Water filter for the country house: flow, main and other filters (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Summer outdoor recreation is traditionally considered beneficial for health. But at the same time, not everyone thinks about the harm that water from natural sources causes to the body without the necessary purification from impurities, chemical, biological contaminants. Consider the main criteria for choosing a filter for the country house in order to use high-quality purified water for drinking and cooking.

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Features of country water supply

country house

Unfortunately, most gardening societies do not have a centralized water supply.

Holiday home usually located in a garden society, a holiday village or in a village - the principle of its water supply depends on this. The source can be open reservoirs (pond, river, lake), wells, sandy and artesian wells.

Natural reservoirs

Water from open reservoirs requires serious multi-stage purification, since it contains mechanical impurities, as well as pathogens. If industrial effluents are discharged into a reservoir or there are fields or gardens nearby that are regularly fertilized and treated for pests, such water may contain toxic substances.

Use of a natural body of water

Use of a natural reservoir

Open reservoirs are allowed to be used for watering plantings in a summer cottage with water heated in the sun. Be sure to check its chemical safety to ensure the crop is harmless. In addition, moisture after irrigation goes into the lower layers of the soil, penetrating into the aquifers that feed the well or well in the area.

drinking wells

When buying an old house in a village as a summer house, pay attention to the source of drinking water. There is a possibility that they are served by a long-established individual well.

The wells feed aquifers that lie fairly close to the surface. This means that a variety of contaminants can easily get there, including chemicals that are part of fertilizers, fecal runoff from improperly equipped septic tanks or cesspools. Also, a small animal can fall into the well and die there.

Water well scheme

Water well scheme

If the well has not been used for a long time, it must be cleaned of silt, completely pumped out, and then wait for filling. But even these measures cannot guarantee the biological and chemical purity of water, since it is impossible to completely get rid of the accumulated decay products of plants, multiplied putrefactive bacteria, microorganisms dangerous to health, and parasites.

Water intake from a well can be carried out in the old fashioned way, with a bucket, or a pump can be installed - external or submersible. In the first case, only a jug-type filter is available for purifying water from a well. Pump use makes it possible to organize a full-fledged water supply at home, install a system of flow-through or main purification.

water wells

Well construction - a common method of obtaining water suitable for drinking and technical needs.

There are several types of water wells that differ in drilling depth:

  • high water
  • on the sand
  • on rocks (limestone, gravel)
  • artesian wells

Types of wells

Types of wells

Upstream wells have the same drawback as wells - surface moisture seeping down is not filtered well enough, there is a risk of contamination of the aquifer with runoff. This type of well is used primarily for irrigation. For drinking needs, water must be filtered from all possible contaminants.

Wells for sand, gravel, limestone are used most often. At a depth of more than 10-15 meters of water intake, the water is cleaner, since sand and rocks are good natural filters that trap biological pollution.

Artesian wells allow you to extract water from great depths - it is considered practically free from biological and toxic chemical contaminants.

However, this is hard water with a high concentration of salts that settle in the human body, provoke the formation of kidney stones and other diseases.

Individual and collective water supply

Wells can be individual and collective use. In the first case, the site owner equips an autonomous water supply system, and this is associated with the installation deep pump, installation of equipment for main water purification from mechanical impurities. It also requires the use of filters for high-quality preparation of drinking water.

Autonomous water supply scheme

Autonomous water supply scheme

If the well provides water supply to all sections of the country or garden society, it can only be equipped with a mechanical filter that removes sand and other insoluble particles. This is due to the fact that the bulk of the water is used by summer residents for irrigation and domestic needs, that is, it makes no sense to spend serious money on its high purification. Thus, each owner of a country house should take care of the quality of drinking water on their own.

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Health safety

It is not difficult to check water from a country well or well for the presence of an excess of iron oxide, salts, mechanical impurities - it is enough to fill a transparent container with liquid and leave it to settle for several hours. Visually noticeable insoluble particles, a whitish precipitate or brown flakes clearly indicate the need for water treatment.

Well water sample

Untreated water can be very dangerous to our health!

Steel pipes, through which untreated water flows, overgrow from the inside over time - this is facilitated by sedimentation of calcium salts and other contaminants on the walls. Regular use of hard water for drinking and cooking leads to problems with the heart, kidneys, joints, worsens digestion, as the body is also clogged with insoluble salts.At the same time, the transparency of a liquid purified from salts and insoluble particles does not guarantee its safety.

Pesticides dissolve without a trace in the liquid, the water may contain gases resulting from the decomposition of dead parts of plants and animal waste, pathogens.

To remove hazardous contaminants, the use of appropriate filtration equipment is required.

To properly prepare drinking water, you need to know exactly its composition.It is impossible to determine on your own which impurities need to be removed, so it is important to turn to professionals - take samples for laboratory analysis to the appropriate organization.
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Functional Features

When choosing a filter, first of all evaluate the usability of the device.

Types of water filters

Types of water filters

Manufacturers offer several options that differ in functionality and efficiency:

  • filter jugs
  • flow-through (nozzles on the faucet and devices for installation "under the sink")
  • trunk

Flow and main devices are designed for operation as part of a local water supply system.

Pitcher type filters

The filter jug ​​consists of several elements - a container for collecting water, a filter cartridge and a catchment tank (the jug body serves as it).

The material for the manufacture of elements is durable plastic, safe for health

The material for the manufacture of elements is durable plastic, safe for health

The advantages of the device include:

  • autonomy of use
  • ease of operation and maintenance (the filter can be easily disassembled for washing or replacing the cartridge)
  • the cost of the device itself and cartridges for it

Pitcher filters are indispensable if there is no running water in the country house or low pressure in the system does not allow the use of other types of devices. Even a child can use the filter jug ​​and serve it. This option is cost-effective - if you spend relatively little time in the country and use clean water in small volumes.

It makes no sense to spend finances on arranging a full-fledged autonomous water supply system with multi-stage drinking water purification.

Choosing a jug cartridge

The filter component in a replaceable cartridge is usually a coal mixture, which is characterized by sufficiently high adsorbing properties. Ion exchange resins can be used as an additive.

The device solves several problems at the same time, removing from the liquid:

  • mechanical pollution
  • soluble and insoluble salts
  • iron oxide
  • heavy metal compounds
  • organic matter
  • phenol
  • chlorine compounds

On sale you can find cartridges for filter jugs that have an additional

On sale you can find cartridges for filter jugs that have an additional

For example, they disinfect, fluoridate water or mineralize, adding useful substances and improving taste. When choosing a cartridge, be sure to pay attention to the list of its properties.It is important to choose an option that can remove all the harmful impurities present in the water that you use in the country for drinking.

The quality of cleaning with a jug filter is considered average. At one time, you can clear 1.5-3 liters. The resource of a cartridge makes from 100 to 750 liters depending on impurity of water.

The filter element is replaced when it becomes dirty. The signal for replacement is the deterioration in the taste of purified water.

Main or flow?

If the country house is equipped with an autonomous water supply system with water intake from an individual well or well, or is connected to the communications of a holiday village or garden society, it is possible to install filtration equipment that will purify the incoming water.

main water filter

Main water filtration system

Depending on the installation location, there are main and flow filters. At the entrance of the water pipe to the house, it is recommended to install at least one main filter, which will trap insoluble particles - this will reduce the wear of plumbing fittings, reduce the risk of breakdowns.

If the water is very hard, it is recommended to use a main filter that removes salts as the second stage of purification so that soft water is supplied to all points of water intake, suitable for:

  • for hygiene procedures (high salt content causes dry skin, worsens hair condition)
  • for technical needs (on washed dishes and surfaces after wet cleaning there will be no salt coating, which leaves whitish stains, enters the respiratory tract with air)

Multi-stage cleaning system on the highway

Multi-stage cleaning system on the highway

Optionally, you can add other filters that improve the quality of all water entering the house to the characteristics of drinking. But such a multi-stage cleaning system is rarely used in country life, since the equipment is expensive and regular replacement of intensively used cartridges will cost a pretty penny.

Flow filters

To save money, use a flow filter for one point of water intake. Usually it is a faucet located in the kitchen, since this is where drinking water is required. Flow devices are made in the form of a nozzle on a faucet or a block installed under the sink.

Faucet nozzles

The standard cleaner-nozzle consists of a body with an inlet, thanks to which the device is attached to a water tap. The filter element is located inside the housing. Purified water comes from the outlet pipe, to which a flexible tube is connected.

There are removable and permanent nozzles on the faucet.

Differentiate between removable and permanent faucet heads

In the first case, the device is installed on the gander every time when it is required to clean the required volume of water. It is enough to install a permanent nozzle once and change the position of a special switch (divertor) so as not to waste the filter resource on water purification, which is used for domestic needs.

When choosing a model, pay attention to the design of the device:

  • models with a diverter in the lower part of the body are mounted on faucets with a high gooseneck, otherwise the filter will interfere with the use of the kitchen sink
  • the inlet pipe can fit domestic faucets or imported faucets with threaded aerator faucet, manufacturers also offer universal models that are mounted on any type of faucet

Also, filter nozzles include desktop models, where a container with a filter cartridge is connected to a water tap using a flexible hose. This option provides a higher quality cleaning.

Some manufacturers offer a filter head with a manual air blower. This model can be used in autonomous (traveling) mode by installing a standard plastic bottle on the threaded neck.

The list of advantages of flow filters-nozzles includes:

  • compact size and mobility
  • cost in comparison with the main stationary complexes
  • high cartridge life compared to jug filters

At the same time, the device is not without drawbacks:

  • the number of purification levels does not exceed two
  • poor performance
  • the need for strict adjustment of the water pressure during the operation of the filter, so that the quality of cleaning is not affected, and so that the nozzle is not torn off the tap

The standard capacity of the nozzle is from 0.5 to 1 l per minute, the filter elements are designed to clean from 1000 to 3000 liters of water. For nozzles with a higher performance (about 3 l), the cleaning quality is lower.

Filter attachment for standard faucet

Filter attachment for standard faucet

When buying a filter nozzle, also pay attention to the principle of its operation:

  • adsorption devices equipped with a porous filter material that traps mechanical and chemical impurities. Such models require a sufficiently high pressure for effective operation.
  • Ion exchange filters designed to remove chlorine, metal compounds, some types of microorganisms. Also in the device is a mesh for removing mechanical impurities from running water.

Among the range on the market, you can choose a filter nozzle for use in the country, which will ensure good quality drinking water.

If the country house is autonomously provided with cold water, due to the use of a nozzle that has a small capacity, during cleaning, the pumping equipment operates in the mode of frequent on-off, which leads to its accelerated wear.

Flow-through multi-stage filters "under the sink"

This type of water purification systems is in demand due to its high efficiency and durability. By installing a stationary system in the country, you can permanently get rid of the problems associated with water purification. However, the cost of equipment and the effort to install it make it profitable to use it if the cottage is designed for long-term residence in the warm season or year-round use.

Three stages of cleaning

Three stages of cleaning

A complex of several devices for sequential filtration makes it possible to purify drinking water from any kind of contaminants, it is only important to choose cartridges taking into account the chemical composition of water. Cartridges need to be changed every six months under the condition of constant use, therefore, with seasonal residence in the country, their validity period will be longer.

Features of installation and operation

Flow filters of this type allow for up to 4 stages of purification, removing mechanical particles, salts, chemical and biological contaminants. The advantages of the complex include a compact installation under the sink - the equipment is connected to a water pipe leading to a faucet in the kitchen.

If the water supplied to the country house (including pre-cleaned by the main filter) is suitable for washing dishes and other household needs, then an additional tap can be installed on the sink, designed only for drinking water. This will significantly reduce the load on the filter system and extend the life of the cartridges.

Separate faucet system

Separate faucet system

An important advantage of the complex is its high productivity. The use of flow-through cleaning equipment does not increase the load on the pump that supplies water to the house from an individual well.

When choosing a flow complex “under the sink”, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • number of cleaning stages and types of pollution with which the equipment copes
  • cleaning quality
  • throughput
  • lifespan of cartridges

The disadvantages of flowing stationary filters installed under the sink include the rather high cost and laboriousness of replacing cartridges. Otherwise, this is a good choice for use in the country.

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Filter element types

In order to choose the right water treatment equipment without falling for advertising tricks, it is recommended to understand what filter elements exist and how they function. The principle of operation of the device depends on the type of impurities that it can remove.

Coarse cleaners

The category of coarse filters includes devices with different principles of operation. They are united by the ability to retain mechanical impurities - sand, clay suspensions, debris, rust particles, etc. Insoluble particles will quickly clog fine filter elements and disable household appliances, so they must be carefully removed.

Regardless of the type of device, they all trap dirt only mechanically. Most models of coarse filters need regular revision and flushing of accumulated debris. But some manufacturers offer main equipment for coarse cleaning with a self-cleaning function - periodically the device flushes itself, and the contaminants go into the sewer through a specially connected pipe.

Self-cleaning filter device

Self-cleaning filter device

When choosing a coarse filter, the degree of water pollution, the type of main types of pollution, the volume of water consumption, the operating conditions of the device, and the presence of additional functions are taken into account.


To remove suspended matter and debris from the water, a mesh is used, the mesh size of which can be from 20 to 500 microns.


  • non-flushing devices that require maintenance (the supply water supply is turned off, the housing is dismantled, the filter element is washed);
  • self-cleaning devices. (connected to the sewer).


Non-flushing device

Cartridge filters

The filter element is a metal or polymer mesh, non-woven polypropylene or other material. The cartridge is housed in a metal or plastic case through which water passes. It is part of the main or flow systems for installation under the sink. The cartridge is regularly replaced with a new one - according to the manufacturer's recommendation or as it gets dirty.

Cartridge filters

Cartridge filters

When choosing a cartridge, pay attention to the material of manufacture of the working element - mesh is suitable for water contaminated with solid particles (rust, sand), and non-woven material effectively retains contaminants with a fine-grained (from 0.5 microns) viscous structure - silt, clay, half-decayed plant particles etc.

pressure filters

Devices of this type are characterized by high performance and are designed for operation in systems with high pressure. A filter material is located in a metal column with anti-corrosion properties, the device is equipped with a control unit and is designed for self-cleaning (requires connection to a sewerage system).

High speed pressure cleaner

High speed pressure cleaner

The pressure filter is able to remove viscous and solid suspensions from the water with a fraction of 30 microns, it copes with the filtration of very polluted water. However, for a country water supply system, the functional parameters of this device are redundant, especially given its high cost. The equipment is not small-sized and is designed for operation in a heated room.

Fine filters

Removal of mechanical impurities does not make water completely safe and drinkable, since it may contain harmful chemicals and pathogenic bacteria. After the first stage of filtration of tap water, it is recommended to use filter elements capable of retaining particles whose size is from 5 microns.

Fine filters

Fine filters

Devices that carry out fine cleaning differ in the principle of operation and functional parameters. They are designed for use as part of stationary complexes of multi-stage cleaning (main and "under the sink"), in filter jugs and nozzles on the faucet.

Sorption filters

The working substance is sorbent materials (aluminosilicates, coal), which are placed in a plastic or fiberglass housing. The sorbent absorbs contaminants when water passes through the cartridge from top to bottom (filter jugs, tap nozzles) or from bottom to top (stationary complexes operating under pressure).

Physical and chemical absorption allows you to purify water from:

  • chlorine compounds
  • microorganisms
  • metal compounds (iron, lead, etc.)
  • suspended particles
  • hardness salts
  • pesticides
  • foreign odors.

Coal cleaner for the main complex

Coal cleaner for the main complex

In household filters, activated carbon often serves as a sorption (absorbing) substance., which is able to provide two stages of water treatment at once - the removal of mechanical and chemical impurities. Retained contaminants are distributed throughout the volume of the working substance, with the exception of some chemical compounds and microorganisms that remain on the surface.

  • high quality drinking water
  • compact cleaning cartridges
  • no need to regularly flush equipment - cartridges are simply replaced with new ones
  • (versatility) can be used as the only means for water treatment

  • requires regular replacement, as it gets dirty quite quickly and also serves as a suitable environment for the rapid reproduction of microorganisms
  • has low productivity, which is associated with the low throughput of activated carbon
  • has a limited working reserve, which depends on the total area of ​​​​the adsorbent (the smaller the size of the cartridge, the shorter its life)
  • needs to be pre-filtered with a different type of purifier if it is heavily contaminated with microorganisms and bacteria

Adsorbent Cartridge for Jug

Adsorbent Cartridge for Jug

In addition to activated carbon, other materials with the same mechanism of action, including shungite and zeolite, can be used in the sorption filter.

This allows manufacturers to supply the market with filtering equipment for various purposes, for:

  • water disinfection
  • removal of iron compounds
  • elimination of an unpleasant smell, etc.

The filter element is selected depending on the characteristics of the water, only in this case can a high quality result be guaranteed.

Ion exchange filters

Water from wells is characterized by a high content of hardness salts - mainly calcium and magnesium salts. It is from them that an insoluble precipitate is formed that can disrupt the operation of plumbing fixtures and household appliances. The removal of hardness salts is called water softening (or softening), and an ion-exchange filter is best suited for this purpose.

Ion cleaning plant

Ion cleaning plant

An indication for its use is a high concentration of salts in water - over 100 mg per 1 liter. The ion exchange method makes it possible to cope with high rigidity, therefore this type of filtering equipment is successfully used not only in everyday life, but also in production. However, its use also has a number of disadvantages.

The list of advantages and disadvantages of ion-exchange purification technology includes:

  • high result (hardness salts are not so effectively handled by other types of devices)
  • removal of all dissolved impurities capable of ion exchange, in addition to hardness salts
  • simple device design

  • high maintenance costs of the filter unit - it needs regular replacement of the cartridge or restoration of the working substance, which is the ion exchange resin
  • the need for special disposal of ion exchange resin
  • low productivity due to the low rate of ion exchange (in modern devices, this disadvantage is practically eliminated due to the use of ion exchange catalysts).

Operating principle

The technology for removing certain types of contaminants is based on the ability of a number of substances to affect the ionic composition of the liquid. When water passes through the filter media, which are ion-exchange resins, some ions are replaced by others. That is, ions of hardness salts (calcium, magnesium) are replaced by sodium ions, and sodium salts are harmless to the human body and do not form insoluble deposits.

Ion exchange resin is a porous substance of inorganic origin. Manufacturers are constantly improving the composition of resins and introducing various components into their composition to increase the speed of filters and the quality of cleaning. Since during the operation of the equipment, resins take some ions and give away others, their chemical composition changes, which affects the speed of operation.

The principle of operation of the ion filter

The principle of operation of the ion filter

The higher the water pollution, the faster the resin loses its functionality. To restore it, citric acid or table salt is used.At the same time, the resource is not fully restored, and after several such cycles, the working substance needs to be changed (on average, once every three years, subject to regular maintenance of the device).

When buying an ion filter, pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations - the device may be demanding on the temperature in the room where it will be installed. First of all, this applies to main filters, which are often located in an unheated room.

To remove resin residues and excess sodium salts from the water, it is recommended to use a carbon filter in combination with an ion exchange filter if you purchase the devices separately, and not a ready-made system.

Membrane filters

Separately, it is worth considering a universal membrane filter. This device performs mechanical cleaning through the use of artificial material with pores of a certain size.

Membrane filter

Membrane filter

The type of contaminants retained depends on the diameter of the holes:

  • when water passes through a membrane with holes from 0.1 to 1.0 microns, mechanical impurities are removed (microfiltration)
  • filter with a membrane, the pore size of which is from 0.02 to 0.1 microns, traps bacteria, macromolecular substances, colloidal particles (ultrafiltration)
  • material with pores of 0.001 to 0.02 microns allows you to purify water from heavy metal compounds (by 30%), organochlorines, insoluble salts (nanofiltration)
  • a membrane with holes from 0.0001 to 0.001 microns passes only water molecules, gases, a certain amount of salts (reverse osmosis)

The reverse osmosis plant purifies water to the limit, including the mineral salts necessary for health, making it tasteless. Therefore, it is required to use a water mineralization unit with it.

Reverse osmosis equipment for domestic use is available as a kit for installation under the sink. This is the most expensive filter option, so it is rarely used in the country.

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Wide range of

Domestic manufacturers of filtration equipment offer attractive prices for their products

Domestic manufacturers of filtration equipment offer attractive prices for their products

This allows you to find a budget option for giving.

In terms of price-quality ratio, the following brands have gained popularity:

  • "Barrier" - the company primarily produces faucet nozzles and filter jugs
  • "Aquaphor" - the range is wider, it includes flow-through water purifiers "under the sink", main filters
  • "Geyser" - a wide selection of ready-made complexes, as well as individual devices and replaceable cartridges, which makes it possible to mount a filter system for specific requests

Imported products practically do not differ in quality from the goods of leading Russian companies, but at the same time they are noticeably more expensive.

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Summing up

Ideally, the choice of equipment for water treatment in the country should begin with laboratory analysis of samples. In practice, people rarely take this issue seriously and limit themselves to buying some budget option that is suitable in terms of functionality. At a minimum, you should check the water yourself for the presence of suspensions, sediment, ask your neighbors how quickly the heating elements of electric kettles “overgrow” with regular use, or purchase a test for water hardness.

If the water is very hard, the composition of the filter complex, the cartridge for the nozzle on the faucet or the filter jug ​​should include ion-exchange resins in addition to the standard sorbent - activated carbon.

Jug with clean water and a glass

Water is our life

The presence of a large amount of iron compounds in water makes it mandatory to use a device with the function of eliminating it - this is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging and in the description.

If the summer cottage is located in an area where there is a high risk of contamination of the water source with pesticides, heavy metals, then you will have to install a multi-stage purification system, not content with simple budget solutions.

An unpleasant, putrid smell of water, water intake from a natural reservoir, a well or a shallow well requires the use of filters with a disinfecting effect that cope with biological contaminants.

When choosing equipment operating under pressure, it is necessary to take into account the technical parameters of the water supply system and the volume of treated water consumption.

Water filter for the country house: flow, main and other filters (Photo & Video) + Reviews

How to restore a water filter cartridge

Water filter for the country house: flow, main and other filters (Photo & Video) + Reviews

1 comment
  1. I never imagined that there could be health problems with water in the well. A well at a depth of 42 meters, we even went through white clay and two springs, beat to the maximum, but after we pumped out the whole mule, good water came out - we did not put filters - after 2 months the whole family had an upset stomach, as it turned out, water - we found out after water tests.

    We put filters - everything fell into place, the filters show how many foreign substances we used.

    Put filters in any case - my advice!

    Leave feedback




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