Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and propagating for beginner gardeners, types and varieties | (50+ Photos & Videos)

Gardenia home

Tropical beauty gardenia will be a magnificent detail of the interior, thanks to its luxurious flowers and dense green foliage.

However, caring for a plant at home is fraught with difficulties: gardenia is quite demanding.

Growing it at home, it is important to properly care for the gardenia and follow the instructions so that it pleases the owner with lush flowering and well-being.

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Appearance of a house plant

Appearance «room rose»

A tropical plant of the Rubiaceae family naturally lives in South Africa, India, South and Southeast Asia. The evergreen shrub was named after the Scottish naturalist and physician Alexander Garden, who lived in the 18th century.

For their attractive appearance, home gardenia flower growers are sometimes called "room roses". The plant has strongly branched woody stems, strong shoots with dark green glossy leaves arranged in pairs.

Flowering shrub in the open ground

Flowering shrub in the open ground

Gardenia blooms from May to August. The flowers are often solitary, rarely collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces, large, with semi-double petals, they smell very gentle. Color - white, sometimes yellow.

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Application and benefits

The appearance of the fruit

The appearance of the fruit

The main function of gardenia is decorative: it is grown at home, in summer cottages and garden plots, used in landscape design. You can form a beautiful bonsai from a tree. But this is not the only way to use the southern beauty.

In Asian countries, for example, Korea, it is used for food, tinting jelly with it. Also, dry flowers of the plant are added to tea, they are used to prepare fragrant essential oil.

But the benefits don't end there either. Gardenia can be bred and used for medical purposes, preparing decoctions, infusions, ointments from it. The plant has wound healing, antipyretic, hemostatic, rejuvenating and antioxidant properties.

dried gardenia

dried gardenia

Diseases for which gardenia is used in traditional medicine:

  • Hepatitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Mastitis
  • Inflammation of the kidneys and gallbladder
  • Infection of the body with parasites
  • Dysentery
  • Problematic skin etc.

Also from gardenia make compresses for wounds and bruises, used in cosmetology and perfume industry.

Gardenia fruits can be toxic. Do not experiment with them on your own.

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Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia has many varieties, but only one is suitable for home cultivation - jasmine gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides). The name is explained by the similarity with snow-white and fragrant jasmine. The leaves are smooth, up to 8 cm long, with a pointed tip.

In nature, the beauty reaches a height of 2 m, but at home, the shrub usually grows up to 60 cm. Other names are Augusta gardenia, regal gardenia and Cape jasmine.

Other varieties of gardenia that live in nature:

  • Gardenia Thunbergia: Native to Africa. Large white fan-shaped flowers. Relatively unpretentious, tolerates cold well, as it grows in mountainous areas. Therefore, the flower is used in gardening. An interesting feature: at night, the tone of the flowers is more pronounced.
  • Gardenia Tahitian (Gardenia Taitentis): lives in Tahiti, growing in nature up to 7 m in height. Flowers white, single row, double
  • Gardenia Kula: grows in Malaysia. The flowers are also single-row, bent outward, a long pistil protrudes from them.
  • Tube-bearing gardenia (Gardenia tubifera): the flowers are yellow, single row, located on long thin peduncles, for which the species got its name

Gardenia tubifera

Gardenia tubifera

Other popular types: gardenia citriodora (Gardenia citriodora), gardenia radicans (Gardenia radicans), Vietnamese gardenia (Gardenia vietnamensis).


Gardenia Fortuneana

Gardenia Fortuneana

To make gardenia even more attractive, breeders are working on its appearance. They developed several varieties, the most famous of which are:

  • Variegata
  • Fortuneana
  • Kleim's Hardy
  • Veitchii and others.

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Gardenia jasmine. reproduction

Gardenia jasmine. reproduction

Having decided to start a luxurious gardenia at home, you can take ready-made cuttings from the mother plant and root them or grow a flower from seeds. Reproduction by children is not used.

There is also a third way: buying an adult gardenia in a flower shop. However, it is still more useful to grow and propagate on your own: this way you will be sure that the green pet is not affected by diseases and pests.


Rooted cuttings

Rooted cuttings

The first way to propagate gardenia is cuttings. Cuttings should be cut from the mother plant with a sharp, sterilized knife. The length of each is 8-10 cm. The cut should be even and neat. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, leaving only a few upper ones.

Before planting in the ground, it is advisable to hold them for at least half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is also preliminary recommended to sprinkle the lower tips of the cuttings with a preparation that stimulates the growth of roots.

Gardenia can be rooted not only in the ground, but also in water.

Then the plants are planted in a prepared, thoroughly washed pot, on the bottom of which drainage is laid under the soil; the earth is slightly crushed. Sprouts should be covered with cling film or glass like a greenhouse to create a constancy of conditions. Once a day, the film is removed for ventilation for a couple of hours.

On average, rooting takes about a month. The process is considered completed when new leaves appear on the cuttings. Young plants can be planted each in a separate pot.


plant seeds

plant seeds

Technically, the method is simpler, but often fails if the planting material has expired. Therefore, you need to take only fresh seeds. The day before planting gardenia seeds in the ground, they are soaked in a growth stimulant, such as aloe juice.

Then the seeds are lowered into a pot with soil, sprinkled with a layer of substrate 0.5 cm thick. Again, a drainage layer of expanded clay should be laid at the bottom so that the plant does not suffer from excess moisture. The earth is watered, then a "greenhouse" is created again, aired daily.

Seeds should sprout in a month.

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Care rules


You can ensure gardenia comfort by following the care recommendations of flower growers.


exotic gardenia

Gardenia is a subtropical plant, so you should try to provide similar conditions. It is best to place it on the windowsill of the east window.

Gardenia prefers diffused light, does not like direct exposure to the sun: burns may occur. In winter, you will have to provide additional lighting in the room where the plant stands: the light should fall on the flower for at least 12 hours a day.

Soil selection

Soil, pot and expanded clay

Suitable slightly acidic and acidic soils with a pH of 4.5-5.5

The earth should be loose enough so that the thin roots of the gardenia grow freely. When preparing the mixture yourself, you need to combine in the same proportions:

  • Peat
  • Sand
  • Coniferous, leafy, soddy soil

It is permissible to purchase ready-made soil for azaleas in a specialized store: it will also suit gardenias. Sphagnum moss can be placed on top of the soil: it absorbs moisture well.


Clay pot with drainage

The volume of the container depends on the size of the root system: the pot should not be much larger. At the bottom there must be a through hole, a layer of drainage is laid

As for the material of the product, both plastic and ceramic pots are suitable for gardenias. The plastic container is less stable, but it conveniently produces humidification from the tray.


For gardenia, a temperature of 25 degrees in summer and 18 degrees in winter will be comfortable.

For gardenia, a temperature of 25 degrees in summer and 18 degrees in winter will be comfortable.

Gardenia prefers a warm climate: the temperature is maintained in the region of + 20-25 ° С. In winter, it can be lowered to + 16-18 degrees. In the cold season, it is undesirable to move the plant: it is dangerous.

Also, you can not put it next to batteries, heaters or air conditioners. In summer, it is allowed to take a flower pot to a balcony or loggia, but direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on delicate foliage.

Watering and spraying

Flowering at home

Flowering at home

In the summer, it is recommended to water abundantly with soft or rain water at room temperature, which has settled for at least a day. The optimal frequency of watering is twice a week.

It is undesirable to waterlog the soil: roots may rot. Watering is done only when the topsoil is dry. In winter, the bush is watered less often.

Gardenia likes moist air, so the foliage and buds must be sprayed every day, in especially hot and dry times - twice a day. When the plant blooms, spraying water should not fall on the flowers. 

top dressing

liquid fertilizer

liquid fertilizer

Liquid fertilizers are necessary for gardenias during the flowering period. You should purchase special mineral mixtures for flowering houseplants.

You need to pay attention to calcium: its excess is not good for the growing season. In winter, gardenia does not require additional nutrients: it must rest.

Although gardenia loves acidic soils, excessive acidity will harm it. Therefore, gardeners recommend adding preparations with iron to the soil.


gardenia transplant

gardenia transplant

Gardenias have very thin and fragile roots that can be easily damaged. Therefore, the plant does not like transplants, and the procedure is necessary only with a strong development of the root system.

It is better to transplant by transshipment along with an earthy clod from one pot to another. Do this in the spring or early fall.

Pruning the crown of the bush

Pruning shoots

Pruning shoots

Regularly cut side branches to maintain decorativeness and growth rates. Remove diseased dried shoots and withered flowers and buds. It is permissible to occasionally cut off healthy leaves if the foliage has become too lush, and also pinch the top.

Pruned healthy shoots can be used for cuttings.
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Potential Growing Problems

majestic gardenia

A beautiful, but capricious plant often “complains” about the conditions at home. Let's analyze the possible difficulties in growing gardenia jasmine

Leaves turn black and fall

dying flower

dying flower

If the grower notices a similar symptom, urgent action must be taken, otherwise the gardenia will quickly die. Causes of blackening of foliage:

  1. Wrong watering. Because of this, gardenia roots can rot. You will have to check them visually, slightly pulling the plant out of the pot and examining the root system.Normally, the roots have a light shade. If darkening is noticeable, the damaged areas should be cut off with a sterile instrument and the cut sites should be sprinkled with a disinfectant, for example, crushed activated charcoal. Then the plant is transplanted into a clean pot with new soil. Watering should be reduced and carefully monitor the well-being of gardenia.

  2. Drying of the substrate. The lack of moisture is also not good for the flower. Zircon biogrowth stimulator can be added to the soil. Foliage is sprayed twice a day from a spray bottle

  3. Low humidity or high room temperature. Regular spraying will also help to avoid problems. It is important not to place a gardenia pot near heating appliances.

  4. Infection by fungi, bacteria or pests

Foliage turns yellow or dries

Yellowing of the leaves

Yellowing of the leaves

Another unpleasant symptom yellowing of the foliage, especially noticeable against the background of normal dark green leaves. Often the situation occurs due to insufficient production of chlorophyll by the leaves and is called chlorosis.

In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of water for irrigation. Hard and chlorinated tap water harms the plant, you can only water it with soft water.

Dry foliage is caused by insufficiently acidic soil. It is recommended to add a little citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice to the water for irrigation.

Sluggish foliage, falling flowers

Gardenia jasmine indoor

Gardenia jasmine indoor

This problem is observed when the plant is supercooled. It is necessary to check if the gardenia is not standing in a draft.

Sometimes foliage and buds will also wilt if the air in the room is too dry; you need to adjust the moisture by spraying. Water for irrigation should not be cold. You can additionally purchase a humidifier in the store.

Small flowers, sluggish flowering

Gardenia jasmine

Gardenia jasmine

The flowering of gardenia or the growing season is a particularly crucial period for the owner: any changes in the conditions of detention will affect the condition of the flowers. Gardenia is not recommended to rearrange or rotate during this period.

An exception - if the shoots turn pale and stretch, and the flowers become smaller in size: this indicates a lack of light.

Gardenia needs to maintain constant temperatures. If you feel unwell or when the plant does not want to bloom, you need to pay attention to whether there is a strong difference in temperature between day and night.




Unfortunately, gardenia is not immune from insects parasitizing on it. Common pests are presented in the form of a table:

Name of the pestSymptomsFighting methods

Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and breeding for beginner gardeners, types and varieties


A white woolly coating appears on the underside of the leaves, the plant may shed foliage. You can wipe the foliage with a sponge dipped in methyl alcohol: this will remove the pest. It is also recommended to spray the plant with an insecticidal preparation.

Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and breeding for beginner gardeners, types and varieties

spider mite

The insect shows its presence with a thin cobweb, braiding twigs and leaves. Gardenia regularly becomes a victim of this pest. It is necessary to arrange a soul plant, and then treat it with insecticides, for example, Decis.

Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and breeding for beginner gardeners, types and varieties

white aphid

The pest leaves sticky sticky dots and spots on the leaves. The buds are falling off. Dealing with aphids will help treatment with soapy water. If this does not help, you will also have to use insecticides, for example, Neoron.

Also, gardenia can infect scale insects and thrips.

Photo of gardenia infested with pests

Photo of gardenia infested with pests

Any plant affected by pests must be isolated. Otherwise, the infection will spread to other indoor flowers.
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Despite the difficulties of growing and capriciousness, proper care and compliance with the requirements will make the gardenia a real decoration of the home, thanks to its luxurious flowers and pleasant aroma. Worth trying to grow her at home

It will help in the video below, which tells about the intricacies of caring for a tropical beauty.

VIDEO: Gardenia.The Whims of Gardenia and How to Please Her. Fragrant Houseplants

Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and breeding for beginner gardeners, types and varieties

Gardenia. The Whims of Gardenia and How to Please Her. Fragrant Houseplants

Gardenia home: care after purchase, the secrets of growing and propagating for beginner gardeners, types and varieties | (50+ Photos & Videos)

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