Ginura - home care: planting and pruning, growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Signs and medicinal properties | (70+ Photos and Videos)

Ginura home care

Photo of a plant with exotic coloring of cilia on leaves

Ginura (from lat. Gynura) is an exotic plant with soft, pubescent leaves. Belongs to the Astrov family. The unusual color of the pubescence makes the plant spectacular and catchy. The surface of the leaf is covered with lilac, purple and pink cilia.

Ginura care at home is not difficult. Under favorable conditions, the bluebird fits into any interior with a play of textures on the leaves. There are very few secrets of growing, but they still need to be mastered.

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Botanical description of ginura

In the genus you can find semi-shrubs and perennial herbs. Shoots at a young age grow vertically, but eventually take on a horizontal position. At home, it can be grown as an ampelous plant in hanging pots.

Due to its exotic coloring, it received the names: “woman with a tail” and “blue bird”.

Woman with a tail

"Woman with a Tail"

The drooping stems can be up to 1 m long. Thanks to the lateral processes that form on the branches, the bush looks thick and attractive.

Oval oblong leaves are attached to the stem with short petioles. Location is next. The leaf blades are larger at the bottom and smaller at the top.

On the underside of dark green leaves is pubescence, brightly colored in purple, lilac or purple. The leaf margins and midrib also have cilia.

Blue bird - interior decoration

Blue bird - interior decoration

At the beginning of December, the ginura is covered with a scattering of flowers, the petals of which are colored in orange, purple, green, and red. Flowering continues until May. 

If favorable conditions are created, the flowering of guinura can continue all year round.

The flowers are located in corymbose inflorescences and have the shape of a ball. During flowering, the bush emits a charming aroma. But not all flower growers like this smell. Therefore, as soon as buds appear on the bush, plant owners cut them off and enjoy the beauty of exotic foliage.

blue bird in bloom

blue bird in bloom

In place of the flowers, seed pods appear. Fluffy ponytails are clearly visible at the end of each of them. The herbaceous plant is easily propagated by seeds.

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Types and varieties of ginura: photo gallery



In the natural habitat, there are 50 species of guinura. Not many have taken root at home.

Ginura variegated

The beauty of pale pink leaves of guinura variegated attracts the eye

The beauty of pale pink leaves of guinura variegated attracts the eye

Ginura variegated

The bush has unusual foliage, which is light pink at a young age, and with age, dark green spots appear on the leaf plates. Also, with age, a delicate light pink color is retained only along the edges of the lower leaves located at the base.

Ginura climbing or Ginura climbing (scandens)

Yellow flowers stand out against purple-brown foliage.

Yellow flowers stand out against purple-brown foliage.

Ginura climbing or Ginura climbing (scandens)

It is very rarely found in nature and is represented by a semi-shrub. The serrated leaves of petiolate leaves are arranged alternately on the stem. Along the leaf, on both sides of the central vein, beautiful stripes of bright green color diverge. Purple-brown leaves have small teeth along the edge.


Ginura orange (aurantiaca)

Narrow petals of orange guinura are painted in golden color

Narrow petals of orange guinura are painted in golden color

Gynura orange (aurantiaca)

The distribution area of ​​the evergreen shrub is the island of Java. The bluish-green ovoid foliage is covered with purple cilia. Along the edge of the leaf plates are teeth, the length of which differs significantly. In inflorescences-baskets are small golden flowers.


Ginura pinnatifida

The original color of the pinnatifid ginura

The original color of the pinnatifid ginura

Ginura pinnatifida

This species is considered medicinal and is listed in the Red Book. In its natural habitat, it grows in the southern regions of China. Shoots are long, hanging down. The oval leaves are bright green in color. During flowering, the plant produces a long peduncle, on which beautiful red-orange flowers bloom in the shape of a ball.


Ginura wicker (sarmentosa)

A common view in indoor floriculture

A common view in indoor floriculture

Ginura wicker (sarmentosa)

Miniature bright green leaves of the wicker variety densely cover long lashes, pubescent with lilac cilia. The length of the shoots is a maximum of 60 cm. It blooms with yellow or orange flowers.


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Ginura: flower care at home

Ginura flower (blue bird)

Ginura flower (blue bird)

Subject to the conditions the plant will willingly grow, branch and delight the grower with beautiful flowers, albeit with a specific smell.

Optimum lighting

ginura flower

ginura flower

To preserve the decorative foliage, you will have to choose a place where the plant would feel just fine. With a lack of light, the color of the leaves fades. It is good if it is possible to install a flower pot near a south window or on a western windowsill. In the very sun, the ginura will have to be shaded from the scorching sun.

In winter, the plant lacks natural light, so you have to illuminate it with fluorescent lamps.

Soil selection for planting

Fire flower exotic bluebird

Fire flower exotic bluebird

For cultivation, you can take the land prepared at home.

Soil composition:

  • sod land – 2 parts
  • humus – 2 parts
  • sand - 1 part
  • leafy soil – 2 parts

The flower will feel good in the purchased soil. The main criterion for choosing soil are: good air permeability, friability and neutral reaction.

Before planting, a layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot. This is a prerequisite for successful cultivation.

Temperature regime

Ginura at home

Ginura at home

During the growing season, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of +18-23°C. You can not put a pot of ginura in a place where drafts cannot be avoided. In winter, if there is no additional lighting, the bush is kept in a cool room with a temperature of + 12-13 ° C. Thus, the plant is at rest and gaining strength.

Watering rules

In the summer to the garden!

In the summer to the garden!

Intensive plant growth requires abundant watering, which is carried out after the earthen clod dries out. The roots should not be allowed to be constantly in too wet soil. The plant needs moderate watering.

Insufficient watering leads to wilting and drying of the leaves. The lashes become lethargic and then it is very difficult to restore their turgor.

When kept in a cool room, during the dormant period, the plant must be watered as needed, avoiding prolonged overdrying of the soil. And excessive watering will lead to root rot. 

It is best to water with soft, settled water, which during watering should not fall on velvety foliage.



Guinura flowers

The plant is unpretentious to air humidity, but does not tolerate excessive dryness. In winter, due to the hot air coming from the heating devices, the ginure may need additional moisture.

You should know that decorative foliage should not be sprayed. Spraying will have to be abandoned. To increase humidity, it is recommended to put the plant pot on a pallet with pebbles and moisten it from time to time.

Trimming Rules



In early spring, when the plant ends its dormant period, long lashes are recommended to be shortened. The procedure is performed in order to give the bush a decorative effect. The formation of the crown is a simple procedure, it consists only in pinching the shoots.




Top dressing is carried out during the entire growing season 1 time in 2 weeks. Fertilizers cannot be applied during the dormant period.

How to carry out a transplant?

The plant is grown in the most lit place

The plant is grown in the most lit place

Transplantation is carried out as needed. It is advisable to postpone all work until the spring. However, if the cultivation takes place with additional lighting, the plant can be transplanted in the fall.

Annual rejuvenation of the plant is recommended, as the beauty of velvety leaves loses its attractiveness with age. Or the plant needs a garter.

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Reproduction methods

The stalk has started roots, can be transplanted into a shade substrate

The stalk has started roots, can be transplanted into a shade substrate

There is nothing difficult in reproduction. Cuttings are the simplest method of obtaining new specimens. Any apical cutting plucked from the mother plant will definitely take root.

You can first cut a long stem, and then cut it into cuttings. They will all take root, despite the fact that most of them will not have a top. New sockets will appear in the sinuses.

You can root in water. After a week, you can already admire the roots.

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Growing problems: pests and diseases



Insufficient care of the plant can lead to sad consequences. Ginura may become sick, or various insects may appear on its decorative foliage. Depending on the season, different pests can be seen on the plant. If any are found, it will be necessary to immediately carry out processing in order to save the plant from death.





Small insects with an oblong body covered with a chitinous shell. Sticking to the shoots, scale insects suck the juice from the foliage. As a result of their vital activity, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. The plant falls into stagnation, slowly dying.

Actellik can be used to control the pest. To get rid of the insect, a double treatment is necessary.





Settling on a plant, they feed on its juice. 

They got their name because that as a result of their vital activity, they leave secretions similar to cotton wool on the leaves and stems.

The plant starts to hurt growth stops, leaves turn yellow, may eventually die.

Some varieties of parasites harm the root system. For the fight they use insecticides Fitoverm, Aktaru, Calypso.

spider mite

spider mite

spider mite

spider mite

When examining the plant on the underside of the leaves, you can see small white dots, and around the lashes, a thin cobweb is possibly braided.

Unlike other parasites, spider mites are carriers of infections. If a plant becomes ill with viral diseases, it will be easier to dispose of it than to cure it.

For pest control, all means are good. In addition to chemical remedies, folk remedies help. You can fight with an infusion of garlic, to prevent excessive dryness of the air. And from industrial preparations, it is recommended to use Fitoverm, Aktellik, Fufanon.

Whitefly - crown pest




Most often appears on plants in the summer. Small white-winged insects enter the house from the street through an open window. Whiteflies lay their eggs on the underside of a leaf.

Fighting is easy enough. You need to go to a specialized store and purchase one of the drugs: Mospilan, Aktellik, Fitoverm.

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Ginura in the house: signs and superstitions

Ginura in the house

Ginura in the house

In indoor floriculture, predominantly poisonous species are grown. In the natural habitat, you can find some varieties that are considered medicinal.

Beneficial features

Pinnatifid ginura

Pinnatifid ginura

Pinnatifid ginura is quite expensive and is considered a rare medicinal plant. In a province located in China, they are breeding this species in order to sell medicinal raw materials.

The healing properties of procumbent guinura (procumbens) are familiar to the inhabitants of Japan, America, Africa and China. They know firsthand about its healing properties. Daily consumption of leaves strengthens the immune system, a person does not know diseases.


Ginura in nature

Ginura in nature

Due to such a feature of flowering that the flowers of an exotic plant emit unpleasant incense, the people called him "crocodile". 

If you put a flower in the house, you can not be afraid of bad energy. The Scorpio plant does a great job with this. A phrase such as: “With a blue bird and sleep improves,” actually has a good background. Indeed, it has been proven that with the content of any kind of guinura in the house, people improve the quality of sleep, do not have nightmares. 

Parents whose children are afraid of the dark should definitely have a ginura in the house.

Many people with a sharp character become kinder, as soft velvety leaves are able to calm a formidable temper.

And most importantly, ginura - a flower leading to female happiness.

Ginura care is quite simple. By following simple agricultural practices, you can get a well-branching bush of a velvety beauty with soft and pubescent leaves. You can learn how to care for ginura at home in the video below.

VIDEO: Ginura - Flower shop

Ginura - home care: planting and pruning, growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Signs and medicinal properties

GINURA | An unpretentious plant from the ASTER family | Care and breeding at home

Ginura - home care: planting and pruning, growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Signs and medicinal properties | (70+ Photos and Videos)

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