Hyacinth is a miracle among flowers at home, it will delight you with beautiful flowering, aroma, variety of colors, and bring a lot of positive emotions. Give yourself a little miracle - an elegant bouquet on the windowsill by the end of winter. Its bulbs are able to give flowering at any time of the year. They contain all the power of the flower. Even an inexperienced person, following simple advice, will be able to plunge into the world of fragrance and splendor of colors in the midst of a rainy winter.

Features of planting bulbs
Planting bulbs is slightly different, for example, from tulips, the bulbs are large enough and do not need to be buried deep.
It is enough to place on the surface, they will take root and thus take root in the substrate.
For proper depth:
- the bulb is covered with one third of the substrate,
- slightly pressed into the ground, without scrolling,
- watered for compaction.

flower bulbs
Hyacinths love moisture.
Never let the soil dry out. Hyacinth bulbs are distinguished by the absence of a protective skin, so they are very afraid of stagnant water and can rot at the same time.

What to look for when buying planting material
- In order to get flowering plants at the end of winter, preparation should begin in September.
- Buy extra-class bulbs. They have a diameter of 3.5 to 7 cm, depending on the variety.
- It is very important that the bulb has a dry bottom.
- The presence of remnants of the root system is allowed. New roots will sprout quickly.
The bulb must be:
- dry
- free of mold and stains
- well formed
- not damaged
If suddenly you see a bluish coating - this is mold. Treat the planting material with a fungicide, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Mold on bulbs

All bulbous plants before planting should lie down for at least two weeks in a cold place at a temperature of 5-6 ° C.
Where is the temperature in September? Only in the refrigerator.
Remember that the process of keeping the bulbs in the cold is very important, this is the so-called wintering of plants or stratification.
During this period, plants strengthen their immunity. When you get and plant such hardened bulbs, the hyacinth will bloom much faster.
When growing alone, hyacinths are best planted in very small containers with a diameter not much larger than the diameter of the bulb itself.

Single plant in a pot cactus
If you want to grow three or five hyacinths, you can use a small cactus pot. Using such low containers will allow you to get a beautiful bouquet. At the bottom you can put pebbles broken shards. The container must have drainage.

Decorating containers with hyacinths
If you are a fan of decorative things, try growing a flower in a beautiful jar or jug that is gathering dust around in the attic.
In such containers, distillation can be carried out in water or in wet sand.
There are special vases for forcing hyacinths. They look like an hourglass, the lower part of which is a reservoir for water, and the upper part is a holder for an onion.

In a decorative flask
Various mosses can be used to decorate and reduce the evaporation of water from the soil surface.
If you are using decorative jars, then you need to make a support for the bulb.
It is necessary to ensure that the water reaches only the bottom of the bulb - the bottom.
The flask with the onion can be left in a cool place where there is no frost until sprouts appear. A tip is to check the water level regularly.
When the sprouts reach three centimeters, and the roots - ten, it will be possible to introduce hyacinths indoors. The temperature should be 12-15°C.

Flowers in a vase with decorative stones
No need to screw the bulbs into the ground! Pour fine gravel into a glass container, place the bulbs in the center so that they are at the same distance from each other.

What soil to use

Planted in potting mix
Benefits of using sand:
- Sand is given more preference because bulbous plants do not need nutritious top dressing during forcing.
- During the growing season, the plant uses the nutrients stored in the bulb.
- Nutrients are sufficient to form good buds and flowers.
- Sand is good because it does not carry the threat of infection with fungal diseases.
- Hyacinths grown in sand are very clean and presentable. There is no fungal plaque, which reduces the aesthetic perception.

Actually landing
- Pour a small amount of drainage into the bottom of the container. Hyacinth is grown in sand.
- For hyacinth, it is important that the sand layer is about eight centimeters. During the forcing period, the root system should completely braid the pot.
- Hyacinth bulbs are not buried completely in the ground, they are placed on the surface, slightly pressing.
- Fall asleep with a substrate in such a way that a centimeter, one and a half from above remain free.
- We fall asleep from above with wet sand and water. Moisture will wake up the bulbs and ensure the germination of the root system.

Correct bulb planting depth

Important points for forcing hyacinths
There are a number of points that determine the quality of flower stalks:
- After planting the bulbs in the container, you need to find a dark paper bag.
- Light colored paper will not work. Because there will be light penetration. We cover the container with the planted bulbs with a dark paper bag.
- We sign the landing date.
- In this state, under a dark paper bag, hyacinths should be kept for 45 days at a temperature of 5 - 9 ° C. It is very important.
For example, you planted bulbs on November 10, add 45 days to this date and get the estimated start of flowering. In our case, this is December 25th.
If you do not comply with the conditions for keeping the bulbs under a dark bag, you will face negative consequences:
- unopened buds
- elongated peduncles
- pale coloration

Plants with unopened buds
After budding, hyacinth gains coloring substances for its flowers within two weeks:
- Periodically, it is necessary to check the soil moisture by opening a paper bag, in no case allow drying out and waterlogging.
- After 45 days, the plants are transferred from the refrigerator to a cool place. Adaptation should take place gradually.
- First + 10°С, + 12°С, then + 15°С. And for another 10 days, do not remove the package.
During this period, the root system is already very well formed, an arrow begins to grow - a peduncle.
10 days of adaptation are very important for the formation of buds, the correct color and shape.
Gradually, over the course of ten days, closer to the seventh day, open the bag slightly and expose the plants to sunlight.
Ten days later, having accustomed the plants to sunlight, we transfer them to temperature conditions up to + 20 ° С.
Blitz tips for forcing hyacinths:
- We store hyacinths for three weeks in a cool place (refrigerator)
- We plant in a pot, and wait 45 days (the root system grows intensively in the dark)
- After pecking small arrows up to three cm, we transfer from the refrigerator to the room, providing a temperature of 15 ° C
- We carry out phased adaptation to temperature and light
All these procedures are best done in late summer or autumn, but there are bulbs that can be planted at the beginning.
If you want to save them for planting in the garden, it is best to use potted compost, which can be bought at any flower shop, instead of decorative soil.
If you want to bring the moment of flowering closer, you can use additional electric light.

Phytolamp for artificial lighting of plants

Problems in growing hyacinths
- Pale leaves are an indicator of lack of lighting and drafts. As a rule, it is observed at the end of shooting.
- The buds did not open or form. It can be caused by water getting on the buds, non-compliance with temperature conditions.
- Sluggish leaves. This happens when the plants are kept in forcing for a very long time and do not give it the opportunity to acclimatize to the light.
- Slow growth. Most likely, the hyacinth did not have a long dormant period. It is necessary to ensure a state of rest for 45 days. During this period, only the root system should form.
Remember that you can not bury hyacinth bulbs, do not allow the substrate to dry out. If it so happened that your hyacinth did not give a peduncle at all, then the reason is a poor-quality bulb. Get extra-class bulbs.
In order to make forcing successful, you need to know:
- how to plant
- how to care
- what should be the conditions
Beginners sometimes complain that hyacinths have very short leaves, and a peduncle with buds is already appearing.
If this is the first time you are planning to do forcing or have done it before, but have failed, remember the most important thing - do not rush to bring the plants to heat and light. Leaves should grow up to 10 centimetres. Do not rush to change the conditions for the plant, this will cause a shock.
Hyacinth loves coolness, even cold, because it is a primrose. In nature, it blooms at low positive temperatures.
Some connoisseurs grow hyacinths in the refrigerator.

The first stage of distillation in the refrigerator
The leaves should reach a length of ten centimeters in absolute darkness and cold. Only after reaching such dimensions is the flower moved into the room.
If, under the same forcing conditions, one plant is higher and the other lower, then the problem is in the quality of the planting material.
The main thing when forcing is to know that the time from planting to flowering is two and a half months. Stock up on patience.

Reproduction of hyacinths at home
This plant forms daughter bulbs (kids). They can be separated from a large bulb. The natural growth of such small onions is rather slow, no more than four of them are formed per season.
Flower growers use the method of artificial reproduction in order to obtain more planting material.
For this purpose, the bottom is incised and cut out. First, a thorough treatment with potassium permanganate (1% solution) is carried out, drying for two days in a warm room.
The donets are cut out at rest, before the growth processes have begun. Use an ordinary teaspoon for this.
Bulbs with cut bottoms are placed in cardboard boxes cut up at a temperature of 20 degrees.
Three months later, the first rudimentary onions begin to appear in an amount of up to 30 pieces.

Hyacinth babies obtained by incision of the bottom
Such bulbs with children attached to them are planted in a cool place. Young specimens develop rapidly and give arrows. After the end of the growing season, they are dug up, disconnected from the mother's body and sent for growing.
Only after three years will the baby fully mature and be ready for flowering.
Sometimes the bottom notching method is used. The whole difference lies in the application of incisions, from which the children subsequently sprout.
Breeding hyacinths is not an easy task, but fruitful and exciting. Be patient and these plants will delight you with their unique beauty.
planting hyacinths at home
For me personally, hyacinth is a rather difficult plant to care for! It has never been possible to save it until the next season, the bulb disappears all the time, and the plant itself fades rather quickly. Despite the fact that hyacinth loves water, several times my bulb rotted ... either the soil was not the same, or it was flooded too much ...
Yes, it blooms beautifully, it is especially pleasant to admire hyacinths at the end of winter, when you already want a little spring mood. But in terms of care, I personally have trouble.
I read the tips for care, I will take it into service, maybe something will turn out next time. Thank you for the useful article)))
They gave me a pot with the most fragrant hyacinth, there are 3 bulbs in it. They all bloom, scatter fragrance throughout the house, we are delighted! This morning I look - something they leaned in one direction slightly, as if "lay down." How can I help them? I love these flowers very much, they are not the first ones for me, but, unfortunately, I could not keep any of them.Please help me save this miracle: I look at these 3 white bunches and want to cry - will I really lose them again!? Sincerely . Galina.