One of the brightest representatives of decorative flowers is fuchsia, it is also called "Japanese lantern", "ballerina". This perennial evergreen subshrub has many forms and varieties. In nature, this plant is common in Central and South America, New Zealand. The graceful flower gained its popularity due to its pronounced dark pink color and resemblance to bells. In order for the plants to be able to delight flower growers with their beauty for a long time, it is necessary to become more familiar with the intricacies of growing fuchsia at home.

Conditions for the growth and development of fuchsia

Just an amazing bloom.
Properly organized care for the home cultivation of an ornamental flower contributes to obtaining a luxurious crown of a shrub and its abundant flowering. Here, the main thing is to observe the optimal temperature regime, the level of illumination, air humidity, water in a timely manner and make useful substances.
In winter, fuchsia needs rest, during which time it restores its strength and, with the onset of warm days, begins to bloom profusely.

There are over 100 types of fuchsia, the difference of which is not only in the form of flowers, but also in their color, size, flowering period, leaf shape.
There are two large varieties of the original shrub:
- woody plants
- bush flowers
Among the most popular varieties of fuchsia, the following groups can be distinguished:
Diamonds and Sapphires
Here are the combined color options: white and blue, where variations are found from pale blue to deep purple. Famous varieties are Dark Secret, Ultramarine, Capri.
For containers and patios
(outdoor patio). Such plants are distinguished by good survival rate, quickly adapt after transplantation. Anita, Carolina, Long Wings are considered popular varieties of fuchsia.
This group includes plants with very tall shoots, large and bright flowers and long but late flowering. The peak of decorativeness in these shrubs falls on the second year. The original specimens are Matilda, Walsing, Bermund.
Exotic terry
The whole essence of the flower fully justifies the name of the group. Diverse in color, double flowers of small and medium sizes instantly catch the eye of lovers of indoor and garden flowers. The most common varieties are Florentina, Sarah Jane, Marcus Graham.
Thanks to an unusually beautiful color palette and abundant flowering, ampelous fuchsia will not leave anyone indifferent. It is mainly used for growing in hanging baskets, planters. Such a beautiful decoration is perfect for decorating verandas, terraces, outdoor courtyards.
The advantages of ampelous fuchsia: ease of care, attractive appearance and resistance to negative environmental factors.
Best varieties: Alice Ashton, Cascade, Peachy, Niedersachsen (ballerina).
Incredibly beautiful multi-colored foliage, a long flowering period (from spring to late autumn) and unpretentious care distinguish this fuchsia group from its rest. Among the spectacular varieties with variegated color, Tom West, Autumnal, Sunray are noted.
When choosing a variety of this amazing plant, it is recommended to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of a particular variety, as well as experience in growing decorative flowers.

Varieties for beginner flower lovers
This is a fairly vigorous plant of a bush type, it can reach a height of 90 cm. The flowers are predominantly red in color, simple. Andromeda is characterized by rapid growth, the ability to form a luxurious bush, stem, has a powerful root system. There are no problems with rooting. Fuchsia tolerates winter quite adequately; with the onset of spring, it begins to bloom profusely.
The height of the bush is not more than 60 cm. The white color and the large size of the flowers give it some originality and elegance.
Cuttings are distinguished by rapid growth, a high degree of rooting. During winter dormancy, they do not create any problems.
Blue Frills (blue frills)
The plant belongs to the semi-ampel group. Blooms quite profusely. The height of the bush does not exceed 60 cm. The sepals have a pink-red color. The skirt is blue at first, and with time it becomes purple. Large numerous leaves differ in medium - green color. When growing, the variety does not require special conditions, it is enough to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.
The best option for home growing are hybrid flower varieties (Fuchsia hybrida).
Hybrid varieties of fuchsia outwardly represent a bush of small size (40-80 cm high) with an unusual shape of flowers, quite wavy and lush. According to the color scheme, you can purchase copies from white to purple, from blue to purple. This compact plant, subject to the basic rules of care, does not cause any trouble even for beginner gardeners.
When growing an ornamental shrub at home, you should not count on getting fruits from it, it will not work.

Basic care during the growing season
Watering a decorative flower
Given the unpretentiousness of fuchsia for home maintenance and care, growing it is very simple. The watering regime in the spring and autumn seasons should be frequent and plentiful, since the topsoil dries quickly during these periods.
But in winter, on the contrary, you need to reduce the number of procedures to 1-2 per month. It is recommended to use only settled water, it is less hard.
This plant is very grateful for the presence of bright diffused light in the room. The most optimal place for growing fuchsia is the western or eastern side.
The lush fuchsia bush does not tolerate the heat of the day, but responds well to the morning and evening sun.
To prevent flowers and buds from falling off at the flowering stage, it is recommended not to disturb them, turn them and move them to another place.
Temperature regime
During the growing season of fuchsia, 18-25 degrees is considered a favorable air temperature.In summer, fuchsia can be taken out into the street, but if the air temperature is over 30 degrees, then the bush can shed its leaves, not bloom and dry out. Salvation for the flower will be a place on the balcony, loggia, away from direct sunlight.
You can save the sensitive fuchsia root system from possible overheating by using a large ceramic pot. Plastic containers heat up quickly and lead to the death of the plant.

Nutrient Application Rules
During the period of active growth of hybrid fuchsia, it is rational to carry out foliar feeding by spraying its leaves with a spray bottle. These procedures are best performed in the morning or evening.
To maintain a normal level of humidity in the room, you need to put a small container with pebbles and water next to the pot. An excess of moisture in the autumn and winter period adversely affects the condition of the plant; spraying is not necessary.
When growing fuchsia in open areas, it is advisable to use biofertilizers. For indoor maintenance, bushes must be fed with ready-made formulations.
In the warm season, starting from the end of March, it is enough to fertilize the flower once every 7 days. In winter, fertilizing is not worth it.

How to transplant a plant
This procedure should be performed annually and only in the spring. In order for the plant to take root faster and better, it is recommended to use a special ready-made soil or any fertile soil.
To ensure high-quality drainage, it is necessary to use sand or humus. Such additives will not allow excess liquid to linger in the container for a long time. If the flower is contained on the loggia, then it is effective to use loam.
For transplanting fuchsia, it is better to purchase a larger container. Pruning of shoots should be done on a third of the entire length.

There are three ways to propagate fuchsia:
This option is relevant for the period from February to March, but if necessary, it can be used from August to September for slow-growing varieties. The length of the handle is 5-7 cm.
Water or sand is the best medium. After 20-25 days, the rooted material is transferred to 7-9 cm containers. The soil should consist of sand, organic fertilizer, soddy and leafy soil, taken in equal proportions.
seed propagation
This method requires artificial pollination. Using seeds from different varieties, new hybrid forms of flowers can be bred.
With the help of leaves
With this breeding option, torn stems are used along with well-developed leaves. They are placed in a loose substrate to a depth of 1 cm. Then they are covered with a plastic or glass lid.
To achieve rapid growth, plantings are sprayed with a spray bottle. For these purposes, warm and boiled water is suitable. As soon as rosettes appear near the base of the stem, they are transplanted into other containers.

How to protect a flower from pests and diseases
This plant, due to its resistance to negative environmental influences and diseases, very rarely gets sick.
In the event of an increased level of humidity in the room, powdery spots may appear on the leaves. To combat them, it is effective to use a solution of water and foundationol, prepared in a ratio of 11: 1. They spray the bush.
The yellow color of the leaves indicates the presence of chlorosis. It occurs as a result of abundant watering of the shrub or as a result of a lack of nitrogen, magnesium. If there is yellowness between the leaf veins, then the flower needs manganese.
Dry brown spots on the leaves indicate a lack of molybdenum. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the roots of the plant, they must be white. The brown color of the root system indicates the defeat of root rot. Its development provokes frequent watering.
If brown concentric circles were found at the bottom of the sheet, it is recommended to remove them immediately. This is a sign of rust. Bushes are subject to treatment with Topaz, Vectra, Bordeaux mixture, Kuproksat.
Spraying with fungicides should be carried out 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.
Among the most common pests, white flies can be distinguished. These are small insects, their size does not exceed 2 mm. Because of the two pairs of white wings, this name was given.
White flies are members of the moth family. The location of the larvae is the lower part of the leaf. They cause their harmful effects by sucking out the juice, leaving traces in these places in the form of white sugary formations.
If the leaves are too large, they soon turn yellow and fall off.
In order to prevent mass infection of the remaining fuchsias, it is recommended to regularly inspect all plants. To combat them, such effective drugs as Angara, Aktellik are used. Alternatively, you can use green soap.
Growing fuchsias at home allows you not only to embellish a room, a veranda or a loggia, but also to bring out specimens that are unusual in coloring. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology.
Fuchsias in the garden and at home Collection of Polina Kiseleva
Fuchsia - Growing, Care, Transplanting, Reproduction at home (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
I disagree that fuchsia is very unpretentious in home care. Rather, a specialist agronomist who is familiar with all the nuances, who intuitively understands what the plant needs for a given period, and care will be simple and affordable. I say this for a reason, I kept the fuchsia myself, there was enough exposure for a couple of years. No doubt, the beauty is breathtaking, and ampelous, and no. One structure of a flower that stands, as if made of wax, delicate, delicate skirts with stamens. And the variety of color is amazing even for connoisseurs who have seen the exotic. Humidity is required, after all, the plant is exotic, from warm countries. I admit, I may not have had the patience.
Very interesting and original fuchsia flower. After reading the article, I did not even imagine that there are so many varieties of this beautiful flower. Previously, I had only seen ordinary fuchsia, but I had never seen such as ampelous, variegated, which look special. But I think such varieties are very whimsical to care for, unlike the usual fuchsia of a soft pink color.There is a lot of information in this article regarding what temperature regime is needed, the basic rules for caring for these beautiful flowers, and possible flower diseases are also described in detail. Unfortunately, I don’t have such a beautiful flower on the window, so I think in the future I will definitely get an ampelous fuchsia, I really liked this look. I think I'll find this variety in a flower shop. After reading the article, it is absolutely not scary to grow this flower, I think I can solve all the nuances and problems that have arisen and create comfortable conditions for a good flowering of fuchsia. It's good that you can read such articles and learn a lot of useful things.