Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

gloxinia at home

Between flower growers, lovers of the perennial Gloxinia domestica, which exudes the finest aroma of exquisite perfumes when flowering, disputes arise, how is it correct to call this both a marvelous and unpretentious plant? Understanding!

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The name "Gloxinia"

The physician and botanist-naturalist Benjamin Petera Gloksin (1765-94), traveling through South America, drew attention to a modest semi-shrub of perennial grass, which he met in small groups everywhere from Mexico to Brazil in shady, half-moist tropical forests. The attention of the German naturalist was attracted not even by a shrub, but by its bluish-blue flowers, so reminiscent of his native Alsatian bluebell.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the flower resembles a bell only externally, in fact, there are only 4 stamens in this tubular corolla (the bell has 5), and the nectary (special mini-glands that produce scented sweet nectar) may be absent altogether. The pseudo-bellflower flowers turned out to be solitary, each had its own axil, unlike the one that loves to gather in inflorescences in panicles and bellflower brushes.


Having modestly donated his name to the "orphan", he brought several types of a completely-not-bell to the Old World

According to many other parameters, Peter Gloksin concluded that in front of him was a new species of a plant from the Gesneriaceae family (Gesneriaceae lat.), which is still unknown in Europe, the closest relative of which will not be a bell at all, but Koleria (Kohleria Regel lat.) or Saintpaulia (Saintpaulia lat.) - violet.

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Name "Sinningia"

So the lilac-blue Gloxinia would have remained one of the tropical species. violets, known only to professional botanists, if not for Boston University gardener Wilhelm Sinning, who fell in love with plant specimens that arrived from different parts of the New World (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Peru).

Having fallen in love, Wilhelm, as befits a lover, began to shower the “lady of the heart” with gifts, either giving her delicate velvety leaves, or increasing the cup of the flower and covering it with colors of various colors and shades, or adding a couple of petals to the bell-shaped inflorescences. The breeding experiments turned out to be so successful that by the beginning of the 19th century, bright, unusual “gramophones” on short fleshy stems-shoots, in a halo of dense juicy green leaves, were full of bright, unusual “gramophones” on the windows in many houses by the beginning of the 19th century.

Initially, there were only 2 types:

  • Gloxinia Beautiful (Gloxinia Speciosa) with cups of flowers of a wide variety of shades, always a light center and a thin white edging of each petal.
Gloxinia the Beautiful

Gloxinia the Beautiful

A little later, she will join and Lovely Terry.

Beautiful Terry Gloxinia

Lovely Terry

  • Gloxinia Royal (Gloxinia Regina) with long large flowers (5x7 cm), rather reminiscent of roses due to the number of petals in drooping inflorescences.
Gloxinia Royal (Gloxinia Regina)

Gloxinia Royal

At first it was only pink, purple and red flowers.Now the number of shades of flowers of the Royal is difficult to even count! These were already hybrid breeding variants of gloxinia, and they were called by the name of their creator in love with Sinningia - Sinningia hybrida - Sinningia hybrid.

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"bell" name

But the name "gloxinia" remains true! Many never knew why gloxinia is called Gloxinia, but the German word "Glocke" (Bell) is familiar to many.

Gloxinia bells

Gloxinia bells

Gramophones-bells-glokers "breathed" a new meaning into the previous name, so you can call this colorful variegation both sinningia and gloxinia!

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What do esotericists warn about?

Since gloxinia-sinningia has become one of the favorite household "pets" for many flower growers, it is not surprising that for 2 centuries folk rumor endowed this flower with many properties that were not inherent in the mountains of its native Andes and the humid forests of the Amazon.

Plants with bells of red, purple and burgundy shades patronize their owners if they were born under the signs of the Fire Element: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

dark gloxinia

Gloxinia dark

  • The flower will increase the activity of the signs and encourage them to strive to reshape the world around them, making decisions, being ready to take responsibility.
  • But! Strengthening the passionate temperament of Fire and its desire for undivided leadership, gloxinia will push these signs to make hasty decisions, lack of patience and regret, excessive harshness, irascibility, and even violence and dictate in family relationships.

For the most stable of the Elements - Earth, which means for the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, types of synningia with purple, yellow and pink flowers are ideal.

gloxinia at home

Gloxinia home

  • They are ready to support the innate restraint in emotions, responsibility and prudence, patient striving to complete the task or goal.
  • But! Sinningia will easily provoke and a hundredfold increase the natural laziness of signs, conservatism, callousness and coldness in relation to others.

Gloxinia with delicate blue or speckled bells is unusually good - the patroness of the signs of the Air Element: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra.

gloxinia at home

Gloxinia - bright flower

  • Those caring for such flowers will receive an additional bonus in logic, sociability, objectivity of judgment, the desire to support friends and acquire new knowledge.
  • But! All this can turn into irresponsibility, frivolity, verbiage and a desire to receive sheer pleasure from life. Not a single business that has been started will be completed, and there are as many reasons for this as you like, except for the only correct ones - boredom and idleness.

White or delicate, as if washed out by rain jets, gramophones of any other shade are the patrons of people born under the signs of Water: Crayfish, Pisces and Scorpions.

white gloxinia

white gloxinia

  • Such a flower will enrich the powerful creative and intuitive beginning of signs, help to always “keep face” under any circumstances, smooth out inner experiences, heal the wounds of the soul, because these signs, like no other, are internally sensitive and modest.
  • But! The propensity to fluctuate can easily turn into isolation and inertia, and strong sensitivity will develop into introspection, changes in mood - to hysteria and a feeling of unfair treatment from even the closest people.
  • It turns out that a beautiful and elegant flower, patronizing various zodiac constellations, can bring enough harm to its guardian and ward in one person.

To prevent this from happening, it is advised to keep several types of gloxinia in the house, different in color.Then the flowers, when interacting with each other and a person, will balance their influence and will not cause harm.
two pots of gloxinia

Gloxinia in the home interior

And the owners of "pet-plants", in addition to improving their own qualities, will also receive purely aesthetic pleasure from the sight of blooming glockers of different shades and shapes!

mini glossy

Not all synningia need a long period of rest, they have a variety that takes only a month and a half to recuperate. This is the Dwarf Gloxinia, which is often affectionately called "Glossy" or "Baby Glo".

But if the usual synningia grows in height from 12 cm (Royal Gloxinia) to 50-70 (Speckled), then the “miny” rarely grows even up to 5. The standard is 3 cm.

Tiny mini gloxinia flower

Tiny mini gloxinia flower

The "adult" glocker has flowers even more - 5-7 cm! Mini-glossy and miniature flowers are tiny, the size of a 2-ruble coin. Flowering time - summer, the number of "boutonnieres" on short pedicels on one stem - 1-3, less often - 3. But they smell of mint and incense!

Gloxinia tubers

Mini gloxinia tubers

This crumb must be handled with care, although its tuber is not much inferior in size to the standard one. His skin really is like that of a young man. potatoes - Easily squeezed with fingers. In order not to damage the "potato", it is not necessary to clean it from the roots and adhering earth.

Mini-gloxinia in the company of an older sister

Mini-gloxinia in the company of an older sister

In the spring, simply soak the nodule in a weak Epin solution (for 2 liters - 1 ampoule) and place in a tightly closed transparent bag with 2-3 tbsp. l. peat mixture or sphagnum moss. Put the bag in heat and in a soft, even light. Do not touch the package any more, you do not need to ventilate or moisten anything else! We are waiting for shoots - and immediately into the pot!

Unfortunately, baby Glo is just as susceptible to disease as the big gloxinia.

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Reproduction of glockers

To get a protective gloxinia, decorating your home with a cheerful phyto-composition that neutralizes negative energy and promotes overall harmony, the flower must be planted correctly or the existing one should be propagated.

Gloxinia home

Gloxinia home

You can do this:

  • sowing seeds
  • stepchild plant
  • cutting off part of the scaly root
  • rooting leaf cuttings and their parts or peduncles
  • dividing the tuber

The last two methods are the most common, because. the easiest to use. Let's start with them.


When strong, ready-to-open buds are tied on synningia, it is necessary to cut obliquely with a very sharp knife a young leaf, the size of a matchbox, leaving a petiole of at least 2-3 cm with it.

We do the same with the button. It does not make sense to cut open buds - 90% that they will not give a root.

Now there are 3 options:

Option one

We lower the cut off part of the plant into a shallow container with water, where you can add a tool for accelerated root formation.

Gloxinia breeding process

Gloxinia breeding process

We put the container in warm partial shade and wait until the roots grow by 1.5-2 cm. Approximately, on the 15-20th day. We plant in prepared soil. The soil is a sandy-peat wet mixture, where the main thing is peat (4 parts).

Option two

In a plastic small transparent container with a lid, on a napkin or gauze folded several times, soaked in the Kornevin nutrient solution, lay out the cut part. Before that, it would be nice to carefully remove a thin film from the bottom of the petiole, exposing the flesh of the “stem”. The exposed area should lie completely on a nourishing napkin.

The second breeding option for gloxinia

The second breeding option for gloxinia

We close the tightly transparent lid and place the container in a warm place, without direct sunlight. After a few days, roots will appear along the entire length of the exposed area. Let's wait for their growth and plant a leaf or bud in an earthen mixture.

The method is good because with it the root system of the future sprout is larger in area, which means that gloxinia will have more nutrients for strong rooting and growth.

Option three

We immediately plant a freshly cut bud or leaf in a warm, well-moistened soil, deepening along the very edge of the leaf. We cover the top with a jar and make sure that the earth is always warm and moist.

The third breeding option for gloxinia

The third breeding option for gloxinia

We open the bank from time to time. As soon as a new leaf appears, the jar must be completely removed, and the young seedling should be fed.

How to propagate a glocker using parts of a leaf, and which ones, is well described in this video:

Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

VIDEO: Reproduction by a leaf and its fragments

Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Tuber division

For this case, well-grown tubers, selected in the fall and safely overwintered on a balcony or basement in slightly moistened sandy soil at a temperature not higher than 10-15 *, are suitable for us. In order not to disturb sleeping kidneys once again, it is optimal to place them in a container that is covered with dark covering material or film on top.

gloxinia tuber

From time to time, once every 2-3 weeks, the sand should be sprinkled with water, avoiding both excessive moisture and drying.

With the lengthening of daylight hours, in the spring, the container is transferred to a bright place, the film is removed for 2-3 hours for ventilation, watering is increased and they are waiting for the “potato” balls to wake up. The first timid shoots will announce the awakening. Now it's time to remove the film completely, wait until the first pair of leaves appears on the sprout and - divide the tuber!

Divided gloxinia tuber

Large "potatoes" are subject to careful inspection

We remove all rotten parts with a very sharp knife, cover the place of removal with ash or a fungicide. We leave the tubers alone in a dry place for a day. If during preventive work one or two sprouts break off - it does not matter! The plant, after planting, will restore the loss, unless the sprout breaks off at the root, and a "stump" remains from it.

gloxinia sprouts

After the end of the healing treatment, we count the number of sprouted sprouts

We cut the tuber in such a way that from 1 to 3 sprouts remain on each part. No more: Gloxinia already requires a large volume of the pot (at least 15 cm in diameter), more than 3 sprouts can adversely affect the health of the plant (crowded) and its flowering (lack of nutrition).

  • If you leave 1 sprout, then synningia will grow strong and powerful
  • Leave 3 - we get a plant with more powerful roots and abundant, long flowering
  • However, a 3-sprout glocker will have to be removed from the pot in the fall, and a 1-sprout glocker will calmly overwinter for permanent residence.

After dividing a part of the tuber, before planting, we process it with pink potassium permanganate and plant it in a well-known peat-sand mixture, adding to it 2 parts of sand and 1 part of leafy earth. 30-50 g of humus or rotted manure per kg will not hurt either. soil.

You can make such a soil mixture yourself, or you can buy it in a store by opting for ready-made soil for violets.

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What will the glocker tell you?

After planting, a pot with "potatoes" or separated tubers is placed in a bright place where direct sunlight does not hit, and gradually move from moistening to watering, as green sprouts grow.

Gloxinia Yesenia

Gloxinia Yesenia

You can also water from above, but at the same time make sure that water does not fall directly on the leaves. Various spraying or bathing in the shower cause the plant the strongest stress!

Optimal option: put the pot on a deep tray, lining it around with small pebbles or expanded clay and watering the pebbles.

This "kills 2 birds with one stone":

  1. Overflow is detrimental to gloxinia - the roots rot. With this design of watering, the flower itself will take as much water as it needs.
  2. Do not forget that glockers are plants of the tropics, they need a veil of wet mist. Warm stones will slowly evaporate moisture, creating optimal conditions for synningia, similar to the native forests of Brazil.

If a window sill is chosen for permanent residence, then let it be located on the east or west side of the house. And you will either have to forget about ventilation from the side of this window completely, or remove the flower away from the open window for this time.

However, it is worth remembering that it is not worth moving often and generally disturbing gloxinia - a child of quiet twilight may not survive the fuss. But the gradual turning of the pot to form an even green crown will be accepted with gratitude.

In principle, the glocker will tell you whether he is good with you or not.
Gloxinia in bloom is a real Kustodievskaya beauty!

Gloxinia in bloom is a real Kustodievskaya beauty!

By nature, it is defined by an upright shortened “well-fed” stem and opposite dark green dense leaves, often covered with a velvety fluff.

But if:

  • the beauty’s “waist” has become thinner, the distance between the leaves has increased, and the leaves themselves have lost color and “fleshyness” - which means that the girl has little light
  • leaves quiveringly reach up, trying to fold like a boat - it's hot
  • the soul-maiden dissolved the leaves, like braids, covering her trunk with them - she is cold; The normal temperature regime for synningia is from 18 * in spring and no more than 25-30 * in summer
  • the leaves turned yellow and shrunken - either the air is too dry or overfed with fertilizers
  • the leaves not only turned yellow, but also curled up - just an overabundance of nutrition
  • Are there dark brown spots on the leaves? - You are careless about watering! Either water gets on the leaves, or you water it cold; The water temperature should be slightly warmer than the surrounding air
  • a luxurious hat of foliage, but you didn’t wait for flowering?

Increase the length of the day for a capricious beauty up to 14 hours with a fluorescent lamp, and she will definitely bloom!

This beauty blooms from May to August. For completeness of flowering, faded flower stalks must be removed by pinching them, and not cutting them off. Once planted, with proper care, glocker can delight with its tropical beauty for 10-12 years. The older the plant, the more abundant and longer flowering, up to 50 elegant, full-color gramophones can bloom on one trunk!

During this period, it is important to feed the flower by adding phosphorus, nitrogen and a stimulant to the watering. Fertilize only in wet soil! In order not to be mistaken with doses, it is best to purchase ready-made fertilizer for flowering houseplants, reducing the concentration indicated on the package by half, thus avoiding burning thin thread-like roots.

Gloxinia in the home mini-garden

Gloxinia in the home mini-garden

For tubers of the 2nd-3rd year, flowering can be extended by cutting off the stem in June-July, leaving only 3-4 lower leaves.. A week later, new shoots will hatch in the bosom. Leave a couple of the strongest, and break the rest down the drain. Feed the gloxinia with a growth stimulator. After 4 weeks, buds will appear on young sprouts, and the glocker will bloom again. As abundant as the first time, flowering will not be, but still - it will be very beautiful!

After the second flowering, from the end of August, we gradually reduce watering, transferring the plant to the "semi-thirst" mode (1 time per week), and we are waiting for the beauty to throw off the last covers.

It happens that synningia blooms all spring, summer and autumn without interruption. This is “no ice”! Nature for this flower has a dormant period when the plant needs to rest. Shifted periods of sleep and vegetation are difficult to return to the right track, but this must be done.

We perform 4 main steps:

  1. reduce watering to the maximum - once every one and a half to two weeks
  2. shorten daylight hours
  3. at night we take out the rampant gloxinia in a dark cool place
  4. we replace nitrogen fertilizers with potassium ones (for example, potassium monophosphate, etc.)
It is advisable to complete all the “lulling procedures” before the end of October - mid-November in order to give the glocker a thorough “sleep” before the new blooming year.

Winter. peace

When the synningia gathers to rest, it will gradually shed its flower stalks, its leaves and small roots will turn yellow and dry out. Only a tuber remains.

No need to "help" by cutting or pulling out the ground and underground parts of the plant! The process of falling asleep should take place naturally and it should end spontaneously!

When the process is completed, remember what year each nodule is. The tuber obtained from the seeds of this year is sent for wintering right in the pot, cutting off the previously blackened tops and leaving only a stump 1.5-2 cm above the surface.

Very beautiful leopard color of gloxinia flower

Very beautiful leopard color

We will place the pot itself in a strong plastic bag and send it to a dark, cool place. We will open the package once every 3-4 weeks, checking for sufficient moisture. Moisturize if necessary. Moisturize! And do not arrange a mini-swamp in the package!

You can do the same with the nodule of the 2nd year.

First-year glockers can not be sent to bed, provided that they did not bloom this year. Then you can continue to keep them in the house, caring as usual - let them grow a good nodule! Don't go overboard with the lighting, letting your one-year-old gloxinia know that you want flowers from her!

Light day under the lamp - no more than 10 hours!
Gloxinia decorates the kitchen

Gloxinia decorates the kitchen

Do not worry, “if the year” stretched out from lack of light - at the end of February, beginning of March, cut off the entire ground part along with the stem so that a stump with a lower pair of leaves remains above the ground. It remains only to wait for new, strong and cheerful shoots.

If our “potato” has sat in the ground for 3 years, then it must be removed, cleaned from the remnants of small roots (do not wash!) And sent to winter in a container, in the sand for a long 5 months (October-February ideally).

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Types of pests and diseases, ways to eliminate them

With improper agrotechnical maintenance, glockers can get sick:

  • black leg
  • gray mold
  • fusarium
  • tuber rot and root rot

Of the parasites that can cause harm:

  • spider mites
  • thrips
  • aphid
  • nematodes
  • cyclamen mites

Let's deal with this misfortune!

Spider and cyclamen mites

Spider and cyclamen mites

  • These ticks are difficult to see without magnification. (especially cyclamen!), but the colonies of both of them settle on the lower sides of the leaves and on their petioles, drill into the skin and begin to feed on cell sap.
  • Signs of attack can be seen with the naked eye.
  • White dots growing together into a single yellow-brown spot of irregular shape, a barely noticeable cobweb on the plant is a spider mite.
  • A layer of white “dust” on the reverse side of the leaf, deformation of the leaf plate, uneven density (somewhere thick, somewhere almost transparent), twisting the edge of the leaf down, twisting stem, drying buds and deformed flowers - cyclamen mite.
  • It is necessary to fight the invaders with the help of insecticides. Actively, but without fanaticism, otherwise you can destroy not only parasites, but also the glocker itself. Processing is carried out three times - once a week.
  • Helpers in this fight: Karbofos, Hector, Aktara.

spider mite

spider mite

Thrips and their larvae

  • This muck is especially difficult to deduce. Small "goosebumps" with an elongated body are very mobile, and, unlike ticks, are clearly visible. Parasites are equipped with piercing-sucking mouthparts. They willingly feed on spider and cyclamen mites, but prefer flower juices.
  • The wounds left by the thrips mouth apparatus do not heal well and become an open gate for fungal diseases. The plant weakens and dies.
  • Thrips are hard to get rid of because their larvae, in case of danger, burrow into the ground, where they wait out an unfavorable period.
  • As a means of struggle we use: Fitoverm, Executioner, Aktellik.
  • But this is not enough. You will have to remove the top layer of soil at least half, and it is best to replace it completely.
  • We use the same method against nematodes.

Thrips and their larvae

Thrips and their larvae

Gray rot, black leg, fusarium, root rot

  • Most often, these troubles are the result of excessive watering and cold water.
  • Prevention: Phytosporin.
  • Treatment: Fundazol.

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Extremely dangerous fungal diseases

We will talk about such serious diseases in which you will have to part with the “Brazilian” by 99%.



  • A flower attacks if it is damaged (thrips and mites are remembered) and grows in soil with a high pH level, depleted in potassium and phosphorus.
  • It starts with brown spots on the leaves, which quickly capture the zones of peduncles, trunk, tuber and roots. The plant literally rots alive.
  • In the earliest stages, you can try to save Oxychum, copper chloride, Kuproksat by removing previously affected leaves. Processing is carried out three times, with an interval of once every 10 days.
  • If the disease could not be stopped, then the plant must be destroyed.




  • Red spots with a brown-brown rim are a sign of another disease that can destroy not only gloxinia itself, but also all the flowers in the house. In the people, ascochitosis is known under the name "lichen" for the similarity of its manifestation with ringworm in humans and animals.
  • The reason for the appearance has not been fully identified, but it is known for sure that the development is excessive humidity + densely packed soil, which does not allow synningia to “breathe” freely.
  • In the early stages, Bordeaux mixture, Vectra, Abiga-peak, or just blue vitriol can help. Processing frequency - once a week.
  • If after 3 applications of the fungicide the spots continue to spread, the plant will have to be burned.

late blight

  • The most dangerous of the fungi. The main danger is that infection is not noticeable immediately - sometimes it takes several months from the date of infection.
  • Phytophthora fungi can persist in the soil for up to 8 years, and are easily transmitted through equipment and rainwater for irrigation.
  • It does not respond to the main types of chemical exposure.
  • The only control measure is prevention with Kuprozan, Cineb, Captan or polycarbocide.
  • If late blight has manifested itself, the plant must be destroyed as soon as possible, the soil should be calcined, and the pot should be boiled.

Almost all troubles with diseases can be avoided if you follow the rules for caring for glockers and carefully monitor their mood. For an attentive owner - the best flowers!

And the last tip. Synningia-gloxinia is better to choose in the summer, when its flowering is plentiful. In this case, there is no chance to make a mistake with the appearance of the future flower - everything is in sight!
Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

VIDEO: Useful Care Tips

Gloxinia or Sinningia? Description, types, cultivation from seeds or tuber, care, reproduction (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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