Foundation for a wooden house? DIY in just 2 hours!

We make the foundation

In the spring, like everything in nature, summer cottage construction comes to life. Many summer residents who have been hatching plans for building a house all winter are wondering where to start building? Of course, from the foundation. If you intend to build a small, light wooden, possibly frame, house in your country house, then this article is for you. We will tell you how to make a foundation for a wooden house with your own hands. It is done very quickly and at a low cost.

Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas) Read also: Veranda attached to the house - expanding the living space: projects, tips on how to create your own hands (200 original photo ideas)

Materials for work

To make a foundation, you will need:

  • old car tires at the rate of four in the corners and every one and a half meters along the perimeter and wall lines;
  • crushed stone;
  • large paving slabs (according to the number of tires);
  • concrete blocks (also by the number of tires).
  • wheelbarrow, shovel;
  • level.

Step 1. We have car tires on the site


We will study the location of the selected site for construction. If it is virgin earth or very well-compacted alumina, tires can be laid without additional preparations. If the earth is loose, it must be well compacted.


We mark the place of future construction.

We mark the place of future construction


We have tires, starting from the corners of the building and every one and a half meters along the perimeter and along the inner walls. Level check the horizontal plane in several directions.

Level check the horizontal plane in several directions

On uneven ground, we level the surface under the tire with a shovel.

Step 2. Making the Foundation


We fill the inner space of the tire with gravel and carefully tamp.

We fill the inner space of the tire with gravel

You can fill the tires with sand, but over time, ants can start up in it and take part of the sand to their construction.

Lay paving slabs on top of the tires and check the level.

Lay paving slabs on top of the tires


To raise the foundation a little higher, we put small concrete blocks on top, which you can do yourself in advance.

Foundation for a wooden house? DIY in just 2 hours!

Blocks must be solid and contain no voids.

The foundation is ready. It remains only to lay the timber on the waterproofing, level it if necessary, and you can build a house.

Foundation for a wooden house? DIY in just 2 hours!

Do-it-yourself foundation for a wooden house

Foundation for a wooden house? DIY in just 2 hours!

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