Forsythia: description, planting in the open field, leaving from the Moscow region to Siberia - a mini-encyclopedia (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

forsythia planting and care

Forsythia is very popular in Europe, it can be found on the streets and in the gardens of Berlin, London, Paris. What explains the popularity of this shrub? Forsythia is a symbol of the arrival of spring for Europeans.

When the white and gray tones of winter are already tired, when the heart wants sun and warmth, forsythia blooms. The yellow flame of its flowers is eye-catching, and combined with a spherical or drooping crown shape, the plant looks simply gorgeous. The main advantages of forsythia, in addition to early flowering, are simple planting and undemanding shrubs for care.

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Features of species and varieties

In some of the warmest countries, the shrub - spring gold - blooms as early as February or March. Gardeners who want to achieve the same result often order seedlings of European Forsythia varieties. But this is not entirely correct. We will understand all the intricacies of choosing planting material, planting and growing this flowering shrub.

Not all plants of this species are yellow

Not all plants of this species are yellow

In European countries, the following types of forsythia are used for landscaping and decorating gardens, squares, streets:

  • European
  • Giralda
  • Snowy
  • dark green

Some types of forsythia have 2-5 varieties. The most popular varieties are "Golden Times", "Fiesta", "Variegata", "Spectabilis", "Weekend", "Beatrix Farrand".

However, most types of forsythia, in particular, European and dark green, do not tolerate frost very well. Gardeners complain that after frosts, only that part of the bush that was under the snow survives. And it is these forsythia seedlings grown in foreign nurseries that are sold in our garden centers.

If the gardener lives in the southern strip, he can buy and plant any kind of shrub. But if you plan to grow the above types and varieties of forsythia in the northern region, it will have to be well insulated for the winter.

yellow forsythia

yellow forsythia

You can rarely find planting material of frost-resistant plant species in garden stores. These are, in particular, hanging (drooping, drooping) and ovoid, as well as Simbold's forsythia and intermediate. Well, if you find a zoned variety in some nursery, then it will definitely take root and overwinter well.

All types and varieties of forsythia are outwardly similar, but each plant has its own characteristics. - height (up to 3 meters), crown shape, flowering period and other varietal or species qualities. Therefore, before buying seedlings, you need to ask the seller in detail about all the important aspects.

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How to choose a good seedling

Excellent seedling option

Excellent seedling option

Experts advise purchasing two-year-old forsythia seedlings, it is better not to take older ones, since the older the plant, the more difficult it is for it to adapt to new conditions. If the bush is under two years old, it may also not take root.

It is better to opt for a plant that has:

  1. There is a quality certificate. It is important to pay attention to the points “supplier country” and “climatic zone of growth”.
  2. Shoots are well developed, they are flexible, without damage, breakage.
  3. closed root system - a seedling in a container. At the same time, the roots should not rise above the soil or crawl out of the drainage holes. If small roots break through the holes at the bottom, this is normal, and even good.
  4. If there is no ZKS, you can take a seedling with an open root, most importantly, so that the roots are elastic, moist, well developed, without signs of freezing, disease or damage.

In general, you need to choose the plant, the appearance of which you liked, is not satisfactory. But it will not be superfluous to look at neighboring seedlings, because if other bushes are sick with something, then most likely all planting material is infected.

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Choosing a place in the garden for planting

This plant can become a real highlight of the garden or lawn, because the forsythia blooms first, and only after that it releases leaves and young shoots. She looks great in the background. green hedge, dark green coniferous trees. In autumn, when flowering has long ended, forsythia leaves attract attention, depending on the variety, they turn bright yellow or purple-violet.

shrub hedge

shrub hedge

Therefore, it is better to plant a shrub in a conspicuous place - where it will look beneficial. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the sizes to which, in the end, forsythia will grow. The plant needs a lot of space, it is desirable that there is 100-200 cm of free space around the seedling.

If a group planting of compact plants is planned, they will look great along paths, fences, building facades. In this case, the gaps between the bushes can be made small to create a sense of the continuity of the row.

If you plant a forsythia near a lilac, then this corner of the garden will be bright and blooming throughout the spring - from the beginning of March to the end of May.

landing conditions

Choose a sunny and spacious place

Choose a sunny and spacious place

What growing conditions are acceptable for forsythia:

  • spacious, bright place, but partial shade is also suitable
  • the landing site should be at least slightly protected from the winds

The soil should preferably be fertile, loose, moderately moist, well-drained (avoid acidic and heavy soils). In principle, any soil will do, as you can always water the plant (which, by the way, is drought tolerant) or fertilize. For example, if the land on the site has a high acidity level, you can “dilute” the land with wood ash.

When is the best time to plant shrubs

The best time to purchase a plant is early spring.

The best time to purchase a plant is early spring.

In general, this plant can be planted in spring and autumn. Especially if the garden is located in the southern or middle lane of the country. And if you managed to buy a seedling with a closed root system, then it can be planted even in the middle of the season, that is, in the summer months.

Advantages and disadvantages of spring or autumn forsythia planting:

  • If plant a bush in early spring, he will have more chances to take root, acclimatize and develop a powerful root system. This means that the chances that the plant will overwinter well in a new place increase.
  • If plant forsythia in autumn, especially a frost-resistant bush, she, too, will probably take root. The main thing is not to delay planting until November, so that the plant has enough time to take root. The optimal time for autumn planting is September.

Nevertheless, experienced gardeners advise planting forsythia at the beginning of the season. If the opportunity to purchase a seedling appeared in the fall, and there is no opportunity or desire to engage in planting, you just need to prepare a hole. And the seedling itself should be dug into a trench or placed for wintering in the cellar (plants with ZKS will overwinter well in a container).

Landing hole preparation

It is better to prepare the pit in advance.If planting is planned in the spring, the hole is prepared in the fall or at least 1-2 weeks before buying a seedling. If in the fall, they dig a hole in the spring or, again, a few weeks before planting.

It is better to prepare the landing pit in advance

It is better to prepare the landing pit in advance

There are two options for preparing the hole (the second is preferable):

  1. Digging a hole 50x50x50.
  2. Digging a hole 50x50x50. A drainage layer is laid out at the bottom from improvised materials (broken brick, expanded clay, gravel, small pebbles, crushed stone), a layer of sand is poured on top - 5 cm. A soil mixture is being prepared - sheet earth, sand and peat or compost in the ratio 2: 1: 1 Ashes up to 200 g can be added to the soil mixture (to neutralize peat).
If there is limestone soil on the site, you can safely choose the first option for preparing the pit, since it is less troublesome and costly.


The root neck must be above the ground

The root neck must be above the ground

A peg is driven a little away from the center of the pit (or two on either side of the center) - it will be a support for a young bush. The roots of the plant are moistened with water and straightened on a layer of sand or at the bottom of the pit. The roots are sprinkled with earth or soil mixture in such a way that the root collar remains above the ground.

After the pit is filled up, the earth from above needs to be tamped, watered and mulched. And the last thing to do is tie the bush to the peg.

A good option for mulching the soil near the forsythia is compost or dead (but not diseased!) foliage. It is not recommended to use peat as a mulch, as it acidifies the soil.
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Comprehensive care - what to do during the season

Comprehensive care is a stable flowering shrub

Comprehensive care is a stable flowering shrub

Forsythia is not a capricious or demanding plant. She needs a minimum of attention, and care for her can be carried out simultaneously with the care of other plants in the garden. The most important event is pruning, but it should be done a maximum of 2 times a year.

All you need to do during the season:

  1. Watering (very rarely).

  2. Weed removal and loosening - if there is mulch, this item can be excluded. If forsythia grows on a lawn, then it is also not necessary to eliminate weeds and loosen, but you need to cut the grass.

  3. Fertilization - up to 3 times a year.

  4. Prevention and treatment in case of diseases or pests.

  5. Pruning and shaping the crown.

  6. Shelter plants for the winter.

  7. Shrub propagation - optional, if the gardener wants to get forsythia seedlings to decorate the garden or for sale.

That's all the forsythia needs in order to bloom the next year after planting. If the site is in favorable climatic conditions, then in the next March-April the gardener will be the proud owner of a magnificent golden exotic bush.

Learn more about watering and soil care

Getting rid of weeds is part of plant care

Getting rid of weeds is part of plant care

Since the birthplace of the plant is Asia, forsythia survives drought well. But why create unfavorable conditions for your pet? After all, watering once or maximum twice a month will not be difficult, especially if there are other plants in the garden and on the site that need moisture.

One bush will need 10-12 liters of water, that is, 1 bucket. It is advisable to preheat the water under the sun so as not to give the plant a "cold shower". After watering, if there is no permanent mulch near the bush, you need to loosen the top layer of soil.

So that the water does not spread over the site, but nourishes the roots of the watered plant, you can dig a small “ditch”, a groove around the bush. Water is poured into the recess, and an earthen rampart from the soil dug from the groove will serve as a barrier to water.

If it rained once or twice within a month, forsythia does not need to be watered, it does not really like waterlogging.

Soil care around the forsythia - this is the cleansing of weeds and loosening the surface of the earth - is carried out simultaneously with watering.

top dressing

If the land is fertile, fertilizing may not be done. But the plant responds well to soil fertilization, grows faster, blooms more colorfully and abundantly. Therefore, many gardeners still prefer to periodically feed the shrub.

Forsythia responds well to fertilizer

Forsythia responds well to fertilizer

Immediately after planting and during the first year of the forsythia's life in the garden, the owner does not have to do anything. But from the second year it is desirable to start fertilizing:

  1. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, you need to scatter compost, humus or any other organic fertilizers in the near-trunk zone. Then water the bush and the ground around it. Organics quickly activates the vital functions of the plant, intensifies flowering and crown growth. It also acts as a mulch.
  2. When Forsythia Forms Buds and during the laying of flower buds next year, a complete mineral complex is needed. It is enough to buy a universal mineral fertilizer, apply it according to the instructions or at the rate of 60-120g / 1 sq. m.
  3. Beginning of autumn - the period for phosphorus-potassium top dressing. Such fertilizers will help increase the winter hardiness of forsythia.
When applying fertilizers, you need to make sure that they do not come into contact with the trunk and branches of the plant, since even organic matter can harm with direct contact.
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Diseases and pests - prevention of infection and treatment

A sick leaf of a plant is easy to identify

A sick leaf of a plant is easy to identify

To avoid fungal diseases, it is necessary to comply with agrotechnical requirements in terms of irrigation - do not overmoisten.

Forsythia can also suffer from other diseases and pests:

1 Withering - individual branches during flowering begin to wither and die. Fungicides will help here.
2 Bacteriosis is an incurable disease that first affects the edges of the leaves, then penetrates the stems (darkening of the vessels is noticeable on the cut). If an infection with this disease has occurred, forsythia can no longer be saved. Moreover, a diseased bush can become a source of infection for other plants in the garden. If a bacteriosis is detected, the bush must be urgently uprooted and burned outside the garden plot. And pour the land where the forsythia grew with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.
3 Nematodes - the leaves of the plant are affected, they become translucent, covered with holes, curl up. Marigolds planted under a bush will help prevent infection with worms by nematodes. And if the infection has already occurred, it is necessary, if possible, to change the top layer of soil and carry out the treatment with Carbation.
4 Birds - they peck the buds of plants in winter. If the forsythia is in hiding, this problem is not relevant. If there was no insulation, the agrofiber thrown over the bush will protect from birds.
5 Aphid - it can be seen on the back side of the leaves of the shrub. It is not difficult to remove the parasite - spraying with a soapy solution or a decoction of bitter plants - dandelion, red pepper, marigold will help.

Biological products that do not contain chemicals can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases / pests.

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Sanitary and shaping pruning

While the bush is still young, only sanitary pruning will be needed in spring and autumn. In this case, damaged, diseased, frostbitten, broken and other "illiquid" branches are cut off.

Starting from the second year onwards, it is necessary to carry out not only sanitary, but also formative pruning. It will allow you to create the desired shape of the bush, will stimulate the growth of new shoots and abundant flowering.

Formative pruning will give the bush an optimal shape

Formative pruning will give the bush an optimal shape

In the spring after flowering, young shoots should be cut to half, and adults should be shortened more strongly, up to 5 cm above the ground. By cutting branches, you can simultaneously give the bush a shape - spherical or cupped (if it is not a “hanging” variety). If the bush is already middle-aged, you can “refresh” it by cutting off all the branches by 2/3.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out no more than 1 time in 4-5 years. Otherwise, the forsythia will grow really big, but it will not bloom well, spending all its energy on building up green mass and branches.
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Preparing for a comfortable winter

As mentioned earlier, forsythia, especially frost-resistant and zoned, can spend the winter without shelter. But the climate in our time is unpredictable, you never know what frosts can happen in winter, especially in the northern strip. Therefore, forsythia warming is not a mandatory, but highly desirable measure, and for young bushes it is simply vital.

Bush shelter option

Bush shelter option

What activities should be done before the onset of cold weather:

  1. As soon as the plant has dropped the foliage, it (the foliage) must be raked to the side, watered and loosened the soil in the near-stem circle. Next, mulch the plant high with its own foliage, spruce branches, peat, straw - with what is available on the farm.
  2. Twigs that are free to bend are bent to the ground and fixed in that position. From above, you can additionally put a layer of shelter (fir branches, burlap, straw) and cover with lutrasil, and preferably with breathable material.
  3. As snow falls over the plant, a snowdrift should be formed, which will create additional protection from frost and wind.

The second option for shelter is the construction of a mini-greenhouse over a bush bent to the ground. A wooden box or a frame made of nailed boards / branches, covered with any material - lutrasil, agrofibre, burlap, etc., is suitable. The air space inside the greenhouse will allow the plant to fully “breathe” and protect it from the cold.

Shelter must be removed immediately as soon as the snow melts. Otherwise, the plant may simply ban, or the branches bent to the ground will take root.
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Beginners and experienced gardeners prefer to propagate this plant vegetatively. Seeds are also possible, but this method is for the most persistent and optimistic, because the seeds germinate poorly, and the plant will begin to bloom no earlier than in 4-6 years.

Forsythia cuttings

Forsythia cuttings

To quickly obtain planting material, two methods of forsythia propagation are used:

1 cuttings. The material is prepared in spring or autumn with the usual formative pruning. Young shoots are taken, on which there are buds located at a short distance from each other. The cut should be about 1 cm below the node. The cut is processed with a rooter, then the cutting is planted in the sand to a depth of several cm with a distance of 5 cm. Roots will appear in 1 month, cuttings can be planted in the ground after 1 year, and in a permanent place - after 3-4 years. The plant will bloom in the 4th year.
2 layering (applicable to a variety whose stems creep or hang down to the ground). In autumn, the bark is scratched on a branch and pressed to the ground with a damaged place, fixing with a bracket. Sprinkle the layers with soil. In the spring, sprouted layers can be divided and seated. Forsythia will bloom in 1 year.
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Distillation - flowers for the New Year or February 14th

This charming shrub can delight with its golden or snow-white buds not only in early spring. There is a way to get flowering twigs even in winter, when you really want to remember the magnificence of the bright forsythia bells.

Forcing a plant is a great way to get flowers in winter.

Forcing a plant is a great way to get flowers in winter.

How to produce forcing:

  1. In winter, when the plant has already gone into hibernation, but before the onset of frost, you need to cut the annual shoots to the desired length (about 50 cm).

  2. Wrap the cut branches in polyethylene (food wrap, a regular shopping bag) and put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

  3. On the eve of the holiday (10-12 days before) or just when the desire arises, you need to remove the branches from the refrigerator and place them in water (temperature 30-35 degrees) for 4-5 hours - this will allow the plant to wake up.

  4. At the end, you need to take a vase or a beautiful bottle, fill it with lukewarm water with dissolved sugar (50g / 1l), and put twigs in a container.

After a while, the forsythia branches will be covered with delicate spring flowers. And a lush golden bouquet will decorate any room or will be a wonderful gift for the holiday.

Forsythia: description, planting in the open field, leaving from the Moscow region to Siberia - a mini-encyclopedia (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Forsythia: features, care

Forsythia: description, planting in the open field, leaving from the Moscow region to Siberia - a mini-encyclopedia (80+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

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