One of the main arrangements of space in the apartment is the wrong organization of space for storing things. Old things accumulate, new clothes appear - all this requires a certain system, hidden from prying eyes. To rationally use the room without piling up the apartment, you can make a dressing room with your own hands. A few interesting ideas, tips and instructions will help to cope with this task.
- The need for a dressing room in the apartment
- Wardrobe room: layout options
- We make a dressing room scheme on our own: tips
- How to make a dressing room from a pantry
- Small dressing room in the bedroom: how to equip?
- What to make shelves for storing clothes with your own hands: the choice of material
- Sliding wardrobe system

The need for a dressing room in the apartment

Storage space for clothes is a necessary area in every apartment
A wardrobe system is not a luxury in an apartment; today it is a necessity. Many owners do not want to take the area from the premises in order to equip a place for storage, preferring to put things in a small wardrobe. Such an organization is irrational: over time, things become more, and space becomes less.
The need to create a dressing room with your own hands is due to such advantages:
- Preservation of the usable area of the living room. Even a one-room apartment with a small bedroom allows you to allocate several squares for a dressing room. It is enough to place a compact chest of drawers for underwear in the room. And move the bulk of things to the dressing room
- Order support. Items arranged and sorted in a certain place will be stored in their own place. Even in a small dressing room you can put an ironing board
- Saving time. The owners will not spend a lot of time looking for the necessary clothes
- Maximum use of space. Proper organization of the quadrature will allow you to store bedding, outerwear, everyday items and shoes. To do this, use hangers, rods, mesh shelves and baskets.
- Independent equipment satisfies all needs. If the owner makes a dressing room with his own hands, then he initially knows what storage equipment is useful to him.
Remodeling the dressing room from the pantry, you can allocate a small space for storing household trifles, which there was no place in the apartment.

Wardrobe room: layout options

Linear type suitable for rectangular rooms
You can organize a wardrobe system both in the bedroom, nursery, living room and in another room of the house, which allows you to pick up a little square. Depending on the method of placement of equipment, it happens:
- linear
- angular
- U-shaped
Each type is distinguished by features, having considered which, you can decide for yourself which dressing room to make with your own hands.

Walk-in closet
The classic option for arranging a dressing room is its linear arrangement. In this case, the entire storage system is located on one wall.This placement will be ideal if a long but narrow space is allocated for the zone. Outwardly, the layout will resemble the use of a wardrobe, so it will not be superfluous to make a compartment door, which is described in the following sections.
To separate the storage area from the room, you can use the following auxiliary elements:
- sliding system
- curtain
- gypsum board partition
The advantage of a linear dressing room is that the owner of the apartment does not need to allocate an entire room for storage: it is enough to separate only part of the space of the existing premises.

The corner type can be placed both in the bedroom and in the living room - the main thing is to hide the clothing storage area correctly
Making a corner dressing room with your own hands is a little more difficult, but this task is doable. For work, wooden chipboard panels are used, which are used for the manufacture of home furniture. Externally, such a system will look like a corner cabinet, but the internal equipment is much more functional and larger.
For the manufacture of furniture panels, it is enough to do the following steps:
- Planning. The first thing to do is create a drawing in a special program or on a piece of paper. The drawing schematically draws the location of all shelves, baskets, sliding systems, and also calculates the number of parts, crossbars, and determines the type of sliding system. For more information on scheduling, see the next section.
- Purchase of materials, tools and cutting. To make the production faster, you can use the services of sawing furniture panels. A drawing with all the dimensions of future shelves and other details is submitted to the workshop. The material is delivered to the customer, which only needs to be assembled into a single system. To do this, you will need a screwdriver, fasteners, bolts, as well as a drill - if you wish, fix the shelves against the wall
- Installation. After assembly, it is necessary to check the reliability of all connections, as well as mount the door
Do not forget about the lighting in the corner dressing room: spot spots located in the ceiling and on the walls are perfect for this purpose.

U-shaped design allows you to accommodate a large amount of linen, clothes, shoes and other accessories
The system for storing things, made in the filet of the letter P, is perfect for those rooms where it is possible to allocate space for a dressing room. This form involves the placement of shelves and other equipment from three walls, and the fourth wall is the entrance. If it is not possible to allocate a separate area, then the dressing room is placed in one of the segments of the room, enclosing it with a decorative screen.
The living room will be a great option for placing a storage system. If the room is large, at least 20 square meters, then all equipment can be hidden behind sliding systems. Outwardly, it will look like a large spacious wardrobe, the doors of which can be used at your discretion: for example, hang a TV on a bracket.
The wardrobe system will cost several times cheaper than the manufacture of furniture. Choosing drywall instead of chipboard panels, you can independently decorate all the walls and equipment, painting them according to your imagination.

We make a dressing room scheme on our own: tips

A schematic representation of the future design will help to act according to the plan
To prevent the appearance of unnecessary things in your home, it is recommended to visually draw up a plan for a future dressing room. Such a scheme allows you to plan in advance where the clothes will be stored, where the shoes will stand, and also how many shirts and dresses will fit in one section. There are a few basic guidelines for planning:
- the diagram is best drawn to scale by drawing a plan on a piece of paper using a ruler
- for a more visual example, you can cut out scaled parts from cardboard and put them together - this way you can understand the full picture of the future system
- during the layout, a dressing room should be obtained, where boxes, shelves, rods, pull-out baskets will be placed, as well as the distances between the shelves and other elements
- for normal operation, the following distances must be observed: between shelves for clothes - from 30 cm, between shelves for shoes - from 20 cm, section for shirts - from 120 cm, section for trousers - from 140 cm, section for dresses - from 150 cm and department for outerwear - from 160 cm
- in the upper compartment there is a compartment for hats, as well as for items that are rarely used
- on the side, for convenience, it is necessary to make a small high space for an ironing board
- at the bottom it would be appropriate to organize an area for storing a vacuum cleaner
Planning your dressing room layout in advance will help you avoid assembly errors and also help you rationally fit all your clothes in the storage area.

How to make a dressing room from a pantry

Even small storage rooms allow you to make a roomy system for clothes
The presence of a pantry in the apartment solves the problem of choosing a place for a dressing room. Even a small room can fit a huge amount of things if you properly plan the space. A few recommendations on how to make a dressing room from the pantry with your own hands:
- Square. Sufficient for storage are the dimensions of the closet 1x1.5 meters: in such a room it will be possible to install rods, shelves and drawers for linen
- Requirements. Arrangement of ventilation is one of the main requirements for such a room. You should also take care of the lighting - you should not choose lamps with heated shades, so the best choice would be to use LEDs
- Finishing. The best way to finish the pantry inside is to use wood panels. You can use paint, but it must be of high quality. There should not be any irregularities on the walls that could catch the fabric, ruining the thing.
- fasteners. To keep the shelves securely on the wall and racks, it is recommended to use metal corners, dowels or make a wooden frame from a bar
Additional elements in the form of shoe racks, hangers for belts, hooks for bags and baskets will help you rationally use a small area of \u200b\u200bthe pantry.

Small dressing room in the bedroom: how to equip?

Dressing room in the bedroom
In small city apartments, there is always not enough space for a dressing room. There is a way out of this situation - to equip the storage area in the bedroom.
Allocation of part of the bedroom under the dressing room

A built-in wardrobe is a good alternative when there is not enough space for things
The layout of the bedroom begins with the fact that the owners are determined with functional areas. Here, a sleeping area is traditionally distinguished, where a bed is located, as well as an area for storing clothes. It is more convenient to make a dressing room in the bedroom, which has an elongated rectangular shape.
Storage can be located opposite the bed, in the far corner of the room, or where there is space for this. The doors of the system can be used at your discretion - for example, to make full-length mirrors. This technique will help visually enlarge the bedroom.
Drywall storage system organization: step by step instructions

The thickness of the walls indicates that the structure is made of partitions on the frame
Having chosen the location of the structure, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools. You will need a wall metal profile 50x50 mm, as well as a guide profile for partitions. Drywall sheets should not be thicker than 15 mm, and mineral wool is placed between the wall and drywall to maintain heat.
Of the tools you will need a construction knife, metal shears, a spatula, a mixer, a drill, a screwdriver, a building level, fasteners, screwdrivers. Work algorithm:
- markup. According to the existing scheme, marks are made on the walls where the profile will be installed. Using a building level or corner, you need to draw straight lines
- Frame construction. Profiles are installed on the floor and ceiling, then wall parts are mounted. They are screwed with a screwdriver, after making a hole in the wall and inserting a dowel
- Wiring and insulation. When the frame is ready, the wiring is mounted - the cable runs in those places where it is necessary to install a socket and a switch. Then the heater is installed.
- sheathing. Drywall sheets are cut to pre-prepared sizes and attached to the frame using self-tapping screws. Fastener caps should not protrude to the surface - they will be recessed
- Finishing. The seams of drywall sheets are sealed with sickle, putty. Finishing work in progress.
Acrylic paint or washable wallpaper can be used as a finish: the material must be practical, so an embossed finish will not work.

What to make shelves for storing clothes with your own hands: the choice of material

Details from chipboard - a good and functional solution for storing clothes
There are several materials that are useful for decorating shelves in the dressing room:
- plywood
- tree
- drywall
- plastic
- Chipboard
Plywood is considered durable and wear-resistant, it is affordable and easy to install. Its only drawback is that it is sold in dimensional sheets, so after buying it, you should immediately cut it into the shelves you need. The tree is also in demand - it is durable, solid, has a pleasant texture.
Plastic is suitable if the load on the shelf is small. The greatest demand is for chipboard, as well as laminated chipboard. These boards are used to make furniture, so they will be ideal for shelves. They can be purchased ready-made or a large slab, and then sawn.

Sliding wardrobe system

Glass sliding doors successfully fit into a technological interior
One of the final stages is the manufacture of the door: the compartment system is well suited for the dressing room. It can be made of durable glass, metal, plastic or chipboard. To begin with, they make measurements, drawings, assemble the door frame, then attach the rails and guides.
It is better to take rollers for the compartment system of good quality, because the door will be in constant use. After installation, it is important to check the reliability of work and the tightness of the structure against the wall.
Making your own dressing room with your own hands makes it possible to show your imagination to the maximum. Compared to ready-made solutions, in this case, the requirements of the apartment owner will be fully satisfied. The entire installation is simple, it is easy to carry out by yourself or in a company with a partner.
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