Gabions are stylish decor elements of a summer cottage, which, in addition to decorating the territory, perform various functional tasks. They act as natural fencing, fix the channels of rivers, streams, strengthen the slopes. It is not at all difficult to assemble such a structure with your own hands, two pairs of skillful hands can easily cope with the work, provided that they are in a good mood, as well as in the mood for a cool result. The gabion is a striking example of a design idea whose simplicity of appearance gives the whole picture a rich, extraordinary, modern look. In simple terms, this is a mesh structure, inside of which a natural filler is placed. In its role, most often, a stone acts, less often a tree or other elements.

What it is

An example of the design of flower beds
Gabions are volumetric frame structures with a clear geometric shape, made of metal mesh or reinforcement, filled with various fillers. The very name "gabbia" in translation from Italian is translated as "cell". There are several types of structures, each of which uses its own construction technique.
The main component of the gabion group, on which its stability, strength, and appearance depend, is the filler. What materials can act as its role?
- rubble
- Slate
- Granite
- broken brick
- Cobblestone
- Basalt
- Sandstone
- Pebble
- wooden logs
- Metal cuttings, pieces of pipes
- Roof tiles
- flower vases
- metal cans
- Plastic bottles and boxes
- colored glass pebbles
- Artificial stone, etc.

Such a fence looks natural, spectacular
Pay attention, the lighter the filler, the stronger, the cage should be stronger.
The material is selected by color, type, size, and it is important that the filler unit is 60% larger than the size of the frame cell. The metal mesh from which the walls of the structure are made must be made using the double torsion method, coated with an anti-corrosion compound, and not 4 mm thick. Cells can be square, rectangular, in the form of a hexagon.
To make the structure stable and rigid, before laying the filler, a reinforcement frame is placed inside. This is a must if you are mounting a high hedge, a reinforcing structure or a decorative garden element of a complex geometric shape. Keep in mind that over time, shrinkage and compaction of the masonry will occur, therefore, without a rigid base, the gabion may begin to collapse or bend.

Benefits of using in landscape design

Reliable reinforcing structure
Gabions today are in great demand and popular.Consider the advantages of these structures:
- Stability, resistance to deformation even on soft ground
- Reliability, strength - once erected, a structure will last for decades without changing a bit. Correct installation, high-quality materials will play a big role here.
- The design allows water to pass through, while remaining a barrier element. You don’t have to worry that such a fence will prevent meltwater from leaving or cause stagnation
- The ability to realize any idea - make gabions of different shapes, sizes
- Installation is not complicated, does not require the possession of specific skills, the purchase of expensive tools
- Sold in finished form, though in a collapsible, but the assembly will not be difficult even for a beginner in construction work
- After you create your country masterpiece, you can forget about it - no maintenance, no maintenance, no reconstruction or restoration is required

Types of structures

Interesting decor with logs and candles
There are several types, each of which has its own scope.
1. Box structures "Jumbo"

Jumbo type welded system reinforcing a highway embankment
The most popular designs that resemble boxes or rectangular boxes stacked on top of each other. If the structure is too long, partitions (diaphragms) must be placed inside the box, the approximate step is 1 meter. Such a gabion fence is made of soft mesh, or steel bars welded in the shape of a cage.
The first is attached to a rigid frame, and the second itself has sufficient rigidity. Jumbo type is well suited for mounting fence, fences, stands for a table or bench, stairs, props. It assumes a uniform distribution of the load, strength, and the clarity of the form is the key to aesthetic appeal.
2. Flat constructions "Reno Mattress"

It looks like a mattress variety
Their outlines resemble a mattress - rectangular, wide, low (up to 35 cm). Diaphragms are placed inside the cage to evenly distribute the load. "Reno Mattresses" are made of rigid galvanized wire.
3. Cylindrical "Bags"

Cylindrical view
The gabion resembles a sausage; due to its shape, it lacks stiffeners and partitions. It is more flexible, pliable, which is convenient for giving unusual shapes. Bags can be laid on uneven terrain without fear of uneven pressure on the soil.
4. Decorative designs

Decorative mesh frames are sold ready-made
They are created to decorate the site, give it zest, self-expression. Most often, bizarre labyrinths are created from gabions, flower beds, benches, fences, garden figures. For the latter, a welded frame is made of thick wire, and for the remaining elements, you can purchase a sheet metal mesh and lay it in the right direction.

What are gabions used for?

Simple design, no unnecessary details
The scope of their use is absolutely not limited to the use in landscape design. Initially, such structures acted as fences that reliably protected soldiers, as well as guns on the battlefield. Later, they began to be used in industry, to strengthen the banks of rivers, railway, automobile embankments, the bottom of the channel, to make fences, to protect pipelines.
Today gabions are used for the following purposes:
- Installation of props on hills, sloping areas;
- Fixation of the sea, river bottom, or coast;
- Protection of pipelines and gas pipelines;
- Reinforcement of slopes and slopes;
- In landscape design: for framing flower beds, fountains, dividing the site into zones, installing parapets, stairs, hedges;
- "Reno Mattress" can be laid on the bottom of an artificial reservoir in a suburban area - the water will remain clean for much longer;
- For protection against mudflows, landslides, rockfalls, avalanches;
- To change the direction of the flow;
- To create a stone foundation for lawns;
- Gabion technique is used to create garden figures

What to consider before starting construction

Prepare materials, inventory, take clear measurements
The gabion group must be strong, stable, safe, and aesthetically beautiful. To meet these criteria, it is important to do the following:
- make the correct installation
- buy quality materials
- consider ways of fastening the walls (wire, welding)
- choose the specifics of laying the filler (chaotic falling asleep is unacceptable)
- choose frame, fasteners

What materials and tools will be needed

Container assembly process
Prepare a simple inventory:
- shovel
- mount
- pliers
- hammer
- metal scissors
- anchors
- wire
- mechanical stapler
- thread for marking
- building level
- welding machine (if you are going to work with a cage made of reinforcement, it will not be practical to fasten the cells with wire)

Ready meshes of different shapes for gabions
- Metal mesh for basket formation
- If the structure is high, you will need iron racks (pipes)
- Filler (choose as you wish, in accordance with the idea)
- Reinforcement (framework for cage rigidity)
- Metal spirals, wire staples (for fastening elements)
- Geofabric (it is laid under the gabion to prevent the germination of vegetation, save the amount of material for the sand cushion)

How to fill the filler

An example of a creative approach to filling the grid with stones
As mentioned above, chaotic stacking of stones is the wrong approach. To make your gabion strong and durable, follow these rules:
- The sections are filled in turn: the first, second, third, the last one is left empty so that you can fasten it with the next basket
- Each cell inside the basket is filled gradually, first by a quarter, then by half, and so on.
- The stones are laid tightly, if possible, manually each element
- The gabion lid is not immediately closed, since the top layer of masonry is made protruding by 10-15 cm. Shrinkage will occur in a few days
- Install large stones along the edges, small ones can be poured into the center
- You can "play" with flowers, lay out a pattern, picture, ornament
Assembling the structure with your own hands

Work together - so the process will go faster and more fun
Consider how to make a high decorative fence using the gabion technique:
- First you need to prepare a place for installing the structure: the site is cleared, vegetation is removed
- Next, markup is performed using wooden bayonets and a thread (cord)
- A layer of soil 10-15 cm thick is removed along the marking contour
- Install support posts along the perimeter to a depth of at least 0.5 m, fix them with a cement-sand mixture (1: 4 ratio). The verticality of the racks is controlled using the building level
- Wait a week for the support posts to be securely fixed in the ground
- Now fill the trench with sand, and lay the geofabric inside the sand cushion
- Separately, in an open area, cut the metal mesh according to pre-calculated dimensions
- Now you can start assembling the basket and sewing its edges together.
- Lay the bottom or bottom first, then the sides. All edges are connected with metal brackets or spiral wire
- Insert the stiffening diaphragms along the entire length, they are fixed with the same wire
- When the frame is ready, check its stability - nothing should stagger or hang out
- Fill the interior with your chosen filler
- The top cover is closed later, after the final shrinkage of the stone. At this stage, you can perform a simple wire tie using a zigzag method.

Gabion in landscape design
If you are making a decorative part from gabions, for example, a garden bench, a table base, a ladder, in this case you can skip the steps with installing support posts, preparing the foundation. If your fence is very wide (more than 0.5 m), foundation also not needed - such a design will be too heavy, and by itself will not go anywhere.
The above instructions are applicable to the creation of other gabion structures for decorating a suburban house adjoining territory - the most important thing is to follow the sequence of stages.

Ideas for inspiration
Making gabions by hand, without the involvement of specialists, is an activity that is quite feasible for any skilled man. This decor is sure to become a worthy highlight of your garden, a bright element, the center of any composition. Don't miss this simple opportunity to create a unique masterpiece at minimal cost.
For example, the video below shows how to make a high flower bed out of gabions and perform a spectacular layout of the filler stone:
Mesh gabion: step by step instructions
How to make gabions from a grid with your own hands: we turn a summer cottage into a cozy corner, decorated with designer taste | 120+ Photos & Videos
I want to learn this business and create my own business, we have it almost at the zero stage. Can you help step by step?
You can help to master this case step by step, we do not have so common materials for gabions (sorted stones, nets, etc.). And I have no skill in design. I want to set up my business.
Good day! Nodirjon, we are not engaged in the production of these products.
Thanks for the helpful and interesting article!
In the past few years, many have been making gabions using step-by-step instructions from specialists, as these structures are becoming increasingly popular as elements of landscape design.