Wisteria: description, outdoor cultivation and features of caring for a whimsical beauty in different climatic zones (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

wisteria care and cultivation

Tree-like liana - the beauty of wisteria impresses with its flowering, which lasts all summer. This is a symphony of delicate colors and a shade from white to purple with transitional tones. Clusters of inflorescences hanging down emit a slightly sweet aroma. Wisteria: the care and cultivation of which requires certain skills, lives up to the expectation of gardeners. Even the Japanese, amazed by its beauty, walking in the garden with this plant, call their path a walk in paradise.

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Biological characteristic

Wisteria (Wisteria) refers to woody climbing subtropical crops belonging to the legume family. Deciduous or semi-deciduous vines "inhabit" the subtropical regions of East Asia and North America. They settled all over the world as ornamental plants, but their "campaign" across the continents is limited by the humid climate of the subtropics. In our country, wisteria is cultivated only in the Crimea.

Appearance of wisteria

Appearance of wisteria

perennial plant height is 15-18 m. with bare (pubescent in some species) shoots and liana branches hanging down. Vine diameter up to 40 cm, it wraps around any strong support and quickly grows. It belongs to centenarians, its maximum age is 150 years.

pinnate leaves (up to 30 cm) are arranged alternately, their colors are of various green shades with or without pubescence. Bloom occurs at the end of March-May (Asian species) and mid-July-August (American species). Wisteria Chinese blooms twice: with leaf blooming (May) and their wilting (September).

flowers collected in drooping cluster-like racemes from 10 to 80 cm in length and bloom simultaneously or starting from the lower inflorescences and gradually moving upwards. flower coloring differs in light pastel tones of blue shades, species with snow-white and pink inflorescences are known. During flowering, wisteria emits a thin or thick, rich aroma.

Wisteria fruits with seeds

Wisteria fruits with seeds

Fruit are bean pods with dense pubescence, up to 15 cm in size. Inside are flat-round, dark brown seeds. Representatives of the genus Wisteria are poisonous plants.

The genus Wisteria includes 9 species, among which two are most often grown as garden ones: Chinese wisteria and wisteria many-flowered.
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Tree liana refers to plants that propagate in most cases vegetatively. The seed method is possible, but it is long and laborious, and the result does not always meet expectations.

seed way

seed germination

seed germination

If if some gardeners tend to the seed method of propagation, then the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. We sow seeds in a small greenhouse in November-December, spring planting in the ground is also possible.

  2. The earth mixture for sowing consists of leafy, soddy soil and sand (4:1:1).

  3. We place the seeds on the surface of the substrate, lightly sprinkled with sand.

  4. We cover crops with a film or glass to maintain high humidity.

  5. Close from light, as the germination process takes place in the dark.

  6. We wait 3-4 weeks before the appearance of the entrances.

  7. We illuminate the xiangqi, but do not keep it under the open rays of the sun (you need a little shading).

  8. When two true leaves appear, we carry out a pick, planting them in pots for further growth.

  9. We carry out daily hardening for 2-3 hours, taking the seedlings to a cool loggia or veranda, protecting them from drafts.

The seed method of reproduction is not common, as it has several significant drawbacks: germination is 25%, small sprouts take root for a long time and do not guarantee the preservation of varietal qualities or abundant flowering. The first flower clusters will appear on the plant in 5-10 years.

Vegetative way

Wisteria seedlings

Wisteria seedlings

Vegetative propagation includes the rooting of stem and root cuttings in spring and summer.

The rooting procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. We take strong annual shoots up to 20-25 cm long for cuttings.

  2. We make an oblique incision to the middle of the length.

  3. The incised part is placed in an earthen mixture with soddy soil, peat, humus and sand (3: 1: 1: 1).

  4. Shoots take root well (in almost 100% of cases) when treated with growth stimulants.

  5. We strengthen the upper part of the shoot by tying it to a support.

  6. By autumn, a well-rooted cutting is transplanted to a permanent place.

Sometimes a different method of reproduction is used - root cuttings, but it is more labor intensive. To do this, in March, the liana needs to be dug up, young roots and several large roots located near the root collar should be cut. Then the plant is planted again. Such manipulations are necessary for the appearance of young roots, from which adventitious buds are formed, and then stems.

In the fall, they make a second “digging” and cut out young roots with processes with pruners. Their diameter should be within 5-15 cm, thinner roots for propagation will not work.


  • root cuttings are treated with a fungicide to prevent disease
  • planted in a pre-mixed, well-moistened, nutrient substrate
  • placed in a warm room for the winter
  • in spring, strong shoots will appear on young plants, they are ready for planting in a permanent place

This method is dangerous for the mother plant, since the root system is repeatedly injured, which stops growth and impoverishes flowering.

If it is planned to purchase a seedling in a nursery, then it is purchased with a closed root system and an average shoot size. The seedling must be grafted, otherwise the flowering period will be shifted by several years.

Reproduction by layering is most effective. It is more convenient to carry it out after the leaves fall in the autumn. On the liana, several of the largest, lower shoots are selected, on which an incision is made and pinned to the ground with the help of special devices. Layers spud, sprinkling with earth and leaving the top of the shoot with several buds on the surface.

Vegetative propagation method

Vegetative propagation method

In the spring, before the start of growth, the stems are separated from the mother plant and during the summer they gradually take root.. By autumn, the young liana is ready for transplanting to the place allotted for it. With a slow growth of the cutting, it is better to wait with its transplant until the next season.

Landing in open ground is possible when there is no threat of frost, to which heat-loving wisteria is very painful. For landing, a site is selected with good lighting for half a day and protected from sudden gusts of wind. The composition of the soil is important, which should have a nutritious, slightly alkaline composition.

Holes are prepared with a size of 50 × 50 × 50 cm, into which mineral supplements and an earthen mixture are added, consisting of humus, peat, sand and soddy soil (1: 1: 1: 3). Such a composition will help the vine to adapt to a new place and actively grow, and in the future to please with flowering. A vine is planted according to a pre-designed scheme in the place of the site where it will look most impressive.

The first time after planting, wisteria looks weak and practically does not grow.This is normal, since the first few years the shoots of the plant will remain undeveloped and it will not bloom.
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Rules and features of care

Wisteria is not particularly demanding for care, but certain agrotechnical measures are necessary to ensure good growth and abundant flowering of the "subtropical beauty".

plot for wisteria

Sunny area where the plant develops well

Sunny area where the plant develops well

Caring for and growing wisteria requires a careful choice of planting site, as wisteria will decorate the garden for a long time (150 years!):

  1. A site illuminated for 6 hours is preferable, since the liana is photophilous.
  2. It is necessary to choose a place that is warm and protected from the cold wind, so the side of the house suitable for growing is southwest or southeast.
  3. Nearby is a support that is durable and strong enough to withstand significant loads for a long time.

Wisteria is demanding on the soil composition: the soil is selected light, fertile, well permeable. The plant does not like excessive waterlogging, as well as excessive liming, from which chlorosis develops on the leaves. At the same time, they brighten and lose their decorative effect.

Shoots can independently curl around the support, but it is better to tie them up. This is important if in the fall it needs to be removed from the support and laid in a trench for the winter. With independent growth, it will be very problematic to remove the shoots.


Wisteria does not like excessive moisture

Wisteria does not like excessive moisture

With excessive moisture, wisteria begins to shed shoots and buds, so watering should be treated with caution. In dry spring, abundant watering is necessary to keep the soil moist. During the growing season, the vine needs moderate watering. At the end of September, when the plant stops growing and begins to prepare for winter, watering is stopped.

On hot days, regular spraying of the plant is desirable. Spraying for a while can replace watering and prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil.


Wisteria blooms profusely only with proper, timely pruning. Flower brushes are laid on the old wood of the last year and on newly grown flower shoots. The pruning procedure begins in early spring, when the vine is released from shelter and tied to a support, cutting off last year's growth by 2-3 buds.

Formed stem wisteria trees

Formed stem wisteria trees

In order to lay flower buds in time, from which falling flower cascades are formed, in late May and early June, a strong pruning of last year's shoots is carried out so that branches up to 30 cm remain. In August, the current growth is reduced by another 4-5 buds.

The formation of shoots depends on the form that the owner of the summer cottage wants to receive. If the plant is grown as a climbing plant, then the side shoots are removed. They form beautiful greens, but reduce the number of buds. When creating a standard tree, only the main shoot (trunk) is developed, and those adjacent to it are cut off.

Shelter for the winter

Wisteria needs to be covered for the winter

Wisteria needs to be covered for the winter

Young shoots are most vulnerable in cold winters. To keep them from freezing:

  • the plant is removed from the support
  • placed in a trench or on the surface of the earth in the region of the trunk circle
  • the root part is spud, pouring 1-2 buckets of earth on it
  • shoots are “wrapped” in agrofiber and covered with spruce branches

Most of this year's young growth dies during the winter, which is not dangerous, since it should be cut off later anyway. When the flower culture is large, it is not removed from the support: it tolerates winter well.

top dressing

Fertilizer Kemira-Lux

Fertilizer Kemira-Lux

When caring for and growing wisteria, top dressing is important. Liana needs them, because in a season she is able to grow by 5 m. During the growing season alternate top dressing:

  1. At the beginning of growth, a complex of complete mineral nutrition is used. 10-20 g of powdered composition is poured onto a bucket.This solution is enough for 1 sq.m.
  2. Top dressing is important during the period of budding and flowering with alternating mineral complex (Kemira-Lux) with organic components (mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:20). It is held once a week.
  3. Liana is watered once a season with chalk water to deoxidize the soil: 100 g of chalk is taken per bucket of water.
When the flowers fade, they are removed, stimulating the formation of new inflorescences. During growth, it is important to trim dry branches and give the shoots a certain direction so that they wrap around the support, and not hang from it.
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Diseases and pests

In the course of growing wisteria and caring for it, they constantly pay attention to the condition of the plant. Liana is unstable to pests and microorganisms, therefore, regular treatments are carried out for preventive purposes.

clover mite

clover mite

Sometimes green aphids, leafhoppers, clover mites settle on it. Leaves can be eaten by caterpillars of various pests. To combat them, insecticides and acaricides are used. With a slight defeat, you can use folk remedies for destruction.

On strongly alkaline soil, the plant becomes ill with chlorosis, when the color of the leaf blade becomes paler. Root top dressing with iron salts will help in the fight against this "scourge". If the plant is small, then it is best to transplant it to a new site. When the vine has reached a large size, treatment with Ferovit or Antichlorosis will help. Foliar spraying will help faster than root watering.

Wisteria is sometimes infected with powdery mildew, while a whitish coating is clearly visible on the leaves, resembling a thin cobweb. It can be erased, but over time it reappears. It should be treated with one of the fungicides: Vitaros, Fundazol or Previkur. The solution is prepared according to the instructions for the preparation, the plant is treated twice with an interval of several days.

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Species and varieties

Of the nine known species of wisteria, two are the most common. They are the most decorative and are used in gardens, park areas, botanical gardens in many subtropical countries. Capricious liana does not tolerate extreme cold, so it does not grow in some climatic zones.

Flower clusters of wisteria chinensis

Flower clusters of wisteria chinensis

Chinese wisteria (Wisteria chinensis) - This is a densely leafy liana, rising up to 15-20 m. Young leaves are pubescent, while more mature ones have a smooth leaf blade. Light lilac or purple flowers form loose brushes up to 30 cm long. There are also terry garden forms with a milky-white color of the corolla.

In "revelry" flowering looks like a fragrant flower cascade with the simultaneous blooming of all inflorescences. With the appearance of the first leaves, flowering begins, which continues throughout the summer. There are varieties that bloom twice: at the beginning and at the end of summer. The inflorescences are framed by beautiful feathery leaves, which gives the wisteria an additional decorative effect.

Chinese wisteria feels good in man-made, urban conditions, enduring dust and gas pollution. Cases were noted when she experienced frosts in winter up to t = -20С, but for a short time.
Wisteria profusely flowering

Wisteria profusely flowering

Wisteria profusely flowering or multi-flowered (Wisteria floribunda), which is also called Japanese (its homeland is the Japanese Islands) grows to medium size: its length is 8-10m. This is offset by the large length of leaf blades (up to 40 cm), a large number of violet-blue inflorescences and their impressive forms.

Flowering begins when the leaves bloom, but with a delay of 2-3 weeks from Chinese wisteria. Characterized by a gradual blooming of flowers from the base of the brush to its top. Flowering continues until mid-June, for some varieties, another bud formation is possible in July-August.

Breeders brought garden forms with a different range of colors and terry forms. A variegated form has also been created, which is distinguished by variegated leaves. Known frost-resistant varieties that survive at t = -23C.

Compared with Chinese wisteria, this species is interesting for its long decorative effect, because after flowering the vine looks beautiful due to the rugged, pointed leaves.

wisteria flower tunnel

wisteria flower tunnel

Other types of wisteria include:

  • Beautiful (Wisteria venusta) with white or purple flowers. The 10-meter liana blooms from May to June. Forms small inflorescences
  • Shrub (Wisteria frutescens) shrouded in a violet-blue cloud and stretches up to 12 m. This species has long inhabited the Crimean coast and is sometimes grown in a container as a standard tree
  • Japanese (Wisteria japonica) distinguished by the white color of the racemose inflorescences. It grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, but is not so beautiful and winter-hardy in comparison with other species.
  • Large-carpus (Wisteria macrostachys), which served as the "parent" of the litter Blue Moon (Blue Moon). Flowering occurs at the beginning of June and lasts up to 2 weeks. During this period, it is strewn with blue inflorescences up to 25 cm in length. Its distinctive feature is high frost resistance: an adult plant can withstand temperatures down to -37C without shelter.
To fully appreciate the beauty of the wisteria and admire the "flower waterfalls", you need to visit the wisteria garden in Japan: Ashikaga, Fr. Honshu. This is an impressive sight that will be remembered for a long time.
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Creating indoor and bonsai culture

As an option, indoor wisteria is grown. This is convenient for the northern regions, where in harsh climatic conditions it is not able to overwinter. Liana can only be kept in a spacious apartment. Even with periodic pruning, Wisteria grows up to 2 m. She is decorated with a hall, a hall or placed in a winter garden.

Exotic wisteria bonsai

Exotic wisteria bonsai

In autumn, the liana is planted in a small container and left in a dry and lit room with t = + 15- + 20C. Shoots are formed in early spring so that the standard tree does not grow much. They leave him in the apartment, take him out to the balcony, veranda or to the garden.

Wisteria bonsai is becoming more and more popular. Despite the large natural size, it is quite possible to form a small dwarf tree from it.

This is due to such qualities of the vine as:

  • plastic
  • ability to grow quickly
  • carelessness
  • unusual appearance

Its creation will require some effort, but the result is worth it. This is a real indoor exotic, which can change the interior of one of the corners of the room.

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Plot decor

A small canopy arch made of subtropical liana

A small canopy arch made of subtropical liana

In building hedge, the design of the facade of the house, fence or wall liana will fit perfectly. Chinese wisteria and lush-flowered are also suitable for decor pavilions, pergola, terraces, balconies.

Wisteria is a striking example of vertical gardening: it occupies a small area and looks very unusual. Liana earned the nickname "garden climber" for her ability to move quickly along a support and create a green screen.

The plant perfectly hides all the shortcomings of the garden plot or outbuildings, protects the secluded corner of the garden where it grows from wind and sun.

Other flowers are planted next to the wisteria, which are combined with it in colors. Nearby white heads tulips, spots of purple hyacinths, yellow blotches of daffodils will complete the landscape and enhance the decorative effect.

The decor of the area where the wisteria looks like an additional decoration

The decor of the area where the wisteria looks like an additional decoration

Wisteria grows in flowerpots, pots or tubs, which are put up in greenhouses or winter gardens, where a small stem tree is made from it. But more often it is used as a garden plant. Indoor culture is a rather rare phenomenon, since it requires a large area and careful care.

Wisteria is an unusual decorative cultures. Its flowering is a breathtaking sight that cannot be compared. Unfortunately, the inhabitant of the subtropics did not take root in the middle latitudes of our country. But fans of the exotic should not lose heart: there are options for growing vines indoors. And although this is a difficult and time-consuming process, the “subtropical beauty” is worth it.

Wisteria: description, outdoor cultivation and features of caring for a whimsical beauty in different climatic zones (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews


Wisteria: description, outdoor cultivation and features of caring for a whimsical beauty in different climatic zones (65+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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