages:

  1. At the beginning of growth, it is preferable to introduce a complex mineral composition with trace elements. It is advisable to feed with urea (according to the instructions) or slurry (diluting 1:10) so that the hydrangea quickly forms strong, green shoots.

  2. The second dressing is carried out on the eve of flowering. During this period, superphosphate containing phosphorus and potassium sulfide are added under the plant. This is necessary for the development of inflorescences.

  3. During the summer, fertilize with organic compounds (herbal infusion or mullein infusion) in a timely manner. Ash is not used, as it deoxidizes the soil.

Top dressing is carried out once every 2 weeks, processing an area of ​​​​1-1.5 m around the plant. An adult bush takes up to 10 liters of solution. Granular fertilizers are planted around the bush, and then watered abundantly so as not to burn the roots with concentrated nutrients.

By mid-August, feeding stops. In the same period, watering begins to be reduced.

Hydrangea does not like an excessively abundant amount of top dressing: fertilizer application should be moderate. This is especially true for fertilizers with nitrogen, thanks to which the bush grows profusely, but does not bloom.

Landing and transplant

Hydrangea hedge when properly planted

Fwillow hedge from hydrangeas when properly planted

Hydrangea planting and subsequent care is carried out in spring days, before the buds swell. This procedure is also possible in autumn, if there are no frosty winters in the region, and the root system of the plant is well developed. On the eve of planting, the roots are slightly shortened and annual shoots are removed.

If the bushes are planted singly, then a landing hole is prepared 35-40 cm deep and 50-70 cm wide. The ratio of the diameter of the pit and the crown of the grown bush (based on a particular variety) should be the same. When planting a hedge, the scheme is somewhat different: they dig a strip up to a meter wide, observing a distance between bushes of 1.5-2.5 m (depending on varietal characteristics).

Hydrangea seedlings are planted in the ground with a fertile composition:

  • humus (2 parts);
  • peat and sand (1 part each);
  • matchbox of superphosphate;
  • 1 st. l. urea.

It is mixed, and then the well is filled. Nutrients are enough to not think about top dressing for 2 years.

Superphosphate is brought into the planting pit, evenly mixing with the soil

Superphosphate is brought into the planting pit, evenly mixing with the soil

Landing algorithm:

  1. Pour a mound of "cultivated" earth mixture into the planting pit

  2. Remove the seedling from the ground, release the roots and carefully place them on the surface of the created mound

  3. Carefully pour the resulting "hut"

  4. Cover with the remaining nutrient substrate up to the root collar

  5. Compact the earth so that there are no voids inside, and water it again

  6. Mulch the trunk circle with sawdust, peat or pine needles

A layer of mulch about 10 cm will help retain moisture, support beneficial microflora and prevent the root system from being exposed. During the summer, the surface layer is loosened 2-3 times, mulching material is added in spring and autumn. Seedlings bloom after 4-5 years of growth.

If the site was initially chosen unsuccessfully, then you can transfer the hydrangea to a new place at the age of 5-6when perennial shoots become woody. This is a difficult event for a person, since the root system is large, the bush is well rooted and strong.

This is a stressful event for the plant itself: it is difficult to take root at this age. It is easier to think over the layout in advance, taking into account the requirements of the plant to the conditions.

Mulch is not only a benefit, but also a decoration.

Mulch - it is not only a benefit, but also a decoration

Hydrangea roots are not able to penetrate deep into the soil. This must be taken into account when planting in combination with other plants. Nearby should not be horticultural crops with a superficial root system, as they will begin to fight for moisture and nutrients. This exhausts the bush and weakens flowering.


Autumn, anti-aging pruning promotes the growth of young shoots

Autumn, anti-aging pruning promotes the growth of young shoots

Care and cultivation of hydrangeas include pruning. It is carried out according to the rules that should be considered:

  1. It begins in early spring before the start of sap flow and swelling of the kidneys. From 6 to 12 of the strongest, last year's shoots are left on the bush, shortening the tops by 2-5 buds.

  2. Flower brushes are formed on the apical shoots of the current year of life. The more flower buds are laid, the more inflorescences will be, but their flowers will be small.

  3. Once every 2-3 years, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, removing old branches that are not able to form young shoots. At the same time, thickened and broken branches are removed.

  4. During growth, faded brushes must be removed to stimulate the growth of new inflorescences.

  5. In autumn, it is worth carrying out a strong pruning for rejuvenation, cutting last year's shoots into 5-8 cm stumps. Next year they will give rise to new shoots. This procedure is carried out every 5 years.

Hydrangea painfully tolerates pruning, so after it is carried out, the plant is fed and its condition is monitored. When the bush fades, wilted, dried inflorescences should be removed. They are cut off with a shoot, shortening it by 2-4 buds. Cut inflorescences should be in the fall before the onset of cold weather.

Each type of hydrangea requires a different approach to pruning.

Each type of hydrangea requires a different approach to pruning.

Do not be too zealous and carry out deep pruning regularly. With this approach, there will be no inflorescences at all. "Sparing" pruning is not carried out for annual seedlings.
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Breeding Secrets

Reproduction of hydrangea cuttings

Reproduction of hydrangea cuttings

Hydrangea in the open field propagates in the ways available to shrubs:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

The latter method is rarely used if you need to propagate a large number of copies.. In addition, when sown with seeds, hybrid forms do not retain the qualities of the mother plant. Grown seedlings require long-term care and getting an adult specimen is a laborious and time-consuming process.


Vegetative propagation, which allows you to completely copy the qualities of the mother plant

Vegetative propagation, which allows you to completely copy the qualities of the mother plant

Held in the middle of summer. Step by step, obtaining young seedlings from cuttings looks like this:

  1. Cut the cuttings of the first year of life 7-10 cm long

  2. Prepare soil from peat and coarse sand (1: 1)

  3. The cuttings are deepened by 1/3 at an angle of 45 degrees

  4. Maintain a distance between seedlings of 5 centimeters

  5. Sand is poured on top and sphagnum moss is laid

  6. A micro-greenhouse is created from the container, covering it with a film (glass). Spraying to create a humid environment

  7. Maintain temperature +16-+20C

A month later, the cuttings form roots. Seedlings can be transplanted into a school or to a permanent "place of residence".

Receiving layering

Scheme for obtaining layering from an adult hydrangea bush

Scheme for obtaining layering from an adult hydrangea bush

To obtain layers in the spring, the lower shoots are bent to the ground and pinned, slightly deepening into the ground. This is enough to start the rooting process. In the spring of next year, using a pruner, the layers are separated from the mother bush and planted for further growth and development.

The division of the bush

Reproduction method - dividing the bush

Propagation method - dividing the bush

If you transplant a large specimen of hydrangea in early spring, then at the same time you can divide the bush. It is dug up and with the help of a sharp tool (knife, saw) is divided into several parts.

It is important that each of the divisions has 2-3 healthy buds and several roots. Places of cuts are treated with wood ash, dried. Then young plants are planted in a pre-selected area.

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Preparing for the winter

A plant covered with mulch is securely hidden from frost.

A plant covered with mulch is securely hidden from frost.

If hydrangeas grow in the middle zone of our country, do not forget to cover them for the winter. Tree-like, paniculate and large-leaved varieties are distinguished by cold resistance.

For tree-like bushes, mulching is used from fallen leaves, sawdust, straw or peat. For this, a chain-link mesh is suitable, which is surrounded by a bush, creating a semblance of a basket. It is filled with mulch, which is compacted, otherwise cold air will penetrate inside.

If the variety is thermophilic, then a more thorough approach is needed:

  • boards or a layer of spruce branches are laid under the bush;
  • “They wrap it with branches from bushes;
  • branches are fixed with a rope or hooks;
  • leaves fall asleep in the voids;
  • wrapped with a spanboard.

One of the options for sheltering hydrangeas for the winter

One of the options for sheltering hydrangeas for the winter

The result is a “warm cocoon”, which reliably protects the tender hydrangea from Siberian frosts. Shelter is removed in the spring, when the frosts end. Covering material is removed in the evening hours and cloudy weather.

Use non-woven polypropylene fibers for cover made of artificial materials.The plastic film does not allow air to pass through, the plant “suffocates” and rots under it in the spring.
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Possible problems

Chlorosis manifests itself in the lightening of foliage

Chlorosis manifests itself in the lightening of foliage

How to care for hydrangea if it loses its beautiful appearance? Despite the fastidious disposition, the "Chinese beauty" is quite resistant to pests and diseases.

But some problems are possible:

  1. Chlorosis is expressed in the loss of color in the foliage: it loses its bright green color. The disease is associated with an excess content of lime or humus in the soil. A solution of ferrous sulfate or potassium nitrogen helps to give the plant a healthy look. The bush is sprayed with an interval of 3 days

  2. Downy mildew appears with excessive humidity. Initially, yellow spots appear on the foliage, which eventually turn dark brown. To combat the disease, use a solution of copper sulfate

  3. Of the pests, the real danger is the aphid, spider mite and weevil. Aphids and spider mites feed on plant sap, causing loss of cell turgor (elasticity). Weevils gnaw through flower buds and spoil inflorescences. And this is the answer to the question why the hydrangea does not bloom. In case of severe damage, the use of insecticides is necessary.

  4. Sometimes a fungus appears on hydrangeas. The phenomenon is rare, but possible. Copper chloride helps

  5. The leaves are readily eaten by snails. They carefully remove the top layer of the leaf blade, leaving a transparent epidermis. When laying eggs of snails are found, bait-chemicals are left under the bush in special containers

Beautiful hydrangea in garden design

Beautiful hydrangea in garden design

It is important to periodically inspect the plants so as not to miss signs of disease or pest infestation. With the right approach and processing, hydrangea will gradually recover.

The video provides general information about hydrangea and its care:

Hydrangea (90+ Photos) - description, outdoor care, reproduction, transplantation, diseases (Video) + Reviews

Planting and caring for hydrangeas, growing garden hydrangeas

Hydrangea (90+ Photos) - description, outdoor care, reproduction, transplantation, diseases (Video) + Reviews

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Types of hydrangeas with photos and names

Hydrangea growing and care in the garden

Hydrangea growing and care in the garden

Systematics name up to 80 different varieties of the autumn beauty of hydrangea. When most flowers lose their decorative effect, the time comes for hydrangea, which blooms lush inflorescences in late summer and autumn. She saturates the autumn palette with bright hats of flowers, enlivening the fading landscape.

A photo of hydrangeas shows the main types and most popular varieties. Most species are thermophilic, they freeze out in the northern latitudes of our country. But there are frost-resistant varieties that are worth paying attention to.

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla is distinguished by erect shoots and a height of 2 m. Spherical, rounded inflorescences reach 25 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in mid-summer. Color scale: white, blue, pink, crimson. Refers to frost-resistant species that survive in regions with cold winters and late spring.

Inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the past and this year. Winters under cover. One of the popular varieties of the species is early blue with lush caps of blue inflorescences. The bush is small and compact, so it is cultivated both in the garden and in pot culture.





Hydrangéa arborescens forms a spreading shrub with an abundance of shoots. Flowering lasts from June to September. Differs in fast growth and reaches 3-5 m in height. Large cone-shaped inflorescences have different color shades. Young bushes require winter shelter.

One of the popular varieties is Annabelle (Annabelle) or smooth hydrangea. This is a long-lived variety that can bloom up to 30 years. Forms inflorescences with a diameter of 25 cm.We love flower growers for their fast growth and unpretentiousness.

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata

Hydrangea paniculata got its name due to the pyramidal inflorescences and lush flowering.. Inflorescences hang down slightly. They are distinguished by a rich color palette from pastel to bright, saturated tones.

The bush grows up to 3.5 m. It loves water so much that it can grow in swampy areas. Differs in high frost resistance, maintains temperatures to-25C.

The Limelight variety is interesting for its pale green inflorescences, which are densely arranged, forming one flower ball up to 1 m high. An old variety of hydrangea paniculata - grandiflora.

This is a shrub up to 3 m in height, which changes the color of the inflorescences from white in summer to pink in autumn. Flowering late: falls on August-October. Grows up to 40 years, delighting with lush "flower clouds"

hydrangea oak-leaved

hydrangea oak-leaved

hydrangea oak-leaved

hydrangea oak-leaved

In Hydrangea quercifolia, the name is associated with leaves that are shaped like oak, with a reddish color. Bushes grow up to 1 m. Withstands temperatures down to -23C.

Variety Amethyst is distinguished by a coral shade of flowers and a spear-shaped form of inflorescences. The Princess belongs to the abundantly flowering white varieties.

petiolate hydrangea

petiolate hydrangea

petiolate hydrangea

petiolate hydrangea

Hydrangea heteromalla is a vine that winds along a support and rises to a height of up to 25 m. Flowering occurs in June-July. Inflorescences in the form of an umbrella do not differ in large sizes. It is used for decorating pergolas, arbors, fences, houses.

By cutting it takes any shape. Variety Petiolaris grows rapidly and envelops the support with a cloud of white flowers. Plants of this species are large, so the root system needs frequent feeding.

The curly forms include the Japanese schizophragma. She climbs a support or spreads at its base. White-cream flowers are distinguished by a honey aroma. They form corymbose inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter. Liana is decorative and by autumn changes the color of the inflorescences to green, and the foliage to yellow.

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraze

A new species demanding light and soil fertility. Withstands slight frosts, hibernates under cover.

The bush initially forms white flowers, which by the end of summer acquire crimson tones. Changing the color scheme from pastel to bright colors is the hallmark of the look.

Hydrangea Breitschneider (ground cover or Himalayan)

Hydrangea Breitschneider

Hydrangea Breitschneider

Hydrangea Breitschneider (ground cover or Himalayan)

The most unpretentious species that tolerates the absence of moisture, as it is covered with a dense "cocoon" of bark, which stops the evaporation of moisture. Able to grow and bloom in the shade. Winters without shelter, has a high winter hardiness.

The bush grows up to 4 m. Umbrella-shaped inflorescences of gentle, pastel colors.

ashy hydrangea

ashy hydrangea

ashy hydrangea

ashy hydrangea

Hydrangea aspera sargentiana (hydrangea sargent or serrate) is one of the rare heat-loving shrubs that freeze in harsh winters. And although it recovers quickly, it is not recommended for the middle lane.

Flowering lasts from July to September. Inflorescences are good in winter bouquets and floristic compositions from dried flowers.

serrate hydrangea

serrate hydrangea

serrate hydrangea

serrate hydrangea

Forms an unusual flower dance when flowering. In the center, a shield of small inflorescences is formed, and the edge is bordered by large flowers of various shades. Petals resemble small wavy skirts.

It is a spreading shrub. The flowers change color according to the acidity of the soil. Winters under solid cover.

The Grandiflora variety changes color during the summer: at first the inflorescences are green, then white, and turn pink by autumn.

Hydrangea radiata

Hydrangea radiata

Hydrangea radiata

Hydrangea radiata

Forms loose inflorescences of different palettes. Matte leaves are covered with a fluffy coating.

It does not tolerate frost, so it hibernates under cover. It often freezes out, so it is more suitable for the southern regions.

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Hydrangea gives beauty and self-confidence to melancholic and depressed people.

Hydrangea is not just an unusual flower culture from the East and the queen of the garden. The Chinese believe that the flower is able to help those who do not know how to express their feelings.

With its lush inflorescences, it brings joy today and hope for a brighter tomorrow, although rainy autumn and snowy winter are ahead.

We offer you thematic a video that provides general information about hydrangeas and caring for them:

Hydrangea (90+ Photos) - description, outdoor care, reproduction, transplantation, diseases (Video) + Reviews

Hydrangea in the garden: types, varieties, growing conditions, pruning and care

Hydrangea (90+ Photos) - description, outdoor care, reproduction, transplantation, diseases (Video) + Reviews

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  1. My aunt is a gardener herself by profession, then she has 6 hydrangea bushes growing in her yard at once))) And, moreover, such ... rather big ones)) I also want a couple of bushes in my yard, but I don’t dare yet, otherwise the child is not quite grew up, constantly runs around the yard, plays, already a small cherry that my husband planted that year broke)) But next year, I think, I’ll still plant it, I think, somehow with my husband we will influence our son so that he doesn’t destroy everything is in the yard)) True, my aunt told me, and here in the article I was once again convinced in her words that planting a hydrangea, one might say, is art)) In reality, there are a lot of subtleties and important details, so I’m sure that to my aunt I’ll have to apply in any case))) Although she doesn’t mind))) So, I think that next year I’ll definitely get such beauty in my yard))

  2. Somehow I made a present for myself, I bought a hydrangea from the nursery, already quite large, with flowers. She was planted in a large flowerpot, at first not particularly puzzled by the transplant, left in the garden next to the flower bed, looked after as taught, not really straining her head about pruning.
    I really liked it, not only a detailed explanation in the review about cropping, but a visual drawing. I immediately figured out how-how I would act with another plant. Since I ruined it from the flowerpot, having planted it on my own later in the ground. Neither top dressing, nor thorough care, nor the advice of “experienced” ones saved. She didn’t understand what she did - she didn’t do it. However, she got hold of one secret, which she used on hydrangeas while she was blooming, sitting in a flowerpot. Loving acidic soil, with the obligatory addition of aluminum, which in most cases contributes to the formation of blue flowers, hydrangea is able to turn flowers pink. One has only to change the pH level of the soil, raising it above 7. Thus, getting an alkaline environment.Feel free to experiment)

    • she died for the reason that she was grown in a nursery on drip chemistry. This is good as a gift option by March 8, they kick her out and sell her blooming .. Buy those that are grown in the ground.

  3. It’s a pity, but I don’t have such a beauty in my garden yet - hydrangeas. This is indeed a very beautiful flower and is in no way inferior to a rose. Its lush flowering and pleasant aroma makes you stop near this flower and enjoy the beautiful appearance. It is very convenient that this is a perennial plant that does not need to be constantly planted. I definitely want to plant a hydrangea in my garden this year in the fall, it will decorate my small flower bed, which needs to be expanded, because I want to plant various flowers that I just adore. A very useful article that describes in great detail the varieties of hydrangeas and tips on care, pruning, planting. I think these recommendations will be useful to me in the future for breeding this beautiful flower.

    I couldn’t even think about the fact that it can change the color of flowers due to the content of alkalis in the soil, I think you can experiment and get more interesting flowers. I think the hydrangea deserves special treatment, because such a magnificent flower is really beautiful.

  4. But I planted six bushes at once, so I hope that soon there will be real beauty in my yard :) My husband was against it, of course, since we have two dogs that we untie at night and are afraid that all efforts will be in vain, but, I hope that the bushes will take root and will please us soon :) And the dogs, I hope, will not touch them :) I picked up places for the bushes, as described in the article, I planted three bushes on the north side of the yard, then direct sunlight will definitely not get there , and three in the western part of the courtyard, but there, if the direct sun hits, then quite a bit in the evening. so I'm looking forward to when all this beauty will bloom :)

  5. Good day. Hydrangea is a very beautiful flower that requires special attention in everything from choosing a variety to caring for the plant. After reading the article, I understand how much I did not know about this plant. The article is very informative and interesting, a detailed description, an accessible explanation about the choice of variety, planting and caring for the plant. All the necessary information is given in an accessible form, the text is accompanied by detailed illustrations.

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